Phantom Skeleton Painting

T/N: Hey guys, sorry about last weeks lack of chapters. As mentioned previously, my computer decided to break so I can only borrow a computer from some of my family every now and then, but last week was a busy week for everyone so I was unable to borrow anyone’s computer. I am really sorry about the inconsistency of the updates, I will try my best to be more prepared but I mostly don’t have time to work on a stockpile right now. Happy belated Chinese New Year for everyone who celebrates it!


Chapter 61.1 Dream

Lin Banxia was shocked and immediately ducked aside, but Jiang Xin still cut the back of his hand. He reacted quickly and kicked Jiang Xin on the shoulder. Jiang Xin was kneeling beside the bed, so when Lin Banxia kicked him he stumbled and almost fell off the edge of the bed. Jiang Xin grabbed the railing on the edge of the bed and steadied himself.

Seeing Lin Banxia struggling, Jiang Xin’s expression became even more distorted, and he shouted: “Lin Banxia, ​​I’m helping you. Why are you so ignorant?”

After saying that, he pounced forward, grabbed Lin Banxia’s shoulder, and stabbed towards Lin Banxia’s face with the blade in his hand. Lin Banxia was groping around the bed in his panic, trying to find some way to defend himself. Unexpectedly, he actually touched a hard cylinder. He immediately realized that this thing was the pen given to him by Song Qingluo. He had just finished looking at it and placed it beside the bed.

After Jiang Xin yelled, the blade in his hand was about to reach Lin Banxia. Lin Banxia didn’t care about anything else. He pulled off the pen cap in a panic, grasped it tightly and stabbed Jiang Xin in the shoulder.

Jiang Xin never expected Lin Banxia to still have a weapon so he screamed and fell back. Lin Banxia took this opportunity to jump over the railing and from the bed. Go down and shout, “Jiang Xin is crazy. Call the police quickly.”

The whole dormitory was awakened by this chaos, and the timid ones screamed. The electricity in the dormitory was cut off at around eleven o’clock so everything was dark. Lin Banxia didn’t dare to stay too long, so he rushed out in his pajamas, ran downstairs, and found the teacher on duty on the first floor. When the teacher saw Lin Banxia covered in blood, he was immediately frightened. Hearing that someone was attacking people with a knife, he immediately chose to call the police. Then he asked Lin Banxia to wait there and went up to see the situation.

Lin Banxia nodded, panting and sat down. Even now, he was a little confused and didn’t know why things developed like this. He looked down at himself and found that he was covered in blood, and his pajamas also had a hole. The back of his right hand had an obvious wound on it. Although the bleeding had already stopped at this time, it still hurt. He felt a little cold and could not help but huddle his neck down.

Soon, the dormitory teacher came down from upstairs, holding Jiang Xin in his hand. Jiang Xin was tied up like a crab. The teacher was cursing him, saying that he was too young to be so calculating of people’s rights and wrongs, and that he should talk about any conflicts instead of using a knife on his classmates.

Jiang Xin had no intention of struggling. He was as quiet as a dummy in the teacher’s hands. It wasn’t until he was thrown opposite Lin Banxia that he raised his head and glanced at Lin Banxia.

“Are you in pain?” Jiang Xin said.

“Of course it hurts.” Lin Banxia frowned, “Where did I offend you for you to want to do this to me?”

“This world is fake.” Jiang Xin said, “You have to wake up.”

Lin Banxia thought that this person might really be crazy.

“Believe me this once.” Jiang Xin said, “I didn’t lie to you.” As he spoke, he wanted to get closer to Lin Banxia, ​​but the teacher pulled him back.

He was in ragged clothes at this time, and Lin Banxia could clearly see that almost all of his body was covered in scars. These scars were old and new, and it hurt just to look at them, but Jiang Xin didn’t seem to realize it, and still wanted to come over to talk to Lin Banxia. In the end, the dormitory teacher got annoyed and grabbed him directly, threw him into the room next door and locked him up, saying: “What are you raving about? The police will be here soon!” He looked at Lin Banxia and asked with concern, “Is your wound still bleeding?”

