Phantom Skeleton Painting

T/N: Hey guys. Sorry for the missed chapter yesterday. I was not feeling well so I decided to go to sleep early in the hopes that I would feel better today. I think I might have to change the release schedule to three times a week because with work and the power outages I am just not able to keep up. So expect the next chapter on Wednesday. The new release dates will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If I have more time I will also update more, but for now it will just be 3 chapters a week.


Chapter 47.1: Throwing the Handkerchief

The two of them arrived on the track one after another and began to try to climb up. The track of the roller coaster was inherently steep. Without the help of any tools, just climbing up was a very difficult task, not to mention that the concrete ground was tens of meters under your feet. Once you fall, you would probably die immediately. Seeing this scene, several students felt a little weak. Shen Junyan covered her chest and muttered something.

On the contrary, Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo turned out to be the most relaxed among the group. After Lin Banxia climbed up, he felt that the roller coaster track was much easier to climb than he expected, because there were many iron bars in the middle. Climbing the track like this was a bit like climbing stairs. Of course, due to the angle, a lot of force was needed to cling to it.

Song Qingluo was in front, climbing very fast, and Lin Banxia could barely keep up with him. After the two of them passed the first corner, Song Qingluo slowed down, probably because he was worried about Lin Banxia’s physical strength.

Lin Banxia felt that he was fine. He raised his head and shouted, “It’s okay, just climb. I can keep up.”

Song Qingluo said: “Be steady.”

Lin Banxia glanced behind him and could no longer see Shen Junyan and the students. He said: “We have to hurry up, there is just one hour. When the time is up, Shen Junyan will be dead.”

Song Qingluo responded softly, but still did not speed up.

Moving at a constant speed like this, the two of them climbed through the second bend step by step, and then passed a steep uphill slope. They were about to reach the point where the track of the roller coaster broke. Lin Banxia looked up and saw the complete track, thinking that the place where reality meets reality might still be far away. However, when Song Qingluo was going downhill, he deliberately used his slowest speed. Lin Banxia didn’t understand at first, until he also took a step forward, and the picture in front of him suddenly distorted – the broken track, just appeared before his eyes out of thin air. At this time, the two of them were less than half a meter away from the broken part. If they had walked a little further, they might have fallen directly.

Lin Banxia glanced down. The distance of more than thirty meters was really scary. If he accidentally fell, he would shatter to pieces on the hard cement floor.

Lin Banxia retracted his gaze and looked at Song Qingluo in front of him. Song Qingluo was very cautious and crawled forward for a while, and soon arrived in front of the puppet. However, because the broken track was somewhat deformed and it was high in the air, Song Qingluo’s body, which was not heavy, actually swayed slightly with the wind. Lin Banxia broke into a cold sweat when he saw it, and he reflexively stretched out his hand and held Song Qingluo’s waist, trying to help him stabilize his body. However, as soon as Lin Banxia finished doing it, he realized that something was wrong with his actions. The heat radiated from Song Qingluo’s thin waist spread to the inside of Lin Banxia’s palm through the thin shirt, making it inexplicably hot. Lin Banxia’s face immediately turned red. Fortunately, the night was dark, and he couldn’t be seen clearly.

Song Qingluo also turned his head because of Lin Banxia’s actions and glanced at him.

Lin Banxia became inexplicably nervous and stammered in explanation: “No, no, I’m afraid you’ll fall…”

Song Qingluo was silent for a moment, but didn’t say anything, and just turned back silently.

Lin Banxia suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he was really a little abrupt… But Song Qingluo’s swaying posture was really chilling, and he was really afraid that a gust of wind would blow him down.

Song Qingluo moved forward two steps, slowly squatted down, and stretched out his hand towards the puppet.

Now that the distance was close, Lin Banxia could see the appearance of the person clearly. Looking carefully, it was a human-shaped puppet, about the same size as a normal puppet. It should be a girl, with long hair tied up. After getting stuck to the path, its body floated gently with the wind, like a hanged ghost. Its face couldn’t be seen clearly, but there was a lot of damage on its body. Some blood-red cotton was squeezed out of its body. At first glance, it looked like balls of red flesh. Although the face couldn’t be seen clearly, the clothes on its body have revealed important clues – the skirt it was wearing was exactly the same as Shen Qingyi’s skirt.

Lin Banxia didn’t know if the ghost was Shen Qingyi. He only knew that Shen Qingyi must be related to this doll.

Song Qingluo stretched out his hand and grabbed the doll, but its hair was tightly entangled on the track and could not be pulled off. Lin Banxia had seen Song Qingluo’s strength before, and Lin Banxia could even feel that the track below was shaking slightly, but the puppet’s hair remained firm, as if it was solidified with the rails.

Lin Banxia licked his lips and asked, “Do you want to use a dagger?”

Song Qingluo frowned slightly: “I didn’t bring a dagger.”

“I brought it.” Lin Banxia took out the weapon from the bag he carried with him, “The one you issued to me before.”

Song Qingluo took it and began to try to use the dagger to cut the hair that was tightly wrapped on the track. Lin Banxia saw him grabbing the doll with one hand and using the knife with the other. He felt that it was dangerous no matter how he looked at it, so he simply stretched out his hand to hold Song Qingluo’s waist, fearing that he would accidentally fall. The night breeze was blowing, and it should have been cool when blowing on their bodies, but Lin Banxia broke out in a cold sweat. He didn’t dare to wipe it. His other hand was holding on to the edge of the track and he didn’t dare to move.

However, just as the two were concentrating on getting the dolls, noisy screams came from behind. Lin Banxia turned around and looked in the direction of the platform. Through the glass, he saw several people on the platform from a distance. They all stood up and waved their arms toward them frantically, and some were shouting something.

