Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 63.2 Dream

“Up there, right up there.” The female student went limp. She leaned against the wall and kept crying. Lin Banxia hurried up and saw the girl in the corridor on the fifth floor. It was just that she was no longer breathing, and her head was bent at a weird angle. On the wall not far from her, there was a bright red blood stain, which looked very shocking.

Lin Banxia really couldn’t figure out how hard she had to hit the wall to break her neck so badly.

It had only been a few minutes, but she died like this. Lin Banxia fell into silence. Joining him in the silence was Li Su.

“How could this happen?” Li Su muttered.

Lin Banxia turned around and went downstairs. When he saw the crying female student still squatting on the ground, he asked, “Are you her friend?”

The female student was already out of breath from crying, but now she cried even harder after hearing his question. Her eyes were red and her voice trembled. She said, “Yes, I am her friend……”

Lin Banxia said: “She…did she show any signs before the accident?”

“She has been in bad spirits for the past few days.” The girl choked with sobs. “After coming to school this morning, she was sitting in her seat crying. I asked her what was wrong but she wouldn’t tell me.”

Lin Banxia said: “That’s it?”

“She kept poking herself with the pen,” the girl said. “I asked her to stop, but she just refused.”

Neither Lin Banxia nor Li Su spoke. Before today, Lin Banxia might still wonder why the girl did this, but after what happened last night, he was not surprised at all. And judging from the many scars on Li Su’s body, he obviously knew this very well.

For a time, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

In the end, Li Su couldn’t bear it anymore, scratched his head and said, “Forget it, let’s go call the police quickly.”

Lin Banxia said: “Okay.”

Telling the teacher, calling the police, and taking down their statements. After experiencing these things again and again, Lin Banxia was almost numb. After coming out of the office, he even had the idea of ​​not going back to the classroom for the first time. He quietly rolled up his sleeves and glanced at the wound he had made with his own hands that morning. The wound no longer bled, but a striking red line could still be seen. He did not bandage it, so he felt a burning pain when he touched it lightly. This kind of pain should have made people feel uneasy, but at this time, it actually became a spiritual comfort, because only pain could let him know that he was in reality and not in that strange dream.

Lin Banxia pushed down his sleeves and went back to the classroom.

In the afternoon, there were several consecutive English classes, which made people drowsy. Normally, Li Su would lie on the table and fall asleep, but unsurprisingly today he forced himself to stay awake and moved a compass nimbly between his fingers.

The school bell finally rang. Li Su grabbed his schoolbag and ran out. Seeing this, the monitor wanted to stop him, saying that he would have to study at night. Li Su pretended not to hear and ran out of the classroom door. Anyway, he had poor grades and liked to cause trouble, so the teacher had long ignored him.

Li Su rushed to the school gate. He didn’t see the person he was afraid of along the way. As soon as the breath in his throat relaxed, someone grabbed him by the collar.

“Where are you going?” The voice was lukewarm, and seemed to have no emotion, but when Li Su heard it, his whole body went numb. He was not happy, but scared. Although he was already scared, he still refused to give up in order to save his face. He said bravely, “Isn’t this nonsense? Of course I’m going home, can you let go first? I’m older than you!! I’m your brother!! You’re holding on to me like this, what if someone else saw it???”

“Roll up your sleeves.” The man was unmoved, and without blinking, he said coldly, “What did I tell you before?”

Li Su: “…”

The man said: “Will you do it yourself, or must I do it?”

Li Su was crazy. He really couldn’t understand how this foreigner could speak Chinese so well. Not only could he not be beaten, he couldn’t even be scolded. He was so angry. He knew very well that if he refused Li Ye, nothing good would happen. He scolded: “Li Ye, I have nothing to do with you, please let me go quickly, or I will let your mother beat you!!”

Li Ye said expressionlessly: “I’ll give you thirty seconds.”

Li Su: “…”

Li Ye: “Twenty seconds.”

Li Su collapsed and slowly rolled up his sleeves. Unsurprisingly, there were a few more pin holes on them. Li Ye’s eyes turned cold when he saw the pin holes. It was as if they were mixed with ice slag and frozen. Li Su felt cold all over.

Li Ye said: “You still remember what I told you before, right?”

