Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 62.1 Dream

Originally they were all boys, Lin Banxia felt that he should not be shy, but for some reason, Song Qingluo’s eyes seemed to have warmth. Wherever they landed, it felt as if he was burning. His shoulders were pressed as Song Qingluo turned him around, and then there was a slight sigh from behind, and he felt a soft finger press gently on his tailbone.

“I knew it.” Song Qingluo said, “Why are you so slow?”

Lin Banxia said: “What?”

“There is a wound.” Song Qingluo said, “Don’t you feel it?” He took the mirror which was placed next to him, chose an angle, and let Lin Banxia look. Lin Banxia looked through the mirror and found that there was an exaggerated red mark on his waist, but he really didn’t feel it at all.

“I didn’t even feel it.” Lin Banxia said blankly.

Song Qingluo asked: “Are there any medicines in the dormitory? If not, you have to go to the infirmary.”

Lin Banxia said: “There is rubbing alcohol.” He walked to the cabinet in front, rummaged through it, found out the alcohol and cotton swabs, and handed them to Song Qingluo.

Song Qingluo took it and carefully helped Lin Banxia treat the wound. The alcohol was a bit cold, and the wound still hurt a little, but Lin Banxia was mostly nervous. He clearly felt Song Qingluo’s fingers gently running over his skin, inexplicably itching.

The wound was finally treated, and Lin Banxia finally got his clothes back. Why did Song Qingluo help him take them off, and why did he help him put them on properly? Song Qingluo lowered his eyes with a gentle expression, helping Lin Banxia fastened the buttons one by one, then stretched out his hand to rub his head: “Be careful.”

Lin Banxia said: “Is that Jiang Xin really crazy?”

Song Qingluo said: “Anyone can go crazy.”

Lin Banxia: “Why are you crazy?”

Song Qingluo said calmly: “Perhaps I discovered something that I shouldn’t have discovered.”

Lin Banxia: “What?”

Song Qingluo: “It’s nothing.” He refused to say anything else.

“Go and rest.” Song Qingluo raised his hand and looked at his watch, “I should go to class.”

Lin Banxia agreed. He watched Song Qingluo leave, then lay back on the bed, but he tossed and turned, still not sleepy. He was actually a little afraid of sleeping at this time. The Song Qingluo in his dream was so strange, as if he was someone he had never seen before.

After just resting in the dormitory for a day, Lin Banxia appeared in the classroom as usual the next day.

Li Su was the first to come over and ask Lin Banxia what happened yesterday. Lin Banxia told him helplessly, saying that Jiang Xin was crazy and wanted to kill him.

Li Su clicked his tongue in surprise and said, “Did you really have an affair with Qin Xu?”

Lin Banxia: “…” He even had reason to suspect that this version was spread by someone like Li Su.

Li Su said: “Just kidding.” He laughed loudly, “But he is dead, you don’t have to be afraid.”

Lin Banxia said: “…yea.”

Having said that, after experiencing yesterday’s thrilling experience, Lin Banxia still had many other thoughts on his mind. He observed everyone in the classroom carefully, and suddenly thought of something, causing his expression to change slightly. He finally decided not to say anything and suppressed the strange feeling deep in his heart.

Almost one student died every day. If this matter happened in other schools, classes might have been suspended long ago, but their school didn’t seem to be affected at all, and all of the classes continued as usual.

Lin Banxia became the focus of the entire class. Many classmates came over to ask about Jiang Xin. Lin Banxia said everything he could, while others said they didn’t know.

“Jiang Xin is the third one, and I don’t know who the fourth one will be.” Someone said carelessly, “Is our school cursed? Everyone who studies here will die one by one…” After he finished speaking, he seemed so happy that Lin Banxia looked at him a few more times.

This person’s name was Cui Qisi. He was not very popular in the class and usually had little contact with his classmates and was a relatively marginalized person. Lin Banxia was naturally unfamiliar with him, and never expected to hear such heartless words from his mouth.

That day, nothing special happened. Lin Banxia was still caught by Song Qingluo and had dinner and lunch with him. He thought nothing special would happen in the evening, until the evening self-study was about to end and it started to rain again.

