Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 45.1: Throwing the Handkerchief

Impossible… Impossible, it must be a coincidence, it must be a coincidence. Cold sweat overflowed from Meng Meng’s body. She swallowed hard and slowly turned her head to look at the grass. It was very dark, but you could vaguely see a person lying in the grass. The person was wearing a blue and white short skirt, and her long hair blended into the rough weeds. Meng Meng lowered her head and saw that her dress was her favorite blue and white. However, even so, she still had a last bit of hope and walked slowly towards the grass. After lifting the weeds, she squatted down and used the dim light of the streetlamp to see the person’s face clearly.

It was a face exactly like hers, except that it was gray and distorted. There was a blood-red handkerchief stuffed in its open mouth. Meng Meng touched her face. It was soft and warm, with a unique human temperature. She then gently touched the person in front of her with her fingertips. Unexpectedly, she only felt stiffness and coldness.

This turned out to be her corpse. Meng Meng’s throat couldn’t help but swallow up and down. A shrill scream overflowed from her mouth. “Ahhhhh!!!”

After Fan Zirong was ridiculed by Meng Meng, he turned around and walked in the other direction. Unexpectedly, before he took two steps, he heard Meng Meng behind him screaming. Fan Zirong was startled, and when he looked behind him, he found that Meng Meng had fallen to the ground for some reason, looking overly frightened, and her whole face was as white as a ghost. Before he could ask Meng Meng what was wrong, he saw Meng Meng crawling up from the ground. She glanced at Fan Zirong in panic and said hoarsely: “Wait, Fan Zirong, don’t leave yet.”

Fan Zirong said blankly: “What’s wrong with you?”

“I suddenly felt that we cannot leave Xiao Weiqi behind.” Meng Meng said.

Fan Zirong immediately froze on the spot. He really didn’t expect Meng Meng to say such a sentence. Listening to it at this time, it really made him feel a little ridiculous. He said: “Then what do you mean?”

“Let’s go back to find him.” Meng Meng rubbed her arms vigorously, as if there was something dirty on her skin. “It would be too cruel to leave him there alone.”

Fan Zirong looked at Meng Meng in disbelief. He couldn’t understand why she had such a big change in just the blink of an eye. Before Fan Zirong could speak, he saw Meng Meng standing up and heading back in the direction they came from.

“Meng Meng! Meng Meng! What’s wrong with you?” Helpless, Fan Zirong had no choice but to follow her, wondering, “Why did you suddenly…”

Meng Meng gave a stiff smile and did not answer Fan Zirong’s question. She knew very well what happened, but she had no intention of telling Fan Zirong.

From the moment they entered this park, it was an irreversible mistake. Among the seven of them, there was an extra person who didn’t exist. That person was the ghost who appeared behind the others when they threw the handkerchief. Meng Meng was sitting on the merry-go-round with several classmates when a horrific scene suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Then, she found a bloody handkerchief in her pocket. Although Meng Meng was not too smart, she was not stupid either. The moment she found the handkerchief, she quickly understood the rules of the game of throwing handkerchiefs. She walked up to Wang Ke without hesitation and hid the handkerchief in his pocket. The time bomb was quietly transferred to him.

Judging from Xiao Weiqi’s reaction, Wang Ke was obviously dead.

Meng Meng thought with a dull face, but the biggest question now was, did the ghost know that they were a ghost? Why was the handkerchief in her pocket and not someone else’s? Why was there a corpse that looked exactly like her? These clues were strung together and finally gave Meng Meng an answer that she didn’t want to believe.

She seems… to be the ghost.

Just now, after she saw her body, she once again touched the soft and moist thing in her pocket. This was not the first time she had touched this thing. It was the thing that harmed her. The blood-red handkerchief of the Death King Ke. Meng Meng thought, as a ghost, why should she be afraid of other people? No, to be precise, the more people around her, the better it would be for her. The ferocious look on her face gradually faded and turned into a hypocritical smile. Meng Meng got up from the ground and said to Fan Zirong with a smile: “I don’t think we can leave Xiao Weiqi behind.”

