Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 46.2: Throwing the Handkerchief

“Ha, haha.” Meng Meng laughed, but her smile was as stiff as a corpse, “You are too stupid, I will never die. You didn’t expect it, but I am that ghost, how can a ghost die?” She wanted to laugh at them, but she didn’t realize that her voice was laced with despair.

No one spoke, everyone was as if under a spell.

“Why don’t you speak?” Meng Meng asked, “Why don’t you speak?” Her view turned upside down and dropped from a height to the cold ground.

“Ah!!!” Fan Zirong screamed in horror. At two thirty, just when they thought nothing would happen, Meng Meng’s head fell off, and her head rolled to the ground with a rumble. At Zhao Yuanrui’s feet, her eyes were still wide open, and she kept asking: “Why don’t you speak?” Fan Zirong knew not to scream, but his natural instinct still broke through the control of reason, and he let out a shrill scream.

Shen Junyan covered Zhao Yuanrui’s mouth but forgot that Fan Zirong was there. When she heard his cry, she immediately sighed heavily in her heart.

Although Meng Meng’s head was in a different place, her head and body were still moving. Her head rolled to Fan Zirong’s feet, but her body staggered and fell into the track of the roller coaster. It happened that the six minutes had expired, and with a harsh sound, her body was directly knocked to pieces by the roller coaster.

“Ahhhh!!!” Zhao Yuanrui was so frightened by this bloody scene that he fainted in Shen Junyan’s arms. Shen Junyan’s face did not look good. She was probably thinking about how these boys were all as delicate as flowers. The girl was not even scared yet.

After Fan Zirong screamed, he immediately realized what he had done. He reached into his trouser pocket and unsurprisingly took out the red handkerchief that represented death. The moment he saw the handkerchief, he fell to the ground at a loss and cried loudly.

As soon as Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo got off the roller coaster, they saw this devastating scene. Song Qingluo frowned: “What’s going on?”

“Meng Meng hid the handkerchief and wanted to kill Zhao Yuanrui.” Xiao Weiqi replied coldly, “I found out.”

Shen Junyan said with difficulty: “Why can’t you believe me just once? Why did you hide the handkerchief?”

“It wasn’t us who hid it, it was Meng Meng!!” Xiao Weiqi retorted angrily, “Didn’t you hear what she said? She is that ghost.”

“Okay, now the ghost is dead.” Shen Junyan said, “Is the game over?”

Of course it was not over yet. The blood-red handkerchief on Fan Zirong’s body was the best proof.

Xiao Weiqi fell into silence.

Shen Qingyi said softly: “It has nothing to do with Xiao Weiqi. It was me who killed her… If you want to blame someone, just blame me.”

Lin Banxia didn’t expect things to develop like this and was stunned for a moment. Song Qingluo sighed inaudibly, and softly uttered two words: “Why bother.”

Xiao Weiqi’s eyes were red, and he roared at Song Qingluo like a desperate trapped animal: “Who wants to do this? Even though Meng Meng killed Wang Ke, she also wanted to attack Zhao Yuanrui. How can there be such a cruel person in the world? Since she didn’t want to hand over the handkerchief, then she should keep it forever!!!”

“What should we do now?” Zhao Yuanrui started crying regardless of his face, “Another handkerchief has appeared, who should die now??”

Fan Zirong squatted on the ground, his whole body limp, and he kept sobbing.

The atmosphere was frighteningly frozen.

Shen Junyan walked slowly to Fan Zirong’s side, stretched out her hand to rub his head, and said, “You’re really stupid. I’ve already told you that I have a way, so why can’t you just trust me once?” After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and under the stunned eyes of everyone, took the handkerchief.

Xiao Weiqi was stunned when he saw this scene: “Is this your way? To die on our behalf? Is this your way??”

Shen Junyan glanced at him and said nothing.

Xiao Weiqi yelled: “Do you understand, you will die?”

“What are you talking about? Death is the happiest destination for human beings.” Shen Junyan said calmly, “I have always thought so.”

Fan Zirong burst into tears.

Song Qingluo looked at his watch and let Fan Zirong cry for three minutes, then said: “Are you done crying? If you are done crying, I have something to say.”

When Song Qingluo said this, Fan Zirong barely stopped crying and looked at him pitifully.

“I can clearly see the puppets on the track.” Song Qingluo said. “That puppet looks exactly like one of you.”

Everyone was stunned. Zhao Yuanrui said in a trembling voice: “Yes, it’s one of us? No, isn’t it Meng Meng? Didn’t she say she was the ghost?”

“It’s not Meng Meng.” Song Qingluo confirmed Zhao Yuanrui’s question, “I don’t know why she had such a stupid idea.”

“Who is it??” Xiao Weiqi suddenly became very angry, and he said, “Who is that ghost?!”

“I’m not going to tell you.” Song Qingluo replied unexpectedly.

“Why??” Xiao Weiqi looked in disbelief and couldn’t understand why Song Qingluo wanted to conceal such important information. He said, “As long as you put the handkerchief on that ghost, everything will be over. Why… you won’t tell us?”

“Who told you this rule?” Song Qingluo said coldly, “Who told you that if you put the handkerchief on the ghost, the game is over?”

