Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 43.2 Throwing the Handkerchief

After coming out of the toilet, Shen Qingyi found a chair and sat on it with a blank expression. It was just past one o’clock and it was still a long, long time before dawn. Could she really get out alive? Shen Qingyi thought desperately. At that moment, a string of bright beams of light suddenly lit up in the originally dark amusement park. Shen Qingyi looked up in shock and found that the Ferris wheel had lit up. All the colored lights on it were turned on. Even though it was far away from her, she still felt the illusory temperature.

Shen Qingyi knew very well that the Ferris wheel was located at the exit of the amusement park. Although she didn’t know why it suddenly lit up, she should be able to find the exit as long as she got there.

The original despair was instantly relieved. Shen Qingyi wiped the tears from her face and took a big step. Looking at the Ferris wheel from where she was, it did not seem to be far away from her, but to walk there, she probably would have to take a detour. Shen Qingyi was immersed in walking when she heard a voice from behind: “Little girl.” She turned around and saw a strange man.

“Are you a student here?” The man was still a little far away from Shen Qingyi and shouted, “We came into the amusement park to rescue you!”

Shen Qingyi thought of the Ai Xinsheng before. That person also said the same thing, so he probably wasn’t lying.

“Don’t be afraid.” The man walked up to her. He seemed to be afraid that she would be scared. He didn’t dare to get too close. Instead, he opened his hands to show that he meant no harm. He said, “Your name is Shen Qingyi, right? We looked at your information before we came in. Where are your classmates? Are they all separated from you?”

Shen Qingyi whispered yes.

“Oh, it’s true.” The man said, “My name is Han Hefeng. After hearing the broadcast, I also got separated from my companions. Let’s go to the Ferris wheel together. If I remember correctly, the Ferris wheel is at the entrance. After we find it, we can leave.”

When Shen Qingyi saw the man in front of her, she thought of the kind man named Ai Xinsheng, and deep pain and regret arose in her heart. She was timid and had never even killed a chicken. However, under the threat of death, she still abandoned her moral bottom line and chose to kill an innocent person. Even so, she felt guilty all the time. From Ai Xinsheng, she learned that this group of people entered the amusement park to save them, so it seemed like a good thing if she could give him some hints to save him from death.

So, after hesitating for a moment, Shen Qingyi decided to go with Han Hefeng, but to be on the safe side, she did not get too close to him.

Fortunately, Han Hefeng didn’t seem to mind. He smiled and said that he had been around the amusement park several times and didn’t even see a ghost. He also asked where Shen Qingyi’s companion had gone. Shen Qingyi shook her head and said that she was not sure, and that she and her companions were separated.

“Really, you are lucky.” Han Hefeng said with a smile, “You met me, but you don’t know what kind of sacrifices we made to save you…”

Shen Qingyi whispered, “Thank you.”

Unknowingly, they had reached a place relatively close to the Ferris wheel. At this time, the Ferris wheel was on and spinning slowly. However, there were no tourists on it. At first glance, it looked inexplicably scary.

Han Hefeng raised his wrist and glanced at his watch.

Shen Qingyi whispered: “What time is it?”

Han Hefeng handed over the watch: “Can you read it yourself?”

Shen Qingyi took a look and saw that it was just past one o’clock. She was about to sigh that another half hour had passed, but she suddenly noticed a detail. There was a trace of red on Han Hefeng’s wrist. It looked like fresh blood stains.

Shen Qingyi immediately remembered something. She swallowed and whispered, “Have you always been alone?”

Han Hefeng smiled softly and said, “I still have a partner, but I got separated from him.”

“You got separated?” Shen Qingyi asked, “When did you get separated? Maybe he is also nearby?”

“I’ve been gone for an hour,” Han Hefeng said. “I don’t know if he’s around. I hope he is.”

