Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 42.2 Throwing the Handkerchief

Although Xiao Weiqi didn’t remember exactly what Jiang Rourou was wearing when she came in, he was sure that no one in the crowd was wearing red… Could it be that Jiang Rourou had changed her clothes? With such doubts, Xiao Weiqi looked over his head out of nowhere. He saw the plastic corpses hanging on the ceiling. The corpses didn’t look terrible, but Xiao Weiqi suddenly felt cold all over.

He saw a corpse wearing the same clothes as Jiang Rourou. At this moment, he finally remembered what these strange clothes were.

It’s a shroud, a shroud worn only by the dead.

Xiao Weiqi felt cold all over and stood there unable to take a step. Shen Junyan didn’t know what happened yet. Seeing that Xiao Weiqi hadn’t moved yet, she turned around and gave Xiao Weiqi a strange look. She said, “What’s wrong with you?”

Jiang Rourou also turned her head, staring at Xiao Weiqi with her dark eyes. Xiao Weiqi forced a smile and said, “No, it’s okay.” He forced himself to calm down, moved slowly, and said, “I’m just a little afraid.”

The narrow passage that was originally relatively short seemed to have turned into a chasm at this time. Xiao Weiqi kept comforting himself, saying that maybe Jiang Rourou changed her clothes for some reason. Don’t think too much. Don’t think too much…

Finally, the three of them passed through the narrow passage and arrived outside.

Xiao Weiqi broke out in a cold sweat. He raised his hand and touched it, only to find that almost his entire back was soaked in sweat.

“What’s wrong with you, sweating so much?” Shen Junyan asked.

“It’s okay,” Xiao Weiqi said, “It’s just a little hot.”

“Are there any other companions of yours in this haunted house?” Shen Junyan asked.

“Yes, my boyfriend is still inside.” Jiang Rourou replied, “But I don’t know where he is, and I have been looking for him.”

“Then let’s look for him again.” Shen Junyan said, “It’s not safe for him to stay here alone.”

With that said, she carried Jiang Rourou on her back and wanted to continue walking into the haunted house. Xiao Weiqi really wanted to tell Shen Junyan that Jiang Rourou was strange, but the three of them were together, and he had no chance to tell her. He could only follow behind, thinking of a way while being afraid.

The three of them walked some distance inside but did not see a shadow of Jiang Rourou’s boyfriend. Xiao Weiqi calmed down and asked barely calmly: “This haunted house is so scary; how did you even think of running inside?”

“I didn’t want to either.” Jiang Rourou said, “He insisted on coming in.”

“Huh?” Xiao Weiqi was stunned.

Jiang Rourou said: “After I separated from you, he and I found a place to hide, but after hiding for a while, he became suspicious.”

Xiao Weiqi said: “What happened to him?”

Jiang Rourou said: “He said something was chasing him and he had to run away. When he saw a place to hide, he went in regardless of whether it was a haunted house or not.” She sobbed, “Do you think he was scared to death?”

Xiao Weiqi thought that even if he was frightened, he wouldn’t run into the haunted house.

The haunted house was quite big, but because of the narrow passages, there were not many places to hide. When Xiao Weiqi and the others passed by a certain room, Shen Junyan suddenly stopped and said, “Is there anyone in the house?”

Xiao Weiqi used a flashlight to shine, and actually saw a squatting and shivering person in the corner of the room. He tentatively called the person’s name: “Fan Zirong? Is that you?”

Fan Zirong was the name of Jiang Rourou’s boyfriend.

When the man heard Xiao Weiqi’s voice, he raised his head in surprise and said, “Xiao Weiqi? Why are you here? Are you still alive? Are you a human or a ghost?”

Xiao Weiqi said: “Of course I am a human being.”

Fan Zirong was about to say something to him, but he noticed the two people standing behind him. Almost instantly, his face turned extremely pale, and he said in a trembling voice: “You, behind you…”

“Jiang Rourou has been looking for you.” Xiao Weiqi said, “What happened to you two?”

“Impossible, impossible…” Fan Zirong looked extremely frightened and said, “Jiang Rourou is dead, she is dead!!!” He stood up and wanted to run out like crazy, yelling, “Don’t come to me, don’t come to me!!!”

Shen Junyan reached out to stop him, and before Fan Zirong could react, she knocked him out with a knife. Jiang Rourou was still lying on Shen Junyan’s shoulder. She said softly: “What is he talking about? Why can’t I hear it? Do you understand?”

Xiao Weiqi almost fainted when he heard her words. Shen Junyan was very calm. She put Jiang Rourou on the ground and said, “Don’t you remember?”

Jiang Rourou stood behind Shen Junyan without speaking.

Xiao Weiqi didn’t dare to look at her, and the three of them were deadlocked in silence for a while. When Xiao Weiqi mustered up the courage to look over again, he discovered that Jiang Rourou had disappeared.

Only Fan Zirong who was frightened half to death was left on the ground. While he breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Weiqi also felt particularly sad and regretful. If he hadn’t wanted to come here to explore, this absurd thing would not have happened.

Xiao Weiqi carried Fan Zirong and left the haunted house together with Shen Junyan. Outside, Fan Zirong woke up slowly. He opened his eyes and did not see Jiang Rourou. He wanted to laugh and cry. Xiao Weiqi asked him what happened.

