Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 46.1: Throwing the Handkerchief

The roller coaster continued to move forward. Because Shen Junyan’s screams behind him were too pitiful, Lin Banxia was still worried that she would fall, so he focused on her and did not notice the strange phenomena around him for a while. Only once they reached a certain corner, Song Qingluo stretched out his hand, gently patted the back of Lin Banxia’s hand and said, “There is something ahead.”

Lin Banxia said: “Where??”

“Look at the track.” Song Qingluo said.

Lin Banxia immediately raised his head and glanced in the direction Song Qingluo was talking about. Even he was startled when he saw that the roller coaster track in front of them was broken. At the broken place, a humanoid figure seemed to be hanging. Shen Junyan, who was sitting in the back, also saw the broken track in front of them. Now she went completely crazy. She grabbed the shoulder press with all her strength and tried to pull it off, but the heavy shoulder press was stuck. It couldn’t be pulled open no matter what. In just the blink of an eye, the roller coaster had reached the broken part of the track. Shen Junyan felt her body rising into the air, and at a certain moment, her butt even lifted off the seat she was sitting on.

“Fuck…” With the curse words in her mouth, Shen Junyan couldn’t help but close her eyes, waiting for the intense feeling of weightlessness to come. However, more than ten seconds passed, and the fall she imagined did not happen. When she opened her eyes again, the roller coaster had actually passed through the broken part and returned to the complete track. Then the speed gradually slowed down and slowly stopped on the platform where they came out.

With a “click”, all the shoulder presses on the seat were lifted up, and Shen Junyan staggered out of the seat, her face as white as a ghost, which shocked Xiao Weiqi who was watching next to her.

Seeing this, Shen Qingyi hurriedly stepped forward to support Shen Junyan and asked, “Are you okay??”

“It’s strange that nothing happened.” Shen Junyan said as she was dying: “Can you believe it?? Halfway through the seat belt came loose, and I almost fell from on top.”

Everyone looked horrified when they heard this. Clearly, they thought it was really scary to have their seat belts come loose while riding a roller coaster.

“And the track was broken.” Shen Junyan took out a tissue and wiped off her cold sweat. She turned around and saw Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo getting out of the car without changing their expressions. She was furious, “It’s good to be back. Otherwise, I would never let you two go!”

Lin Banxia felt a little wronged and said aggrievedly: “Why won’t you let me go?”

Shen Junyan said angrily: “Because you are not afraid of roller coasters!!”

Lin Banxia: “…” Your anger is a bit unreasonable.

Song Qingluo tsked softly, with a look of disgust in his eyes, which made Shen Junyan grit her teeth.

As the three of them were talking Shen Qingyi stepped forward and gently pulled Shen Junyan’s sleeves, whispering: “Sister, something seems wrong.”

“What’s wrong?” Shen Junyan asked.

“After you went up, on a certain section of track, it seemed as if you suddenly couldn’t be seen.” Shen Qingyi pointed behind them. Behind them was a wall made of glass, and most of the roller coaster track could be seen.

“We disappeared?” Shen Junyan was stunned, walked to the wall and said, “Where is that section specifically?”

“It’s probably at that location.” Shen Qingyi pointed.

Lin Banxia also saw the position pointed by Shen Qingyi. He glanced there and immediately remembered something: “Hey, isn’t this the position where we saw the track break at that time?”

Song Qingluo nodded, indicating that Lin Banxia remembered correctly.

“So that section of track is really in line with reality??” Xiao Weiqi said in surprise, “Can we go out directly from there?”

“You can go out.” Lin Banxia thought for a while and felt that this was not very reliable. “But in reality, the location of the track is more than thirty meters away from the ground. There is a hard cement floor below. Normally If someone jumps from there, it will probably be a disaster.”

Hope was shattered, Xiao Weiqi sighed in frustration.

Song Qingluo pondered: “The things we just saw on the broken track may have something to do with the heresy. I didn’t see it very clearly just now. I want to go there a few more times.”

When Shen Junyan heard this, she waved her hand towards Song Qingluo: “Go, go, I won’t accompany you.” She rubbed her stomach and felt that it was a miracle that she didn’t vomit.

Lin Banxia said: “Shall I accompany you?” The two of them would definitely look more carefully.

Song Qingluo nodded in agreement.

Then, under the admiring eyes of everyone, the two of them got on the roller coaster again, still in the first row, still the most exciting position. Lin Banxia raised his hand and pulled down the shoulder press, looking relaxed from beginning to end.

Shen Junyan stood nearby with an extremely complicated expression. She had seen countless powerful monitors, and most of them were very courageous, but even if they were courageous, there were still things they were afraid of. For example, Li Su was afraid of moths, and she was afraid of heights. It was rare for an alien like Lin Banxia, who had no fear, to appear. No wonder Li Su said that Song Qingluo had such good luck and found such a treasure from nowhere. The roller coaster set off again, carrying Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo, and slowly drove into the night.

