Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 57.2 Dream

Indeed, as Lin Banxia said, there is someone behind the door, but he was not a living person. The man’s neck was strangled by a rope hung from the water pipe above. His tongue was sticking out and his expression was extremely twisted. He was still wearing a student’s school uniform, so he was clearly their classmate.

Li Su instantly understood why he couldn’t see this man’s feet just now… His feet were hanging dozens of centimeters off the ground. How could they see them when they squatted down. This extremely terrifying scene made Li Su take a few steps back uncontrollably. He didn’t stop until his back was against the wall. His face had no color and even his voice was soft: “F*ck. D*mn, d*mn, how could this happen?”

Lin Banxia stood in front of him, remembering the words he heard just now, “I can’t get down, please help me get down.” At this moment, he understood the meaning of these words, and he suddenly found it a little creepy.

Li Su kept swearing behind him, as if he wanted to use swear words to drive away the uneasiness in his heart. He tugged at Lin Banxia, ​​dumbfounded: “Lin Banxia, ​​why are you still standing there? Go out and call the police… ”

Lin Banxia suddenly realized: “Yes!”

Li Su was going crazy. He thought he was very brave, but when he saw a dead person, the hair on his body still all stood up. However, the thin and weak Lin Banxia in front of him, who looked like a small animal, actually stood firm from beginning to end. There was no reaction, he didn’t even say a word. If his expression hadn’t changed at all, Li Su would have even wondered if he was scared out of his wits.

After coming out of the toilet, Li Su quickly called 110. His legs were a little weak and he squatted at the door without daring to go in and look.

Lin Banxia was standing nearby. Li Su glanced at him and realized that he was in a daze.

“What are you thinking about?” Li Su asked helplessly.

“I wonder how he got up there.” Lin Banxia said, “We didn’t see a stool under his feet just now, did we?”

Li Su was stunned. Indeed, the ground was empty and there was nothing that could be stepped on.

“So how did he get up there?” Lin Banxia asked curiously.

Li Su: “You are still in the mood to think about this? I admire you.”

Lin Banxia: “What should I think about?”

Li Su: “…” He couldn’t answer Lin Banxia’s question.

When the police heard that there was a murder, they came over very quickly, and their class teacher came with them. When the head teacher saw Li Su, he scolded him and blamed him for going back so late. If he encountered this kind of thing it was because he was looking for trouble. Looking at Lin Banxia who was standing next to him with an innocent expression, his voice suddenly became ten thousand times gentler. He asked Lin Banxia if he was scared and comforted him for a while.

After coming out of the office, Li Su looked unhappy and said, “This man is so old that he can’t see clearly. Can’t he tell who is scared?”

Lin Banxia glanced at him: “Didn’t you say you’re not afraid?”

Li Su: “…” He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, “I mean, he should comfort you for a while, so as not to leave any shadow in your heart in the future and affect your grades!!”

Seeing his arrogant appearance, Lin Banxia felt that he was not so annoying anymore and couldn’t help but smile.

Li Su said angrily: “You’re still smiling, you’re still smiling…”

Lin Banxia smiled even brighter.

After all this trouble, it was already dark. Li Su packed his schoolbag and planned to go home. Lin Banxia originally wanted to tell him to pay attention to his safety, but he saw the foreign student who had come for Li Su before. When he reached the door, he was very tall. He looked like an adult leaning against the door.

Lin Banxia reminded Li Su: “Your friend is here.”

Li Su glanced at the man and said disdainfully: “He is not my friend.”

Lin Banxia said: “Ah? Then why do you often play together?”

Li Su gritted his teeth and said, “You and I are good friends when we play together, so the two of us also have to be good friends?”

Lin Banxia was speechless.

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter if I tell you.” Li Su seemed to be in a bad mood. He said, “Li Ye is the son of my stepmother who was brought back from abroad by my father, that is, my half-brother.” When he said the word “brother”, he almost gritted his teeth and spat it out. Lin Banxia didn’t know what happened to Li Ye to make him so resentful.

However, this was a family matter, and it was not easy for Lin Banxia to interfere. After Li Su finished speaking, he waved to him and went out with his schoolbag. Li Ye followed him, and the two left one after the other.

Lin Banxia also packed his schoolbag and returned to the dormitory. It was a little late when he went back. After Lin Banxia hurriedly washed up, he went to bed.

The next morning, word spread throughout the school that someone had died in the men’s room. There were various weird theories. The common theory was that he was under too much pressure to study. Some people said that he was rejected by the girl he liked and suffered a serious blow. Of course, there were also some rumors that he was cursed.

Because of this incident, the whole classroom was noisy all morning. Lin Banxia, ​​as the person involved in the first scene of the discovery, also attracted the attention of the whole class. They did not dare to harass Li Su, so they came to Lin Banxia to ask. After being asked this and that, Lin Banxia couldn’t bear it anymore and ran out of the classroom to catch his breath during lunch time.

Lin Banxia’s living expenses were very small. He normally ate the cheapest rice in school. Two yuan could buy three dishes. Although they were all vegetarian dishes, they were enough to eat with rice for one yuan. Lin Banxia was about to go over to the usual window, but his collar was suddenly grabbed by the person behind him. He was slightly startled, turned around and saw Song Qingluo.

Song Qingluo looked at him condescendingly and said, “Where are you going?”

