Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 47.2: Throwing the Handkerchief

Everyone saw the scene when Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo fell from the track. The students let out sharp screams, Zhao Yuanrui cried until he could no longer hold his breath, and Shen Qingyi leaned on Xiao Weiqi’s shoulder, with tears streaming down her face. Xiao Weiqi couldn’t bear to look anymore, turned around and rubbed his eyes vigorously, trying to hide their redness. Only Shen Junyan remained calm, as if she did not feel sorry for the death of her companions at all. When Xiao Weiqi saw this scene, he said bitterly: “Aren’t you sad at all??”

Shen Junyan glanced at Xiao Weiqi indifferently after hearing this, and she said: “Death is such a happy thing, why should I feel sad for them?”

Xiao Weiqi was about to roar when he saw this, but Fan Zirong suddenly screamed: “There is still someone alive, there is still someone alive…”

When everyone looked back, they realized that Song Qingluo was actually still moving, and he even picked up the puppet he had finally taken off the track. Everyone suddenly became ecstatic. Zhao Yuanrui said: “Let’s go over there and help!!!”

Everyone started running, trying to find the two people who jumped down. When they ran over, everyone was praying in their hearts, praying for a miracle to happen.

Everyone searched around and soon found Song Qingluo and Lin Banxia next to him near the track. Song Qingluo was okay, but Lin Banxia’s body was completely distorted. His whole body was torn apart and even his facial features could not be identified, but even so, Song Qingluo held him tightly in his arms without any trace letting go.

Shen Qingyi couldn’t bear it anymore. Weeping loudly with Zhao Yuanrui, Xiao Weiqi felt very uncomfortable. He slapped himself several times bitterly and murmured to himself, saying it was all his fault, it was all his own fault. If he had not come in, none of this would have happened…

Shen Junyan was the calmest one in the crowd. She walked up to Song Qingluo and said, “Why bother, you obviously couldn’t come down.” She knew Song Qingluo’s strength very well. With his ability, he could definitely have clung to the track. There was no need to take the risk.

Song Qingluo didn’t look up and said calmly: “I’m happy.”

Shen Junyan looked helpless: “If the ability to be a doting partner were given to a girl, how could she still be single now?”

Song Qingluo sneered: “As if you have a boyfriend.”

Shen Junyan: “…” This person’s mouth was really annoying.

The two of them were talking, but the people next to them couldn’t listen anymore. Zhao Yuanrui cried and said, “The body of your companion is not cold yet. How can you two be so relaxed? You are really too much.”

Shen Junyan shrugged, looking indifferent, and said: “I don’t know if you are right about other things, but I am indeed a monster.” She took out a pair of snow-white gloves, put them on and faced Song Qing Luo stretching out her hand, “Bring it here.”

Song Qingluo stretched out his hand and handed the handkerchief to Shen Junyan.

Shen Junyan took the handkerchief and observed it carefully.

When she was doing this, the other students also saw the handkerchief at close range. The handkerchief was too far away to see clearly, but the puppet was a little strange. Zhao Yuanrui stared at the puppet for a while, and suddenly realized where he seemed to have seen it. He stared at it and said blankly: “Xiao Weiqi, why does this puppet look so familiar?” He turned to look at Xiao Weiqi and found that Xiao Weiqi’s face was extremely ugly.

“Xiao Weiqi.” Zhao Yuanrui said, “What’s wrong with you?”

Xiao Weiqi swallowed hard up and down his throat. He wanted to say something, but when it reached his lips, he swallowed hard. He just held Shen Qingyi’s hand and clenched it tightly.

Fan Zirong shuddered and said, “Did we forget something?”

Zhao Yuanrui said: “I feel like we have forgotten something…but we can’t remember it.” He looked at the humanoid doll in front of him, suddenly felt particularly sad, and sobbed softly.

Xiao Weiqi’s eyes were red, he choked heavily, turned his head to look at Shen Qingyi standing beside him, and said in a trembling voice: “Shen Qingyi…you…”

“Thank you for the gift. I like it very much.” Shen Qingyi lowered her head and said in a voice as soft as a mosquito, “It’s just a pity that the gift I prepared cannot be given away.”