Li Su trembled all over and whispered: “No… you can’t… obviously…” He wanted to struggle out of Li Ye’s hand, but Li Ye held his bruised hand. His hand suddenly exerted force, and the severe pain instantly made Li Ye lose the strength to struggle, and he fell softly in Li Ye’s arms. Li Ye came close to his ear and whispered: “One more wound, if you suffer one more… ” He didn’t say the last word, but Li Su obviously understood it. There was strong fear in his eyes, and he said: “No… don’t…”

Li Ye said: “It doesn’t matter whether you want to or not.”

With that said, he pulled Li Su and the two of them walked out of the school gate.


Lin Banxia didn’t know what happened to poor Li Su. During dinner time, he was called out by Song Qingluo.

It was still a sumptuous dinner. Lin Banxia should have been eating very happily, but halfway through the meal, he couldn’t help but ask Song Qingluo a question. He said, “Did you dream yesterday?”

Song Qingluo was lowering his head to sort out the fish bones of the steamed crucian carp, and said lightly: “I don’t remember.”

Lin Banxia: “Don’t you remember your dreams?”

Song Qingluo said: “I remember some, but most I don’t.” He looked at Lin Banxia, ​​”What’s wrong?”

“I just dreamed of some bad things.” Lin Banxia was a little afraid that Song Qingluo would be as angry as that day, so she carefully tried, “I even dreamed of you one day.”

Song Qingluo lowered his eyes and said lazily: “Dreamed that I killed you?”

Lin Banxia: “…”

Song Qingluo: “Hey, am I right?”

Lin Banxia laughed twice to relieve his embarrassment.

“Dreams are all reverses.” Song Qingluo said, “So if you dream that I kill you, in reality, you might…”

Lin Banxia said: “What will happen?”

Song Qingluo put down his chopsticks and sighed. Before Lin Banxia could react, he saw his face coming closer, and then his lips became slightly cool, as if a petal fell on his lips.

“You will be kissed.” Song Qingluo smiled brightly.

Lin Banxia was stunned. His cheeks immediately turned red. He even felt that when Song Qingluo took out a knife and stabbed him it was not as exciting as this. Song Qingluo looked at Lin Banxia’s earlobes which were so red that they could bleed, and his eyes that were as round as a hamster’s, and felt a little helpless: “Do you want to eat fish?”

Lin Banxia: “Eat…”

So, the freshly cleaned fish meat was held to Lin Banxia’s lips.

The delicious fish meat stimulated the taste buds, finally allowing Lin Banxia to recover from his petrified state. He lowered his head, wishing he could retract his head into his neck, but he still pretended that nothing happened. Discussing his doubts with Song Qingluo: “Tell me, what would a person do if he couldn’t distinguish between dreams and reality?”

“It depends on what kind of dream he had.” Song Qingluo said, “If it’s a sweet dream, what’s the point of waking up?”

Lin Banxia said: “What if it’s a nightmare?”

Song Qingluo: “If it’s a nightmare, end it the way you end the nightmare.”

Lin Banxia: “…how do you end the nightmare?”

“Either wake up or die.” Song Qingluo said, “Why? Can you remember every dream you have?”

Lin Banxia said: “Absolutely.” Recalling carefully, all his memories of the dreams were clear, which made him confused, because neither Li Su nor Song Qingluo seemed to have any idea about the content of the dreams.

Song Qingluo picked some more fish and handed it to Lin Banxia’s lips naturally. After eating it, Lin Banxia remembered Song Qingluo’s behavior just now and became uncomfortable again, and whispered: “You, you It’s better not to kiss others casually, this is not good.”

Song Qingluo: “Someone else?”

Lin Banxia: “Yes…”

Song Qingluo: “Are you someone else?”

Lin Banxia said: “Of course I… forget it.”

“I don’t think you count.” He placed his chopsticks down slowly, pressed his lips against Lin Banxia’s, inserted his tongue into his mouth, and slowly stroked Lin Banxia’s tongue, “You are the person I am pursuing; how can you count as someone else?”

Lin Banxia, who was forced to open his mouth, trembled all over and let out a slight whimper.

The author has something to say:

Song Qingluo: Children are not good at eating, most likely because they are used to it.

Lin Banxia: Do you want to beat me up 0.0?

Song Qingluo: I’ll just fuck you once.

Lin Banxia: Meow, meow, meow???



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  1. Monsee says:

    Omg omg finalmente sucedió 🥺

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