Lin Banxia gestured at the meal card in his hand: “Having lunch…”

Song Qingluo said: “What do you plan to eat?”

Lin Banxia pointed to the window where he was going.

Song Qingluo took a look and pursed his lips slightly. Lin Banxia wondered if he was overthinking, but he always felt that Song Qingluo was not very happy.

“Come here.” Song Qingluo pulled Lin Banxia back.

Lin Banxia couldn’t resist him at all. He found that although Song Qingluo looked quite slender, he was very strong. He pulled him like he was pulling a plastic bag. He just pulled him and left. He found that all of the classmates around him looked over, and feared that his struggle would attract more attention, so he had no choice but to be carried to the teaching building by Song Qingluo.

Finally, Song Qingluo carried Lin Banxia into an office, threw Lin Banxia on a chair, said, “Sit down,” before going out. When he went out, he didn’t forget to lock the door from the outside.

Lin Banxia suddenly panicked, wondering if he was being locked up. What on earth was Song Qingluo going to do?

In a worried mood, Lin Banxia saw Song Qingluo coming back. What Song Qingluo brought back was a thermos lunchbox.

Song Qingluo threw the thermos lunchbox in front of Lin Banxia and spit out one word: “Eat.”

Lin Banxia was dumbfounded: “Eat? What must I eat?”

Song Qingluo stood in front of Lin Banxia, ​​his tone sounded a little helpless: “What else can you eat?” Before Lin Banxia could react, he reached out and pinched his face. However, he was not satisfied and tutted.

Lin Banxia immediately felt that he was disliked and whispered: “This is your lunch, right? What will you eat if I eat it?”

Song Qingluo said: “Let’s eat together.”

As he spoke, he opened the thermos lunchbox, revealing the sumptuous dishes inside. Lin Banxia just glanced at it and swallowed quietly, but immediately realized that this was bad behavior and wanted to refuse. However, as soon as the words of rejection came to his lips, Song Qingluo picked up a large piece of sausage and put it to his lips. Before he could refuse, the taste of the sausage was already on his tongue.

Fragrant, soft, and the unique umami and sweetness of the sausage quickly spread on the tip of the tongue. Lin Banxia’s whole body suddenly felt soft, and his eyes were round, as if he was frightened by this delicious food that he had never tasted before.

Seeing his expression, Song Qingluo frowned: “Don’t you like it?”

Lin Banxia: “I like…”

Song Qingluo: “Eat, you have to eat well.” He paused and added, “You’re too small.”

Lin Banxia wanted to say that he was quite big, but when he looked at Song Qingluo’s height and then at himself, he suddenly shrank.

After taking the first bite, the rest became natural. A lunchbox full of food seemed to be about enough for the two people.

Lin Banxia rarely ate such fine food. It was good if he could eat enough when he was a child. After entering junior high school, he spent most of his time in the cafeteria. Logically speaking, it should be the first time for him to eat such delicious food, but for some reason, the taste of this food actually made him feel familiar, so that while eating, his eyes became inexplicably wet.

Song Qingluo ate less. Halfway through, he put his chopsticks next to him and stared at Lin Banxia.

Lin Banxia was still immersed in eating, unaware that something was strange in the eyes of the person in front of him.

“You usually only eat in the canteen?” Song Qingluo asked.

“Yes.” Lin Banxia said, “The canteen is very good, cheap and clean.”

Song Qingluo thought for a while: “How much do you spend a month?”

The word money was probably Lin Banxia’s life’s disaster. When he heard the word, he felt a little panicked. He did a rough calculation and said vaguely: “Just…more than a hundred. A fifty-cent steamed bun every morning. A three-yuan meal at noon, a fifty-cent steamed bun or one-yuan noodles at night only cost four or five yuan a day, and no more than one hundred and fifty yuan a month.

“In this way, I can save money. The scholarship is basically enough for living expenses. However, I still have to work hard during the summer and winter vacation to help out in other small shops. In short, although life is difficult, I can still get through it.”

Song Qingluo’s expression was not very good, and Lin Banxia didn’t understand what his expression meant, so he carefully put down his chopsticks and whispered: “Why are you so nice to me?”

Song Qingluo said: “Guess?”

How could Lin Banxia guess since he was just an ordinary student, and he was a stranger to Song Qingluo a few days ago. He was naturally a little uncomfortable when he suddenly treated him so well, and even began to wonder if Song Qingluo had an ulterior purpose… But he was just a poor student, what could he be used for?

Lin Banxia said honestly: “I can’t guess.”

“Forget it if you can’t guess.” Song Qingluo said, “Just think of it as my whim.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

Song Qingluo said: “Keep eating, don’t waste it.”

Lin Banxia nodded. He would never waste food, so he continued to eat hard and was very happy. While he was eating, Song Qingluo asked about what happened last night. Lin Banxia told Song Qingluo everything in detail. After listening, Song Qingluo was silent for a while and asked: “Lin Banxia, do you dream?”

Lin Banxia said: “Of course I do.”

Song Qingluo said: “Then do you believe that people you don’t know will appear in dreams?”

The author has something to say:

Li Su: Lin Banxia, ​​you are so strange!!

Lin Banxia: What’s so strange?

Li Su: You are not afraid of ghosts but you’re afraid of Song Qingluo??

Song Qingluo: That’s right, ghosts wouldn’t want to have sex with him.

Lin Banxia:??

Li Su:????



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