Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 64.2 Dream

When it comes to dreams, the atmosphere of silence spreads. Thinking that so many people had died, but there were still no clues, Lin Banxia felt a little depressed. People can go without eating for several days, but they cannot go without sleeping for several days. Moreover, it is difficult to control exhaustion.

Thinking that it would be fine if Li Su didn’t sleep, and that it would help to chat with him, Lin Banxia sat and spoke to Li Su for a while. After talking for a while, Li Su became a little thirsty and asked if he had any water.

Lin Banxia said: “Wait a moment, there seems to be a water dispenser outside. I’ll get some for you.” He stood up and walked outside.

The school’s infirmary was quite simple. It had a consultation area outside and a few narrow beds inside. Of course, it could only treat minor illnesses such as fevers and colds. If something serious happens, you still have to go to the hospital quickly.

Lin Banxia came out of the room, saw the water dispenser close-by, took a disposable paper cup, and went to get some hot water. Gurgling hot water flowed into the cup, warming Lin Banxia’s palms. He filled half of the cup then went back to the room. When passing the water dispenser, he suddenly tripped over something. Lin Banxia lowered his head and saw a plug laying on the ground. He bent down and picked it up, but when he held the plug in his hand, the hot water in his hand suddenly felt scorching.

Lin Banxia discovered that the plug of the water dispenser was not plugged in at all. So how did the hot water in his hand come out of the water dispenser? No, maybe he was too sensitive. What if the teacher deliberately pulled out the plug after the water was hot for fear of an accident happening? This statement was reasonable, but Lin Banxia knew very well that he could not deceive himself.

Looking around the infirmary, Lin Banxia saw a jar on the corner of the table with sharp medical tweezers inside. He walked to the tweezers, took them out, stared at them for two seconds, rolled up his sleeves, and stabbed his arm.

Probably because he had already vaguely realised something, Lin Banxia pierced his arms with great force. The tweezers penetrated directly into his flesh, and blood flowed out, but he didn’t feel any pain.

The cup with hot water dropped to the ground. Lin Banxia walked into the room and saw Li Su sitting on the bed.

He didn’t know when he started dreaming, but he realized that the Li Su in front of him was a character in his dream.

Li Su was completely unaware and looked at Lin Banxia with questioning eyes and asked him what was wrong?

Lin Banxia: “Are you Li Su?”

Li Su said: “Of course I am.”

Lin Banxia was silent.

Li Su said, “What’s wrong with you?”

Lin Banxia said nothing, turned and left.

Class had just finished outside, and the whole school was bustling with excitement. Countless classmates passed by him, laughing and joking. Everything was really disappointing. However, Lin Banxia noticed that the sunny sky had gradually become a little gloomy. He stretched out his hand from the corridor window and felt light raindrops hitting his skin, cold to the touch.

The wound on his arm was still there, but pain seemed to have disappeared from his senses. Lin Banxia smiled bitterly, stretched out his hand to hold the balcony railing under him, and planned to climb over and jump off like before. Unexpectedly, as soon as he leaned out, he was grabbed by someone behind him. He turned his head and saw Li Su’s frightened expression.

“What are you doing?” It turned out that Li Su realised that Lin Banxia was not coming back. He thought something had happened to him, so he came out to take a look. However, as soon as he came out, he saw Lin Banxia thinking about something before climbing over the balcony and preparing to jump off the building. He was immediately frightened. He took three steps together and rushed to Lin Banxia.

“Why would you do this all of a sudden?” Li Su shouted.

Lin Banxia said nothing and stared at Li Su with strange eyes.

Li Su said: “Lin Banxia, ​​what are you looking at me for?”

Lin Banxia said: “No… nothing.”

Li Su said, “Why do you look like this?” He seemed a little scared, with horror in his eyes, “Do you know who you look like now?”

Lin Banxia said: “Who does it look like?”

“Like the dead Jiang Xin.” Li Su said, “Didn’t he look exactly like you just before he died?”

After Li Su’s reminder, Lin Banxia did think of Jiang Xin’s terrible death, but his words did not move Lin Banxia.

He said: “You didn’t even ask me what I was going to do, instead you just said that I am the same as Jiang Xin?”

Li Su said, “Aren’t you going to commit suicide?”

Lin Banxia said seriously: “This is not called suicide; this is called waking up.”

Li Su: “…”

It was probably because Lin Banxia’s expression was so serious when he was reasoning that Li Su choked up. Lin Banxia still wanted to hear what he had to say, but a burst of rolling thunder suddenly sounded from the horizon. In a moment, the entire sky darkened, and the world that was so normal just now seemed to collapse in the blink of an eye. The students who were still walking around them suddenly disappeared in an instant, including Li Su.

