Phantom Skeleton Painting

T/N: Hey guys. Sorry for the late chapter. I know I have been very inconsistent recently with posting the chapters, but things just seem to be going wrong one after the other and earlier this week my laptop decided that it is time for retirement. It is a struggle to get it to work properly and I don’t currently have money to replace it. So, for the time being I am borrowing a family member’s laptop to do the chapters. I am trying my best to still get the chapters out but obviously I can’t just use their laptop whenever.


Chapter 57.1 Dream

It was obvious that something was wrong, but after thinking about it, Lin Banxia couldn’t figure it out. It was because of the silence that the atmosphere between him and Song Qingluo became increasingly strange. The distance between the two of them was already very close. Almost as soon as he raised his head, the tip of his nose would brush against Song Qingluo’s cheek.

“That, that.” Lin Banxia whispered.

Song Qingluo said: “What?”

Lin Banxia asked: “Aren’t we too close?” After he said this, he was stared at by Song Qingluo’s dark eyes. Although there was no expression, Lin Banxia was inexplicably stared at, so his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally became inaudible, “Can you please stand a little further away?” This tone made him seem unconfident. It was Song Qingluo who was obviously the one who was being aggressive, but probably because he was so powerful, he gave Lin Banxia the illusion that he was the one who was wronged.

Song Qingluo didn’t move, and there was no expression on his face. He said calmly: “Is it too close? I think it’s okay.”

Lin Banxia widened his eyes, looking shocked.

His appearance pleased Song Qingluo. Instead of embarrassing the youth, he took a step back and whispered something softly.

Lin Banxia didn’t hear it clearly, but he felt like he was being teased. He lowered his head and looked at the toes of his shoes, not daring to look at Song Qingluo again: “I’ll go back first.”

“Go.” Song Qingluo finally let him go.

Lin Banxia hurriedly ran away. When he reached the stairs, he glanced in Song Qingluo’s direction and found that he was standing there and looking at him. He suddenly panicked, staggered a few steps, and almost fell. Luckily, he stretched out his hand to hold on to the wall next to him.

After trotting down the stairs and finally returning to the classroom, Lin Banxia sat down in his seat panting.

Li Su came back at some point, came over and joked: “Hey, your face is flushed. Which beautiful girl did you go out to meet?”

Lin Banxia said in horror: “What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Huh?” Li Su said, “Was my guess right?” He suddenly became interested, with a gossipy expression that he was bound to find out the truth from Lin Banxia.

In the end, it was Lin Banxia’s desk-mate who couldn’t stand it anymore and said helplessly: “Li Su, you’re being too much. Stop teasing Lin Banxia. It was Song Qingluo who called him out. What pretty girl?”

Li Su: “Song Qingluo?? He called you out??”

Lin Banxia thought that Li Su would let him go, so he nodded, but Li Su, a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, was even more excited: “This is more exciting than a beautiful girl! How do you know him? What did he say to you?”

Lin Banxia collapsed: “He told me that if Li Su harasses me again, he will beat Li Su!” He was just joking, but Li Su shut up the next second and muttered something about him being stingy.

Lin Banxia was surprised at how Li Su could be so obedient when he heard his desk-mate say with a smile: “This Li Su was dealt with by Song Qingluo before.”

“Oh, that’s it.” Lin Banxia suddenly realized.

His desk-mate said, “Don’t you know these things?”

Lin Banxia hesitated and said, “I’ve never heard of it.”

“Oh, maybe you love studying too much.” After thinking about it for a while, the desk-mate could only come up with such an explanation that was not an explanation.

Lin Banxia said: “You all know these things? When did it happen?”

His desk-mate said: “You are a freshman in high school. Of course, we know everything. Not only the class, but the whole school should know about it.”

Lin Banxia said oh, but his eyes were puzzled. He didn’t have much of an impression of what his classmates said. No, to be precise, he didn’t have a deep impression of what was happening around him. Even when he looked around, he felt that his classmates were a little strange, and several of them couldn’t be named. The only one who left more of an impression was Li Su, who kept talking to him.

He seemed to have felt this way before, maybe because of what happened in the past few days, this feeling has become more prominent.

It was past nine o’clock, and the day students had already finished their evening self-study. The students were leaving one after another, and the classroom was almost instantly empty.

Lin Banxia was reading with his head down, not paying much attention to the surrounding situation. When he realized what was going on, there were not many people in the classroom. He just wanted to go to the toilet, so he put down the book in his hand and stood up to solve his physical problem. When he walked to the corridor, he suddenly found that it had started to rain again.

The rain came suddenly. It was obvious that the moon had been hanging high just a moment ago, but now the whole world suddenly became dark. The lights in the corridor were dim as Lin Banxia slowly walked to the toilet.

There were no lights on in the toilet, most of the stalls were open, only one door was closed, and everything was dark.

Lin Banxia had solved his physical problem and was washing his hands with his head down when he heard someone shout: “Is there anyone there?”

Lin Banxia thought it was some classmate and said, “What’s wrong?”

