Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 48.2 Throwing the Handkerchief (End)

Lin Banxia’s face suddenly became unsightly. He pursed his lips and smiled bitterly: “It turned out to be him.”

Song Qingluo said: “Your cousin is their daughter? Have you had any contact with her recently?”

“No.” Lin Banxia said, “I haven’t contacted her since I graduated from college.” He was a little disappointed and his voice lowered.

Song Qingluo pondered for a moment: “No contact at all?”

“No.” Lin Banxia said, “Because she is close to me, her family doesn’t like her, and sometimes she gets beaten because of me. When I was in college, I would occasionally try to send her something, but after graduation, there was no contact at all.” He continued, reluctantly cheering up, “But I made an agreement with her. When she finishes high school and I have a fixed place to live, I will pick her up to come live with me.” This is why he worked so hard to make money. His childhood experiences had made it difficult for him to feel safe. Only by firmly grasping what he could control could he feel at ease.

Song Qingluo said: “Don’t you have any plans to go back soon?”

Lin Banxia said: “Soon?”

Song Qingluo said: “You have made money and have a house. Now you can go and see her.”

This made sense, and Lin Banxia should agree with it, but every time he thought about going back there, he couldn’t help wanting to escape, as if a certain part of his brain was broken, and everything related to his hometown was destroyed. The memories were all blocked. If Song Qingluo hadn’t reminded him, he wouldn’t have even realized that it was a call from his uncle.

“Then, I’ll find time to go back and take a look.” Lin Banxia’s expression was a little reluctant.

“I can accompany you.” Song Qingluo said, “Just the two of us.”

Lin Banxia said: “You want to go back with me too? What about your work?”

Song Qingluo said: “You don’t have to work every day. Besides, after high-intensity work, don’t you just take a break?”

Lin Banxia thought about it. When he thought that Song Qingluo would accompany him, his mood suddenly improved a lot. He tried his best to smile, trying to appear more relaxed: “Okay, after a while, I will ask a friend from my unit for leave, then let’s go take a look together.”

Song Qingluo looked at Lin Banxia and nodded gently.

During this period, Lin Banxia skipped work a lot. Fortunately, he signed a new agreement with the unit leader, otherwise he would have been fired long ago. He only went to work for a week before he started planning to return to his hometown.

About ten days later, a video was sent about the heretical things in the amusement park, and Song Qingluo and Lin Banxia watched it together. The students who escaped from the amusement park alive also appeared in the video. They described the entire incident in detail from their own perspectives. Lin Banxia saw Xiao Weiqi. Compared with a dozen days ago, he seemed to have lost a lot of weight and looked a little nervous. He said that Shen Qingyi had died a long time ago, not on the roller coaster, but in a sudden car accident outside the amusement park. No one connected this car accident with the accident in the amusement park, probably because things like car accidents happen every day and are so ordinary that people don’t notice them at all. Therefore, no one thought that at the moment of Shen Qingyi’s death, the handkerchief she was holding that she wanted to give to Xiao Weiqi as a gift had become separated.

The game in the amusement park began when Shen Qingyi, as a companion, appeared in the park and triggered the heretical item.

In the second half of the video, the blood-red handkerchief also got its own number 53475. About a dozen people participated in the test, but none of them successfully triggered the effect of the handkerchief.

Probably for this reason, the handkerchief had not been sealed so far. Song Qingluo said that detailed data had to be obtained before the heresy could be sealed, otherwise the experiment would continue.

Lin Banxia was stunned for a moment and said, “So complicated?”

“It’s okay.” Song Qingluo said, “After all, most of them are dangerous items. Of course, some of them may have other functions, so we need to experiment.”

Thinking in this way, it made sense. Lin Banxia thought of Shen Junyan, hesitated for a moment, and asked: “Is Shen Junyan also a companion?”

Song Qingluo said: “Yes, the companion of the heresy code-named 49294 has unlimited life and recovery capabilities and can also use some of 49294’s abilities.”

Lin Banxia let out a long sigh and praised: “Then she’s pretty good.”

“What a good thing.” Song Qingluo laughed at Shen Junyan, “Because of her special nature, the people she works with are basically novice record-keepers. Killing someone while doing a task is easier than drinking water.”

Lin Banxia thought it made sense.

“How is your leave?” Song Qingluo mentioned going home again. Lin Banxia wasn’t sure if it was his misunderstanding, but Song Qingluo seemed to be very interested in his hometown.

“Please, I’m busy this week. Let’s go back next week.” Lin Banxia said, “There are no flights over there, so we can only go back by train.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Song Qingluo said.

Even though he had decided to go home, it had to be said that Lin Banxia was not very enthusiastic about this matter. He didn’t know why, but when he thought about returning to the hometown he had left, he felt depressed for no reason. If you thought about it carefully, it was not surprising. After all, Lin Banxia’s memories of his childhood hometown were not very pleasant, although he had almost forgotten most of them.

