Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 59.1 Dream

While waiting for the food to be served, Lin Banxia asked about Jiang Xin. After asking, he realized that he didn’t know his roommate as well as Song Qingluo. Even after thinking about it carefully at this time, he actually didn’t know much about it. It was strange to not remember what his roommates looked like. It stood to reason that he had been living in the school for almost two years. Why couldn’t he even remember the faces of his roommates? Lin Banxia frowned and said, “You and Jiang Xin… Are you familiar?”

“Not familiar.” Song Qingluo looked up, opened his chopsticks, and said calmly, “Actually, my memory is very good. I basically remember everyone I have met, but…”

Lin Banxia said: “But?”

Song Qingluo said: “But I don’t know many people in school, only about twenty at most.”

Lin Banxia asked strangely: “Didn’t you say you have a good memory?”

“This is the problem.” Song Qingluo said, “There are some people in the school, that no matter how many times I look at them, I will never remember their faces. There are also some people who I have only met once, yet I seem to know them.” He slowly picked up a mouthful of noodles and brought it to his mouth.

Lin Banxia had seen a lot of people eating, but it was rare for people to enjoy the noodles they ate as much as Song Qingluo did. He thought for a while: “Could we be thinking too much?”

Song Qingluo said, “Didn’t you encounter some weird occurrences?”

Lin Banxia said: “…Indeed.” He remembered the appearance of the mobile phone and described the matter to Song Qingluo in detail.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was also brought rice noodles covered with beef, sauce, fried sausage, pickled pork shreds, and chicken offal… With the amount of ingredients, the rice noodles which were supposed to be the main ingredient were almost invisible. The boss also used an extra-large bowl.

Lin Banxia never imagined that he could ever have so much food, so he stopped talking and began to eat with gusto. Song Qingluo stopped using his chopsticks and looked at Lin Banxia, ​​who was holding a noodle bowl that was bigger than his head. He was humming and eating with extra effort. Seeing that he was staring at him, he just raised his bulging cheeks and mumbled vaguely: “Does it look like I am making a dent in it?”

Song Qingluo raised the corners of his mouth in a good mood and said slowly: “Eat slowly, don’t rush.”

After eating a bowl full of noodles, Lin Banxia was exhausted. Adhering to the mood of not wasting food, he just stuffed the food into his mouth and even finished with a big mouthful of soup. When he finally left his seat, Lin Banxia felt that he was staggering a little, and it was Song Qingluo who reached out to help stabilize him.

“Do you want to go out for a walk to digest?” Song Qingluo suggested.

Lin Banxia nodded quickly.

So, the two of them walked around the school. Song Qingluo talked for a while and found that Lin Banxia ignored him and asked doubtfully: “Why don’t you talk?”

Lin Banxia pointed to his mouth.

Song Qingluo said: “?”

Lin Banxia said slowly: “If I open my mouth… I’m going to… vomit, huh!”

Song Qingluo: “…” He finally understood what it means to really eat until his throat is full. He looked down and suddenly reached for the zipper of Lin Banxia’s clothes. He grabbed the zipper and unzipped Lin Banxia’s coat, under which Lin Banxia was wearing a white T-shirt.

Lin Banxia was pulled to a stop. It wasn’t until Song Qingluo’s warm hand gently covered his stomach that he realized what Song Qingluo was doing, but by this time, it was already too late. Song Qingluo gently pressed Lin Banxia’s bulging belly without changing his expression: “It’s really full.”

Lin Banxia: “Don’t…don’t press…I’m going to vomit…”

Song Qingluo couldn’t help smiling. He rarely smiled so brightly, but Lin Banxia was stunned.

Fortunately, Song Qingluo was probably just curious about the feeling and didn’t bother Lin Banxia’s belly anymore. The two walked around the playground two times. Lin Banxia finally couldn’t stand it anymore and said that he wanted to go back and continue doing his homework. Song Qingluo nodded in agreement. Before Lin Banxia left, he told him to stay away from the man named Jiang Xin. It seemed that Jiang Xin’s mental state was not good, and he might have been affected by the death of his friend.

“The two of them had a very good relationship. They were almost inseparable.” Song Qingluo reiterated, “To have such a friend die, it must have been a big blow to him. It is normal for him to have mental problems.”

Lin Banxia thought about it. If something happened to his best friend, he would definitely be very sad. However, for some reason, when he thought of the word best friend, he glanced at Song Qingluo quietly, and then lowered his head as if nothing had happened.

After returning from the playground, Lin Banxia walked slowly to the classroom. Because he was worried that Jiang Xin was still there, he planned to observe first before going in, so he deliberately walked lightly to the window to look inside. Unexpectedly, he didn’t see Jiang Xin, but he saw Li Ye holding Li Su in his arms.

This time, Lin Banxia saw clearly that Li Su was imprisoned in Li Ye’s arms. Their faces overlapped and their lips touched. Li Su’s sobs contained to escape, but his hands did not push Li Ye away, on the other hand, they rested weakly on his shoulders.

Lin Banxia stood there dumbfoundedly. His first reaction was that Li Su was being bullied, but he immediately understood that there is no such thing as bullying. The two of them were clearly doing things that lovers would do, but they were obviously two men. How could two men…?

When Lin Banxia thought of this, Song Qingluo’s beautiful face actually appeared in his mind. He immediately realized that something was wrong with his thoughts, and shook his head hard, trying to get rid of this strange thought.

