Phantom Skeleton Painting

Room 1303 (5.3)

Liu Xi and Lin Banxia were both stunned by the scolding. They stepped forward and looked up into the carriage.

However, the situation in the carriage was completely beyond their expectations. All the body bags had been pulled open, and the corpses were stacked exaggeratedly. Because they were too damaged, they almost looked like a mountain of flesh. Blood was inside the carriage. It solidified into dark red traces.

“Ugh!!!” Liu Xi just glanced at it, then turned around and started vomiting exaggeratedly.

Lin Banxia’s face didn’t look much better either.

“What’s going on? How can people tell the difference?” Wang Jinqiao said angrily, “Did it burn everything down? Then aren’t the family members going to come to trouble us?”

“But…we obviously arranged things properly before coming here.” After Liu Xi finished vomiting, he wiped his mouth and said in a trembling voice, “How could it become like this… Brother Lin, Brother Lin?”

Lin Banxia glanced into the carriage again and remained silent.

Liu Xi wanted to say something else, but Wang Jinqiao saw the clues. He waved his hand to signal him to shut up and said, “Okay, okay, I understand. When the family members come, you can explain it later.”

As he spoke with a gloomy expression, he greeted the people and planned to clean up this pile of meat.

Lin Banxia and Liu Xili were at a loss and stood nearby without daring to say a word.

Liu Xi smoked one cigarette after another, his smoking hands shaking violently. He wanted to ask Lin Banxia if the noise he just heard in the carriage was really a mouse, but he saw Lin Banxia’s calm profile. When the words reached his lips, he swallowed them back hard.

The carriage was being cleaned with difficulty, but the only remaining survivor over there came in a police car.

An accident took the lives of everyone in her family except her. For ordinary people, this is almost a fatal blow to the spirit.

The police probably took the client’s emotions into consideration and were cautious when driving her here. However, the timing was really unlucky. The people at the funeral home were still struggling to separate the mixed bodies.

The woman had just gotten out of the police car. When she looked up, she saw the car in a mess.

Liu Xi was a little afraid of the overreaction of his family members and took half a step back towards Lin Banxia. He whispered: “Brother Lin, will we be beaten?”

Lin Banxia whispered: “It’s just a girl, I’ll be fine even if I get beaten twice.”

“Yes.” Liu Xi smiled bitterly, “If I saw my family become like this, I would definitely want to beat someone up.”

However, beyond their expectations, the woman was not angry after seeing the situation in the carriage. A strange smile actually appeared on her pale face, and her bright red lips raised an exaggerated arc, as if she was crying, but also seemed to be laughing. She walked slowly to the side of the car, stared coldly at the broken corpses in the car, and said with a grin: “You really don’t treat me as family.”

“I really deserve it.” The woman sneered, turned around and left, her black skirt swinging in a graceful arc.

Behind her, she was still followed by the same shadow-like person Lin Banxia had seen at the scene, and the distance between them was much closer.

The author has something to say:

Liu Xi: Does Brother Lin smoke?

Lin Banxia: ……

Liu Xi: What do you think is in the carriage?

Lin Banxia: ……

Liu Xi: The weather seems a bit cold today?

Lin Banxia: ……

Liu Xi: Brother Lin, we are off work.

Lin Banxia: Smoke!

There is a real-life background to placing urns in the building. You can go search the news.

Translator’s Notes:

Hey guys, I’m the translator for this novel. If you have any questions or thoughts feel free to comment and I’ll do my best to answer everything. If you notice any inconsistencies or errors, drop a comment and I will fix it. I am new to this, but I want to learn and give the best translation that I can to the readers. Thanks so much for reading Phantom Skeleton Painting, I hope that everyone enjoys the novel.


  1. RenTheWitch says:

    oh wow they have strong stomach

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