Seeing the rain, Lin Banxia immediately had an uneasy feeling in his heart. After several times, he had already noticed that as long as it rained someone would die. Now that it was raining, did it mean that someone had been killed?

There were only a few people left in the classroom, which reminded Lin Banxia of the dark campus he had seen that night. He felt a little uncomfortable, so he packed his schoolbag, put it on his back, and planned to leave.

However, when he reached the stairs, he suddenly heard a strange sound of running water. The sound was very close to him, as if it was right behind him. Lin Banxia turned his head and saw nothing. His uncomfortable feeling became more intense, so he turned around and ran down the stairs without thinking. The stairs, which usually only have five floors, had become extremely long. Lin Banxia ran and ran, his legs became weak from running, but he still didn’t reach the bottom of the building. He also realized that something was wrong. He gasped and stopped, turning around to see which floor he was on.

However, when he saw the numbers on the floor, he froze. The Roman numeral five on the wall was so glaringly showing that he was still where he started.

At the same time, the sound of dripping water became louder and louder. Lin Banxia ran down two more steps and suddenly stopped. He suddenly realized that the sound of water was indeed coming from behind. However, it was not in the corridor behind him, but the schoolbag he was carrying.

Lin Banxia reached out and touched his schoolbag, and felt a wet and cold stain. He slowly bent down, put his schoolbag on the ground, and then slowly walked backwards and left.

“Creak” The zipper on the schoolbag was opened, and a thick, wet hair like waterweed slowly emerged from the depths of the schoolbag. Under the hair, there was a face soaked in water. The owner of the swollen and deformed face seemed to still be alive. He grinned and gave Lin Banxia a pale smile.

Lin Banxia saw this scene, turned around and ran away, but as soon as he ran a few steps forward, there was a rustling sound behind him. When he turned around again, he found that the figure had already crawled out of his schoolbag. It crawled out, like a spider, using its’ hands and feet to crawl towards Lin Banxia at a very fast speed.

Before Lin Banxia could react, it knocked him to the ground. This time, he could see the person’s appearance clearly. It seemed to be a girl. Her former appearance at this time could not be described. She opened her mouth wide, tilted her head, and shouted: “Brother…”

The fishy-smelling water flowed down her cheeks, dripping on Lin Banxia’s body and face. Lin Banxia stared, watching her face getting closer and closer to him. In the end, that overly soft face filled with moisture slowly, slowly, slowly pressed against Lin Banxia’s cheek.

Lin Banxia stared, unable to tell what she was going to do, but before he could make a decision, the familiar sound of a sharp blade scraping the wall sounded behind him, and Song Qingluo’s face appeared again. In Lin Banxia’s field of vision, he looked down at Lin Banxia who was knocked down. With a regretful tone, he sighed slightly and said, “Why are you here again?”

Lin Banxia said: “Who are you?”

Song Qingluo did not answer Lin Banxia’s question. The boning knife in his hand fell again. With his gentle eyes, darkness swept through Lin Banxia’s consciousness.

In a daze, Lin Banxia was slapped on the back and his name was called. He opened his eyes and saw Li Su’s face.

“Lin Banxia, ​​are you okay?” Li Su said.

“It’s okay.” Lin Banxia said, “What’s wrong with me?”

“You’re asleep.” Li Su replied, “It’s time for self-study in the evening. I saw that you hadn’t moved yet, so I came over to call you.”

Lin Banxia looked around the classroom and found that the entire classroom was empty. Only he and Li Su were left. The sky outside the window was completely dark. The rain in his dream had not fallen. The sky was clear and the bright moon hung high.

Li Su sat carelessly at the edge of the table and said with a smile, “Are you too tired?”

Lin Banxia said: “…how long have I slept?”

Li Su looked at his watch: “It’s been more than an hour. I thought you were feeling unwell, so I didn’t bother you, but I saw that you seemed to be having a nightmare, so I decided to wake you up.”

Lin Banxia said in a daze. He felt that he couldn’t tell whether he was in a dream or in reality. When he saw Li Su turning to leave, he stretched out his hand to pull him. He didn’t use much strength, but Li Su was pulled to the ground by him, still screaming, as if he had been hurt.