Shen Junyan raised her hand and looked at the clock. It was still half an hour before two-thirty. She checked her pockets but did not find the bloody handkerchief that should have been on her body.

“What’s wrong?” Xiao Weiqi asked when he saw Shen Junyan’s expression was strange.

“That’s weird.” Shen Junyan said, “I screamed so loudly on the roller coaster just now, why don’t I have a handkerchief? Could it be that the handkerchief has already appeared?”

“How many of you entered the amusement park?” Xiao Weiqi asked.

“Seven.” Shen Junyan replied.

“Could it have appeared on the remaining people?” Shen Qingyi mentioned this possibility.

This is possible. Shen Junyan touched her fingertips and thought deeply. Her eyes swept around the students calmly and said, “I don’t think any of you would hide the handkerchief, right?”

No one said anything, obviously agreeing with Shen Junyan’s statement.

“If there is a handkerchief on your body, please give it to me.” Shen Junyan said, “Don’t leave it on your body.”

Zhao Yuanrui couldn’t laugh or cry: “Who would deliberately hide this thing on themselves and seek death?”

“That’s hard to say.” Shen Junyan shrugged, “What if I was too careless and didn’t notice it?”

No one responded. It seemed that Shen Junyan was really worrying too much.

“When will it end?” Fan Zirong said listlessly. He saw Jiang Rourou die with his own eyes, so he naturally knew what the handkerchief meant. “Is it necessary to find the ghost and put the handkerchief on it before this game can end? But how do we know who the ghost is?”

Shen Junyan was thoughtful: “Yes, who is the ghost?” She looked into the distance. The roller coaster that had just driven out was now back.

This time, Lin Banxia could see the thing on the broken track more clearly. It was a puppet wearing a long skirt. It was about the size of an arm. It was stuck in the broken track very cleverly. Thanks to Song Qingluo who could see it, but the speed of the roller coaster was too fast, and the thing disappeared from their sights in just a few seconds. It was already difficult to see it, and it was not easy to take a few more glances.

“Puppet? There is a puppet on the track of this roller coaster. It seems to be that thing.” Shen Junyan said, “What does it look like specifically?”

“It was too dark, so I couldn’t see clearly.” Song Qingluo said.

“Would you like to take a look again?” Lin Banxia suggested, “Maybe we can get some other clues from the puppets?”

Song Qingluo pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement.

So, under the admiring eyes of everyone, the two rode the roller coaster for the third time, and judging from the current situation, it was obvious that this was not the last time.

After seeing them riding the roller coaster three times in a row, Shen Junyan felt sick to her stomach just thinking about it and simply looked away.

Time passed slowly, and the few people waiting below had nothing to do, so they began to discuss clues about the ghost. Everyone expressed their opinions, and the atmosphere became lively, but it was not as spooky as before.

The students were making trouble, and Shen Junyan was watching from the side, boredom clearly written on her face. Of course, just to be on the safe side, she checked everyone’s body and confirmed that no one was hiding a handkerchief. After Meng Meng was checked, she walked up to Zhao Yuanrui, patted his back gently, and asked him to go with her with a smile. Zhao Yuanrui was flattered and thought that Meng Meng was really frightened, otherwise how could she be so cold and aloof normally yet still interested in him. After he finished checking, Meng Meng walked to him again and stood with him.

Xiao Weiqi was upset when he saw Meng Meng, especially now that she was very clinging to Zhao Yuanrui. He said, “Meng Meng, can you stay away from Zhao Yuanrui? You don’t like him, why are you provoking him?”

Meng Meng retorted without hesitation: “Aren’t you looking for a ghost? I think Xiao Weiqi is very suspicious. If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have come to this parrk.”

“Meng Meng, do you have the nerve to accuse me?” Xiao Weiqi was not willing to take the blame and retorted with a sneer, “You were the one responsible for Wang Ke’s death, right?”

“You have to provide evidence when you speak.” Meng Meng said angrily, “You said it was me, so it is me? I also said it was you!”

Xiao Weiqi swore and suddenly stepped forward to push Meng Meng. Meng Meng stumbled back a few steps and started crying. She said: “What are you doing? You can’t defeat me, why are you doing this and beating someone??”

Upon seeing this, Zhao Yuanrui had no choice but to hurriedly advise everyone not to fight among themselves and let the ghost see a joke.

Shen Qingyi supported Meng Meng and whispered, “Are you okay?”

“I…I’m fine…” Meng Meng sobbed sadly as she was supported by Shen Qingyi, “Xiao Weiqi, you are too much. You would actually attack a girl. It’s really too much.”

Shen Qingyi comforted her repeatedly.

Xiao Weiqi wanted to come forward to argue, but Shen Qingyi stopped her, helped Meng Meng to the corner, and said not to argue with Xiao Weiqi.

