Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 63.1 Dream

In this hot and almost suffocating atmosphere, Lin Banxia saw Song Qingluo changing into a clean school uniform. Song Qingluo did not continue to embarrass him and let Lin Banxia leave while he changed into his school uniform. Lin Banxia left the room, but felt that his legs were a little weak. He slowly returned to the classroom and sat in his seat in a daze until Li Su came over. He looked at Lin Banxia with a smile, and asked him why his face was so red and if he had a fever.

Lin Banxia said: “What do you mean?”

Li Su said: “I watched you being taken away from the school gate by Song Qingluo.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

“It seems like you were taken directly to the office, right?” Li Su clicked his tongue, “You even changed your clothes. It must have been quite intense.”

Although he was joking, these words reminded Lin Banxia of what he saw in the classroom at that time, and he suddenly seemed a little uncomfortable. When Li Su saw that Lin Banxia was silent, he thought he was shy. Just as he was about to tease him a few more times, he heard Lin Banxia cough violently, and his thin body started shaking.

Li Su quickly patted Lin Banxia’s back and helped him calm down his breathing. He was very helpless: “I was just kidding, why did you react so extremely? Could it be that you and Song Qingluo really did something with each other?”

Lin Banxia: “Cough! Cough! Cough!”

“Okay, okay, I know you are innocent.” Li Su muttered, “Such a small one is not enough to feed that pervert Song Qingluo.”

Lin Banxia turned around: “Why do you always say he is a pervert?”

Li Su: “Hey, you’re protective of him now? You can’t blame me; the main thing is that he is really not normal.” Seeing that Lin Banxia was fine, he chuckled a few times, then turned and left.

Lin Banxia looked at his back but said nothing.

With boring courses and heavy homework, high school life was supposed to be boring. Perhaps it was because there were more friends around that it had a different flavor. Lin Banxia ended the day’s classes and returned to the dormitory as usual.

Something happened with Jiang Xin, so the atmosphere in the entire dormitory became very strange. Nobody spoke to each other like they usually did so it was extremely quiet.

The wound on Lin Banxia’s hand was still hurting. He read for a while and then climbed into bed to sleep. After taking off his outerwear, he remembered that these clothes belonged to Song Qingluo. He held it in his hand and thought about it. From the corner of his eye, he saw that none of his roommates noticed him, so he lowered his head, buried his head in the clothes, and took a deep breath.

There was only a light smell of washing powder, but Lin Banxia’s heart was beating crazily. He carefully put the clothes next to the pillow, fell on the bed and wrapped himself in a quilt. After a while, his consciousness blurred.

Because of the murders that happened in the past few days, Lin Banxia was a little sensitive to rain. Therefore, when he was sleeping soundly, he woke up from his deep sleep almost instantly when he heard the faint sound of rain. Lin Banxia got up from the bed and saw the continuous rain outside the window.

Rain seemed to have become an ominous symbol lately, since as long as it appeared, it would bring death.

Fortunately, the sky outside was already bright at this time, and it should be not far from dawn. Lin Banxia couldn’t sleep, so he lay on the bed with his eyes open for a while. However, he didn’t get up until the alarm clock rang.

Change clothes, wash up, go to school, another ordinary day.

When Lin Banxia went out, the heavy rain that had been falling for an unknown length of time suddenly stopped. Lin Banxia looked at the clearing sky and was slightly startled, wondering why the rain stopped so quickly. Could something have happened?

However, until the end of the day, Lin Banxia didn’t hear any strange news. Everyone ended the day’s classes peacefully. In the evening, Li Su pulled Lin Banxia to the gate to eat mutton skewers.

While eating, Li Su chatted with Lin Banxia and said that he had not read the news. Several stall owners used duck meat to pass off as mutton. If he found out, he would report it to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau immediately.

It was unknown if it was because the weather was too hot, but the stall owner was sweating profusely, fanning himself and saying, “My little classmate, you really know how to joke.”

Lin Banxia rarely ate these things. He held a large handful in his hand and was eating seriously with his head lowered. Suddenly, he was bumped hard by the person behind him. He stumbled and fell to the ground. When Li Su saw this, he cursed at the man behind him and stretched out his hand to pull him up.

Lin Banxia stood up and reached out to pat the dust on his legs. However, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was stunned. He saw a sharp pair of iron pliers inserted in his palm, and blood was pouring out. However, even with such a serious wound, he actually didn’t feel any pain at all.

Li Su made an exaggerated cry, and Lin Banxia looked at his hands blankly, and pulled out the iron pliers with force. It still didn’t hurt. It was as if the hands were not his own. How could it not hurt? Could it be that he was dreaming?? Just when Lin Banxia was thinking this, the originally clear sky suddenly darkened. Thick clouds enveloped the entire sky. Everything around him seemed to be melting and began to distort. Li Su was right next to Lin Banxia, but his expression did not change at all, as if he had become accustomed to everything. He picked up the iron pliers and stabbed himself in the throat with great force, directly killing himself in front of Lin Banxia. Lin Banxia was dumbfounded.

Before Lin Banxia could react, Li Su had already integrated into the environment.

Lin Banxia turned around and ran, wanting to leave here, but he didn’t know where to go. After rushing into the campus, screams were heard from not far away. Lin Banxia looked for the sound and saw that familiar face in the darkness. Song Qingluo, who was still covered in blood, still had the sharp boning knife, but this time, the knife was inserted into his chest. Song Qingluo also saw Lin Banxia, ​​his expression suddenly changed, and he shouted something to Lin Banxia, ​​but Lin Banxia couldn’t hear clearly. The next moment, he watched as Song Qingluo helplessly integrated into the environment like Li Su.

