Phantom Skeleton Painting

T/N: Hey guys, sorry about the late chapter. For some reason the scheduled chapter didn’t post as it was supposed to.


Chapter 55.2 Dream

Song Qingluo held up an umbrella and got out of the car first. He never liked rain. With such a heavy rain, the umbrella held in his hand was almost useless. Lin Banxia was worried that he was uncomfortable, but he just gave Lin Banxia a comforting look.

Bai Luze carefully put on a raincoat and got out of the car, but he seemed to be a little too weak. Before he could take two steps, he stumbled and fell directly to the muddy ground.

Upon seeing this, Lin Banxia hurriedly stepped forward to support him and said, “Are you okay?”

Bai Luze said: “I’m fine.” He wanted to stand up but struggled a few times without success. Lin Banxia saw this and put a little force into his hands, which allowed him to stand up. After he stood up, Lin Banxia was surprised to find that there were red marks on the place where he fell, as if he had been injured. He hurriedly asked: “Were you injured?”

Bai Luze pursed his lips and said hoarsely: “No, it’s…a wound from before.”

Song Qingluo stood beside him, sighed, and said softly: “There is no need to hide it from Banxia, he will know sooner or later.”

Bai Luze’s eyes dimmed, he raised his head and glanced at Lin Banxia, ​​stretched out his hand, lifted up his sleeves, and exposed his arms.

Lin Banxia took a deep breath after just one glance. He saw that Bai Luze’s arms were covered with wounds of all sizes. Some were scabbed, and some were still bleeding. At first glance, they looked like they had just been made. This situation was so shocking that Lin Banxia suddenly thought of many bad things. He grabbed Bai Luze and asked nervously: “Why are your hands like this? Did someone bully you?”

Bai Luze smiled bitterly: “Not really.”

Lin Banxia said: “Then why?”

“As long as I get injured, it will rain.” Bai Luze said, “The more serious the injury, the heavier the rain.” He coughed twice, and his thin body trembled, as if he was about to be overwhelmed.

Lin Banxia was stunned. Naturally, he would not forget what he had just read in the document. As long as the rain stopped, the person who fell into the dream would wake up. In order to keep the rain falling, Bai Luze had to keep adding wounds to his body.

“It won’t work if the rain is too light. There have been cases like this before.” Bai Luze said, “So the rain has to get heavier and heavier… Seven days, seven days is the limit. It is not my limit; it is the limit of this city.”

The driver, who didn’t say much, stood beside him and raised the umbrella over Bai Luze’s head.

Bai Luze’s pale face looked very calm as he said, “So you only have seven days.”

Song Qingluo said softly: “Let’s go.”

The four of them continued forward and reached the door of the black building.

After going through the security check, confirming his identity, and passing through several doors, Lin Banxia entered the interior of the building. This building was somewhat similar to the building in which the stone was sealed after they went to the village previously. Everything inside the building was eye-catchingly white, which was a bit dazzling at first glance.

Soon a few staff members wearing work clothes received Song Qingluo. Song Qingluo confirmed some information with them, and then took Lin Banxia into an elevator. After swiping his card, the elevator kept went down.

The atmosphere around them was so solemn that Lin Banxia didn’t dare to ask where they were going. He just stood in the corner holding his luggage. Xiaohua was in his luggage. He was afraid of her being discovered by others, so he hugged it nervously.

The elevator finally stopped in a narrow and closed space. It was still surrounded by white walls, but the walls were inlaid with transparent glass.

A staff member stood in front of the elevator and did not move forward. He said to Song Qingluo: “Mr. Song, those people are on this floor. I can’t go any further. Look, do you want to go in directly…or… Do you want to take a rest first?”

Song Qingluo said: “How are they doing?”

“It’s pretty stable,” the staff member said.

Song Qingluo glanced at Lin Banxia and said calmly: “Let’s rest for a while before going in. I have some things I want to discuss with my partner.”

The staff agreed.

The elevator rose again, and the staff skillfully arranged a rest room for them, with food in it.