Lin Banxia listened for a while before he heard what they were shouting. That sentence was “the roller coaster has started.”

The roller coaster started?? Lin Banxia was stunned on the spot.

“Qingluo, the roller coaster has started!!” Lin Banxia was stunned for a moment, before he reacted and shouted to Song Qing Luo, “What should we do?”

“We can’t go back.” Even at this time, Song Qingluo was very calm. He glanced at Lin Banxia and said, “We at least need to take the thing off first.”

Lin Banxia gritted his teeth: “Okay.”

However, as they were talking, a creepy scream came from behind the two of them. This sound was very familiar to Lin Banxia. It was the sound of the roller coaster rushing down a steep slope. He quickly calculated the time and found that the roller coaster rushing in their direction would give them two minutes at most. What could they do in two minutes? Lin Banxia thought that perhaps the only thing he could do was, as Song Qingluo said, take down the puppet and see if they could seal it before the roller coaster arrived and end this terrifying game.

Fortunately, the dagger handed over by Lin Banxia worked, and the puppet’s hair was cut bit by bit. However, as the roller coaster approached, the track under them shook more and more violently, and finally Lin Banxia grabbed hold of Song Qingluo. The hands holding the track are numb. His head was covered with sweat, but he grabbed Song Qingluo’s waist and did not let go. He said hoarsely: “Are we going to die here?”

Song Qingluo cut off a few more strands of hair and said, “Are you afraid?”

Lin Banxia said: “It doesn’t seem to be very scary.” He heard the harsh sound of breaking through the air behind him, and said, “Fortunately, I sat on it a few more times, so I got my money back.”

Song Qingluo curled up the corners of his mouth imperceptibly.

It was a pity that Lin Banxia was behind him, otherwise he would probably think that Song Qingluo was simply a god since he was still laughing at this moment.

Death was about to come, but Song Qingluo didn’t show the slightest panic. He lowered his head and continued his work, as if he was joking: “Let’s jump down together later.”

Lin Banxia looked down. Under the track, there was a hard cement floor with not even a weed. At a height of more than thirty meters, no matter how powerful Song Qingluo was, he was still made of flesh and blood. If he jumped, he would probably escape death.

“Is there no other way?” Lin Banxia still wanted to struggle.

“No.” Song Qingluo quickly glanced behind Lin Banxia. The roller coaster was slowly climbing to the highest point. When it reached the top, it would dive down at an extremely fast speed. At this time, if they were still on the track, he and Lin Banxia would be smashed into pieces like eggs dropped on the ground.

“Okay.” Lin Banxia reluctantly compromised. He was about to let go of Song Qingluo’s waist and make a perfect free landing, but Song Qingluo held his hand.

“Together.” Song Qingluo said.

Lin Banxia was stunned and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. His long career of collecting corpses gave him a wealth of experience: “It’s not good to hold them together. If we fall together from so high, our corpses will be inseparable.”

Song Qingluo glanced at Lin Banxia: “Do you dislike me?”

Lin Banxia explained sincerely: “…I definitely don’t dislike you, but it’s just a little troublesome to collect the body.”

Song Qingluo said: “Then let’s get cremated together.”

Lin Banxia thought for a while: “That’s okay. Buy one less urn and save a little bit.”

Song Qingluo’s lips curled up slightly: “Just kidding.”

Fortunately, these two rough-and-tumble people were still in the mood to joke around at this time. The students on the platform were all sweating profusely. Zhao Yuanrui rushed into the control room and pressed all the buttons again, but to no avail. He cried helplessly and was extremely desperate.

Two minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and in just a few breaths, the roller coaster behind them had already begun to dive downwards. Song Qingluo stood up, grabbing the puppet that looked like Shen Qingyi with one hand, and Lin Banxia’s arm with the other and said: “I’m about to jump.”

Lin Banxia should have been scared, but the situation in front of him made him feel it was a little funny and he couldn’t help but smile.

“Are you still laughing now?” Song Qingluo was a little helpless.

“I can’t help it.” Lin Banxia said with a smile, “I feel like I’ve made a profit.”

Song Qingluo said: “What did you earn?”

“Hahahaha, I suddenly remembered.” Lin Banxia said, “Cremating us together not only saves an urn, but also saves a plot at the cemetery!”

Even Song Qingluo couldn’t help being shocked by Lin Banxia’s careful calculation at this time. He was silent for a moment and said with a hint of helplessness in his tone: “I’m really going to jump.”

Lin Banxia: “Okay.”

The two looked at each other, and the next moment, Song Qingluo and Lin Banxia jumped downwards. At the same time, the roller coaster roared past the place where the two had been standing.

Lin Banxia’s body fell rapidly, and the intense feeling of weightlessness overwhelmed all his senses. He felt that Song Qingluo actually adjusted his direction in mid-air, and his body was firmly held in Song Qingluo’s arms. After a moment, Lin Banxia fell onto the hard concrete ground. Although Song Qingluo tried his best to use his body as a buffer, Lin Banxia could still clearly hear the sound of his bones and muscles breaking. Lin Banxia originally thought that death was painful, but what surprised him was that at the moment of darkness, he didn’t feel anything, other than his vision suddenly darkening, and his perception of the surroundings disappeared.

Song Qingluo lowered his eyes and saw Lin Banxia’s smashed body in his arms. He coughed heavily and brought the puppet that was brought down to his eyes. The puppet was completely damaged. He squeezed the puppet for a moment and finally noticed something strange. He reached out and dug hard inside the puppet and pulled out a blood-red handkerchief. On the handkerchief, a person’s appearance was embroidered with colorful thin threads, and there were some cute fonts below: Xiao Weiqi, I like you.

Song Qingluo lowered his eyes, covered his mouth, and coughed violently again. When he unclenched his hand, his fingers were already a dazzling bright red.


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