Shen Qingyi’s uncomfortable feeling became stronger. She quietly moved a little farther away from Han Hefeng. She looked around with her peripheral vision, trying to find an opportunity to escape, but no matter how she thought about it, she felt that there was no possibility of escape. She was just a slender little girl, whereas Han Hefeng was an adult man. If he really wanted to attack her, there was no way she can be his opponent. Although she was not sure that the person in front of her was really who she imagined, Shen Qingyi did not dare to take risks. She lowered her head and rubbed her fingers, feeling increasingly fearful and anxious. When she raised her head again, she saw the huge Ferris wheel in front of her. A bold idea surfaced in Shen Qingyi’s heart.

“Brother, can you take a photo of me with this Ferris wheel?” Shen Qingyi asked timidly.

“Taking pictures… What are you doing taking pictures at this time?” Han Hefeng felt confused.

Shen Qingyi sobbed, so pitifully, she said: “I don’t know if I can get out alive. At least, I want to leave some thoughts for my parents and let them know that I am happy. Don’t let them be sad.” She said, tears streaming down her face, and handed the phone to Han Hefeng.

Han Hefeng was a little moved when he saw this scene. He took the mobile phone from Shen Qingyi’s hand and said, “Go ahead and I’ll record a video for you.”

“Thank you, brother.” Shen Qingyi called out sweetly, turned around and ran towards the Ferris wheel.

Han Hefeng held the mobile phone and saw Shen Qingyi running in front of the Ferris wheel. He was about to let her pose there. Who knew the next moment, he would actually see Shen Qingyi taking a big step and jumping into the Ferris wheel behind her?

“What are you doing up there?” Han Hefeng was shocked when he saw this.

Shen Qingyi ignored him and reached out to pull the door closed tightly. Han Hefeng finally realized that something was wrong and rushed to Shen Qingyi, trying to pull her out of the cabin. However, it was too late. Shen Qingyi’s cabin had already taken off, and Han Hefeng couldn’t stop it.

He suddenly became furious, slammed the phone in his hand to the ground, and cursed at Shen Qingyi, looking as ferocious as a devil.

“Do you fucking think you can run away!?” Han Hefeng shouted, “Just wait until you come down! I will kill you!!” He rolled up his sleeves and waved his fist vigorously at Shen Qingyi. Shen Qingyi saw the blood stains on his arms clearly. She huddled in the cabin, her expression a little numb. Her mobile phone was gone, and she lost the possibility of calling for help. If she remembered correctly, it would take about twenty minutes for the Ferris wheel to make one revolution. When she came in it was already ten past one. If she stayed up there a little longer, she could make it to half past one. If her guess was correct, she would survive. If it was wrong… She lowered her head and saw Han Hefeng getting smaller and smaller. If she was wrong, she would really never see Xiao Weiqi again.

Shen Qingyi followed the cabin of the Ferris wheel and slowly rose to the highest point. She lowered her head and looked around, and she could clearly see the entire amusement park in the darkness. The night wind was a bit strong, and the cockpit was constantly shaking. She was so frightened that she sat in her seat, curling up like a frightened little animal. She looked towards the entrance of the Ferris wheel and saw the man named Han Hefeng, still waiting in place. He lost his anxiety and sat down calmly, with his head lowered, not knowing what he was doing. According to Shen Qingyi’s estimation, it was almost half past one when she fell. She didn’t know whether her guess was correct, but for now, if she could delay it for a minute, it would be a minute longer that she could live.

Han Hefeng didn’t have much time. He knew what would happen to him if he didn’t put the thing in his hand on Shen Qingyi before the time limit came. After being separated from the main force, he met someone from another team, and a red handkerchief appeared on that person’s body. Unfortunately, that person didn’t realize what the red handkerchief meant, so he was confused until his death.

Han Hefeng watched him die. Han Hefeng couldn’t explain how he died. He saw the man suddenly yelling that he had dropped something, and then started looking around. Han Hefeng asked him what he had dropped, and he said “Glasses.”

Han Hefeng was still thinking that he had seen this man wearing glasses. So, he and the man searched in the nearby grass for a while. He heard the man muttering. He was muttering about something being wrong with his nose. Saying that he dropped it or something like that. Only then did Han Hefeng realize that something was wrong. He tentatively called the man. The man raised his head. Han Hefeng was so frightened that he screamed. There was only a mouth left on the man’s face. Everything else was blank, and Han Hefeng suddenly understood that it was not his glasses that fell off, but his eyes.

