Phantom Skeleton Painting

T/N: Hey guys sorry that there was no chapter yesterday. We had no power again. I don’t know if any of you know about the continuous routine power outages that are happening in South Africa (where I live), but it really makes it difficult to translate and post some days. Yesterday we had no power till late so I had no chance to do any translating. Because of this the release times for chapter might be a bit erratic for a while. I will try to keep the updates as stable as possible though.


Chapter 45.2: Throwing the Handkerchief

Zhao Yuanrui was dumbfounded when he heard this and said, “Brother, you are not just here to take a look, you also want to sit on it?”

Lin Banxia said calmly: “We’ll just take a look and not go in.”

Zhao Yuanrui looked at Lin Banxia suspiciously: “You’re not lying to me, are you?”

Lin Banxia said: “Probably not.”

Zhao Yuanrui: “…”

“I’ll just take a look and won’t go in.” No matter how he said it, it sounded like a scumbag deceiving an ignorant girl. Shen Junyan pursed her lips and snickered beside them, and glanced thoughtfully at Song Qingluo, who had no expression.

Song Qingluo’s face was expressionless: “What are you looking at me for?”

Shen Junyan said: “It doesn’t work even if you look at it. How about it? You haven’t spoken for so long. Have you figured out who the ghost is?”

Song Qingluo said: “Ghosts have no shadows, and I think you seem quite suspicious.”

Although she had already explained it to the students just now, as soon as these words came out, the boys and girls next to them silently moved away from Shen Junyan. Shen Junyan was so angry that her teeth itched, but she did not dare to make a move against Song Qingluo.

Zhao Yuanrui looked at Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo troubledly. Now he was very suspicious that he was the ignorant girl who was being deceived. How could he not go in even though he was here? He was still struggling when he heard Xiao Weiqi’s careless words. Pointing to the side, he said, “That’s where you enter.”

Lin Banxia said: “Let’s go and have a look together?”

Song Qingluo nodded, and everyone headed inside the roller coaster.

Zhao Yuanrui and Fan Zirong didn’t look very good, but they didn’t dare to stay outside, so they had no choice but to follow Lin Banxia and the others in.

If you wanted to ride the roller coaster, you needed to go through a very long, fenced-in queuing channel. This was usually to make the queues of tourists move smooth and orderly. However, in the dark night, this place gave people an uncomfortable feeling, because if something appeared, they would be blocked by the fence and there would be no time to escape. Lin Banxia walked behind, almost pushing Zhao Yuanrui in front of him. Zhao Yuanrui didn’t seem like such a coward, but his weak legs were very embarrassing. The group walked forward for a while and finally reached the end point. However, they could see from a distance that a roller coaster was parked on the departure track, and on top of the roller coaster, there were several shadowy black figures.

Zhao Yuanrui’s hair suddenly stood up and he said to Lin Banxia: “Brother, did you seen that?”

Lin Banxia said: “What?”

Zhao Yuanrui went crazy: “Those things on the roller coaster.”

Lin Banxia said: “I saw it.”

Zhao Yuanrui said: “Then why didn’t you react?”

Lin Banxia was confused: “How should I react?”

Zhao Yuanrui: “…you should be afraid for a while.”

Lin Banxia thought for a while, then held his throat and shouted twice: “Ah, I’m so scared, so scared.”

Zhao Yuanrui: “…Forget it, you’d better keep quiet.”

Song Qingluo, who was next to him, heard the conversation between the two and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Everyone was getting closer and closer to the roller coaster. When they reached the roller coaster and fully understood what was on it, the entire team fell silent instantly. The people sitting on the roller coaster were obviously not alive. Their faces were as pale as paper, their expressions were filled with unspeakable horror, their limbs were stiff, and they were clutching the bumper in front of them. They looked nothing like living people. Lin Banxia immediately recognized the identities of these people – they were the people who died on the roller coaster in the news reports. However, he roughly counted the number of people and found that there were only six people in front of him. This showed that the students were right, the seventh one was hidden among them.

When the students saw this scene, they all shrank. Meng Meng and Zhao Yuanrui were so close that they were almost touching. Zhao Yuanrui would have blushed normally, but now he was shaking harder than Meng Meng, looking at the roller coaster in fear, thinking that he would be completely over it in the next second…

Just when everyone was silent, the roller coaster parked in front of everyone started to move slowly, and the people sitting on it seemed to come to life. They were slowly transported to the highest point along with the carriage, and then there was a period of weightlessness. A violent dive with a strong sense of weightlessness. “Ah!!!!” The sharp screams echoed over the entire amusement park. Just like the moment this group of people arrived here, they seemed to be imprisoned on the roller coaster. They could only scream and repeat the nightmare they had experienced before their death.