Lin Banxia didn’t eat much on the train. Now he was really hungry, so he picked up something and ate it. Song Qingluo raised his hand and looked at the watch: “Rest for thirty minutes. After thirty minutes, let’s go in.”

Lin Banxia said: “By the way, those people are sleeping in a coma, can their bodies hold up?”

Song Qingluo said: “It doesn’t matter, after they fall into deep sleep, their physiological activities will also stop.”

Lin Banxia said: “What was the longest time that they slept for?”

Song Qingluo said: “Ten days.”

Lin Banxia was stunned: “That means it rained for ten days in a row?”

“Yes.” Song Qingluo said, “The limit of the city’s ability to bear all this rain is ten days.”

Lin Banxia fell silent. Their city was inland. According to the amount of rain outside, it had been raining for ten consecutive days. It seemed that it was not easy for the city to handle the rain. However, according to the information, the danger of this dream was obviously not small. If it spread, hundreds more people may die. What a dilemma.

Song Qingluo changed his clothes into clean work clothes and ate some food. Then he handed his and Lin Banxia’s luggage to the staff and asked him to deliver the luggage to his home. He was probably worried that Xiaohua, who was in the luggage, would be discovered. Thirty minutes passed quickly, and the staff took them into the elevator again.

Lin Banxia felt that there was nothing to prepare, so he followed Song Qingluo and got off the elevator. However, when walking forward, Song Qingluo paused slightly and turned to look at Lin Banxia, ​​wanting to say something.

Lin Banxia thought he had something to tell him, so he said, “What’s wrong?”

“You can think about it again.” Song Qingluo said, “This time it will be very dangerous, and I am not too confident. After entering the dream, everything will be completely out of our control.”

Lin Banxia smiled and said: “I know, but it’s better to go with two people than to take the risk alone. The chance of success is higher.”

Song Qingluo took a deep look at Lin Banxia and nodded. The staff stopped at the elevator door, while Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo walked towards the depths of the building.

After walking through the long corridor and turning the corner, the monotonous white color in front of Lin Banxia’s eyes finally changed. He saw dozens of beds placed under the cold light. On the beds lay people wearing the same work clothes. Their faces were peaceful, as if they were in a deep sleep, not like they were in a terrible dream.

Lin Banxia remembered the method of infection written in the information. As long as you fell asleep next to someone infected by 47777, you would also be pulled into that dream.

While he was thinking, Song Qingluo had already found the two remaining beds, and gently patted Lin Banxia, ​​signaling him to come here.

“Just…sleep?” Lin Banxia asked.

“Yeah.” Song Qingluo nodded.

Lin Banxia lay obediently next to Song Qingluo. The bed was a folding bed, so it was not very comfortable to lie on, but Lin Banxia was indeed a little tired after coming all the way. He turned sideways and met Song Qingluo’s eyes for a while, then felt sleepy. However, seeing that Song Qingluo still looked alert, he asked curiously: “Aren’t you sleepy?”

Song Qingluo said: “Not very sleepy.”

“Then what if you can’t sleep?” Lin Banxia said with a smile.

“It’s okay, you can go to sleep first.” Song Qingluo said, “I’ll lie down for a while and then fall asleep.”

Lin Banxia hummed, yawned, and then closed his eyes. A strong sense of sleepiness soon came over him. He felt his breathing become softer. Darkness swept over his consciousness, and Lin Banxia fell into a deep sleep.

When Lin Banxia opened his eyes again, he was on a soft bed. Although it was not very big, it was soft enough. Someone called his name in his ear and patted his face with his hand: “Get up, get up, Lin Banxia, ​​aren’t you going to school yet?”

Lin Banxia opened his eyes blankly and saw his roommate standing beside his bed, almost slapping him.

Lin Banxia got up from the bed, feeling a little confused: “I seem to have had a dream.”

The roommate said: “What did you dream about?”

“It’s a mess.” Lin Banxia rubbed his temples, trying to wake himself up, “It’s so weird.”

The roommate said: “Okay, okay, don’t be weird. Don’t be late for today’s quiz. I’m leaving first. You should hurry up.” After saying that, he picked up his schoolbag and rushed out of the dormitory.

