Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 50.2 Sister

Although the color was strange, fortunately the bed was soft enough. Lin Banxia was also tired and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes while lying on the bed. He had no dreams all night and slept deeply until the next day.

In the morning, Lin Banxia woke up naturally from his sleep and saw Song Qingluo standing by the window in a daze, opening the curtains. He was wearing a pair of jeans, and his upper body was bare. He was bent over with his back to Lin Banxia. His muscles were clear, his slightly raised spine went all the way down and disappeared into his thin waistline, and his skin was like perfect porcelain under the morning light. Lin Banxia opened his eyes drowsily and looked even more sleepy. After looking for a while, his lower body suddenly became energetic and he sat up on the bed, his eyes wide.

Song Qingluo turned his head when he heard the noise and saw Lin Banxia with messy light brown hair and round eyes, like a cute and frightened hamster.

“What?” Song Qingluo asked.

“No, it’s okay.” Lin Banxia’s Adam’s apple moved up and down, “I’m just a little… thirsty.”

Song Qingluo said: “There is water on the table.” After speaking, he paused and said, “It’s free.”

Lin Banxia didn’t take any water and just responded vaguely.

Although Song Qingluo felt a little strange, he didn’t think much about it. He turned around and continued to search for his shirt in his luggage. However, as soon as he turned around, Lin Banxia behind him went directly to the toilet. In his panic, he almost tripped. After a while, the sound of flushing water came from the toilet, and Lin Banxia turned on the water and took a shower. In fact, he didn’t have the habit of taking a shower in the morning, but today’s situation was special…

It stood to reason that it was normal for men to react in the morning, but for some reason, Lin Banxia was particularly flustered today. He rinsed his body, took a while to calm down, and finally came out of the bathroom pretending to be nonchalant.

“Good morning.” Song Qingluo had already changed into a T-shirt, and said calmly, “Let’s have breakfast together?”

“Okay.” Lin Banxia nodded, licked his lips and said, “I’ll change first.”

Song Qingluo: “Sure, go change.”

Lin Banxia: “…” Yes, they are all men. I have everything you have, why are you afraid of being seen?

So, he gritted his teeth and changed out of his pajamas in front of Song Qingluo, and then the two of them went out.

The breakfast was prepared by the hotel. It was not very rich, but it was filling. As soon as Lin Banxia stuffed two buns into his mouth, he saw Song Qingluo standing up. He asked vaguely: “What are you doing?”

Song Qingluo: “Renewal fee.”

Lin Banxia was stunned on the spot and tried hard to swallow the bun in his mouth. He choked and nearly burst into tears: “Are we still staying here tomorrow?”

Song Qingluo said calmly: “I just asked, there is a discount for staying for three days.”

Lin Banxia: “What’s the discount???”

Song Qingluo: “Sixty percent off.”

Lin Banxia: “Okay, I think pink looks pretty.” He compromised and gnawed on the buns again, reluctantly selling his soul for a 60% discount.

Song Qingluo laughed and turned around to go.

Lin Banxia finished breakfast with a solemn expression and went out with Song Qingluo. The girl at the front desk smiled and waved at them, saying that the beautiful little brother could come here to get it when he ran out of chewing gum. Lin Banxia’s face turned red, but Song Qingluo calmly waved his hand at her and said hello.

On the way to the hospital, Lin Banxia didn’t dare to say a word until he was almost at the inpatient department. Song Qingluo asked thoughtfully: “Have you never been in love before?”

Lin Banxia: “…No.” He turned to look at Song Qingluo, “You must have talked about it, right?”

Song Qingluo said: “No.”

Lin Banxia: “How is that possible?? I don’t fall in love because I’m poor, you…” He suddenly remembered what Li Su said about Song Qingluo, and hesitated for a moment, “Aren’t you the same?”

Song Qingluo said expressionlessly: “Definitely not, I have money.”

Lin Banxia said: “Are you rich enough to need to stay in a love hotel for a discount?”

After being cruelly exposed, Song Qingluo was silent for three seconds and made a final struggle: “It doesn’t matter if there is a discount or not, the important thing is to have fun…”

Lin Banxia patted him on the shoulder and said, “Big brother, I understand everything, it seems like no one has ever been poor.”