Only then did Meng Meng stop crying. She huddled up in a ball, like a pitiful rabbit being bullied. At first glance, she looked a little pitiful. Zhao Yuanrui also went to comfort her. Xiao Weiqi, on the other hand, kept staring at her coldly for a while before looking away. The roller coaster came and went, and before they knew it, Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo had already completed the third ride. However, the surrounding environment was so bad that it was very difficult to see clearly what the thing looked like. However, on the fourth ride, Lin Banxia clearly felt a subtle change in Song Qingluo’s expression. He asked, “Did you see it clearly?” Song Qingluo nodded silently, and then said softly: “Do it again, I still need to confirm.”

Of course, they didn’t tell the waiting students below about this. After all, it would be bad if the ghost knew that his identity was about to be leaked and did something drastic, so they set off again.

As the roller coaster rushed out of the platform again and again, time also passed rapidly. Xiao Weiqi glanced at his watch. The current time was two-twenty-seven, which was still three minutes away from two-thirty. He turned his head expressionlessly and saw Meng Meng sitting in the corner. This girl was once their friend. Why Xiao Weiqi used the word “once” is because the moment she attacked Wang Ke, he no longer regarded her as a friend. If Xiao Weiqi was previously only angry about Wang Ke’s death and still had a trace of pity for Meng Meng, then at this moment, Xiao Weiqi only had deep hatred and disgust for Meng Meng.

Xiao Weiqi noticed something was wrong when Meng Meng suddenly came back. If Meng Meng really cared about these friends, she would not have left Wang Ke to die. So instead of believing in her conscience, it is better to suspect that she has some other purpose. Xiao Weiqi noticed that she had been clinging to Zhao Yuanrui since they reached the roller coaster.

Xiao Weiqi and Shen Qingyi saw with their own eyes how she killed Wang Ke and would never believe her. Fan Zirong had a girlfriend, so it was not appropriate to cling to him. So, Zhao Yuanrui was left as a scapegoat. When Shen Junyan was checking just now, she had been hanging around Zhao Yuanrui, obviously using some method to avoid the check. Just a few minutes later, Xiao Weiqi found the blood-red handkerchief in the hood of Zhao Yuanrui’s clothes without any surprise. She was smart enough to know that it would be easy to find this thing in her pocket, so she came up with such a way. It was dark everywhere here. If Xiao Weiqi hadn’t focused all his attention on Zhao Yuanrui, he probably wouldn’t have discovered this thing.

Another minute passed, and Xiao Weiqi became a little anxious. He held his hands tightly, and veins even popped out because of too much force. He would not allow Meng Meng to intentionally harm others again, so when he was arguing with Meng Meng just now, he deliberately pushed Meng Meng a few times and stuffed the handkerchief into her pocket. At this time, Meng Meng had no idea about this and was still proud of her plan.

Xiao Weiqi was counting the time secretly in his heart, and suddenly he saw Meng Meng, who was squatting on the ground, stand up. She also looked at her watch, and seemed to realize that the critical time was approaching, and she seemed a little worried about something, so quickly she started rummaging through her body, including the pockets of her clothes.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Weiqi immediately became nervous. The thing was stuffed into her black outer pocket. When she turned around, he could see where he put it. His throat moved heavily up and down, and he thought in despair that his plan was going to fail. However, what Xiao Weiqi didn’t expect was that Meng Meng didn’t find anything. Her pockets were empty, and the handkerchief Xiao Weiqi put in with his own hands was missing.

“What are you looking for?” Shen Qingyi, standing next to Meng Meng, asked softly.

“It’s nothing.” Meng Meng responded perfunctorily. She searched all over her body, but indeed she couldn’t find the red handkerchief. She breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that maybe she was overthinking it. She raised her head and saw the ferocious expression of Xiao Weiqi not far away. The time was already two twenty-nine. In another minute, according to the rules they guessed, the handkerchief would work, but this had nothing to do with her anymore, the handkerchief was not on her anyway.

“What are you looking for?” Shen Qingyi, standing behind her, asked again.

Meng Meng was a little annoyed. She actually didn’t have a good impression of Shen Qingyi. If she hadn’t just pretended to be pitiful, she wouldn’t have behaved like good sisters with her. She said, “Nothing, I’m just looking.”

“I know what you are looking for.” Shen Qingyi leaned close to her ear. Her voice was always delicate and soft, but now it sounded like the whisper of the god of death. She said, “My hands are no longer clean. I can’t let Xiao Weiqi feel uncomfortable because of you anymore.” Her fingers gently pressed Meng Meng’s sunken spine, slowly slid down, and hung the thing in her hand on the huge bow embroidered on her skirt. “Meng Meng, goodbye.”

Meng Meng turned her head in confusion and saw Shen Qingyi who had an expressionless face. She was about to say something, but she found that Shen Qingyi’s fingers were stained with bright red blood. She lowered her head and saw that the bow of her skirt was also stained with blood.

The second hand ticked, unwittingly, pointing to the number twelve.



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