Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 59.2 Dream

Lin Banxia froze slightly when he saw this scene. He didn’t know whether to feel sick or scared but felt a little uncomfortable. He didn’t want to look anymore, so he stepped away from the man’s body and entered the empty corridor.

It was midnight, and the school rumbled with continuous thunder and finally heavy rain. The dripping raindrops hit the roof, making a crisp sound.

Lin Banxia was the only one in the corridor. He stood there at a loss, and suddenly smelled a fishy smell. Almost instantly, he recognized the smell of blood, and it was very fresh blood. Lin Banxia was a little dazed for a moment. He pinched his hand hard. It hurt! He was not dreaming, but why was everything around him so weird? It seemed as if it was not reality.

While Lin Banxia was deep in thought, a strange sound came from the end of the dark corridor. Someone was tapping on the tiles of the wall with a sharp instrument.

Reflexively, Lin Banxia turned off the desk lamp in his hand. He took a few steps back and felt as if he had stepped on something wet. The crisp knocking sound was getting closer and closer. Feeling deeply uneasy, Lin Banxia took a few steps back, trying to find a place to hide, but as soon as he took a step, the person approaching called his name.

“Lin Banxia.” It was Song Qingluo’s voice, as soft as a feather. He said, “Is it you?”

Lin Banxia didn’t expect it to be Song Qingluo, and suddenly became happy and shouted: “It’s me. Why are you here too?”

“Come here.” Song Qingluo said, “I have something I want to tell you. ”

Lin Banxia was about to walk towards him but felt that something was wrong. After hesitating for a moment, he did not go directly. Instead, he turned on the desk lamp in his hand and shone the light towards the corridor. In the weak light, he could barely see that the person at the other end of the corridor was indeed Song Qingluo, but Song Qingluo was covered in black liquid. No, it was not a black liquid, but blood. Because there was so much, it turned into an ominous darkness on Song Qingluo’s body. It was on his face and was even dripping down the tip of his chin. He walked beside the wall, carelessly tapping the tiles with a sharp boning knife, dragging something human-shaped in his right hand…

When he saw the person in front of him clearly, Lin Banxia didn’t even believe that he was Song Qingluo for a moment. However, it clearly looked exactly the same as him, and even their cold eyes were extremely similar.

Song Qingluo seemed to realize that he was a little scared, stopped and said warmly: “Don’t be afraid, Banxia, ​​I won’t hurt you.”

Lin Banxia’s throat moved.

“Come here.” He dropped the humanoid thing in his hand. Lin Banxia looked closely and found that it was a student he didn’t recognize.

“Come here.” Song Qingluo repeated again.

Lin Banxia wanted to say something, but in the end, he said nothing. He suppressed his trembling hands and gently turned off the desk lamp in his hand. Then he turned around and ran away… Even if that man looked exactly like Song Qingluo, he still didn’t believe it was Song Qingluo! Lin Banxia turned off the lamp and ran away, not daring to stop as he rushed down the stairs.

There were no footsteps behind him, and Song Qingluo seemed to have no intention of chasing after him.

Lin Banxia gasped and rushed into the rain.

It was dark all around, and the familiar campus seemed very unfamiliar. Lin Banxia didn’t know where to run for safety. After thinking about it, he had no choice but to walk in the direction of the dormitory.

However, when he arrived at the door of the dormitory, he found that the iron door of the dormitory was firmly closed. No matter how much he shouted, no one paid attention to him. The huge campus seemed to have turned into deserted cemetery at this time. He could only hear the sound of rain and his own heavy breathing.

Lin Banxia was a little confused. He didn’t know why things suddenly turned out like this when he just took a nap. He hugged himself and turned around, looking as embarrassed as a bird whose feathers were wet by the rain. The most miserable thing was that he couldn’t even think of where he could go.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Banxia decided to find a place in the school to take shelter from the rain and wait for dawn. He searched around and finally chose a corner of the cafeteria. Because he was afraid of being discovered, Lin Banxia did not turn on the light. He lowered his head and carefully wrung out his wet clothes. Thinking back to what happened earlier, he felt a little aggrieved.

Lin Banxia couldn’t figure out why Song Qingluo, who was normally so good to him, suddenly became like this. He couldn’t even determine whether that person was Song Qingluo or not. If so, it would be okay, but how could he become like this?

Lin Banxia was lowering his head when he suddenly felt his eyes being covered by a pair of cold hands from behind. He was startled, and reflexively wanted to struggle, but the owner of those hands easily restrained his movements. Then, the cold lips gently pressed against his ear, sliding slowly, as if the next moment, he would bite it off.

“You…who are you?” Lin Banxia was stiff.

The man was silent.

“Is it you? Is it Song Qingluo?” He tentatively guessed the identity of the person behind him.

However, as soon as these words came out, the lips that had been gently rubbing against his ear suddenly opened and bit down hard. This bite was a bit harsh, and Lin Banxia let out a whimper. He wanted to break free, but his strength was no match for the opponent, so he could only let him increase his strength.

