Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 41.2 Throwing the Handkerchief

There was a public toilet next to the carousel, which was usually fine, but in this atmosphere, no one dared to go in.

“Why don’t you just deal with it nearby?” Wang Ke said humbly, “In ghost movies, everything happens in the toilet. Meng Meng, we just need to turn around and not look at you.”

“I don’t want to.” Meng Meng snorted, a little unhappy, “If you don’t want to accompany me, forget it. I’ll go by myself, and you can wait outside. Don’t go too far.”

“I’ll accompany you.” In the end, Xiao Weiqi couldn’t stand it any longer, “I’ll wait for you outside. Just call if you need anything.”

“Okay.” Meng Meng agreed.

She and Xiao Weiqi went to the nearby toilet.

Shen Qingyi and Wang Ke sat there without daring to move, watching Meng Meng enter the dark toilet alone, while Xiao Weiqi stood outside waiting.

Time passed by, and half an hour had passed when Shen Qingyi realized that something was wrong.

Even for a girl, it would take no more than twenty minutes to go to the toilet, but Meng Meng didn’t come out after going in for so long. Xiao Weiqi, who was waiting outside, also noticed something was wrong.

“Meng Meng. Meng Meng.” Xiao Weiqi called from outside for a long time, but she didn’t respond. He became anxious and shouted to his two friends, “The situation is not right. Let’s go in and take a look together?”

“Okay, let’s go in and take a look together.” Shen Qingyi nodded.

After the three people agreed, Wang Ke jumped from the merry-go-round and put his hands into his trouser pockets reflexively. However, as soon as he put his hands in, his whole body froze in place.

Xiao Weiqi noticed Wang Ke’s strange behavior and asked, “What’s wrong with you, Wang Ke?”

Wang Ke’s throat moved up and down. He slowly took out a blood-red thing from his trouser pocket. Shen Qingyi stood beside him and saw clearly what was in Wang Ke’s hand. It turned out to be a handkerchief soaked in blood and crumpled into a ball…

“When did this thing get into my trouser pocket?” Wang Ke was stunned. He looked at his hands which were stained red with blood, his voice trembling like chaff, “When did it get into my pocket?”

“I don’t know.” Xiao Weiqi was also afraid, “You should throw it away quickly.”

As if he had been burned, Wang Ke threw the handkerchief into the grass nearby and kept shaking his hand, trying to get rid of the blood in his hand.

“Go into the toilet and wash up.” Shen Qingyi whispered, “By the way, let’s see where Meng Meng is?”

Wang Ke said yes with a pale face.

However, when the three of them entered the toilet, their expressions became more and more ugly, because they found that… there was no one in the toilet.

They saw Meng Meng go in with their own eyes. There was only one entrance and exit to this toilet, and Meng Meng could only get out from here, but when they searched every cubicle, they found that it was empty. There was nothing in the narrow toilet.

Where was Meng Meng? Why was she missing?

Shen Qingyi searched for a while and suddenly realized that the toilet window was open. If Meng Meng wanted to go out, she would definitely have to jump out of the window, but why did she have to run away through the window? Just as she was wondering this, Shen Qingyi heard the sound of running water, turned her head and found that Wang Ke was washing his hands with his head lowered. However, as the water washed over his hands, his expression became more and more frightened. Shen Qingyi carefully looked at him, and found that no matter how much water was used, the blood on Wang Ke’s hand did not was away.

“It can’t be washed off! It can’t be washed off!” Wang Ke muttered to himself, sweat flowing down his cheeks. It was obviously still a cool early summer, but he seemed to have been exposed to the scorching sun, and his expression looked increasingly grim.

Xiao Weiqi stood nearby, trying to persuade Wang Ke. Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked past Wang Ke, his expression changed, he stopped, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

“Ah Qi?” Shen Qingyi wanted to call Xiao Weiqi, but then she saw Xiao Weiqi stretch out his hand and wave towards her, making a keep quiet gesture, and gesturing for her to come to the door.

