Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 60.1 Dream

The same desk, the same wall. He turned his head and saw the setting sun that was about to sink into the horizon. In the classroom, there are several students sitting, most of them concentrating on reviewing. Someone tapped Lin Banxia on the shoulder. Lin Banxia turned around and found that it was Li Su.

Li Su was still alive, just like himself. He patted Lin Banxia on the back and shouted: “Stop sleeping now. If you sleep again, I might think you died in your sleep.”

Lin Banxia calmed down for a while, then managed to recover, rubbed her eyes, and whispered: “How long have I been asleep?”

“How long?” Li Su looked at his watch, “You went to bed after three o’clock. It’s almost six o’clock now, three hours… I went out just now and thought you were up. Who knows? When I came back, I saw you still sleeping. Did you dream of some beautiful scenery that made you reluctant to wake up? ”

Lin Banxia whispered: “I had a nightmare.”

Li Su said: “What nightmare?”

Lin Banxia said: “I dreamed that someone killed me.”

Li Su’s expression froze for a moment, and then he said: “Why did you dream of this?”

Lin Banxia was silent for a while, then hesitantly said: “Tell me, how can a person wake up from a dream?”

Li Su said, “How would I know.” He looked a little uncomfortable, as if he wanted to change the topic quickly, pretending not to care, patted Lin Banxia on the back, and asked Lin Banxia to accompany him to the school gate for dinner. After calming down, he invited Lin Banxia to eat the most delicious pancakes in the world.

Of course, Li Su didn’t mean to give Lin Banxia a choice. After saying this, he pulled Lin Banxia up from his seat. Lin Banxia didn’t care about the strange looks the other students gave him and was pulled stumbling out of the classroom.

The school under the setting sun had returned to the way it was in his memory. The spring evening had a romantic atmosphere. Li Su couldn’t take any time off, kicking stones and chatting with Lin Banxia all the way, asking Lin Banxia what he likes to add to pancakes and fruits.

Lin Banxia said that he had never eaten crepes. Li Su was stunned for three seconds, then he threw his arm around Lin Banxia’s neck and said with a smile: “Then you have made a profit. The first time I ate these crepes, I felt like I had gone to heaven~”

Lin Banxia didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He asked, “Why are you so afraid of Song Qingluo?”

Li Su muttered: “Why do you ask?”

Lin Banxia: “I think he is pretty good.” After he said this, he thought of the terrifying Song Qingluo in his dream and pursed his lips with a guilty conscience.

“My mother, is he nice?” Li Su said, “You have never fought with him, right? You will know how nice he is after you fight him. If Li Ye hadn’t come in time, he would have really broken one of my legs.”

Lin Banxia: “How did you provoke him?”

Li Su looked far away: “It’s a long story…”

Lin Banxia: “…”

While the two of them were talking, they had already arrived at the school gate. Today, was the weekend, so there were not many vendors, but there were still crepes. Li Su carelessly ordered two crepes, and enthusiastically praised the stall owner, saying that these were the most delicious pancakes he had ever eaten. The stall owner was a middle-aged woman, and Li Su was so enthusiastic that she smiled from ear to ear. She was very generous and added a lot of extra ingredients for them.

Li Su generously gave the first pancake to Lin Banxia. Lin Banxia took it and had a bite with a look of surprise on his face and words of praise.

“Is it delicious?” Li Su said.

Lin Banxia nodded: “It’s delicious.”

Li Su said: “I like it too.” He took the second one, took a big bite, and said vaguely, “I have never eaten such delicious crepes in my life. I fell in love with it the first time I ate it, and I still love it after I’m done.”

Lin Banxia thought to himself that Li Su was really good at blowing rainbow farts, no wonder the boss lady smiled like a flower when she saw him.

The two ate pancakes and fruit, then Li Su asked Lin Banxia what he was going to do next. Lin Banxia looked at the time and said that he wanted to go back and read a book, so he asked Li Su if he was coming.

Li Su said: “I won’t read anymore. It’s all in vain. You go ahead. By the way…”

Lin Banxia: “Huh?”

Li Su said: “Be careful of that guy Jiang Xin.”

Lin Banxia didn’t expect that he would remind him of this incident, and wondered: “What did he do?”

Li Su hesitated for a while and whispered: “You remember the man who committed suicide that we saw in the toilet before, right?”

Lin Banxia said: “Of course I remember.”

Li Su said: “Actually, I’m quite familiar with him. Before committing suicide, he was in a trance. I saw him stabbing himself with a knife several times.”