Poor Fan Zirong, he looked confused from beginning to end. He simply didn’t understand why his classmate’s attitude changed 180 degrees in such a short period of time.

On the other side, Shen Junyan was finished being angry with Xiao Weiqi and planned to continue working to catch the two children who ran away just now. She could do nothing with Xiao Weiqi, so she simply took out a rope from her pocket and planned to tie him up tightly, warning him that if he didn’t cooperate, he would be dragged along like a piggy. Xiao Weiqi was about to protest, when from a distance, he saw Meng Meng and Fan Zirong, who were supposed to have escaped, actually coming back.

“Why are you back?” Xiao Weiqi was completely stunned.

“We thought about it, we can’t leave you alone.” Meng Meng spoke first, “Even if she is a ghost, she is only one person. What’s more, she may not be one.”

When Xiao Weiqi heard this, he was stunned for a long time, with strong suspicion on his face. He knew very well what kind of person Meng Meng was. Just a few hours ago, Wang Ke was killed by Meng Meng. In this case, how could she suddenly find her conscience and turn around to look for herself.

Shen Junyan was relieved to see these two children. She said: “You are finally back, otherwise I would have to work hard to find you.” She looked at the time, it was one forty now, it was still before dawn. Very good.

“Let’s go to the Ferris wheel to meet the others first.” Shen Junyan wasn’t scared. She was worried that the little guys would cause trouble. After all, she was only one person. She couldn’t watch three of them, so she planned to go there quickly.

Meng Meng agreed and followed Shen Junyan obediently.

Xiao Weiqi stared at Meng Meng with a strange gaze and asked Fan Zirong in a low voice what happened to them there just now.

Fan Zirong also felt that Meng Meng was strange, so he told Xiao Weiqi everything he saw.

After hearing this, Xiao Weiqi fell into deep thought and whispered: “There is something wrong with her, you should stay away from her.”

“Okay.” Fan Zirong nodded in agreement.

After walking forward for a while, the huge Ferris wheel finally appeared in front of everyone’s eyes. Although they were far away, Shen Junyan still saw Song Qingluo and Lin Banxia standing under the Ferris wheel waiting. There was a look of joy on her face, and she shouted a few times at the group.

Lin Banxia also saw Shen Junyan and the three students behind her.

“You are indeed here.” Shen Junyan carried Xiao Weiqi and trotted to Song Qingluo and Lin Banxia.

“Xiao Weiqi!!” Shen Qingyi started crying as soon as she saw Xiao Weiqi. Xiao Weiqi also looked surprised when he saw that she was not dead. The two couldn’t care less and hugged each other excitedly.

“You’re okay! You worried me to death!!” Xiao Weiqi hugged Shen Qingyi tightly, checked her up and down, and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that she was indeed alive.

Meng Meng stood aside and looked at the two people who finally met, with gloomy eyes.

“What’s going on with your students there?” Song Qingluo asked.

“There are two missing, one named Wang Ke and one named Jiang Rourou.” Shen Junyan sighed, “Where were you?”

The two parties briefly exchanged information and learned that there were currently two students confirmed dead, one was Wang Ke and the other was Jiang Rourou. One person was missing. That was Liu Wenhao, who had separated from Zhao Yuanrui. The remaining five students were all here, but when these numbers were matched up, a problem arises. Only seven students entered the amusement park, so why did eight people appear?

When Song Qingluo asked, he realized that they had missed a very important piece of information. From the moment they entered the kindergarten, there was an extra person among the students. This was very strange. It was not only the students who have memory problems, but also the monitors. At least in Lin Banxia’s memory, he could match each student’s name and appearance. He couldn’t tell which one was the extra “ghost”.

After exchanging information, Shen Junyan smiled bitterly and said that she now knew why they had to gather. It seemed that the thing felt that the game was not exciting enough and deliberately brought them together.