Shen Qingyi was very strange at first, until she walked to where Xiao Weiqi was at the door, and finally understood the reason for the panic on Xiao Weiqi’s face.

There was a huge mirror in front of Wang Ke. He lowered his head and washed his hands without noticing the image in the mirror. However, Shen Qingyi saw it. She saw two people in the mirror, one was her and the other was Xiao Weiqi, Wang Ke… had disappeared from the mirror.

Wang Ke didn’t realize it and continued to wash his hands. He seemed to be on the verge of collapse. His tone was full of tears and despair, and he kept repeating the four words: It can’t be washed clean.

However, what made him despair was yet to come. He suddenly paused, as if remembering something, and put his hand into his trouser pocket while crying. When his fingertips touched the moist and soft handkerchief, Wang Ke let out a shrill scream and took out the thing: “It’s back. Why is it back?”

Shen Qingyi looked like she might faint at any time. Xiao Weiqi’s reaction was a little better than Shen Qingyi’s. He said: “Wang Ke, calm down.”

“How can I calm down?” Wang Ke cried. “How can I calm down? What is this thing? Am I going to die? Am I going to die?!”

No one answered his question, and both Shen Qingyi and Xiao Weiqi took a step back.

“Wang Ke, we can always think of a way. Let’s leave here for now.” Xiao Weiqi didn’t know what to do. He could only try his best to give advice to his friend. He said, “As long as we leave here, we will be safe.”

“How do we leave?” Wang Ke said, “We can’t find the way back!”

Just as the two were arguing, Shen Qingyi’s cell phone suddenly rang. When she heard the ringtone, she was overjoyed at first and thought it was because her cell phone had a signal. Unexpectedly, she picked it up and saw that it was the alarm clock she had set. It was already half past ten, only an hour and a half since they arrived here.

She switched off the alarm clock in frustration. When Shen Qingyi raised her head again, she suddenly realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere. Wang Ke, who was arguing with Xiao Weiqi just now, suddenly stopped talking, and the atmosphere became a bit strange.

“Wang Ke, what’s wrong with you?” Xiao Weiqi asked him.

“My neck seems a little itchy.” Wang Ke said.

Xiao Weiqi swallowed hard. Wang Ke was facing them now. Naturally, he couldn’t see that he had disappeared in the mirror. He didn’t dare to let Wang Ke look back at the mirror because he was afraid of Wang Ke’s emotions after seeing that. He would be completely broken, so he tried his best to persuade him, “Where do you feel uncomfortable? Tell me, and I’ll scratch it for you.”

“My neck is a little itchy.” Wang Ke repeated.

Xiao Weiqi grabbed Wang Ke tightly. He was much stronger than Wang Ke. Being held by him like this, Wang Ke couldn’t look back at the mirror. He said: “Let’s go out first. After we go out… I’ll talk to you again.”

Wang Ke glanced at Xiao Weiqi strangely and said, “My neck is a little itchy.” After saying this the last time, his head turned 180 degrees, turning the back of his head to the position of his face.

“Ah!!!!” Shen Qingyi screamed in horror.

Xiao Weiqi was also in panic and released his hand in panic. However, Wang Ke did not react. He saw the empty surface of the mirror. There was no scream or fear. Wang Ke said in a calm tone: “No wonder it is so itchy.” After he said this, he turned his head back again – in the other direction.

Watching Wang Ke’s head twist 360 degrees, Shen Qingyi went completely crazy and turned around to run away. Before Xiao Weiqi could react, he saw Wang Ke’s body falling towards him. He reflexively caught Wang Ke, but when he looked again, he found that Wang Ke’s body had completely softened, and he was spitting out large mouthfuls of blood, and was soon dead.

Wang Ke is dead? It wasn’t until this moment that Xiao Weiqi truly realized that they were not encountering some prank, but that they were really trapped here by something, and their lives could be taken away at any time. What could they do now? Xiao Weiqi staggered to his feet and ran outside.