Xiao Weiqi held Shen Qingyi’s hand tightly.

Shen Qingyi said, “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. I don’t want to involve you, but I can’t control it…”

Shen Junyan listened to the conversation between the two and sighed softly. She unfolded the handkerchief and handed it to Xiao Weiqi. Xiao Weiqi saw the portrait and the words written on it. His whole body shook violently, and his mouth whimpered in grief like a trapped animal.

The moment he saw the handkerchief, his memory was corrected. He finally remembered why he came to the amusement park on his birthday, not because of curiosity, but because he wanted to see her again.

More than half a month ago, a roller coaster accident suddenly occurred, and among the dead was a girl named Shen Qingyi. She wanted to accompany her sweetheart to the amusement park on his birthday, ride all his favorite rides, and then express her love on his favorite roller coaster.

However, tomorrow or an accident, you never know which one will come first.

Shen Qingyi was dead.

She died in a taxi leaving the amusement park. She was holding the handkerchief tightly before her death. There were countless light spots flashing in front of her eyes. She saw the sky and the twinkling stars in the sky. She had never heard it before, but the sound of a flute whispered in her ears as her eyes darkened. When she woke up again, seven strangers she had never met appeared beside her. The amusement park’s announcement sounded, and a child’s voice unveiled the curtain of the first game.

Xiao Weiqi hugged Shen Qingyi and cried desperately. Shen Junyan looked at the two of them silently. After a while, she raised her wrist and looked at her watch. It was around 3:20, and it was about to be 3:30. She couldn’t risk everyone’s lives, so amidst Xiao Weiqi’s desperate cry, she took out a black cloth from her backpack, and carefully used the soft cloth to wrap the handkerchief.

The moment the handkerchief was wrapped, Xiao Weiqi heard the sound of breaking glass. He raised his head and saw that the dark sky above his head was shattering, like broken eggshells, falling piece by piece. There, the beams of light shot out one after another, which was really dazzling, but Xiao Weiqi couldn’t bear to close his eyes, because the body of the girl whose hand he held was gradually fading away. Xiao Weiqi burst into tears and wanted to hold her as her smile gradually dissipated, but it was all in vain. She finally completely turned into nothingness before his eyes. Xiao Weiqi closed his eyes in despair, tears flowing freely. When he opened his eyes again, the night sky above his head had turned into day, and the dazzling sun hung high on the dome.

The fog dissipated, and a piece of the roller coaster track above his head was missing. Everything told him that he had finally returned to the present world from that terrible space.

However, why didn’t he feel the slightest happiness? Xiao Weiqi thought, why did he find coming back so painful?

Of the seven students, only three were left at this time. There was no joy of surviving the disaster on their faces, only confusion and panic. Seeing this, Shen Junyan sighed, took out her mobile phone and made a call, then said: “Let’s go, they are waiting outside. Your parents have been looking for you for a long time.”

She glanced at Song Qingluo again: “What about you?”

Song Qingluo said: “You go first.”

Shen Junyan said: “What? Don’t you want to see him first?”

Song Qingluo pointed at his legs. Shen Junyan took a look and found that Song Qingluo’s legs were bent at a strange angle. Previously, she was focused on other things and did not notice.

Song Qingluo said: “Send the students out first and let the people who deal with the aftermath come in to meet me.”

“Okay.” Shen Junyan was also a little tired. She massaged the corners of her eyes and managed to cheer up. “Let’s go, kids.” After saying that, she led the students with dull faces toward the exit.

Zhao Yuanrui followed Shen Junyan and walked a few steps forward. He couldn’t help but look back and glanced at Song Qingluo who was sitting on the ground. However, what he didn’t expect was that Lin Banxia’s body, which should have been in pieces, was now gone, leaving only Song Qingluo sitting quietly on the ground.

“Where is Lin Banxia’s body?” Zhao Yuanrui asked blankly.

Shen Junyan did not respond and patted him gently on the head: “There will be no good end for being a curious baby.”

Zhao Yuanrui had no choice but to shut up.