“I don’t know.” Fan Zirong said, “The two of us saw someone jumping from a high place and were frightened and ran around. When we calmed down, Rourou found a bloody handkerchief in her pocket.” He sobbed, “Then Rourou died, but she didn’t realize that she was dead and kept chasing me. I had no choice but to hide in the haunted house…”

As soon as Xiao Weiqi heard about the bloody handkerchief, he immediately thought of Wang Ke who died suddenly and violently. Goosebumps appeared on his back, and he trembled: “Wang Ke also died because of the handkerchief!!”

“Have you never played handkerchief throwing?” Shen Junyan stood nearby and said, “The rule of handkerchief throwing is that you have to throw away the handkerchief in your hand.”

Xiao Weiqi’s face turned pale. He suddenly thought of something, took out the letter Shen Qingyi left for him, and looked at the bright red handprints on it again: “Sorry, something must have happened to Shen Qingyi!!”


Shen Qingyi should have been in trouble, but she was lucky enough to meet Ai Xinsheng and successfully handed over the handkerchief in her hand.

She felt guilty and didn’t dare to look back when she ran away, but she heard the sound of people running behind her. It seemed that Ai Xinsheng had discovered her conspiracy and chased after her.

Shen Qingyi’s body was already slender, and her physical strength was even worse. After running for a while, she was out of breath, but the footsteps behind her were still far behind. After turning another corner, Shen Qingyi couldn’t run anymore. She noticed that a public toilet happened to appear nearby. She gritted her teeth and decided to take a gamble. She wiped away her tears and rushed into the toilet.

What disappointed her was that there were no windows in the toilet, and the footsteps behind her had already reached the door.

Shen Qingyi was so scared that she randomly found a toilet, hid in a cubicle, and locked the toilet door cautiously. She squatted on the ground and covered her mouth tightly.

“Da da da.” The sound of shoes tapping on the tiles was so harsh in the silent night. The sound gradually moved closer to Shen Qingyi from the door. One step, two steps, three steps… Finally, it stopped outside the cubicle where Shen Qingyi was.

Shen Qingyi covered her mouth and shook like chaff. She heard someone trying to open the door in front of her. The force became stronger and stronger, and the thin wooden door panel was about to be broken into pieces soon.

Shen Qingyi burst into tears. She opened her eyes numbly, waiting for the scolding or beating that was about to come. She deserved this, but she had no regrets. If she had it to do over again, she would still make the same choice.

Seeing that the door panel was about to be broken, the person outside the door suddenly stopped moving. Shen Qingyi was stunned for a moment and stood still. She was wondering when she heard someone calling her name. It wasn’t Ai Xinsheng’s voice, but it was a hundred times more terrifying than Ai Xinsheng’s. It was Wang Ke’s voice.

Wang Ke, who was supposed to be dead, showed half of his face over the high toilet door. He called Shen Qingyi’s name: “Shen Qingyi, why are you running?” He tilted his head and twisted his neck beyond what was humanly possible. “Are you afraid of me?”

Shen Qingyi’s eyes widened, and she bit the back of her hand. The fishy taste spread on her tongue. The next moment, her eyes rolled, and she fainted.

Shen Qingyi didn’t know how long she had been unconscious. When she woke up again, Wang Ke was gone. She was still lying on the cold floor of the toilet. The toilet door was open, but there was no one outside, only the slight howling wind.

Shen Qingyi got up from the ground and checked each of her pockets awkwardly. However, what she didn’t expect was that there was no red handkerchief on her body. No? Why not? Shen Qingyi even thought she was dead, but she searched her entire body and couldn’t find the terrifying red handkerchief.

“Why not?” Shen Qingyi murmured to herself. She saw the twisted lock on the toilet door and was sure that she was not dreaming.

Shen Qingyi carefully recalled what happened before, feeling as if she had missed some important clues. She originally thought that she found the red handkerchief in her pocket because she came into contact with Wang Ke, but now that she thought about it, why was it her and not Xiao Weiqi? What was the difference between her and Xiao Weiqi that made the handkerchief appear in her pocket? And Wang Ke appeared again, but he didn’t do anything to her. Could it be because she didn’t trigger the right condition?

Countless questions filled Shen Qingyi’s mind. She thought of Meng Meng who disappeared alone. Before she disappeared, she suddenly let out a scream and then went to Wang Ke’s side.

In this scary amusement park, what is the easiest rule to trigger? Shen Qingyi wiped her cheek with her hand but felt a tingling sensation on the back of her hand. She lowered her head and saw that the back of her hand was bloody – she had bitten it out just now in order not to make a sound.

Shen Qingyi stared at her hands and suddenly remembered a joke Xiao Weiqi once made.

Xiao Weiqi said: “Shen Qingyi, why do you like to scream so much? It’s just an island boat. Is it that scary?” Shen Qingyi screamed and pinched the back of Xiao Weiqi’s hand so hard as she burst into tears of anger.

“Is this the reason why I was chosen?” Shen Qingyi murmured to herself, “Ai Xinsheng is dead, you need to play the next round of the game… put the next handkerchief behind us? So… Only then did I see Wang Ke.”

Unfortunately, this time, she didn’t scream due to a strange combination of circumstances.

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: I was thinking…

Song Qingluo: What are you thinking about?

Lin Banxia: If a person has no clothes, how come the handkerchief appears?

Song Qingluo: Maybe it will be stuffed in a certain part of the body?

Lin Banxia:…0.0 So scary.



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