Lin Banxia’s eyes widened.

“I also told the teacher about this, but they obviously didn’t take it seriously.” Li Su was a little helpless. “I also checked the information. It seems that he suffered from depression due to too much study pressure. Sure enough, just a few days later, he committed suicide and I bumped into him.” Thinking of the scene he saw in the toilet, he scratched his head uncomfortably and muttered, “It’s my fault too, if I went to the toilet earlier, this wouldn’t have happened.”

In fact, Li Su couldn’t be blamed for this. After all, who would have thought that his classmate would actually commit suicide after deciding that he didn’t want to live anymore.

“Do Jiang Xin and him have anything in common?” Lin Banxia asked strangely.

“Yeah.” Li Su said, “You remember when you took a nap at noon, right? He kept staring at you. I thought he had something against you at first, but after watching it for a while, I felt something was wrong.”

Lin Banxia said: “What’s wrong?”

Li Su said: “He was using a knife to cut his own thigh.”

Lin Banxia: “…” He remembered that when Jiang Xin was holding Qin Xu’s mobile phone, he had indeed held a fruit knife in his hand and was making gestures.

Li Su said: “Although I warned him, I don’t know if it will be of any use…”

Lin Banxia thanked Li Su.

“This situation is very troublesome.” Li Su said, “So you’d better be careful. His mental state doesn’t look like a normal person.”

Lin Banxia said: “…I know.”

Li Su said: “Then you go back and review. I’m going home.”

Only then did Lin Banxia remember: “Isn’t today the weekend? What are you doing here at school?”

Li Su said: “Because my parents are not at home.”

Lin Banxia: “Huh?”

“Forget it, it’s nothing. Even if I tell you, you won’t understand.” Li Su waved his hands, turned, and left. Lin Banxia looked at his back and thought for a while before vaguely understanding the meaning of Li Su’s words. His parents were not at home. Meaning, only he and Li Ye were at home. Thinking about what happened between them before… Lin Banxia suddenly blushed.

After Li Su left, Lin Banxia walked back to the school alone. When passing by the playground, he felt that someone was staring at him. After looking around, Lin Banxia found the source of the gaze. He raised his head and found Jiang Xin standing at the classroom window, staring at him expressionlessly. Realizing that Lin Banxia had discovered him, he quickly walked away.

Lin Banxia thought about the information he had just received from Li Su, and suddenly felt that this person was a bit scary. He hesitated, wondering whether he should go back to the classroom.

Just when Lin Banxia was struggling, he suddenly saw someone walking towards him in the distance. When he looked closely, it turned out to be Song Qingluo. Seeing him, Lin Banxia immediately thought of the person in the dream, and even his ear seemed to feel a dull pain.

Song Qingluo also saw him, and slowly walked towards him from far away.

“Good afternoon.” Song Qingluo greeted Lin Banxia.

“Good afternoon.” Lin Banxia was a little cautious.

Realizing that Lin Banxia’s expression seemed to be different from usual, Song Qingluo was confused for a moment and said, “What happened?”

“It’s nothing.” Lin Banxia replied in a low voice.

Song Qingluo stared at him for a while, then suddenly stretched out his hand, took something from his pocket, and handed it to Lin Banxia. Lin Banxia raised his eyes and saw that it was a small rectangular box. Judging from the shape, it should be a pen or something. When he saw Song Qingluo’s movements, he was slightly stunned and did not reach out to pick it up.

Song Qingluo’s voice sounded colder than usual. He said, “If you treat me as a friend, then take it.”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Banxia had no choice but to reach out and take the thing. Feeling guilty towards Song Qingluo, he felt that he should not be affected by that dream. He grabbed the box tightly and thanked Song Qingluo sincerely.

Song Qingluo said: “Do you have anything to say?”

Lin Banxia thought for a while and whispered: “If you find out that killing your friend is good for him, would you do it?” He regretted it after asking, because this question was too strange and not normal.

Unexpectedly, Song Qingluo’s next words made Lin Banxia freeze on the spot. He seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and said, “Why, are you afraid that you will be killed by me?”

His expression almost overlapped with that of the person in the dream. Lin Banxia even wanted to take a step back slightly. Fortunately, he finally suppressed this impulse and said vaguely: “No, I just had a dream. ”

Song Qingluo asked: “What did you dream about?”

Lin Banxia said: “Nothing…”

Lin Banxia thought he would say something, but Song Qingluo just lowered his eyes slightly and said softer: “Go eat quickly, it’s getting cold.”

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left without looking back.


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