“Are you okay?” Lin Banxia was frightened and bent down to help Li Su up. Just when he reached out to help Li Su, he vaguely seemed to see something on Li Su’s wrist. He was slightly startled and pulled Li Su up. Jesus lifted up his sleeves.

Lin Banxia’s movements were very fast. Before Li Su could react, his sleeves had already been rolled up to his arms. When Lin Banxia saw his arms, he took a breath and said, “Li Su…”

Lin Banxia saw that Li Su’s arm was covered with bruises and pinholes of all sizes, and there was almost no uninjured skin left. It looked extremely scary. When Lin Banxia saw this situation, his first reaction was whether Li Su was doing something illegal. Then he realized that if it was drug taking, the needle holes should not be all over the arm…

Li Su didn’t expect that Lin Banxia would suddenly lift up his sleeves, and was startled. It was too late to stop him. He awkwardly pulled his sleeves back to their original place, hugged his arm, said: “What are you doing!!”

“Who is bullying you?” Lin Banxia said, “Are you still sick? How did you get so many pinholes?”

Li Su lost his previous casualness, and only looked embarrassed. He said, “I’m not familiar with you, so I don’t need your attention!”

Lin Banxia was at a loss for words. He and Li Su were not very familiar, but he thought they were friends. He grabbed Li Su’s wrist and refused to let him go: “If you don’t tell me what’s going on, I’ll just go to the teacher and ask the teacher to tell your parents!”

Although this sounded a bit despicable, it was indeed the best threat to students. Li Su became angry and said: “Lin Banxia, ​​why are you so annoying? What does this matter have to do with my parents?!”

Lin Banxia didn’t mind at all and put on a rogue attitude: “I don’t care.”

Li Su: “…”

Lin Banxia said: “I really went to complain.”

“Okay, okay, I’m afraid that you will do it.” Seeing that Lin Banxia was really going, Li Su gave up and said in a depressed tone, “I’m not sick, and I’m not being bullied. It was all caused by me…”

Lin Banxia said: “What did you use to make it?”

Li Su said: “A compass…”[1.]

Lin Banxia: “…”

Li Su stretched out his hand and scratched his head, messing up his neat black hair. He said, “I know what you want to ask, but I can’t answer you. I don’t want to be treated like a madman.”

Lin Banxia had a complicated expression: “There’s more to you than that.”

Li Su pursed his lips and said nothing, acquiescing to Lin Banxia’s statement.

Lin Banxia didn’t know what to say. He imitated Li Su’s posture and scratched his head in distress: “This won’t work. Aren’t you going to see a doctor?”

“I told you, I’m not sick.” Li Su said tiredly, “I know what I’m doing.” He became a little impatient, stood up, turned around and left. Lin Banxia called him several times, but he didn’t look back.

Looking at his back, Lin Banxia suddenly remembered that when Song Qingluo came to see him today, he suddenly asked to check his wounds. At that time, he just thought Song Qingluo was a little weird and didn’t think much about it, however, after seeing Li Su’s exaggerated wounds, a terrible thought emerged in Lin Banxia’s mind – could there be wounds everywhere on Song Qingluo’s body? If he remembered correctly, Li Su once told him that before Jiang Xin went crazy, he had constantly made wounds on his body and even stabbed himself in the thigh with a knife.

Lin Banxia suddenly found it a little creepy. He looked at the time and saw that it was already past ten o’clock in the evening. Everyone in the classroom had almost left. Song Qingluo, as a day student, should also have left the school. It seems that he would have to go to Song Qingluo tomorrow. It was best to find an opportunity to take a look at him, but what excuse should he use? Lin Banxia thought distressed. Song Qingluo was not injured, so he couldn’t be so shameless as to ask to check his body.

In his mind, he imagined Song Qingluo staring at him, unbuttoning his shirt one by one with an expressionless face, and Lin Banxia blushed helplessly.


Translator’s comments:

  1. A compass is a drawing tool with a sharp side which is used to press into the page and another side which holds a pencil.


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