Phantom Skeleton Painting

T/N: Hi guys. Sorry that I didn’t post any chapters yesterday. We had a power outage in my neighbourhood so I was unable to work as my laptop’s battery doesn’t work without being plugged in. ・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・ I will try to make up the missing chapter by this weekend. Just for future reference, if I am not going to post I will post a note on my Ko-fi page. Also, Friday is my birthday!!!\(^▽^)/So, I will add an extra chapter on Friday.

Chapter 43.1 Throwing the Handkerchief

Lin Banxia didn’t expect everyone to disappear as soon as he turned around. He stood there, a little confused for a moment, surrounded by thick fog. He was not familiar with this amusement park in the first place, so he lost his sense of direction.

After wandering around the amusement park for a while, he saw nothing, no one, and nothing strange. If it weren’t for the strange thick fog all around, he might have felt as if he had entered a normal amusement park at night. Lin Banxia guessed that if the missing students were all here, they might have gotten lost inexplicably near the roller coaster like them, so he thought about looking next to the roller coaster.

It had to be said that Lin Banxia’s thinking was indeed different from ordinary people. Most people would definitely want to stay away from that place, but he felt no fear, so it was natural for him to think that the students might be nearby.

Unexpectedly, Lin Banxia was really lucky. Within two steps, he actually met a student. However, the student was frightened and looked at him as if he was looking at an evil ghost.

Before Lin Banxia could call out to him, he saw him running away, and Lin Banxia had no choice but to chase after him.

The two of them were in sync, one running desperately, the other chasing desperately. Fortunately, Lin Banxia won in the end. The student lay on the ground weakly, crying like a child, muttering, and begging Lin Banxia to let him go.

Lin Banxia was out of breath, walked to him, and said helplessly: “Why are you running, I don’t want your life?”

“Don’t try to lie to me!” The student was a boy. His face was covered in snot and tears. He choked, “I know what you want to do. Please let me go. Please let me go.”

Lin Banxia asked strangely: “What happened to you?” He stretched out his hand to the boy, “I came to save you, how could I harm you?”

“You are lying!” The boy still didn’t believe it, but his cries were softer than before.

Lin Banxia explained for a while before the boy calmed down. He wiped his tears and said, “You really don’t want to kill me?”

“Of course I don’t want to.” Lin Banxia couldn’t laugh or cry, “If I wanted to kill you, why would I work so hard to find a way to get in? I know your name is Zhao Yuanrui, and I also know that you and six other classmates are lost… Currently, we are all looking for you. We are here specifically to look for you.”

The boy then took hold of his outstretched hand and was pulled up by him.

Lin Banxia asked carefully and found out why Zhao Yuanrui reacted like he did when seeing him. It turned out that just now, Zhao Yuanrui and his friend met a strange person together. As soon as they saw the person, the person rushed towards them crazily, holding a bloody thing in his hand. Although Zhao Yuanrui didn’t know what this person was going to do, he also knew that what this person was going to do was definitely not a good thing, so he turned around and ran away with his friend. The person kept chasing after them, but his friend ran fast and left Zhao Yuanrui behind. However, when Zhao Yuanrui could no longer run, he heard a thud from behind, as if the man had fallen.

Zhao Yuanrui turned around and looked, only to see that the man, who had been chasing them, was lying on the ground, and bright red blood was pouring out from under him, as if he had been injured in a fatal spot.

Zhao Yuanrui was a little hesitant. After struggling for a while, he decided to go back and see if the man was okay. He walked up to the man carefully and cautiously called out “Hey” twice. Seeing that the man still didn’t respond, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The posture of this man lying on the ground was very strange. His hands and feet seemed to have been broken, showing an extremely twisted posture. He was facing the ground and did not move. He could only see a steady stream of blood flowing from him and spreading around the body.

“Brother, are you okay?” Under normal circumstances, Zhao Yuanrui would have bent down to help the other, but he couldn’t do anything in this situation. He asked with a cry, “Brother, are you okay? ”

However, no matter how he looked at it, the person didn’t look like he was fine.

Just when Zhao Yuanrui thought he had really died, the man’s body twitched violently, and then slowly raised his head. Zhao Yuanrui saw his face. No, that thing could no longer be called a face. His facial features were almost broken, and his eyeballs could even be seen falling out of the eye sockets. Zhao Yuanrui let out a shrill cry, and finally realized that this man was definitely not a human, so he turned around and ran away in embarrassment, stumbling several times.