As soon as this question came out, no one could answer it. All the rules here were just their guesses. No one could guarantee that everything would end after the handkerchief got to the ghost.

“What are you going to do?” Shen Junyan looked at Song Qingluo.

“Climb up on the track.” Song Qingluo said the words in an understated way that made everyone’s eyes widen. “Take down the puppet and seal it in our own way.”

“Climb? Climb up?” Xiao Weiqi went crazy, “Are you okay? The roller coaster is still on. Even if it wasn’t, on such a steep track how can you climb up without safety measures?”

Lin Banxia stayed by the side without saying anything. Seeing that Xiao Weiqi’s mood was getting more and more intense, he could only calm them down softly: “Calm down, this roller coaster should have an operating platform, right? Can’t the operating platform stop it? ”

Xiao Weiqi didn’t listen at all and kept questioning.

However, Zhao Yuanrui, who was standing next to him, scratched his head and came up with an idea: “It seems that the roller coaster can be stopped from inside the console. It’s that small room, but I haven’t seen inside. I don’t know how to stop this thing.”

Lin Banxia said, “Let me go and take a look.” He gave Song Qingluo a look and told him not to argue with Xiao Weiqi again.

Song Qingluo nodded expressionlessly and glared at Xiao Weiqi coldly with his dark eyes.

Xiao Weiqi, who was originally extremely angry, fell silent for an instant, and even took a step back involuntarily. After a moment, he realized that he was actually being suppressed. Song Qingluo’s eyes were frightening…

In fact, Shen Qingyi had always been afraid of this handsome man. When she noticed that Xiao Weiqi’s face was pale, she held his hand and the two walked aside quietly.

Shen Qingyi lowered her head and whispered: “Xiao Qi, don’t be angry. Have you ever thought about what if the ghost… doesn’t know that they are a ghost?”

Xiao Weiqi was stunned.

Shen Qingyi said: “What if he didn’t intend to harm anyone?”

Xiao Weiqi glanced at Shen Qingyi with complicated eyes and said, “Even if he has no subjective consciousness, he should still be responsible for what he did.”

Shen Qingyi smiled bitterly. She didn’t try to persuade Xiao Weiqi anymore. She just held his hand tightly and said, “I’m… sorry.”

“Sorry? Why are you sorry?” Xiao Weiqi was confused.

“You know I got the handkerchief, right?” Shen Qingyi said, “But I didn’t die. You should understand what this means.”

Xiao Weiqi was slightly stunned. He didn’t expect Shen Qingyi to say such words. He licked his lips and wanted to say something, but when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them all.

Shen Qingyi looked at him with a sad smile, lowered her head slightly, and when Xiao Weiqi wasn’t paying attention, she kissed him softly on the lips. Xiao Weiqi’s eyes widened instantly, his cheeks were mostly red, and he muttered: “You… what are you…”

Shen Qingyi smiled: “Why? Don’t you like this expression?”

Xiao Weiqi said: “I, I like you…” He lowered his head, a little embarrassed, but his voice was clear, “I like you very much.”

Shen Qingyi’s eyes arched.

Seeing that the situation finally calmed down, Lin Banxia breathed a sigh of relief and called Zhao Yuanrui, asking him to accompany him to the control room.

The two walked into the room next to them. Lin Banxia saw a table of complicated buttons. He was not polite. He walked to the front and pressed the buttons at random. Zhao Yuanrui was frightened and said, “Brother, you… By pressing it like this, are you not afraid of breaking something?”

Lin Banxia didn’t care: “The situation is like this anyway, how can it get worse?”

That’s true. Zhao Yuanrui thought about it and felt that what Lin Banxia said made sense, so he boldly stretched out his hand and pressed it together with Lin Banxia.

After trying many buttons but getting no response, Lin Banxia suddenly noticed that there was a lever under the console. The lever was painted in bright red. It looked like a very important device. He bent down and grabbed the lever, pulled it down hard, and then heard a loud bang.

Fan Zirong’s surprised voice came from outside: “The car really stopped!!”

Lin Banxia felt relieved, thinking that he was lucky, and planned to go out.

Zhao Yuanrui reached out and gave him a hand, saying, “Are you really going to climb the track? This… this is too dangerous.”

Seeing that his worry didn’t seem to be fake, Lin Banxia patted his head reassuringly: “It’s okay, don’t worry.”

Zhao Yuanrui hesitated to speak, but seeing that Lin Banxia had decided to leave, he had no choice but to shut up.

Outside, Song Qingluo was carefully putting black gloves on his slender fingers. He unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt, revealing his white and strong forearms. On the forearms, the lines of muscles were showing, giving him a sense of asceticism. He heard Lin Banxia’s footsteps and said lightly: “Together?”

Lin Banxia laughed: “Okay, together.”

The author has something to say:

Zhao Yuanrui: Why are you so brave? Don’t you have anything to be afraid of?

Lin Banxia: I’m afraid. If it were in reality, I definitely wouldn’t dare to be so reckless.

Zhao Yuanrui: Why??

Lin Banxia whispered: 0.0 because it would cost money

Song Qingluo: Pfft.


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