Until they entered the ward, there was an aura of sadness between the two of them. Others didn’t understand it, but Lin Banxia knew it well and knew the name of this aura, which was poverty.

The uncle obviously didn’t know what happened to these two people. When he saw them coming in, they looked like a gloomy cloud.

He thought for a while and carefully asked what happened. Lin Banxia glanced at him and just said casually: “Nothing.” He didn’t want to tell his uncle what happened between him and Song Qingluo.

His uncle smiled awkwardly when he heard this, but he didn’t force it. He probably knew in his heart that the relationship between him and his nephew was not good enough to care about each other. Looking at Lin Banxia, ​​his uncle rubbed his hands vigorously and said: “Banxia, ​​look at your aunt like this. Our family sold their house to treat her illness. See if you can…”

As he was talking, a sturdy young man walked in from outside. He was shorter than Lin Banxia. He could see the shadow of his uncle between his eyebrows. Lin Banxia just took one look and recognized that he was his cousin that he had not seen in a long time. The cousin was holding a lunch box in his hand. As soon as he came in, he saw Lin Banxia, ​​but he didn’t say hello to him. As if he didn’t know Lin Banxia, ​​he walked straight to his uncle and thrust his hand handing the lunch box to his father roughly.

Lin Banxia didn’t have a very good impression of his cousin, so he glanced at him and looked away. However, Song Qingluo caught the changes on his cousin’s face and noticed that there seemed to be something hidden under his fierce expression. He was shrinking vaguely, as if he was afraid of something.

“Tian Lei, Tian Lei, come and say hello to your brother.” The uncle greeted his son, trying to get closer to Lin Banxia.

The cousin’s name is He Tianlei. He had been a little bully at home since he was a child. When he heard his father calling him, he didn’t want to give face, so he turned pale and reluctantly greeted his cousin.

“Xiaohua goes to school in this town?” Lin Banxia was never a hot-tempered person, so he simply ignored him and directly asked the question he wanted to know the most.

“Yes, she goes to school in the town.” His uncle replied.

“Then when will she come back?” Lin Banxia continued, “I want to see her.”

“This… this…” Cold sweat broke out on his uncle’s forehead, and he answered vaguely, “It might be summer vacation. Yes, summer vacation. She usually lives on campus, so there is no extra time to come back and play.” He seemed to have found an excuse that satisfied himself, his expression relaxed a lot, and he kept repeating the word summer vacation.

Lin Banxia looked at his uncle suspiciously, not because he wanted to be suspicious, but because his uncle’s expression was too strange: “You’re not lying to me, are you?”

“Of course I’m not lying to you!” Uncle said, “What can I gain by lying to you…”

He Tianlei glanced at his father and sat beside him without saying a word.

Lin Banxia thought for a while and said, “It’s not impossible for me to give you money.”

His uncle didn’t expect Lin Banxia to let go so easily. He immediately showed a look of surprise and rubbed his hands like a fly. The brows on his face were filled with greed that could not be concealed: “Banxia, you are so kind. It was indeed our fault for being mean to you when you were a child…”

“But I have a condition.” Lin Banxia was too lazy to listen to his useless polite words and interrupted him directly, “I want to see Xiaohua.”

His uncle’s expression froze instantly.

“What? Isn’t it possible?” Lin Banxia stared at him coldly, “Or maybe something happened to Xiaohua, but you never dared to tell me?”

His uncle’s lips moved, as if he wanted to refute, but no words came out for a long time. Instead, He Tianlei, who was sitting next to him, suddenly spoke. He was already grumpy, and his mouth was filled with the smell of gunpowder: “Lin Banxia, ​​I see you are you making these excuses because you simply don’t want to give money! If you really don’t want to give, just say so, why do you have to come up with some conditions that we can’t meet?!”

“He Tianlei, shut up!!” His uncle shouted sternly, stopping He Tianlei from continuing.

Upon seeing this, Lin Banxia would be a fool if he didn’t understand anymore. An ominous premonition emerged in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and said: “Tell me honestly, did something happen to her after I left?! What happened to her?”