Lin Banxia was the only one left in the empty and dark corridor. He should have jumped down immediately to end this dream, but after thinking of something, he suddenly hesitated. It is said that to unravel a knot, one must find its start. People around him kept dying, and he never knew when it would be his turn. The cause of all this was obviously in the bizarre dream.

Lin Banxia hesitated for a moment, then followed his instincts. He turned around and walked down the stairs. However, after walking several floors, he didn’t see anyone. The teaching building was deathly silent, as quiet as a cemetery.

The school doctor’s office was on the fifth floor so Lin Banxia went all the way down. When he reached the third floor, he finally heard some noise. The noise came from the classroom next to him. It sounded like someone was whispering. Lin Banxia went closer and actually heard someone talking. From the sound, it sounded like Li Su was arguing with Song Qingluo.

However, calling it a quarrel wasn’t too accurate, it was more like Li Su was complaining, and Song Qingluo responded with a word or two.

When did the two of them become so familiar? Lin Banxia found it a little strange. He quietly walked to the door and saw what was going on inside through the gap in the window. It’s okay when he did not look at it, but Lin Banxia was stunned when he saw it. He saw Li Su sitting on the edge of the table carelessly, shaking his legs. Song Qingluo stood beside him with his arms folded and a cold expression. Of course, this was not the most exciting thing. The most exciting thing was that where Li Su was sitting, Li Ye was lying, with a striking wound on his neck, and the blood was almost staining Li Su’s clothes. However, Li Su didn’t mind at all. He held Li Ye’s body and continued talking to Song Qingluo.

No matter how weird this situation seemed, countless strange conjectures popped up in Lin Banxia’s mind. He even though of the classic sentence in a daze: “Dalang, take the medicine.”

Lin Banxia was so shocked that he took two steps back involuntarily. Unexpectedly, this small movement was heard by the two people inside. Song Qingluo’s face changed and he whispered: “There is someone outside.”

“Who is it?” Li Su said, “Let’s go and kill them first.”

With that said, he walked towards the door. When Lin Banxia saw them walking towards the door, he naturally turned around and ran away, but he didn’t escape from Song Qingluo last time, and he couldn’t escape this time either. He hadn’t reached the first floor yet when Song Qingluo grabbed him by the neck and carried him back to the empty classroom on the third floor.

Li Su sat in the empty classroom, looked at him with a smile, and said, “Hey, Banxia, ​​long time no see.”

Lin Banxia had already begun to regret not committing suicide directly. He thought about how each Li Su in the dream was stranger than the other. What did it mean to not see each other for a long time, even though they had just seen each other. Li Su looked at Lin Banxia’s pitiful round eyes, and couldn’t help but reach out and want to pinch Lin Banxia’s cheek. Not surprisingly, as soon as he stretched out his hand, Song Qingluo grabbed his hand. He spoke without mercy: “Get out.”

Li Su smiled coquettishly: “How stingy.”

Song Qingluo had a cold face and took out the boning knife that Lin Banxia was already familiar with. When Lin Banxia saw this, he already guessed what Song Qingluo was going to do, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “Here we go again. Ah, can you let me deal with myself?”

Li Su said, “Wait a minute, what does ‘here we go again mean?’ Do you remember what happened before?”

Lin Banxia was also confused. He felt that the Li Su in front of him was a little different from the one he knew, but he couldn’t tell what was different. He said, “What happened before was that Song Qingluo killed me several times.”

Li Su said, “Oh, it seems he still doesn’t remember.” He glanced at Song Qingluo, “Is there nothing we can do?”

Song Qingluo said coldly: “What can I do? Didn’t you think of it yourself?”

Li Su spread his hands and made an innocent expression.

Lin Banxia was confused after hearing this, and vaguely felt that these two people seemed to know a lot. Seeing the boning knife being placed on his neck again, he couldn’t help but struggle: “Don’t kill me, I know how to get out of here. Who are you and why do you want to pull me into a dream?”

Li Su said: “Oh, your small body is quite powerful.”

Although he was struggling with all his strength, the intensity of this struggle seemed to be insignificant to Song Qingluo. With just one move, Song Qingluo restrained Lin Banxia and imprisoned him tightly in his arms.

“You two…” Lin Banxia was hugged by Song Qingluo, a little angry, “You clearly said you like me, but you didn’t kill him, and just want to kill me!” He has always been sensible, because there was no use in throwing a tantrum, but seeing Song Qingluo and Li Su getting close, made Lin Banxia feel sour and bitter, as if he had eaten 10,000 lemons.

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: Lemon fruit under the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree!

Song Qingluo: No, I’m not that bad.

Li Su: Ho, do you mean that I have poor taste?!



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