Phantom Skeleton Painting

T/N: Merry Christmas everyone!!! I hope you guys have a wonderful time with family and friends.


Chapter 51.2 Sister

As soon as the call button was pressed, a burst of wailing accompanied by insults came from the other end of the phone. After listening for a while, Lin Banxia recognized the voice of his cousin He Tianlei. He was very agitated and spoke in dialect, even Lin Banxia had a hard time listening. After barely understanding, he cast a stunned look at Song Qingluo.

“What’s wrong?” Song Qingluo didn’t understand at all.

“Something happened to my uncle.” Lin Banxia said blankly, “He said that he went… crazy.”

Song Qingluo was slightly stunned: “Why is he crazy?”

Lin Banxia said: “I don’t know.” He asked a few questions in dialect, but He Tianlei couldn’t listen at all. He just kept insulting. Lin Banxia listened for a while, then simply hung up the phone and said, “Let’s go. He can’t tell me clearly, let’s go back to the hospital and take a look.”

Song Qingluo said yes.

The two of them hurried back to the inpatient department of the hospital. However, as soon as they arrived on the floor where Aunt Lin Banxia was, they found that the floor was full of people watching the excitement, including family members and patients. They were all curious, and many people were discussing in whispers.

Lin Banxia listened casually and roughly understood what happened. They said that when a man went to the toilet, he suddenly went crazy and rushed out of the toilet while crawling. He rolled directly down the stairs, as if he was lifeless. It was dangerous, but one of his legs was broken, and when he was carried away by the medical staff, he was still shouting for help, which looked particularly breathtaking. The worst thing was that this man also had a wife who suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. If you thought about it carefully, it seemed as if the whole family had been possessed… It was unknow if they had offended something that they shouldn’t have offended…

Lin Banxia knew as soon as he heard that this man must be his uncle, but what happened to him and why did he suddenly go crazy? Just as Lin Banxia was about to ask carefully, a cursing man came from the end of the corridor and rushed directly in front of Lin Banxia, ​​wanting to attack him. Lin Banxia took a closer look and found out that it was his cousin He Tianlei. At this time, he looked ferocious, his eyes were red, and he looked as scary as an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

Seeing that he wanted to attack Lin Banxia, ​​Song Qingluo raised his leg without hesitation and kicked him to the ground.

He Tianlei fell to the ground, but still refused to admit defeat, and yelled at Lin Banxia again. Although Song Qingluo couldn’t understand what he was saying, he also knew that he definitely didn’t say anything good, so his expression became cold, and his tone was serious. Song Qingluo said: “If you curse again, I will pull out your tongue.”

He Tianlei shut up immediately. He actually felt that this man was serious.

Lin Banxia looked at him and said, “What happened?”

He Tianlei reflexively wanted to curse, but he saw Song Qingluo narrowing his eyes slightly, and suddenly turned away from the curse words on his lips and said: “Lin Banxia, ​​you are going to kill my dad!!”

Lin Banxia was surprised: “I want to kill your dad? What did I do?”

“You already left, why did you come back?!” He Tianlei said bitterly, “It’s fine now, it’s fine now…”

Lin Banxia said: “Where is your dad?”

He Tianlei pointed to another ward.

Lin Banxia was too lazy to pay attention to him, turned around and walked to the door of the ward. Before entering, he heard the whining inside. Lin Banxia took a look and found that it was his uncle who was fixed on the bed with a restraint belt and his mouth was gagged with a towel, looking like he’s having a psychotic episode.

At this time, when he saw Lin Banxia, ​​he suddenly started struggling violently, whining, and looking extremely panicked.

Lin Banxia looked at him and asked doubtfully: “What did he see?” He took a few steps forward and walked to his uncle’s side. His uncle’s struggle became more intense, and he kept shouting one word. Lin Banxia Xia listened for a while and finally understood.

What he shouted was: “Cabinet.”

Cabinet? What cabinet? Lin Banxia didn’t understand. He reached out to untie the towel from his uncle’s mouth but was stopped by He Tianlei.

“Don’t untie him, he will bite his tongue.” He Tianlei said.

Lin Banxia had no choice but to give up and said, “What on earth did your dad see?”

“How would I know?” He Tianlei said, “He just went to the toilet and came back like this.”

Lin Banxia frowned.

“Let’s go out and wait for the doctor to calm him down.” He Tianlei’s tone was still not good.

Lin Banxia nodded and followed He Tianlei out. Neither of them noticed that when they walked out, their uncle let out extremely desperate sobs. His eyes stayed on the small cabinet opposite the bed, as if there was something in that cabinet. He was afraid of something, but he couldn’t move at all.

With a click, the door to the ward was closed, and the room became quiet, leaving him alone.

Lin Banxia’s uncle kept whimpering and wanted to get up from the bed, but the restraints prevented his movement. After a moment, he heard a soft sound, which was the sound of the cabinet door opening.

The three people outside the ward had no idea what was happening inside.

He Tianlei lit a cigarette and took a few puffs, as if to suppress the anger in his heart. He said, “Where were you just now?”

