Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 44.2: Throwing the Handkerchief

After Shen Junyan came out of the haunted house, she also saw the illuminated Ferris wheel. In the night sky, the Ferris wheel shone as brightly as the sun, attracting the attention of everyone in the amusement park.

Xiao Weiqi and Fan Zirong were both excited. They were very familiar with the amusement park and naturally knew that the Ferris wheel was at the entrance. Finding the Ferris wheel meant finding the exit, then they could get out of here. This was good news for all of them, but Shen Junyan didn’t seem too happy, and her expression was a bit solemn.

“What are you worried about, Sister Shen?” Xiao Weiqi asked her.

“I was just wondering,” Shen Junyan said, “whether something will happen at the Ferris wheel.”

“What could happen?” Xiao Weiqi asked.

Shen Junyan shook her head and said nothing.

Nevertheless, although she was worried that there would be danger there, she still agreed to go to the Ferris wheel to check the situation. After all, others would definitely go there, so this was the best time to meet up with other teammates. The three of them began to approach the Ferris wheel. Just as they were passing somewhere, Xiao Weiqi heard someone crying. The sound was very small, but it was indeed a human cry.

Fan Zirong also heard it and was stunned: “Xiao Weiqi, did you hear something?” He listened carefully and looked surprised, “It seems to be Meng Meng’s voice??”

Xiao Weiqi wondered: “Meng Meng? Why is Meng Meng here?”

Shen Junyan saw the two of them stop and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“It seems like someone is crying.” Xiao Weiqi said, “The voice sounds like my classmate…”

Shen Junyan listened carefully and heard it, but the voice was small and ethereal, so it was really easy to miss it if you were not careful. The three of them looked for the sound and walked around the flower bed several times, and finally found the source of the sound. It came from a dark room. The door was covered with a piece of cloth. Xiao Weiqi lifted the cloth and looked inside with a flashlight seeing Meng Meng.

Meng Meng was sitting in the corner crying, curled up in a ball and crying. When she was illuminated by the flashlight, she immediately shivered with fright and cried: “Who, who is there??”

“It’s us.” Xiao Weiqi felt a little complicated when he saw it was her. Although he was not very clear about what happened before, he vaguely felt that Wang Ke’s death seemed to be related to the sudden disappearance of Meng Meng. He said: “Why are you here?”

When Meng Meng saw Xiao Weiqi, she trembled all over. She looked away with a guilty conscience and said, “I, I accidentally got lost. I was too scared, so I hid…”

“What are you afraid of?” Xiao Weiqi asked.

Meng Meng said: “Those things are everywhere, and I’m going to be scared crazy.” She looked haggard, her eyes filled with panic, and there were even some stains on her clothes. It looked like she had suffered a lot.

“Let’s go.” At this moment, Xiao Weiqi wanted to question Meng Meng about Wang Ke, but due to some considerations, he did not ask in the end. He just choked out two words. Meng Meng nodded quickly, got up and followed. Fan Zirong also noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere between Meng Meng and Xiao Weiqi. He didn’t dare to ask, but just stretched out his hand and scratched his head, thinking that maybe there was some unpleasantness between the two when they were separated.

Finding another student was an unexpected surprise for Shen Junyan. She currently knew that there was at least one dead student, Wang Ke. However, according to Xiao Weiqi, Shen Qingyi might also be in danger. Shen Junyan was thinking about things, Xiao Weiqi didn’t want to talk to Meng Meng, and the atmosphere in the team suddenly became a little strange. Fan Zirong tried to ease the atmosphere, but no one answered him after several tries, so he had to give up.

They were not too far away from the Ferris wheel. They should be there in another five or six minutes. At some point, all the streetlights around the Ferris wheel turned on. However, the lights at this time did not give them a sense of security. The thick trees cast a shadowy reflection, depicting mottled and strange patterns on the ground, which made people feel chills down their backs the more they look at it.

Shen Junyan walked in the front with Xiao Weiqi following her. He was worried about Shen Qingyi and became more and more irritable. However, he felt the corner of his clothes being pulled. He turned his head and saw Meng Meng’s pale face.

“What’s wrong with you?” Even though he had a bad impression of Meng Meng, Xiao Weiqi still asked out of politeness.

“Where did you meet that woman in front?” Meng Meng’s face was frighteningly white, and her lips were bloodless. She asked in a trembling voice, “Do you know her?”

“I don’t know her.” Xiao Weiqi said.

“Then how dare you… dare to follow her? Aren’t you afraid? Aren’t you afraid that she is not a human?” Meng Meng looked like she was about to faint.

Xiao Weiqi was a little upset and said, “What are you talking about? She is very reliable. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be able to find you.”

“But, but…” Meng Meng lowered her voice, “Why does she have no shadow?”

Xiao Weiqi was stunned when he heard this and glanced at the ground. This glance made him freeze on the spot. He saw only three shadows on the ground, spreading out from under the three of them. However, Shen Junyan, who was walking at the front, had no shadow underneath her…

Xiao Weiqi was dumbfounded for a moment. He swallowed his saliva and carefully recalled the experience of his encounter with Shen Junyan. Now that he thought about it, this was too coincidental. Not only did she know his name, but she also said that she came to save them specially. Now thinking about it carefully, were there really such coincidences in the world?