“Stop, stop…” Lin Banxia trembled as he was bitten, “Song Qingluo, what on earth are you doing?”

“Why are you running?” As expected, it was Song Qingluo. When he spoke, he gently licked Lin Banxia’s ear, as if to comfort him.

Lin Banxia’s body was shaking slightly, and his eyes were still covered by Song Qingluo. He said, “Let go, I won’t run away.”

Song Qingluo didn’t respond.

“I really won’t run away.” Lin Banxia said hoarsely.

“It’s not a question of whether you will run or not.” Song Qingluo squeezed Lin Banxia’s eyes with his fingers slightly, and said, “I just don’t like the look in your eyes when you see me.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

“Don’t you like me very much?” Song Qingluo said, “Why do you look at me like this?”

Lin Banxia said: “You…did you…kill someone?”

Song Qingluo said: “No, this is not considered murder.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

Lin Banxia felt Song Qingluo’s chin placed on his shoulder, and he gently rubbed his chin against Lin Banxia’s soft and moist hair, like a coquettish cat. If you ignored the strong scent of blood on him.

“Who are you?” Lin Banxia said, “I don’t believe that you… are Song Qingluo.”

“Tsk.” The person behind him tutted dissatisfiedly, rubbed Lin Banxia’s eyes roughly, and said, “Do you think you know Song Qingluo very well? You don’t even know where he comes from or what he is…”

Lin Banxia was a little confused: “What did you say? What is it? What do you mean? Isn’t Song Qingluo a human?”

However, the man behind him obviously had no intention of giving him an answer. He removed the hand covering Lin Banxia and gently pinched his chin. With a slight force of his hand, Lin Banxia turned his head and looked towards him.

It was still that beautiful face, still those dark eyes, and even the tenderness looking at him in the black eyes was so familiar, but Lin Banxia saw his hair sticking to his cheek, as dark as crow feathers, He was a little hesitant about his wet hair, but he still expressed his worries. He said, “Your hair is wet, let me dry it for you.” For some reason, he felt as if Song Qingluo didn’t like the rain and his body getting wet.

As soon as these words came out, Song Qingluo’s eyes softened a lot, but he did not let go of Lin Banxia’s hand. He said, “I know you don’t like it, but it doesn’t matter.”

Lin Banxia said: “What?”

Song Qingluo said, “Do you know how to leave from here?”

Lin Banxia caught the clue in Song Qingluo’s words, here? Wasn’t this a school? What did leaving mean?

“Although I’m a little reluctant to let go, this is the best way.” Song Qingluo said, “Don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt, and it will be over in a moment.” He smiled softly, and with his free hand, he lifted his hand from the bag, taking something out of it.

Lin Banxia took a closer look and saw that it was the sharp bone-cutting knife that Song Qingluo had in his hand earlier. When he saw the knife, he immediately froze and said, “What…are you going to do?”

Song Qingluo said: “Of course I will help you get out of here.”

Lin Banxia’s eyes widened. He now had no doubts about what Song Qingluo was going to do to him. The two people who died just now were obviously examples, but why, why did the world around him become like this? Song Qingluo had become so strange.

“Stupid.” Song Qingluo seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and sighed fondly, “Can’t you guess?”

Lin Banxia did think of something, but this answer was too ridiculous. Everything around him was so real. How could it be possible? He was in disbelief, as if he had been deceived, and said in a trembling voice: “Am I… dreaming?”

Song Qingluo smiled.

Lin Banxia wanted to ask again, but his lips were gently pressed by a finger. Song Qingluo leaned over and kissed him on the lips through his fingers. The tips of their noses touched, and Song Qingluo’s voice was as gentle as water when he said, “Be good, it won’t hurt.”

The next moment, Lin Banxia heard the sound of a sharp weapon cutting through the air. Before he could react, he felt something piercing his neck. Surprisingly…it really didn’t hurt. Lin Banxia was in a daze for a moment. Song Qingluo still held him, a little tightly, as if he was trying to press him into his body.

Lin Banxia’s vision darkened, and when his eyes caught the light again, he was back in his classroom.



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  1. soundindark says:

    SONG QINGLUO LORE W!!!!!!! translator, thank you for your hard work up to this point and beyond 🙏 im so hyped for more song qingluo lore

    1. thegalewhale says:

      Thank you for readingヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ. I’m also excited to find out more about Song Qingluo. He has always been so mysterious.

  2. trippuchi says:

    As the prophecy (foreshadowing) foretold! Song Qingluo lore!!! I always suspect that Song Qingluo is the companion to the dream. He hates the rain, which we now know is the trigger condition for the dream. He’s abnormally light, perhaps because gravity doesn’t work the same way in dreams. He likes Coke a lot???? Lol that one might just be a personality quirk. We found out earlier that the original monitor who sealed the object quit his job later, and no one can remember him anymore. This a clue but also might be a red herring. Thanks for the translation!

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