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them. Shen Qingyi couldn’t help crying miserably. Xiao Weiqi touched her back and whispered: “It’s okay, don’t cry, we can definitely go out…”

Shen Junyan was a little upset. She raised her hand and looked at her watch. It was just two o’clock. She took out another cigarette and lit it. After blowing out the smoke, she felt helpless and said, “Where is that thing? It can’t be on the roller coaster. Right?”

Song Qingluo said: “It’s highly likely.”

“What should I do?” Shen Junyan said, “I’m afraid of heights.”

Lin Banxia thought for a while: “I’m not afraid of heights. Can I go up and have a look?”

As soon as he said this, all the students around him looked at him strangely, obviously thinking that Lin Banxia was joking. Unexpectedly, after Song Qingluo pondered for a moment, he actually agreed to Lin Banxia’s proposal: “Okay, let’s go together.”

“You really want to go up?” Xiao Weiqi felt a little crazy, “That roller coaster is full of dead people. How can you survive if you go up?”

Lin Banxia looked very calm: “It’s not necessarily that we will die.”

Xiao Weiqi was speechless and looked at these people like monsters. He felt that they were not normal and even began to regret following them.

The roller coaster ran every six minutes. With a huge roar, the rapidly speeding roller coaster gradually slowed down and finally stopped in front of them at a gentle speed. The carriage full of dead souls stopped in front of them again. All the dead souls stopped screaming and returned to the stiff appearance they had when they first met.

Shen Junyan smiled bitterly: “You really want to go up?”

Lin Banxia said: “There is no other place to go now. There should be clues here…”

“Baby Banxia, ​​I’m not telling you. I’m already brave enough, how can you be bigger than me.” Shen Junyan’s face became a little ugly for the first time. She smoked a cigarette to relieve her anxiety, “Besides, …” She seemed to want to say something, but finally swallowed the words that reached her lips.

Lin Banxia originally wanted to ask her what she was talking about, but he heard Song Qingluo ask in a nonchalant manner: “Are you coming?”

Shen Junyan smiled bitterly: “Okay, I’ll come.” She said, and walked over, muttering to herself all the way, saying that she would not participate in future tasks involving an amusement park, damn it. It’s so high that just looking at it made her dizzy.

Lin Banxia originally wanted to persuade her not to force herself, but she moved faster than Song Qingluo. She ran up to the top and chose a seat in the middle to sit down. Song Qingluo glanced at her, walked to the only double seat at the front, bent down and sat down, and clipped in his shoulders with an indifferent expression. This was the first time for Lin Banxia to sit on something like this, so he was full of curiosity. After seeing Song Qingluo sitting down, Lin Banxia chose a seat next to him and sat down happily.

Seeing that he didn’t know how to handle the seat belt, Song Qingluo turned around and helped him pull off the shoulder bar. After checking it carefully, he asked Lin Banxia, ​​his voice a little soft: “What are you thinking about?”

“I was thinking about it.” Lin Banxia answered honestly, “I seem to have earned 180 tickets.”

Song Qingluo: “…”

Lin Banxia said: “What are you thinking about?”

Song Qingluo glanced at Lin Banxia: “Nothing.”

Shen Junyan, who was sitting in the back, heard Lin Banxia’s answer and immediately beat her chest and said, “Lin Banxia, ​​Lin Banxia, ​​you have never sat on this thing. You don’t know how scary this thing is!! I just I don’t believe you are not afraid!!!”

Lin Banxia felt that it made sense when he heard this, nodded and said: “That’s right.”

Shen Junyan was really afraid of this, but she followed them not because she was trying to be brave, but because of her responsibility as a monitor. This roller coaster was the only channel between reality and this place. According to usual experience, the heretical things would most likely be on it. However, although she knew this, it was not easy to do it. Without anyone controlling it, the roller coaster beneath her made a clicking sound and began to move forward slowly.

The roller coaster slowly accelerated, accompanied by the howling wind, and they slowly reached the highest point. Looking around, they could almost see the entire amusement park. They were looking for clues. Naturally, Shen Junyan couldn’t close her eyes and lie to herself. She tried hard to restrain the fear of heights deep in her heart. Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned her head, that blood-curdling scream sounded in her ears. The thing sitting next to her began to scream, and in that instant, the entire roller coaster was filled with blood-curdling screams. This scream made Shen Junyan collapse. She was a little afraid of heights, and the things around her kept screaming, which made her regret her decision. However, it was too late to regret it at this time. The roller coaster had reached its highest point, and then it dropped rapidly. The violent feeling of weightlessness instantly hit Shen Junyan. She opened her mouth and heard her own scream of horror: “Ahhhhh!!!”

Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo also heard it. They looked at each other in tacit understanding. Song Qingluo’s soft voice was a little distorted in the fierce wind, but Lin Banxia still heard it clearly. He was a little helpless: “I shouldn’t have let her come up.”

Lin Banxia immediately remembered Shen Qingyi’s speculation about screaming, and was worried whether a red handkerchief would appear on Shen Junyan. However, Song Qingluo seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and said softly: “Don’t be afraid, she and we are different.”

Not the same? Didn’t that mean that they were different? They wouldn’t be affected by this place? Lin Banxia was thinking but felt that the roller coaster had gone through another bend, and what followed was a severe feeling of weightlessness. This feeling was very wonderful. The crazy secretion of adrenaline actually gave him an addictive feeling. Lin Banxia opened his eyes and listened to the screams coming one after another from behind, including Shen Junyan’s.

After all, he was a little worried. Lin Banxia turned his head hard and saw Shen Junyan, who had turned pale with fear. He shouted loudly: “Are you okay?”

Shen Junyan screamed: “It’s okay!!!”

She said it was okay, but unfortunately her voice didn’t sound like she was okay. Although he was worried, Lin Banxia felt a little bit dumbfounded.

Song Qingluo’s attention was not on Shen Junyan. His black hair was a little messy because of the wind, but his focused expression did not change at all. He was observing every detail of the entire roller coaster, including the track they were driving on.

At this time, the roller coaster once again rushed through an exaggerated curve at an extremely fast speed. Their bodies were almost completely upside down. Shen Junyan’s curses continued continuously, and all the designers who built the roller coaster, including his family members, expressed their condolences.

Lin Banxia shouted: “Is it really okay??”

Shen Junyan screamed: “It’s okay. It’s weird. I’m really going to fucking die!!”

Lin Banxia wanted to laugh a little, but felt it wasn’t appropriate.

The roller coaster once again went through an exaggerated curve at a very fast speed. At this moment, Shen Junyan behind him suddenly shouted in a tearful voice: “Help, help, help!!!”

Her voice was so miserable that Lin Banxia immediately turned around. When he turned around, Lin Banxia saw an unexpected scene. I saw that the seat belt on Shen Junyan’s waist behind her was actually loose, and the shoulder strap was slightly raised… It seemed to be broken. Shen Junyan wanted to pull it down, but she couldn’t do it. They were about to reach an inverted curve, and Shen Junyan, who was afraid of heights, fell into a state of collapse.

“Help, help…” Shen Junyan screamed with all her strength. She really didn’t understand why the six minutes that usually ended so quickly became so long when it came to her. She clenched the safety device. She began to feel weak, and as the roller coaster flipped upside down, she even felt that she was about to leave this beautiful world.

“It’s not good!!” After Lin Banxia saw the situation clearly, he quickly turned back to discuss with Song Qingluo, “Shen Junyan’s seat belt is off!!”

Song Qingluo also looked back, and then analyzed the situation very calmly: “It’s okay, the pressure on her shoulders is still there.”

Lin Banxia: “She won’t fall, right?”

Song Qingluo said: “The speed of the car is fast enough. According to the inertia of physics, she will not fall.”

Lin Banxia breathed a sigh of relief: “Oh, that’s good.”

Unexpectedly, Song Qingluo added another sentence: “But sometimes physics is not very easy to apply to heretical things.”

Lin Banxia: “…” Boss, can you finish speaking in one breath?

Song Qingluo comforted him: “It’s okay, she is heavier and has greater inertia.”

Shen Junyan screamed: “Song Qingluo, what are you talking about!!! I’m not fucking dead yet. Ahhhh!!!”

Lin Banxia was stunned: “Is there nothing we can do?”

Song Qingluo was silent for a moment and uttered two words: “Pray?”

Lin Banxia: “…” Praying is okay.

The author has something to say:

Song Qingluo: As long as you pray seriously…

Lin Banxia: What can I do?

Song Qingluo: You can lie to yourself for one more minute.

Lin Banxia:………………

Shen Junyan: Ahhhh, Song Qingluo, you vindictive bastard!!!!


If possible please consider supporting me on Patreon or Ko-fi. I will be working on a stockpile for Patreon where you can read advanced chapters for as little as $3 a month. Alternatively, I will release an extra chapter for every Ko-fi donation I receive. It might not be on that exact day, but it will be released within the week.




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