Li Su didn’t notice Lin Banxia, ​​but Li Ye stopped, leaned over, and whispered something in his ear. Li Su’s cheeks immediately turned red, and his body froze in place. Taking advantage of this gap, Li Ye cast his eyes out the window and met Lin Banxia’s eyes. His eyes were green and usually looked cold. At this time, they had a dangerous glint, Lin Banxia instantly read the threat in his eyes.

Lin Banxia was more embarrassed than scared. He withdrew his eyes, turned around and walked away. He waited on the stairs for another ten minutes before returning to the classroom.

At this time, Li Ye had disappeared, and only Li Su was left. He saw Lin Banxia and greeted him with a smile. It was just that Lin Banxia had just seen that scene, and now he looked at Li Su and felt a little uncomfortable, he responded vaguely and looked away.

Li Su was used to Lin Banxia’s character and didn’t think there was anything wrong with him. He smiled and walked to Lin Banxia’s side and said, “Banxia, ​​where were you just now?”

Lin Banxia said: “I went out to have a meal with someone.”

“Hey, I saw you.” Li Su said, “That person is Song Qingluo, right? When did you two develop such a good relationship, and…” He sat next to Lin Banxia, ​​speaking casually.

After a long meal, Lin Banxia began to doze off while listening. By the time Li Su noticed, he was already lying on the table, breathing evenly, and was obviously asleep.

Li Su was dumbfounded and asked Lin Banxia, ​​“Are you a pig? Why did you fall asleep now?” Just as he was muttering, he suddenly felt a cold gaze.

Li Su turned his head and saw a student named Jiang Xin in their class. He knew him but was not familiar with him. He only knew that he was good friends with the dead Qin Xu and was Lin Banxia’s roommate.

“Why are you staring at me?” Li Su was not as good-tempered as Lin Banxia, ​​and his eyes turned cold, “Is something wrong?”

Jiang Xin said nothing, lowered his head and stopped talking.

“Don’t bully Lin Banxia just because you think he has a good temper.” Li Su said coldly, “You’d better figure it out early, he is not someone you can bully.”

Jiang Xin said: “I didn’t… bully him.”

Li Su said: “Then why the hell are you staring at him?”

“I’m just helping him.” Jiang Xin’s voice was calm, and the words he said were a bit creepy. He said, “I’m helping him get out of here, no, I’m helping everyone get out of here.”

Li Su sneered: “You are so weird; can you say something normal?”

Jiang Xin said nothing, silently walked to his seat and sat down. Li Su’s originally good mood was disrupted by him. He glanced at Lin Banxia, ​​then looked out the window, and found that the clouds in the sky were beginning to gather again, and it seemed that a heavy downpour was about to fall.

There were no lights on in the classroom, and the familiar classroom seemed a bit strange at first glance.

Li Su licked his lips, tilted his head, and weighed the sharp compass in his hand.


Lin Banxia had never slept so deeply during lunch break. In a daze, he heard the continuous thunder. Lin Banxia opened his eyes, and for a moment he couldn’t even figure out where he was. After being in a daze for a while, he realized that he was in the classroom. The sky that was clear just a moment ago had now become completely dark. The classroom without lights was as dark as another world. Lin Banxia looked around and didn’t see Li Su. He thought he was gone, so he stood up from the chair and planned to go to the door to turn on the classroom lights. However, when he got to the door, he found that the lights were broken. There was a power outage in the school, and there was no response no matter how hard he pressed it.

Lin Banxia felt a little uncomfortable. This feeling had no reason and appeared very suddenly. When he returned to the classroom, he suddenly remembered something and looked up at the clock hanging in front of the classroom. The clock was ticking. The hour and minute hands coincided and pointed at the number twelve.

Is it twelve o’clock? Lin Banxia was stunned immediately. He was a little confused and didn’t understand why it was twelve o’clock because he had just taken a nap for a while. Next to the window, a series of bright lightning suddenly flashed, illuminating the dark classroom. Only then did Lin Banxia notice that a figure stood at the door of the classroom. The figure was wearing a school uniform and had his back turned to him. He really couldn’t recognize his appearance.

Lin Banxia’s first reaction was whether this person was Li Su, and he shouted: “Li Su? Is that you?”

No one answered.

There was another continuous burst of thunder, and Lin Banxia remembered something. He reached out and touched in his schoolbag and took out a small desk lamp. This desk lamp was what he usually used for reading in the dormitory because there was no electricity in the dormitory, so they are all brought them to the classroom to recharge. Lin Banxia turned on the only light source and took two tentative steps towards the door. The person standing at the door remained motionless until Lin Banxia walked behind him.

“Li Su? Is that you?” Lin Banxia asked cautiously.

After getting closer, Lin Banxia discovered that this man’s height and hairstyle were very similar to Li Su, so he became more and more sure of his guess and shouted, “Why don’t you say anything?”

The man still didn’t answer. His body blocked the only exit. Lin Banxia couldn’t get around him if he wanted to go out. So, Lin Banxia tentatively stretched out his hand and patted the man’s back gently. Unexpectedly, as soon as he touched him, he realized that something was wrong. It didn’t feel like he was patting someone’s strong back. Instead, it felt as if… as if he had touched something soft.

Lin Banxia only patted the person in front of him, yet it caused them to collapse. However, their body seemed to have no bones. The person collapsed into a ball of boneless, rotten flesh. The hair and face of the pile of rotten meat was facing up. Lin Banxia could clearly see through the dim light from the desk lamp that his mouth was still opening and closing, as if he was saying something.


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