Lin Banxia was still a little confused. After a while, he finally recovered and remembered that he had a quiz later. He was now in his second year of high school, and it was a time when he was very nervous about studying. There was a quiz once a week. He looked at the time and found that he was indeed going to be late soon. So, he didn’t care about anything else and got up from the bed, grabbed his schoolbag and ran to the teaching building.

He was a little late. When he rushed into the classroom, the quiz had already started. Fortunately, he was usually a good student, so when the teacher saw him, he just raised his chin slightly, signaling him to hurry in and didn’t reprimand him.

Lin Banxia sat down panting, picked up a pen and started to do the questions. The spring sunshine came in from the window and was bright and dazzling. Lin Banxia held his pen and worked on the questions seriously. For some reason, he felt that the surrounding scene was inexplicably familiar, as if he had experienced it before, but this feeling only lasted for a moment, so he quickly put it behind him and continued to do it seriously.

Today was an English quiz. The questions were not difficult. Lin Banxia did well and quickly finished most of the questions. When he was about to do the next questions, his chair was kicked by someone behind him.

“Hey, Lin Banxia.” The man called softly, “Show me the answers to the multiple-choice question.”

Lin Banxia glanced behind him and saw a snow-white face, that of Li Su. Although Li Su has a cute face, the things he did were completely incompatible with the temperament of his face. Not to mention his grades, he also liked to hang out with students from other schools. Lin Banxia felt that he wasn’t very familiar with him, so he didn’t really want to help. However, when he ignored him, he started kicking him harder and harder. Seeing that Lin Banxia could no longer sit still on the stool, the teacher finally noticed something strange here, walked up to Li Su, and scolded him.

Li Su was not afraid of trouble and stuck out his tongue at Lin Banxia.

The teacher angrily asked Li Su to stand at the door, then he stood up casually and went out laughing.

Lin Banxia breathed a sigh of relief and continued to work on his own questions. There were about ten minutes left before he finished the entire paper. He checked it roughly and felt that the time was almost up, so he began to fall into a daze, waiting to hand in the paper.

The sun was getting stronger, and it was a little hot on his body. Lin Banxia unbuttoned the first button of his shirt and glanced out the window.

Outside the window was the playground, and students from other classes were taking physical education classes at this time. Lin Banxia noticed that there was a beautiful boy with skin as white as porcelain standing in the shade of a tree to enjoy the cool air. He seemed to notice his gaze and raised his eyes to look over. Lin Banxia met his eyes and felt a little familiar. He was about to think carefully about whether he had seen this person before, but suddenly a deep shadow fell in front of his eyes.

With a loud cracking sound, as well as the students’ clamor and shrill screams, Lin Banxia realized that someone had jumped from the building.

The body fell right in front of the pretty boy, and blood even splattered on his cheek, but he seemed indifferent. Until the teacher rushed over and pulled him away, Lin Banxia didn’t see any unnecessary expression on his face.

This man was as cold as a piece of ice, Lin Banxia had this thought in his mind.

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: It seems like we are back in high school!!!

Song Qingluo: Why are you reacting so loudly?

Lin Banxia drew his sword and roared: All my money is gone, no one is waiting for me to go back, not even heretical things!!

Song Qingluo:…………


If possible please consider supporting me on Patreon or Ko-fi. I will be working on a stockpile for Patreon where you can read advanced chapters for as little as $3 a month. Alternatively, I will release an extra chapter for every Ko-fi donation I receive. It might not be on that exact day, but it will be released within the week.



  1. Aneel says:

    If I may suggest, the references to “little flowers” in the luggage in this chapter should probably be changed to Xiao Hua. I somehow don’t think our protagonists are hiding actual flowers in their bag, they’re probably talking about the entity Xiao Hua.

    1. thegalewhale says:

      Hahahaha!!! You are right! I was wondering what the hell they were talking about. I actually forgot that Xiaohua is little flower. Thanks for pointing it out I’ll fix it now.

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