“What should we do?” Meng Meng looked as if she was about to faint from fright.

“Calm down.” Xiao Weiqi didn’t know whether he was comforting Meng Meng or comforting himself. He thought for a while and finally came up with an unlikely solution. He whispered to Meng Meng, “There is a toilet in front. Wait. Later, if you say you want to go in for convenience… I will help you hold her down.”

Meng Meng was stunned: “But…”

Xiao Weiqi sneered: “But what? Aren’t you the best at using this method? Are you afraid now?”

When Xiao Weiqi said this, Meng Meng’s eyes instantly turned red, and her lips twisted. After all, she couldn’t say anything to refute. Xiao Weiqi was indifferent to her pitiful appearance. It was not that he was cruel, but what Meng Meng had done made him completely disappointed in this so-called friend.

Shen Junyan realized that the students behind her had not followed, so she turned around in confusion and said, “What are you little guys talking about?”

“It’s okay.” Xiao Weiqi said carelessly, “She’s a little scared, I’m comforting her.”

Shen Junyan glanced at Meng Meng and saw that the little girl’s eyes were indeed red, so she didn’t think much about it. She was still thinking about the rules of the entire game. At present, it seems that it is very difficult to figure out all the rules. After all, she has obtained too little overall information.

Xiao Weiqi took advantage of Shen Junyan’s thinking and told Fan Zirong about his and Meng Meng’s plan. Fan Zirong initially thought that Shen Junyan was a good person, but after seeing that there was indeed no trace of her shadow, he immediately compromised. The trick Xiao Weiqi gave was that Fan Zirong and Meng Meng would run away together under the pretext of going to the toilet, while Xiao Weiqi was responsible for holding Shen Junyan back. After an hour, if they are all okay, they would gather at the Ferris wheel again.

Fan Zirong was worried about whether Xiao Weiqi could escape, but Xiao Weiqi just patted him on the shoulder and gave him a firm look, telling him not to worry about him.

The three of them walked forward for some distance. According to the plan, Meng Meng suddenly held her stomach and said that she wanted to go to the toilet. Fan Zirong also raised his hand and said that he wanted to go as well. Shen Junyan found it a little strange and said, “What’s going on with you guys? Weren’t you scared to death just now? Do you dare to go to the toilet now?” She looked at Meng Meng, “I’ll go with you.”

“No, no, no,” Meng Meng said, “The toilets are all single rooms. Fan Zirong and I can both go into the same toilet.”

Shen Junyan raised her eyebrows: “No, I’m worried.”

Meng Meng forced a smile and said, “I’m just going to the toilet, what’s there to worry about?”

Shen Junyan said: “This place is so strange, of course I’m worried. What if you encounter something in the toilet?”

“So what if I encounter it? Can you beat it away?” Meng Meng seemed to be stimulated, her voice suddenly became sharp, “I said no, you are really annoying!” After that, she turned around and rushed into the toilet. Shen Junyan was stunned when she saw this, and laughed angrily: “Why is this little girl so angry? I came to save you; did I find the wrong people?”

Fan Zirong smiled coquettishly and said, “Sister, don’t argue with her, she has always had a bad temper…” He gestured to Xiao Weiqi and turned around and entered the toilet.

At that moment, Shen Junyan also had a taste for it. She turned to look at Xiao Weiqi and said, “What are you guys planning?”

Xiao Weiqi said nothing.

Shen Junyan said: “It’s already like this, why are you showing off to me?” She sneered a few times, “I’m really not afraid of dying here.” Even so, she still wanted to go into the toilet to see the situation, but Xiao Weiqi stretched out his hand. He took action, stopped her, and said with a righteous look on his face, “If you want to catch them, step over my body first!!”

Shen Junyan: “???”

Xiao Weiqi: “Stop pretending!! Monster!!”

Shen Junyan’s expression at this time was full of black question marks. She finally found three students, but unexpectedly, these three students did not give her any face, and even cooperated to try to escape. Shen Junyan took a deep breath and told herself that he was a rebellious child, and she should not argue with them. She smiled and tried to be kind. Unfortunately, judging from Xiao Weiqi’s expression, this effort seemed After failing, she said: “What’s going on? Children, tell sister, why am I not as good as you want?”

Xiao Weiqi counted the time and felt that Meng Meng and Fan Zirong should have run away. Then he pointed out Shen Junyan’s flaw angrily. He was a little proud, as if you don’t want to deceive us: “You don’t even have a shadow, and you still want to deceive us? Don’t think I haven’t seen ghost movies, people as beautiful as you are usually the BOSS!!”

Shen Junyan froze on the spot for three seconds, lowered her head, and saw that her feet were empty, and there was indeed no shadow. However, she did not become as angry as Xiao Weiqi imagined. Instead, she showed a bit of embarrassment and said, “…I want to say that I forgot to bring the shadow out. Do you believe it?”