Lin Banxia broke into cold sweat. At this time, he had clearly realized that he was indeed in a dream that was too real.

Li Su was a dream, Song Qingluo was a dream, even the delicious mutton skewers were a dream, and Song Qingluo had already taught him the way to leave this dream.

Lin Banxia raised his head and glanced at the teaching building not far away, gritted his teeth and ran towards it. The buildings and sky behind him began to collapse, turning into a hollow darkness. In the darkness, there was the sound of pouring rain, which was terrifying to hear.

Lin Banxia finally ran to the teaching building, not daring to rest, and climbed directly to the fifth floor in one breath. However, when he ran to the top of the building, he actually heard bursts of miserable sobs coming from the corridor next to him. Lin Banxia looked over there and found a girl cowering in place, shouting “Don’t kill me, don’t kill me.”

Lin Banxia called to her loudly, but she seemed to be like a frightened bird. She was so frightened by Lin Banxia that she rolled and crawled and disappeared at the end of the corridor in an instant.

Lin Banxia was about to chase after her, but he heard the sound of pouring rain. He looked up again and saw that the curtain of rain covering the sky was already in front of him, and the darkness accompanied by the howling wind was about to swallow up everything.

A strong sense of crisis swept through Lin Banxia’s intuition. He gritted his teeth and did not dare to hesitate any more. He rushed directly to the fifth-floor platform and jumped over without hesitation. The next moment, a strong sense of weightlessness accompanied by darkness seized him. Lin Banxia’s consciousness disappeared.

Lin Banxia fell into a long darkness, until the sound of rain falling again sounded in his ears. He opened his eyes and saw the ceiling of the dormitory. He climbed out of bed and saw that it was raining outside the window.

This scene was so familiar that it even made him shiver involuntarily, as if everything was about to happen again. Lin Banxia pinched his arm hard, but he didn’t feel it. He was silent for three seconds, turned around, jumped out of bed, rushed to the desk, and found what he wanted – a sharp knife for sharpening pencils which he often used. Lin Banxia stared at the blade for a while, and finally, he gently scratched the inside of his arm.

“Hiss!!!” The sharp blade touched the delicate skin, causing severe pain, and bright red blood also gushed out, but the pain was so sharp that it clearly told Lin Banxia that ​​he had returned to reality, and was no longer in a ridiculous dream.

Lin Banxia put down the blade and calmly treated his wound. After handling it, he looked at the time and saw that it had just reached 12. Lin Banxia really couldn’t sleep, so he opened the bedroom door and left the room. The wind in the corridor was a bit strong, and along with the howling rain, it made the whole world feel wet.

Lin Banxia walked to the end of the corridor, stretched out his hand, and caught a drop of rainwater. It was cold, moist, and no different from ordinary water. At this time, Lin Banxia finally understood why there were those marks on Li Su’s body. He was not trying to hurt himself, but just wanted to confirm that he was not in a dream.

However, why did it seem like more than one person was dreaming? Lin Banxia thought, could this dream be contagious?

Because of this dream, Lin Banxia barely slept for the rest of the night. The next morning, he went to school listlessly and sat in a chair in a daze. It wasn’t until there were more people around that he finally had the feeling that he had indeed returned to reality.

There were more and more people in the class, and their voices became louder. The girl’s subtle cries seemed so abrupt among the noisy voices. Lin Banxia felt that the voice was a bit familiar. He turned his head, and sure enough there was a girl crying on the table, her friend comforting her softly. The girl raised her head, wiped her cheeks vigorously, and said: “I’m fine, please stop talking, I don’t want to speak about it.”

When her friend was told this, she looked embarrassed and had to turn around and leave. The girl buried her head between her arms and continued to cry sadly.

Her face was very familiar to Lin Banxia. It was the same girl he had seen in his dream last night, with the same sadness and despair.

Lin Banxia was a little hesitant to go over and comfort her, but thinking about it carefully, he didn’t know what he should say. After all, the two only met in a dream and did not know each other in reality.

The girl was crying, suddenly stood up and walked out.

Lin Banxia looked at her back and hesitated whether to follow her out, but Li Su patted her on the back and said, “Who are you looking at?”

After all, Lin Banxia was still afraid that something would happen to the girl, so she ignored Li Su and got up to chase her out. But to his surprise, within a moment, the girl disappeared and he didn’t know where she went. Li Su followed and said, “What are you doing? When did you fall in love with this girl?”

Lin Banxia looked back at him: “Li Su, do you remember your dream last night?”

Li Su said: “I didn’t dream last night.”

Lin Banxia asked strangely: “Didn’t you have a dream?”

“Of course.” Li Su said, “Although I usually have a lot of dreams, I slept very well last night and didn’t have any dreams.” His tone was so determined that it didn’t sound like he was lying, and besides, he didn’t seem to have any need to lie.

Lin Banxia sighed: “Okay.”

Li Su said, “What’s wrong? You’re so downcast.”

“It’s okay.” Lin Banxia said, “I don’t know if I’m thinking too much.” As he was talking, he suddenly heard a shrill scream coming from upstairs.

Something happened! Lin Banxia felt a chill in her heart and Li Su hurriedly ran upstairs. On the way to the fourth floor, they saw a frightened female student running down from the fifth floor in panic. When she saw Lin Banxia and the others, she screamed: “She’s dead! She’s dead! Help!”

Li Su grabbed her: “Who died?”


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