After summer, the weather gradually became hotter, so Lin Banxia changed into short sleeves. After the incident at the amusement park, Song Qingluo had been resting at home and sleeping almost all day long. When Lin Banxia returned home, he saw him dozing off on the sofa with Small Cave in his arms.

Small Cave was a clingy little skeleton. When he and Song Qingluo were not around, it clung to Ji Leshui. In short, there were always people around it. At that moment, it was held in Song Qingluo’s arms, humming and chirping. When it saw Lin Banxia coming back, it quickly stretched out its hand and looked pitiful, begging Lin Banxia to hurry up and save it.

Song Qingluo always slept very lightly. He woke up as soon as Lin Banxia got home, with his eyes half-opened and his face full of hazy sleepiness.

“It’s so hot today.” Lin Banxia pulled up his collar and said, “I’ll buy an air conditioner in two days.” In order to save money, he was reluctant to buy an air conditioner in the past. Of course, even if he bought it, he probably wouldn’t be willing to pay the electricity bill.

Song Qingluo hummed, but still didn’t let go of Small Cave. Small Cave twisted and twisted in his arms. After twisting for a long time, he finally broke free and ran to Lin Banxia’s feet. He opened his mouth and pointed at his mouth.

Lin Banxia understood it, went to the refrigerator, and took out a frozen jelly, bent down and stuffed it into Small Cave’s mouth.

Song Qingluo sat on the sofa and watched, saying softly: “It can’t eat too many snacks.”

Lin Banxia said: “Ah? What will happen if it eats too much?”

Song Qingluo: “Waste.”

Lin Banxia: “…” Boss, why are you more real than me? He couldn’t help laughing, took out the Coke he bought from the supermarket from the shopping bag, and handed it to Song Qingluo: “It’s cold.”

Song Qingluo took it and drank most of it in one gulp, narrowing his eyes with satisfaction.

Lin Banxia said: “I have asked for leave. I can leave next Wednesday. Let’s go out to eat tonight and invite Ji Leshui too.”

Song Qingluo agreed.

Lin Banxia took a bath and went to sleep again. When he woke up again, it was already afternoon. He slowly put on a T-shirt, and Song Qingluo called Ji Leshui, who was off work, to go out to find a food stall to eat skewers.

The weather had been getting warmer lately, and the food stall business was getting better and better. The noisy crowd was full of commotion. Lin Banxia received another sum of money into his bank card today, so he generously offered to treat everyone.

Ji Leshui was still not used to the generosity of his friend. He strongly suspected that Lin Banxia was engaged in some unfair occupation with the boss. If it is true, please be sure to take him with.

Lin Banxia smiled and said: “You can’t do it.”

Ji Leshui said: “Why can’t I do it?”

Lin Banxia said: “No matter what happens, you will scream like a chicken.”

Ji Leshui sneered: “Don’t insult the chicken, the chicken can’t crow as loudly as me.”

Lin Banxia: “…” That’s fine too.

The barbecue here tasted very good, especially the beef and mutton, which was exceptionally fresh. Lin Banxia ordered ice-cold beer, and the three of them had a great time eating, but when he was halfway through eating, Song Qingluo suddenly answered the phone. He didn’t know what was said on the other end of the phone, but Lin Banxia saw that Song Qingluo’s expression became obviously cold. He said okay and hung up the phone.

Lin Banxia saw that he looked wrong and said, “What’s wrong?”

Song Qingluo said: “Something happened over there.”

Lin Banxia wanted to ask what was going on, but considering that Ji Leshui was still there, he didn’t ask further. Song Qingluo said, “You guys eat, I’ll leave first.” He stood up and hesitated for a moment, “Don’t eat for too long, it might rain later.”

Ji Leshui raised his head and glanced at the sky. It had been a clear and sunny day since morning. The sun had just set, and the afterglow of the setting sun could still be seen on the horizon. There was not a trace of clouds, and it didn’t look like it was going to rain.

“Can it rain in this weather?” Ji Leshui didn’t believe it, “It shouldn’t.”

Lin Banxia felt that Song Qingluo would never make a mistake: “We’ve almost finished eating anyway, so why don’t we go back first?”

Ji Leshui said: “That’s okay…”

Lin Banxia took two more bites, paid the bill, and the two began to walk back. When passing by the convenience store nearby, Ji Leshui went in and bought two ice cream sticks. He ate one himself and stuffed the other one into Lin Banxia’s hand.

“Are you planning to go back to your hometown next week?” Ji Leshui asked.

“Yeah.” Lin Banxia said.

“How long do you plan to go?” Ji Leshui asked.

“About a week.” Lin Banxia said, “It only takes a day or two to go back, and then I will go to my sister’s school to see it, and that’s about it.”

Ji Leshui said: “Then please pay attention to safety.”

The two of them were eating popsicles. As soon as they reached the gate of the community, they saw a sudden flash in the sky, followed by continuous thunder, coming from the distance like a tide.

The author has something to say:

Song Qingluo: What I said is 100% accurate.

Lin Banxia: Well…it rained as expected.

Song Qingluo: Lin Banxia will fall in love with me.

Lin Banxia: 0.0?!



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