His uncle said: “She… is fine, she is just in class.” He still refused to admit it.

“She is in class? Do you think I would believe what you said?” Lin Banxia sneered, “If I can’t see He Xiaohua, you won’t get a penny.”

His uncle’s eyes dodged, but he refuses to let go: “You kid, why are you so stubborn? I told you that she is in class and can’t see you…”

“If you don’t tell me, I will go directly to the city to look for her. If she is not there, I will call the police!!” Lin Banxia did not give in, “You’d better think clearly.”

Uncle and He Tianlei suddenly stopped talking, seemingly suffocated by Lin Banxia’s determined attitude.

When the two of them were silent, Lin Banxia took out a bank card from his pocket, slapped it directly on the table in front of them, and said coldly: “There are half a million in this card, as long as you let me take Xiaohua away, this five hundred thousand is yours.” He glanced at his aunt who was dying on the bed, and sneered, “You can use this five hundred thousand to save her life or use it to do other things. Anyway, the money will be yours by then, and I can’t control it.”

Lin Banxia had fantasized about this scene countless times when he was young, but when he actually did it, he didn’t feel refreshed. Instead, his body was trembling slightly, and he was extremely afraid of the approaching truth.

“Do you really want to see your sister?” His uncle asked softly. For some reason, his tone was a bit colder than before, which made Lin Banxia feel more and more uncomfortable.

“Yes.” Lin Banxia said.

“Okay, if you really insist.” His uncle actually agreed.

“Dad,” He Tianlei suddenly stopped him. He seemed a little panicked, “What are you thinking?! How can you let him get involved with He Xiaohua again? Are you not afraid?”

His uncle said bitterly: “Shut up!!” He slapped the table, “Do you want to watch your mother die? Five hundred thousand!” His eyes flashed with greed, “With this much money, what are you afraid of?!”

He Tianlei’s lips moved, but he didn’t say anything for a long time, and finally fell silent, acquiescing to his father’s words.

“But Lin Banxia, ​​since you want to see your sister so much.” His uncle said, “I have to tell you something.”

Lin Banxia said: “What?”

“Your sister He Xiaohua,” said his uncle, “has died a long time ago.”

As soon as Lin Banxia heard the word “dead”, his head exploded with a buzz. He stepped forward, grabbed his uncle’s collar fiercely, and shouted with a ferocious expression: “What did you say? Xiaohua is dead? Did you do it?!”

When He Tianlei saw his father being grabbed, he wanted to step forward to help, but saw the beautiful man standing next to Lin Banxia reaching out to stop him. He sneered in his heart, wondering what this man could do with being so good-looking. Unexpectedly, the hand that was grabbed felt as if it was about to be broken.

“Ah!!!” he screamed miserably, and He Tianlei couldn’t help begging for mercy, “Brother, I was wrong, please let go quickly, let go!!! My hand is going to break!!!”

Song Qingluo glared at him expressionlessly, then threw him to the side with a strong push: “Get out.”

He Tianlei staggered a few steps. Although he was unwilling to do so, he did not dare to go forward again.

Lin Banxia was going crazy. He thought something happened to Xiaohua, but the worst thing he expected was that she was forced to drop out of school and work. He didn’t expect to hear such words from his uncle’s mouth. His mind went blank, and he couldn’t even control his own behavior. When he reacted, his uncle was already in his hands, showing a look of fear and cowering.

“She is dead??” Lin Banxia squeezed out three words from between his teeth, “How did she die? Tell me, did you do it?!”

“Why, how could it be us?” His uncle was so scared that he trembled, “Is there really something wrong with Lin Banxia’s brain? She obviously…”

He Tianlei let out a horrified roar and wanted to interrupt his father, as if the truth coming out of his father’s mouth was something fatal.

However, his uncle still said it. He said: “You don’t have any sisters. The girl named He Xiaohua at home died when she was one year old.” He looked at Lin Banxia, ​​his whole body was shaking, and his voice was getting smaller and smaller, “The thing you were playing with, who…who knows what it is…”

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: I’m so sad.

Song Qingluo: The hotel also provides free lunch.

Lin Banxia: 0.0 I am much better.

Song Qingluo touched his head: Be good.



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