Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 60.2 Dream

This was the first time Lin Banxia saw Song Qingluo with such an attitude. He felt very uncomfortable, but he couldn’t find the reason. After thinking about it, he came to a conclusion. He wondered if the question he asked was too abrupt and made Song Qingluo unhappy? Lin Banxia suddenly felt regretful and felt that he shouldn’t have asked such a strange question. He carefully opened the gift Song Qingluo gave him, and there was indeed a beautiful pen inside. Although Lin Banxia didn’t know the brand, it had to be expensive. Seeing this, Lin Banxia felt even more uncomfortable. He really felt that he shouldn’t have asked such a question.

With a disappointed mood, Lin Banxia walked to the door of the classroom. Jiang Xin, who had been staring at him just now, was not in the classroom at the moment. He wanted to read a book, but couldn’t calm down. He was always thinking about Song Qing. Why did he dream about Song Qingluo? Moreover, Song Qingluo in the dream was so different, like someone he had never met before.

Because Lin Banxia was distracted all the time, he was not very efficient in reading. After reading for a while, the sky outside the window turned dark. He packed his schoolbag and went back to his dormitory. When he came out of the classroom, he saw Jiang Xin again. Jiang Xin was standing on the balcony with no expression on his face. Lin Banxia was startled by him. He wanted to ask him what was wrong, but remembered Li Su’s advice, so he turned his head and walked towards the stairs pretending to not see him.

“Lin Banxia!” Jiang Xin suddenly stopped him.

Lin Banxia turned around.

“Do you know how to leave this place?” Jiang Xin said.

Lin Banxia frowned slightly: “What?”

Jiang Xin lowered his voice and showed a mysterious look. He repeated: “Do you know how to leave this place?”

When Lin Banxia heard this, he was stunned. In his dream that afternoon, Song Qingluo, the man who killed him with his own hands, also asked him the same question. In a daze, Lin Banxia even had the illusion that he was still in a dream. He stretched out his hand and pinched himself hard. The pain made him suppress this terrible feeling. He said: “I can’t understand what you are saying?”

Jiang Xin smiled, his smile was a little twisted, and he said, “You understand.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

“If you didn’t understand, you wouldn’t pinch yourself.” Jiang Xin said, “So do you know how to get out of here?”

Lin Banxia didn’t say anything, turned around and left directly. Jiang Xin let out an exaggerated laugh behind him, which stung Lin Banxia’s eardrums. He didn’t know how to answer Jiang Xin’s question, even though the Song Qingluo in the dream had already told him the answer.

The bedroom was as quiet as ever.

Lin Banxia had no intention of reading. He sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the pen Song Qingluo gave him in a daze. Seeing him like this, his roommate curiously asked Lin Banxia what was wrong.

“It’s okay, I’m just thinking about something.” Lin Banxia said, “Have you ever felt that sometimes the people around you are weird?”

The roommate said mysteriously: “You also noticed?”

Lin Banxia: “What?”

The roommate said: “Did you hear Jiang Xin at night?”

Lin Banxia was stunned for a moment: “What did you hear?”

“Ah, you didn’t hear it.” The roommate was a little annoyed.

Lin Banxia said: “Are you talking about what Jiang Xin is doing at night?”

The roommate said: “Yes, since Qin Xu died, he has not been normal. Last night, I didn’t sleep much, and I heard him talking to someone. At first, I thought he was talking in his sleep, who knew…”

Lin Banxia said: “Who knew?”

“Who knew, I poked my head over and took a look, and found that he was talking on the phone with someone.” The roommate said, “He was still calling Qin Xu’s name, and his tone was crying and fussing, like a little girl who had lost her love.”

Lin Banxia: “…What did he say?”

The roommate continued: “His voice was so low that I didn’t hear it clearly. It sounded like Qin Xu wanted to ask him to go somewhere, but he refused and wanted to argue.” When he said this, he became terrified and shrank his neck, “Do you think he is crazy? Qin Xu is dead already, why would he call him?”

Lin Banxia was silent.

The roommate said: “But it’s okay to be crazy. What I’m most afraid of… what I’m most afraid of is that it’s really Qin Xu who called him.” He said mysteriously, “Do you think there are really ghosts in this world? Ah?”

Lin Banxia said: “I don’t think so.”

The roommate wanted to say something else, but someone pushed the door open and came in. It was Jiang Xin that they had been discussing.

After Jiang Xin entered the room, the entire dormitory fell silent, and no one dared to speak.

Lin Banxia quietly observed him with his peripheral vision and saw him going into the toilet. After a while, the sound of water running could be heard from inside, as if he was planning to take a bath.

Although everyone told Lin Banxia to stay away from Jiang Xin, he and Jiang Xin lived in the same dormitory, and meeting in the same room was unavoidable. Fortunately, Jiang Xin didn’t behave strangely that night. After taking a shower, he read for a while and then went to bed.

Lin Banxia looked at the time and felt that it was almost time to rest. He turned off the lamp, climbed to the upper bunk, and fell into a drowsy sleep. Probably because he had something on his mind, he didn’t sleep too deeply. Half asleep and half awake, he vaguely felt that the bed board under him seemed to be shaking. He was confused for a few seconds, then woke up suddenly. When he opened his eyes, he met Jiang Xin’s eyes.

At some point, Jiang Xin climbed onto his bed, still holding the fruit knife that Lin Banxia had seen in his hand. He saw Lin Banxia waking up and looking at him with a horrified face. He didn’t panic. Instead, he grinned, then the smile gradually turned ferocious. The next moment, the fruit knife in his hand was fiercely stabbed at Lin Banxia.

The author has something to say:

Song Qingluo: Very angry

Lin Banxia: Don’t be angry anymore. It’s my fault, don’t be angry anymore.

Song Qingluo: Still very angry

Lin Banxia: What should we do?

Song Qingluo glanced at Li Su: Kissing is the best thing

Lin Banxia: Kiss, kiss, kiss. Are two kisses enough? =3=


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