The man said, “Can you come over and help me?”

Lin Banxia’s first reaction was that this person didn’t bring any toilet paper. He touched his pocket and said, “I don’t bring any paper either. Can I get some for you?”

“No, it’s not that I didn’t bring any paper.” The man said, “I can’t get down. Please help me get down.”

Lin Banxia was confused: “You can’t get down? Where did you go? Why can’t you get down?”

The man said: “Come and help me quickly, I really can’t get down.”

Lin Banxia had no idea what this man meant, so he had no choice but to walk to the door of the cubicle and pat the door: “Are you in there? What happened? Can you open the door?”

The man didn’t answer and kept repeating, “Please help me.” From the beginning of his pleading, his tone became more and more crazy, and finally became hoarse, sounding very terrifying. Lin Banxia felt that something was wrong, and wondered if something had happened to this person, so he squatted down, trying to see what was going on inside through the gap, but who knew that after he squatted down, he suddenly fell silent. It was dark, but he could still clearly see that the compartment was empty—no one was squatting in it at all.

However, the harsh voice continued to scream for help, even accompanied by shrill cries. Lin Banxia took a few steps back hesitantly. He glanced at the cubicle and decided to go out to find someone for help.

It was too late now, the teachers had all left the school, and there were only a few students left in the classroom. Lin Banxia glanced around and saw Li Su squatting in the corner, and it was unknown what he was doing, and shouted: “Li Su.”

Li Su raised his head and looked at Lin Banxia: “What’s wrong?”

Lin Banxia said: “Come out for a moment.”

Li Su said, “What’s the matter?” He jumped down from the chair and walked to Lin Banxia, ​​”It’s really strange that you are willing to call me.”

Lin Banxia said: “Stop talking nonsense, I really have something to ask you.”

Li Su said: “What’s wrong?”

“It seems like someone is asking for help in the toilet.” Lin Banxia said, “Can your mobile phone provide light? Can you come with me and take a look?”

Li Su said: “Calling for help? They can still ask for help when they go to the toilet? Could it be that they fell into a pit.”

Lin Banxia really disagreed with his inappropriate humor, but after all, he had something to ask for, and was too embarrassed to tell him. He just showed a helpless look: “Can your mobile phone provide lighting? The light in the toilet is broken so I can’t see anything.”

“Okay.” Li Su smiled.

The two of them walked to the door of the toilet. The shouting had stopped, and the small toilet was shrouded in silence and darkness. Li Su’s footsteps stopped at the door and hesitantly called, “Is there anyone there?”

No one answered.

“There seems to be no one.” Li Su turned to look at Lin Banxia.

Lin Banxia said: “What do you want me to do? Go in?”

Li Su said calmly: “Why go in? Isn’t there no one inside?”

Lin Banxia pointed to the closed compartment in the corner and said, “There is someone inside.” Seeing that Li Su still refused to take a step, he asked suspiciously, “Are you afraid?”

Li Su choked up and said loudly: “Afraid? What am I afraid of? I, Li Su, have nothing to be afraid of in this world!”

Lin Banxia: “Then let’s go in?”

Li Su: “…” He said he was not afraid, but he moved into the toilet at a turtle’s speed, with a reluctant expression that could hardly be concealed.

Lin Banxia asked him to turn on the lighting function of his phone. He waited for a long time before it turned on. Finally, Lin Banxia couldn’t stand it anymore and said, “Give me your phone and I’ll go take a look. If you’re afraid, just go to the door and wait.”

Unexpectedly, after Li Su heard this, he suddenly became angry and said: “Lin Banxia, ​​don’t look down on people, I am Li Su! Don’t you know who I am? I’m afraid? Even if a ghost comes today, I will take care of him. I’ll press his head against the toilet and flushed the water for another ten minutes!” As he spoke, he held up his cell phone and squatted down to look inside the cubicle. He looked at it for a while and said doubtfully, “There doesn’t seem to be anyone in there. Are you really sure that there is someone in there?”

Lin Banxia said: “Of course.”

Li Su rolled his eyes: “I’ll open the door.”

Lin Banxia was about to ask him how to open the door, when he saw Li Su raise his foot and kick down the thin compartment door. He looked like a girl but acted like an irritable old man. Before Lin Banxia could react, he kicked the door panel out of shape. What left Lin Banxia speechless the most was while he was kicking the door in, he warned Lin Banxia, ​​”When the teacher asks, please don’t say it was me who kicked it.”

Lin Banxia: “…” You are really prepared for a rainy day.

Li Su didn’t have any energy left at all. After a few kicks, the door creaked softly and was about to fall to the ground. Li Su naturally felt that there was no one in the toilet cubicle. He was about to say that Lin Banxia was thinking too much, but when he saw the scene behind the door panel, he froze in place.


If possible please consider supporting me on Patreon or Ko-fi. I will be working on a stockpile for Patreon where you can read advanced chapters for as little as $3 a month. Alternatively, I will release an extra chapter for every Ko-fi donation I receive. It might not be on that exact day, but it will be released within the week.



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