He glanced at the man, stood up and ran away quickly. The man was still asking him what was wrong. It wasn’t until he ran far away that he heard a frightened scream from behind. He turned around and headed towards where the man was. He took a quick look and found that he had fallen to the ground motionless.

While Han Hefeng breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt scared. He remembered the nursery rhymes on the radio and the line about the beginning of the game. He searched himself nervously. When he put his hands in his pockets, the blood all over his body went cold. At that time, he felt a ball of soft, sticky cloth in his pocket, which felt like a blood-stained handkerchief.

Han Hefeng took out the handkerchief, and at that moment, he realized the rules of the game. There was a ferocious look in his eyes, and he licked his lips, intending to find someone with whom he could play. Shortly after, Shen Qingyi met Han Hefeng.

At 1:25, Shen Qingyi’s cabin was finally about to land.

It was still five minutes before 1:30, so Han Hefeng threw the black notebook to the ground angrily. He stood up and walked towards the cabin, like a hunting vulture, waiting for its prey that was about to die. He kept looking at the time, his expression full of nervousness, and he even kicked the Ferris wheel in front of him with all his strength. His whole body exuded a violence from being driven to the extreme.

Shen Qingyi saw Han Hefeng’s face. His expression was so ferocious and terrifying, which made her even more frightened. She didn’t have a mobile phone, so she couldn’t accurately estimate the time. She didn’t know what time it was, and she didn’t know if her guess would come true. What a flaw.

This was a very painful feeling. If it were an ordinary girl, she would probably panic, but Shen Qingyi unexpectedly calmed down. She looked around, gritted her teeth, opened the cabin door, and began to look around, trying to find a way to escape. There was a water park next to her. If she jumps into the river, she might be able to buy some time. However, the Ferris wheel was close to the shore. She must jump farther, otherwise she would most likely fall directly in front of Han Hefeng.

However, just as Shen Qingyi was planning this, she actually saw two people running towards her from a distance. However, in a blink of an eye, the two of them had already run under the Ferris wheel. One of them was her classmate Zhao Yuanrui who had come with them into the park.

Shen Qingyi was startled. She had never expected that Zhao Yuanrui would appear here. Her calm heart raced uncontrollably. She didn’t care about anything else and pushed her body out of the door, waving her hands like crazy. Screaming at the three of them: “Don’t come over here! Don’t come over here!”

Han Hefeng had been watching the time. He had taken out the bloody handkerchief from his trouser pocket and held it in his hand. The veins in his hands popping out. He heard the footsteps behind him and Shen Qingyi’s horrified shouts.

Han Hefeng let out a harsh laugh, turned around, and rushed towards the two people who suddenly arrived.


Zhao Yuanrui saw Shen Qingyi from a distance, and Shen Qingyi also saw him. She seemed very excited, waving her hands at him, as if she was shouting something.

Zhao Yuanrui thought she was happy about his arrival and ran all the way to the Ferris wheel. It wasn’t until he got closer that he heard Shen Qingyi’s voice. She was shouting: “Don’t come here! Don’t come here!”

“Don’t come over?” Why did Shen Qingyi tell him not to come over? Zhao Yuanrui was a little confused for a moment. He was about to ask why, when he saw a man with a fierce expression rushing in front of him. Zhao Yuanrui even thought he was going to hit him, but the man’s next move was to stuff a ball of wet cloth into his chest. Before he could react, the man had already turned around and ran away. His crazy expression was like a madman who had succeeded in his conspiracy.

“No!” Shen Qingyi cried out in despair when she saw this scene and fell to the ground helplessly.

The author has something to say:

Song Qingluo: What do you think of when you see light?

Shen Qingyi: Hope?

Zhao Yuanrui: Export?

Lin Banxia: Electricity…electricity bill?

Song Qingluo touched his poor little one lovingly.


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