Xiao Weiqi: “…”

Shen Junyan sighed loudly: “Okay, I don’t really believe it either.” She sighed and frowned melancholy, “Forget it, forget it if you don’t believe it.”

After saying this, Shen Junyan’s expression changed suddenly, and she opened her mouth with a ferocious smile, “I really hate children.” After the words fell, she kicked Xiao Weiqi. Xiao Weiqi was still thinking that she was a girl. Who knew how strong her strength was, but with this kick, his vision went dark and his whole body collapsed to the ground. Shen Junyan cursed and dragged him into the toilet like a sack, but she still miscalculated. All she saw was a window in the toilet that had been pushed open, and the two children had disappeared.

Shen Junyan laughed out of anger, stretched out her hand to pinch Xiao Weiqi’s cheek, and said bitterly: “Xiao Weiqi, you will really increase my workload.”

Xiao Weiqi burst into tears after being pinched, but still would rather die than surrender.

Shen Junyan felt that she was really going to lose her temper. She took out a slender lady’s cigarette from her pocket, lit it and took a heavy puff, trying hard to resist the thought of beating someone: “Forget it. No, I won’t argue with you. I have a problem too. If I had remembered to bring that thing with me.” She rubbed the corners of her eyes vigorously and said, “I’m telling you… I am really a human, and I am here to save you. Your friends are in danger right now. Grave, grave danger, so you better be good and tell me where they went.”

Xiao Weiqi stared and refused to speak.

Shen Junyan couldn’t laugh or cry, and said, “You really want to piss me off, I’m really…” She sat on the ground as if giving up, with a look of despair on her face, “Okay, okay, I’m the biggest boss, you still have to… If you have any last words, please tell me immediately and I promise to convey it for you.”

Xiao Weiqi thought for a moment, then blushed and said shyly: “You…if you meet Shen Qingyi, remember to tell her that I like her.”

Shen Junyan: “Is there anymore?”

Xiao Weiqi said: “My biggest wish was to have a good confession with her in the amusement park on my birthday.”

Shen Junyan: “Is there anymore?”

Xiao Weiqi said honestly: “No more.”

“That’s it, right?” Shen Junyan said, “Then I’m going to take action.”

Xiao Weiqi looked scared, but he still closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and waited for the death he imagined.

Shen Junyan was so angry that she had no strength left. Seeing Xiao Weiqi like this, she still fulfilled his wish. She put her index finger and thumb together and flicked his head hard, making Xiao Weiqi scream. After she finished playing, she said helplessly: “Brother, I have already convinced you by calling you brother. Can you stop being so stubborn? How can I explain it so that you believe that I am really a human being?”

Probably because her tone was too lifeless, Xiao Weiqi actually began to doubt himself. He looked at the empty ground and decided to stick to his original idea: “You must at least create a shadow to lie to me, right?”

Shen Junyan: “…”

At this moment, Shen Junyan suddenly realized that her biggest mistake in this work was not bringing along the useless shadow at home that was usually a hindrance.


Meng Meng and Fan Zirong escaped from the window and ran all the way without even daring to look back. Fan Zirong was still a little worried about Xiao Weiqi and kept looking back. Meng Meng, on the other hand, kept running forward with no intention of looking back.

Fan Zirong said: “Where should we go next?”

Meng Meng said: “I don’t know, don’t follow me.”

Fan Zirong froze on the spot: “Why do you say that? Aren’t we friends?”

“Friend!? Who is your friend?” Meng Meng looked at Fan Zirong with disgust and said, “As long as we don’t get out from here, we are all enemies.”

“But…” Fan Zirong still wanted to refute.

“There is no but!” Meng Meng said. “You care about Xiao Weiqi so much, just go back and see him.” Her expression was ferocious, “or just shut up! You see, what you say is nice, but at the critical moment, why did you leave Xiao Weiqi alone with that thing?”

Fan Zirong wanted to refute but found that he had no ability to. Yes, he indeed left Xiao Weiqi alone.

“Besides, I still can’t tell whether you are a human or a ghost.” Meng Meng’s expression was grim, and she sneered, “Have you forgotten? One of the eight of us is a ghost.”

Fan Zirong was frightened and took a step back, looking at Meng Meng with horrified eyes.

“So.” Meng Meng said coldly, “Let’s go our separate ways.” After she said this, she turned around and walked away. Unexpectedly, she stumbled over something under her feet as soon as she took two steps forward.

Meng Meng lowered her head and saw the thing that tripped her… It was a pair of pale feet sticking out from the grass, wearing a pair of beautiful red sandals.

The moment she saw this pair of sandals, all the blood in Meng Meng’s body froze. She discovered that… these sandals were exactly the same as the ones she wore on her feet…

The author has something to say:

Song Qingluo: Even if it feels superfluous, some things are a part of life and cannot be separated.

Lin Banxia nodded.

Song Qingluo: Lin Banxia…

Lin Banxia:?

Song Qingluo: I am saying this to Shen Junyan. Can you put down the wallet you are holding in your mouth first?

Lin Banxia: Don’t make peace with yourself, cause trouble without explaining it. (No, this is part of my life.)

Song Qingluo:…………



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