“No.” Lin Banxia shook his head, “It’s nothing serious, just a surface injury.” Although the wound was a bit deep, fortunately, no bones were injured.

The dormitory teacher said: “Then you should go to the infirmary later to see if you need stitches or anything.”

Lin Banxia nodded and said yes.

The police arrived quickly. After about fifteen minutes, police cars were parked outside. The dormitory teacher rushed out and told the police what happened. After hearing this, the police asked where the person was. The dormitory teacher pointed to the room next to them and said, “He’s locked inside.”

The policeman said: “Open the door.”

The dormitory teacher sighed, stretched out his hand and opened the door, but as soon as the door opened, he froze on the spot and his face went pale, as if he had seen an extremely terrifying scene: “Why? How could… ”

Lin Banxia walked over and saw the scene in the room. His reaction was the same as that of the dormitory teacher, he was almost stunned.

This room was used to store sundries. It was very small, but at this time, almost every inch of this small space was covered with blood. Jiang Xin was lying on the ground, with a hideous wound on his neck, even exposing the muscle tissue inside, which looked very uncomfortable. The large amount of blood spurting out from his wound almost dyed the entire small utility room scarlet.

“He…how could he be dead…” The dormitory teacher was trembling all over.

The police who came were very professional. After a brief inspection after entering, they revealed the cause of Jiang Xin’s death. He said, “He committed suicide with an iron bucket.”

The dormitory teachers were dumbfounded: “Iron bucket? How can an iron bucket kill someone?”

The policeman said: “It’s broken.”

The dormitory teacher looked at the iron bucket placed in the corner with a ghostly expression on his face. There was a piece missing from the iron bucket. Although it was a bit sharp, it was almost impossible to cut his throat with it.

The police were quite calm. Seeing that the person was dead, they said this was a crime scene and needed to be cordoned off. They also asked people to take Lin Banxia to the hospital for an examination and wound treatment.

Lin Banxia was sent to the hospital in his pajamas. After simply treating the wound, he went to the police station to give his statement. By the time everything was over, it was already dawn. The head teacher also knew about this and comforted Lin Banxia, ​​telling him to have a good rest in the dormitory today and to not go to class.

Lin Banxia originally wanted to say that there was nothing wrong with him, but the head teacher was resolute, so he had no choice but to obey.

Returning to the empty dormitory, Lin Banxia changed out of his bloodstained pajamas and changed his sheets and lay back on the bed. Except for the faint fishy smell floating in the air, everything was tidy again. As if it was a dream, he turned over, faced the wall, and huddled up in the bed.

Lin Banxia felt a little sad that the pen Song Qingluo gave him was also taken away by the police, leaving only an empty box in front of him. How should he explain to Song Qingluo? Or rather, was Song Qingluo still angry with him? The words Jiang Xin said kept rolling in his mind. He didn’t understand what those words meant, but he had a vague feeling that it was not a good thing to understand them.

Thinking of this, Lin Banxia was a little discouraged. He was a little hungry, but the canteen was closed at this time, so he had to wait until evening to eat.

“Knock, knock, knock.” Someone knocked on the dormitory door. Lin Banxia thought it was the dormitory teacher and called out to find out what they wanted.

The person outside said nothing and stubbornly knocked a few more times.

Lin Banxia had no choice but to get up from the bed and open the door. Unexpectedly, when the door opened, he saw Song Qingluo. He said, “I heard you were injured.”

Lin Banxia said: “Ah…yes, yes… Come in first.”

Song Qingluo walked in, put the things in his hands on the table and said, “You haven’t eaten yet, do you want to eat something first?”

Lin Banxia thanked him.


If possible please consider supporting me on Patreon or Ko-fi. I will be working on a stockpile for Patreon where you can read advanced chapters for as little as $3 a month. Alternatively, I will release an extra chapter for every Ko-fi donation I receive. It might not be on that exact day, but it will be released within the week.



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