“What are we going to do next?” Zhao Yuanrui felt that he was the most baffled person among this group of people. He could not understand what everyone was discussing or the messy rules. He was confused like a fool: “Just… Are we waiting here?”

“Of course we can’t just wait here.” Shen Junyan glanced at the time, “Sooner or later something will happen.” She looked at Song Qingluo, “What do you say?”

Song Qingluo said: “I just went to check it out, and I couldn’t find the exit. I could only wander around.”

Sure enough, it’s not that easy to get out.

“Then where are we going?” Shen Junyan tilted her head and looked at the rotating Ferris wheel. She didn’t like it very much, probably because the bright light would make her reveal that she had no shadow, which was a bit embarrassing.

“Roller coaster.” Song Qingluo softly uttered three words.

The students were shocked when they heard this. The first horrific incident happened near the roller coaster. Everyone avoided that place. Why did the person in front of them come forward? Zhao Yuanrui had the biggest reaction. He said: “Brother, what are you doing there? That’s where people died.”

Lin Banxia understood what Song Qingluo meant. He helped Song Qingluo explain: “It’s because people have died that we need to go. Do you still remember the big social news at that time?”

Zhao Yuanrui certainly remembered that it was because of this news that they ran to the amusement park. Thinking about it now, this kind of behavior was like using a flashlight in a manhole to find sh*t (die).

“The seven people who died on the roller coaster were also missing for half a month, and then their bodies were suddenly found on the roller coaster.” Lin Banxia said, “So it is very likely that they were also pulled into this strange space. After experiencing something, they were thrown back into the real world.” He analyzed, “So the roller coaster must be a very important part of things. It may be the only critical point between this world and reality. If we want to go back, we will definitely not be able to get around it.”

Zhao Yuanrui felt that what Lin Banxia said made sense, but it was of no use because he didn’t want to go, so he cried and begged Lin Banxia: “Brother, do we have to go there? It feels so dangerous there. If…if you die there…”

Lin Banxia looked at his phone. It was just past one o’clock and it was still a while before dawn: “Do you think you can survive until dawn?”

Zhao Yuanrui shook his head.

Shen Junyan joined in the fun and scared the children: “Otherwise, if you are not afraid, you will go there, and if you are afraid, you will just wait here until dawn?”

Zhao Yuanrui stared at her eyes, and finally sighed and said: “Okay, we can go…but…do you have any other teammates? Or are we all here already?”

Lin Banxia said: “There are other teammates.”

Zhao Yuanrui said happily: “Where is it?”

Lin Banxia said: “It’s the one who was chasing you before.”

Zhao Yuanrui: “…”

Lin Banxia: “Are you even more scared?”

Zhao Yuanrui made a pause gesture, indicating that he did not want to discuss this topic anymore.

The other students didn’t react as much as he did. Seeing Zhao Yuanrui’s cowering appearance, Xiao Weiqi happily put his arm around his shoulders and joked with a smile, “Zhao Yuanrui, why are you so timid?”

Zhao Yuanrui thought angrily that he was cowardly, but as a normal person, he suddenly realized that the people around him were not normal!

Finally, everyone decided to leave and go to the roller coaster. It had to be said that after the number of people increased, the surrounding environment became less scary. Xiao Weiqi and Shen Qingyi stayed together and whispered, while the three students discussed what they had encountered.

After walking for about ten minutes, the surrounding scenery became familiar. After careful observation, Lin Banxia determined that they were back to the place where they were originally separated from everyone.

The roller coaster track was still intact above their heads, like a chasm, telling them that the place they were in was not the real world.

When everyone returned there, they felt a little uncomfortable when they thought that a serious accident had happened here. Zhao Yuanrui looked at Shen Qingyi who was held tightly by Xiao Weiqi and felt a little jealous. He thought to himself, I also want a girlfriend to hug me. If I don’t have a girlfriend, a boyfriend will do. He looked left and right, feeling that there was something scary around him.

At that moment, Lin Banxia casually asked: “If you want to get on the roller coaster, where do you get in?”


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