He hadn’t run a few steps when he heard a crunching sound behind him. He turned around and saw that the person – no, it should be that group of things – got up from the ground and chased after him. Because all the bones of that thing were broken, and it almost ran on its hands and feet, it looked like a terrifying monster at first glance.

Zhao Yuanrui went completely crazy, shouting at the top of his lungs like a lunatic. He didn’t know how long he had been running. Before he realized what was happening, he collapsed on the ground weakly, panting like an over-exercised dog.

Lin Banxia came at this time, and he should be thankful that he came at this time, otherwise he might not have been able to outrun Zhao Yuanrui, who had unleashed all his potential due to fear.

“Where is that person?” Lin Banxia asked after listening to Zhao Yuanrui.

“It’s over there.” Zhao Yuanrui pointed randomly and was shocked when he saw Lin Banxia casting his gaze over there, “Brother, what do you want to do? You don’t want to go there, right? Aren’t you afraid?”

In order to appear more gregarious and not scare the child again, Lin Banxia nodded: “I’m scared too, I’m scared too.”

Zhao Yuanrui glanced at Lin Banxia suspiciously, his eyes obviously saying that he didn’t quite believe that Lin Banxia was also afraid.

“Where are you going next?” Although he felt that Lin Banxia was not normal, he was still a human being and knew his name. Zhao Yuanrui asked weakly, “My friend and I just got separated. Can we go back and look for him?”

“Okay.” Lin Banxia agreed. In fact, he also wanted to go to that place and see the corpse Zhao Yuanrui mentioned.

So, the two of them returned the same way. The road was empty, and they didn’t see Zhao Yuanrui’s friends. However, when passing by a flower bed, Lin Banxia saw the horrific corpse that Zhao Yuanrui mentioned. As soon as Zhao Yuanrui saw the body, he refused to go over. Lin Banxia had no choice but to ask him to wait where he was while he went over to take a look. The body was just as Zhao Yuanrui said. It was broken into pieces. It didn’t look like it had fallen on the ground, but rather like it had fallen from a high place. Lin Banxia was used to seeing corpses, so he didn’t think it was that scary. He gently turned the corpse over with his hands and saw its broken features. In this case, it was difficult to identify the appearance of the corpse, but from the clothes he wore and his hairstyle, Lin Banxia was able to identify him as a member of their team named Ai Xinsheng.

Lin Banxia looked down and saw what Ai Xinsheng was clutching in his hand. It was a red, crumpled handkerchief. Ai Xinsheng clutched it until he died.

Lin Banxia stared at the handkerchief and fell into deep thought.

Zhao Yuanrui was waiting behind. Seeing that Lin Banxia remained silent, he was a little panicked and said, “Brother, what do you think? Let’s discuss it?”

Lin Banxia turned around: “It’s okay, he’s already dead.”

Zhao Yuanrui said: “Then what are you looking at?”

Lin Banxia said: “When he chased you, he was holding a red thing in his hand, right?”

“Yes.” Zhao Yuanrui said.

“It looks like a handkerchief.” Lin Banxia said, “Have you ever played the handkerchief throwing game?”

Zhao Yuanrui was stunned for a moment and nodded.

Lin Banxia said: “It seems to have something to do with this game.” He stood up, “I may go to other places to find other people next, will you come with me?”

Zhao Yuanrui said: “Where do you plan to go next?”

Lin Banxia was thinking when he saw a series of bright night lights suddenly light up in the dark night sky. When he looked carefully, he realized that the Ferris wheel was actually on. The huge wheel of the Ferris wheel was like an exploding firework, rotating slowly in the dark night sky. It was really beautiful.

“The lights are on there!!” Zhao Yuanrui was extremely surprised, “It’s the light on the Ferris wheel!”

“What are you so happy about?” Lin Banxia asked curiously.

“Oh, you are not familiar with this amusement park. You don’t know that the Ferris wheel is at the entrance of the amusement park!!” Zhao Yuanrui explained, “As long as we get there, we will not be far from the exit!”

Lin Banxia frowned, feeling that this was a bit unusual, why did the Ferris wheel lights suddenly turn on? Thinking about it carefully, it was like a bug-catching lantern placed in the dark, attracting all the bugs that saw the light. Although humans don’t have the same phototaxis as insects, they don’t seem to be any better than insects. Looking at Zhao Yuanrui in front of him, he was already dancing excitedly, and he couldn’t wait to rush to the Ferris wheel immediately.

Even so, going near the Ferris wheel seemed to be the only option, because everyone would definitely gather there, so that they could meet up quickly.

However, was convergence really a good thing? Lin Banxia pursed his lips slightly, barely suppressing the uneasiness in his heart.



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