Lin Banxia said calmly: “I went to the cemetery.”

“Why are you going to the cemetery?” He Tianlei asked.

“Didn’t you say that He Xiaohua was buried there?” Lin Banxia said, “I went there, and she wasn’t.”

He Tianlei sneered, “Are you really stupid or are you just pretending to be stupid? He Xiaohua was not even one year old when she died. Which family would be willing to bury such a child who died young in a cemetery? Aren’t they just randomly burying them on a hill?”

Lin Banxia was surprised: “He Xiaohua is your biological sister, and you have no feelings for her at all?”

“What kind of feelings should I have? I’ve never even seen her.” He Tianlei said ruthlessly.

Lin Banxia had long been accustomed to their family’s weak relationship, so when He Tianlei said this, he just sneered: “Then according to what you said, your dad is like this and it has nothing to do with me. Why are you calling me?”

He Tianlei said: “Hey, what you said is wrong. It’s entirely your fault that my dad is like this.” He put out the cigarette in his mouth and spat on the ground, “Don’t keep that five hundred thousand. Come on, don’t even think about leaving here.”

It turned out that he was waiting for him here. Lin Banxia suddenly felt funny: “Oh? Is it because of me? Did I scare him like this?”

“It’s not you.” He Tianlei said, “It’s your He Xiaohua.”

Lin Banxia said: “What do you mean?”

“My dad didn’t lie to you.” He Tianlei said, “You did bring a girl home. You didn’t mention it before, and I didn’t think of it. I’ve seen photos of my sister, and she does look like her.”

Lin Banxia crossed his arms and looked at He Tianlei coldly.

“But she is not He Xiaohua.” He Tianlei said.

Lin Banxia said: “Then what is she?”

“How do I know.” When He Tianlei said this, he seemed to be a little cold, so he rubbed his arms vigorously, trying to drive away the cold feeling, “At first, only you could see her, and then everyone in the family could see her. We all saw it and realized something was wrong, but by then it was too late.”

He Tianlei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, as if he was caught in some kind of terrifying memory: “You know? As long as you go home, you can see her, maybe under the bed, maybe in the cabinet, maybe anywhere you imagine. Wherever she goes…she is everywhere, as if…”

Lin Banxia: “As if?”

He Tianlei said: “It’s like she is also a member of the family.”

However, everyone knew that it was not her, but something else.

No one knew what it was, and no one knew how it appeared. Its existence almost drove everyone crazy, except for Lin Banxia.

Lin Banxia happily accepted the thing that looked like a girl. He even regarded it as a friend and played happily with it.

Although He Tianlei was very young at that time, this picture was deeply imprinted in his mind. Because of this, their behavior towards Lin Banxia became more and more rough and cold-blooded. It seemed as if they subconsciously believed that it was Lin Banxia causing it.

Now thinking about it carefully, every action has its consequences. If they had been nicer to Lin Banxia, ​​maybe nothing would have happened.

However, there were so many ifs in the world.

He Tianlei lit another cigarette, and Lin Banxia’s face became blurred in the smoke. The cousin in front of him was completely different from the bean sprout in his memory. He was taller than himself, and his expression was gentle most of the time. Only when he looked at their family, would the sharp edge hidden under the gentleness appear. He Tianlei was a little afraid of Lin Banxia with that appearance, which reminded him of some bad things.

“Okay.” If He Tianlei had said this before, Lin Banxia would have probably regarded him as crazy, but now he has experienced many incredible things and knew that some weird rumors are not groundless. He said, “What does that have to do with your father being crazy?”

“You’re back.” He Tianlei said, “Its favorite, you are back… Do you think it will appear again?”

He said, laughing at himself: “Normal people will go crazy when they see something, but you will feel happy when you see it. Lin Banxia, ​​maybe we were wrong from the beginning. That thing is not a monster, you are. You are the weird monster who is incompatible with normal people.” Seriously, every word was heartbreaking.

“Shut up.” Before Lin Banxia could respond, Song Qingluo uttered two words coldly, “If you provoke me again, I will let you see what a real monster looks like.”

He Tianlei’s hand that was holding the cigarette shook. He wanted to say something to show that he didn’t care but found that he was speechless. The handsome man with an unknown name in front of him gave him a terrible feeling, as if his threatening words were not just threats, but would come true in the next moment.

Lin Banxia said: “So what you are saying now is that your father went crazy when he saw her when she came back?”

He Tianlei said: “Yes.” He observed Lin Banxia’s expression, as if he wanted to see some fear or withdrawal in his eyes.

However, he was disappointed.

Lin Banxia, ​​the monster, actually smiled, and his smile came from the bottom of his heart. He said, “My He Xiaohua is back.”

He Tianlei suddenly realized at this moment that Lin Banxia really didn’t seem… like a normal person.

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: I did something very important.

Song Qingluo: Have you figured out what happened to your sister?

Lin Banxia: No, I got back the 500,000 yuan that made the readers worried.

Song Qingluo:……



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