Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 62.2

It didn’t rain that night. Lin Banxia was relieved. Who could have expected that when he arrived in the classroom the next day, he would hear a continuous burst of thunder, followed by pouring rain, and the whole world would go dark. To be honest, when Lin Banxia saw the rain, his first reaction was to suspect that he was dreaming, but looking around, the students were still there, and it was obvious that the scene was not as bizarre as in the dream.

Lin Banxia absentmindedly took out his textbook and put it on the table. He happened to hear a classmate who had just entered the classroom discussing something loudly next to him.

“Hey? Did you just see it? The car accident in front of the school was really tragic.”

“Yeah, those two who died were really miserable.”

“I didn’t see the bodies; I just saw blood on the ground.”

“Tsk, the corpses were so terrifying, I wish I hadn’t looked at it.”

“Do you know those two people?”

“I don’t know him very well, but there seems to be someone named Song…”

Originally, Lin Banxia didn’t pay much attention to the conversation between the two of them, but as soon as the word “Song” came out, he was instantly startled, turned around and asked, “Which Song?”

“I don’t know.” The classmate was confused by Lin Banxia’s question, “I just remember his surname is Song.”

Lin Banxia didn’t ask any more questions. He stood up and asked his deskmate to borrow an umbrella. He grabbed the umbrella and started running out regardless of his objections. It was raining heavily outside, accompanied by strong winds, making the small umbrella in his hand almost useless. When Lin Banxia arrived outside the school, he was soaked to the skin.

Sure enough, there was a car accident at the school gate. Students who loved to watch the excitement gathered in a group at the gate. At this time, the police came over and started to control the scene. Lin Banxia did not see the bodies. He only saw the crumpled car that had been hit and the debris and bloodstains on the ground. He held the umbrella and stood in the rain. He hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether he should step forward to ask the identity of the deceased.

Just when he hesitated, he heard a fierce quarrel coming from a white van next to the police. It seemed that a boy was arguing fiercely with a girl. The boy was insulting the girl hatefully, and the girl didn’t reply, whimpering and crying in grievance. Then the argument between the two escalated. It seemed that the boy pushed the girl to the ground hard. The girl wanted to get out of the car, crying and knocking on the door of the car for help.

Lin Banxia was afraid that something might happen, so he quickly went to the policeman who was handling the scene and said, “Uncle policeman, that man seems to be beating the woman.”

The policeman looked confused: “What?”

Lin Banxia pointed to the van: “They are fighting inside the van.” He guessed that the person inside the van was the person responsible for the accident.

The policeman’s expression became even stranger. He said, “Who started to fight?”

“Can’t you hear that sound?” Lin Banxia was stunned, “She’s still knocking on the car door.”

The policeman hesitated and said, “Kid, did you hear wrongly?” His eyes were extremely confused, “That car… contains two dead people.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

The policeman said: “Can a dead man be knocking on the car door?”

Lin Banxia: “…But I really heard it.”

Maybe because Lin Banxia’s expression was too serious and too well-behaved, he didn’t look like the kind of student who would deliberately play pranks. The police hesitated for a moment, then walked to the door of the carriage, stretched out his hand and pulled the carriage open, with a creak, revealing two black body bags inside. Naturally, the quarrel that Lin Banxia heard just now could not be happening.

The policeman also smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, and said, “Kid, have you watched too many horror movies? The dead can’t talk.” He glanced inside the carriage, and his original smile suddenly froze on his face. He saw countless bloody handprints on the car door that should have been clean. These handprints were densely packed, as if they were caused by the slapping of a desperate person. However, he had also seen the appearance of the corpse just now. It was smashed into pieces. Maybe even a complete palm could not be found, so how could such a handprint have been made?? He fell silent immediately, and when he looked at Lin Banxia again, there was fear in his eyes.

Lin Banxia did not expect such a scene to happen. He stood in the rain like a poor drowned rat. His lips twitched slightly and he wanted to ask the police the name of the deceased, but before he could speak, someone grabbed his wrist. The student named Song whom he cared about appeared beside him at some point, frowning and staring at him dissatisfied.

“Aren’t you a dormitory student?” Song Qingluo asked, “Why are you coming to the school gate in such heavy rain?”

When Lin Banxia saw him, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was just a coincidence. He murmured: “I was just worried…”

Song Qingluo said: “What are you worried about?”

Lin Banxia said: “My classmate said that one of the people involved in the accident was named Song…”

Song Qingluo grabbed his wrist with a little force. He didn’t say anything as he turned around to leave.

Lin Banxia’s wrist was firmly grasped in Song Qingluo’s hand so he followed staggeringly. The two of them ignored the strange looks from other students and returned to the teaching building. After entering the office, Song Qingluo searched around for a moment before he found a clean school uniform and threw it in front of Lin Banxia for him to change into. Lin Banxia lowered his head and changed obediently. After changing, he found that the school uniform was too large. The shirt covered him to his knees. When he put on the pants, he felt like he was in a huge sack. Lin Banxia said blankly: “Why is it so big?”

When Song Qingluo saw his pitiful look, a smile appeared on his lips: “You are too small.” He stretched out his hand and carefully rolled up Lin Banxia’s sleeves.

Lin Banxia sat obediently in front of Song Qingluo and let him take care of it. Knowing that the person who died was not Song Qingluo, he was really relieved. Now he would become afraid when he saw the rain. He felt that the rain would always bring unknown things.

Song Qingluo was also very wet so Lin Banxia said, “Aren’t you going to change too? You don’t like the rain, right?”

Song Qingluo said: “How do you know.”

Lin Banxia: “I…” He was stunned, “I don’t know either.” When he said it, he didn’t feel anything was wrong. It was as if this idea had penetrated deep into his soul.

Fortunately, Song Qingluo didn’t go into details and said, “No, I’ll change after you go back.”

This was a good opportunity to check whether there were any wounds on Song Qingluo’s body. Lin Banxia wanted to seize the opportunity, so he said: “You’d better change quickly, be careful of catching a cold.”

Song Qingluo smiled half-heartedly: “Why are you so brave today?”

Lin Banxia: “…”

Song Qingluo: “Is it possible that you also want to see my body?”

Lin Banxia’s little thoughts were exposed. Although he pretended to be calm, he felt that his face was burning from his cheeks to the tips of his ears.

“You can look at it if you want.” Song Qingluo smiled and said, “Remember to watch from beginning to end and don’t turn your head.” As he said this, he actually took off his school uniform jacket, and then unbuttoned his shirt slowly. Unlike Lin Banxia, ​​when he did these actions, his black eyes did not leave Lin Banxia’s eyes for a moment. They were dark, as if a storm was brewing in the night sky, as if he wanted to eat Lin Banxia alive.

Lin Banxia was frightened by his aggressive gaze. He couldn’t help flinching and looked away. The next moment, his chin was pinched by Song Qingluo and forcefully turned back.

“Weren’t you very brave just now?” Song Qingluo’s voice actually had a hint of coldness, “Are you afraid?”

Lin Banxia: “No.”

“Don’t be afraid, just watch.” Song Qingluo said, “I will give you whatever you want, but if you take it, you have to take care of it.”

Lin Banxia was forced to respond: “Okay…”

The author has something to say:

Song Qingluo: You will have everything you want

Lin Banxia’s true face: I want money

Song Qingluo:…………It’s okay, I’ll sell blood

Lin Banxia:!!!

↑Song Qingluo’s Story of Selling Blood



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