The group of people walked along the road to the exit and saw a lot of people standing at the entrance of the amusement park, forming a blockade. Many people wearing strange clothes were walking there. When they saw the group of students, they almost trotted all the way there.

Shen Junyan glanced at her watch. She seemed to be very concerned about time since she came out. Then she said to the students: “They will take you to make a transcript. Just tell the truth. Don’t hide what you know, and just say whatever you want.”

“Can I take the liberty to ask?” Zhao Yuanrui asked carefully, “What do you do?”

Shen Junyan smiled: “Lie to children.”

Zhao Yuanrui: “…”

It seemed that Shen Junyan didn’t want to answer truthfully. She waved to a few people and planned to leave. She looked perfunctory from beginning to end. Xiao Weiqi suddenly shouted: “Where are you taking Shen Qingyi?! Are you taking her away? Give Shen Qingyi back to me!”

Shen Junyan’s expression was subtle: “Even if she turns into a monster, do you still like her?”

Xiao Weiqi gritted his teeth: “What monster? As long as she is still Shen Qingyi, I will always like her! I will like her forever!!!”

Shen Junyan’s eyebrows showed a little melancholy, as if she was sighing or regretting. She said, “My little friend, you really don’t understand how long a lifetime is.”

These were the last words she spoke to them.

After confirming that the children were taken away by the staff, Shen Junyan left the amusement park, but she did not rush back, and instead went around to the side entrance of the amusement park. Shen Junyan seemed to be in a good mood, humming all the way.

After arriving at the side door, Shen Junyan bent down and looked for something in the grass near the side door. After a while, she grabbed a gray cloth bag from the grass. She stretched out her hand and took out a few wooden items from the bag. The puppet dropped to the ground.

In just a moment, the wooden dolls began to grow rapidly, first with bones, then with flesh and blood, then with hair. In the end, they even put on clothes. Looking at those few dolls their appearance was clearly that of a few people who died in the paradise. Among them were even Ai Xinsheng, who was killed by Shen Qingyi, and Han Hefeng, who almost killed Shen Qingyi.

Of course, Lin Banxia was also there. He opened his eyes and was a little confused for a moment. His last memory was at the moment of his death, but unexpectedly, Shen Junyan’s beautiful face appeared in front of him.

“Xiao Banxia, ​​are you awake?” Shen Junyan smiled.

“Huh? I’m not dead?” Lin Banxia was stunned.

“Of course you’re not dead.” Shen Junyan said, “I’m not willing to let such a lovely person die.”

“What’s going on? Didn’t I fall from more than thirty meters up?” Lin Banxia was confused. He checked his body up and down. Every part was intact. When he looked again, he found seven people next to him. Lying in ruins were several of the recorders from the accident.

“I’ve told you before, death is the happiest destination.” Shen Junyan shook the bag in her hand, “The heretical object code-named 849294 can store a person’s physical condition for a period of one month and covers an area of ​​300 square kilometers. When the vital organs of the body are fatally injured, the body will be recycled and reconstructed. The restriction is that it can only be used before each person recognizes it. That is to say, it can usually only be used once…” She smiled and leaned into Lin Banxia’s ear, “As its companion, it’s a pleasure to work with you.”

Lin Banxia froze on the spot.

“Song Qingluo’s leg was injured, and he is still sitting in the same place.” Shen Junyan said, “Go find him quickly.”

When Lin Banxia heard this, he immediately stood up and said he was going, then he turned around and went in through the side door without any hesitation.

Shen Junyan looked at the remaining recorders, shook her head, took out her notebook, drew a big cross behind some names, cursed under her breath. She saw a few people with blank faces, and said angrily: “What are you looking at? What are you looking at? Get up and work quickly. Do you think you don’t have to do anything if you die? Then you are thinking wrong. Once this agreement is signed, even if it is burned to ashes, I will have to dig you out!”

The author has something to say:

Song Qingluo: If you die, do you plan to write on your epitaph: Struggle to save money until the last second.

Lin Banxia: What epitaph do you mean? Just save the money on the tombstone.

Song Qingluo:…………


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