Although Shen Qingyi was scared, she didn’t dare to run too far. She was squatting on the roadside and crying. Xiao Weiqi walked behind her, not knowing how to comfort her, and anxiously paced back and forth behind her.

“Is Wang Ke a ghost?” Shen Qingyi cried and asked, “How could he look like that…”

“No, Wang Ke is dead.” Xiao Weiqi replied.

“Dead, how could he die?” Shen Qingyi cried out of breath, “I’m so scared, what should we do…?”

Xiao Weiqi said: “I don’t know either.”

Shen Qingyi said: “Let’s go out? Let’s find a way out. If we wait here, something will happen.” She wanted to stand up, but her legs were too weak to move. Fortunately, Xiao Weiqi moved toward her. He stretched out his hand and gave her a hand.

There were only four people in the team just now, and now there are only two people left. Shen Qingyi looked around the scene. It was obviously a familiar playground, so why did it look so unfamiliar at this time? The things that would usually bring happiness to people all had a ghostly aura to them, which made people shiver when looking at it.

Shen Qingyi followed Xiao Weiqi with her arms folded. There was obviously only one way, but she couldn’t reach the end.

Shen Qingyi was a little tired, and the fear made her feel colder and colder. She opened her backpack, trying to take out a few candies to relax her mood, but when the zipper of the backpack was opened… her blood froze.

In the backpack, there was a wet handkerchief. The blood-red color on the handkerchief was something that Shen Qingyi would never forget. Her mind went blank for a moment because of the intense fear, until Xiao Weiqi’s call beside her woke her up.

“Are you okay?” Xiao Weiqi was a little worried about her.

“Me? I’m fine.” Shen Qingyi was very calm when she heard what he said. Her fingers bypassed the bloody handkerchief, grabbed a handful of candy next to it, and then handed it to Xiao Weiqi, “You want some candy?”

Xiao Weiqi said: “Okay.” He took the candy and did not notice the strange expression on Shen Qingyi’s face. This place was not normal, and he would not be surprised by Shen Qingyi’s reaction.

The sweet candy melted on the tip of Shen Qingyi’s tongue. She squinted her eyes with satisfaction, as if she didn’t even see the balled-up handkerchief.

“We can’t get out.” Xiao Weiqi said, “We’ve been going around in circles.”

“Then what should we do?” Shen Qingyi said, “Let’s find a place and take a rest.”

Xiao Weiqi said: “Okay.”

Shen Qingyi glanced at her phone. It was now ten forty, which was still an hour away from the time she guessed. The excessive fear broke through the defense limit of her reason. When she realized that she might die, her loss of reason became clear.

Throw the handkerchief; she had naturally played this childish game before, and after playing it, she knew the rules very well.

Among the children in a circle, a ghost will appear. The ghost will sing and run behind the children. When it runs behind a child, it will throw the handkerchief behind the child. The child who the handkerchief is thrown to can only survive if he catches the ghost within the specified time.

According to the rules of the game, the child who owns the handkerchief is the ghost, and the ghost must hand over the handkerchief.

Shen Qingyi lowered her head and kicked the stones on the ground. She remembered what happened next to the carousel just now. Meng Meng, who was sitting calmly, suddenly screamed, then walked to Wang Ke’s side pretending to be casual and asked to go to the toilet.

In the past, there was nothing strange about this kind of thing, but in such an environment, it seemed abnormal.

Meng Meng was not very courageous; how would she dare to go to the toilet alone? Shen Qingyi’s teeth ground so hard that she bit the hard candy in her mouth into pieces. After using the toilet, why didn’t she go through the main entrance? Things were strange everywhere. She didn’t have time to think about it before, but now she felt like she could think about it carefully.

“Shen Qingyi?” Xiao Weiqi’s voice was filled with confusion, “What’s wrong with you?”

Shen Qingyi said blankly: “Huh?”

“Why are you crying again?” Xiao Weiqi asked.

“Me? Am I crying?” Shen Qingyi raised her hand and wiped her cheek before she realized that she was really crying. Her brain seemed to be broken and she became numb, and her fear was not so obvious.

“Yeah.” Xiao Weiqi was a little worried about her and handed her a tissue, “Stop crying.”

“Okay, I won’t cry anymore.” Shen Qingyi said, “Xiao Weiqi, we are all going to die anyway. Do you know that I have always liked you?”

Xiao Weiqi immediately blushed. Although he was usually very carefree, he was still a little embarrassed to be suddenly confessed like this by a girl. He looked away and whispered: “It’s already this time, why are you talking about this?”

“Actually, I also prepared another birthday gift for you. I originally wanted to give it to you later.” Shen Qingyi felt that she should be smiling. She raised her hand to wipe her cheeks and found that her tears had not stopped at all. She said, “But now that we have reached this point, if I don’t give it to you, it may be too late in the future.”

She reopened the zipper of her backpack, reached inside, fiddled with it for a while, took out a gift box, and handed it to Xiao Weiqi.

Xiao Weiqi was about to open it, but Shen Qingyi stopped him.

“Can you please not open it yet?” Shen Qingyi begged, “There is a letter inside… If we can survive, you can open it later. If we can’t survive, you can open it again after I die, okay? ”

Xiao Weiqi hesitated for a moment and said, “Okay, if you insist…”

Shen Qingyi smiled and put her hands behind her back, hiding her blood-stained fingers.

After that, the two walked around the amusement park several times. Finally, Shen Qingyi said she was tired, so the two randomly chose a chair to sit down. At this time, it was close to eleven o’clock. Shen Qingyi leaned on Xiao Weiqi’s shoulder and said that she was sleepy.

Xiao Weiqi sat up straight and whispered: “Then you can sleep for a while, I will watch over you.”

“Okay.” Shen Qingyi said with a smile.

Xiao Weiqi glanced at Shen Qingyi’s profile out of the corner of his eye and wondered why Shen Qingyi suddenly wasn’t afraid anymore. Could it be because she was overthinking it? However, hadn’t he thought about it yet? He already felt a little regretful in his heart, thinking that he shouldn’t have come here so late to find excitement because of his willfulness, otherwise these things would not have happened, and Wang Ke would not be implicated… Thinking about it, Xiao Weiqi felt tired because of the fear and fell asleep. This short sleep was not stable, and when he opened his eyes again, it seemed that only ten minutes had passed.

The night wind was a bit strong, Xiao Weiqi shivered in the cold wind, and stretched out his hand to wipe his face heavily, trying to stay awake as much as possible. After Xiao Weiqi did all this, he looked towards where Shen Qingyi was sitting and found that Shen Qingyi, who was supposed to be sitting next to him, was missing.

For a moment, Xiao Weiqi’s heart dropped. His first reaction was that something had happened to Shen Qingyi. Wang Ke’s desolate and terrifying death suddenly appeared in his mind. Xiao Weiqi stood up in a hurry, shouted Shen Qingyi’s name anxiously, and searched nearby for a long time, but still found no trace of Shen Qingyi.

Shen Qingyi disappeared without leaving any traces, no blood, and no body, as if she deliberately abandoned him. Xiao Weiqi walked back to the place in despair and sat on the bench blankly for a while. Suddenly, he realized that he was still carrying the box left by Shen Qingyi. He lowered his head, gently opened the lid of the gift box, and saw what was inside…

The author has something to say:

Ai Xinsheng: Don’t you have anything to be afraid of?

Shen Junyan: I don’t. They are both afraid of poverty.

Song Qingluo secretly made up his mind and decided not to be deceived so often.

Lin Banxia secretly made up his mind and decided to go back and study whether Small Cave could stew bone soup.

Small Cave:????


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