Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 40.2 Throwing the Handkerchief

This matter was quite urgent. Several days had passed since the discovery of the disappearance of the students and the realization that their disappearance was somehow related to heresy. During this period, anything could happen. According to past experience, these students were all in trouble. However, even so, they had to try to find, or at least, not allow more people to be harmed.

Song Qingluo prepared for a day, and left with Lin Banxia the next night. After an hour’s journey, the two arrived outside Jiayue Paradise in the western suburbs.

At this time, the park had been closed for nearly a month, and a blockade had been put up outside. There are even people on duty walking around to prevent anyone from approaching.

After parking the car, Song Qingluo showed his certificate to the staff before entering the amusement park with Lin Banxia.

This was Lin Banxia’s first time at an amusement park. He had only seen it from outside before. Although the lights were not turned on at night, Lin Banxia still found it very interesting. There was a water park not far from the entrance, and next to it was a huge Ferris wheel. Lin Banxia looked up and asked, “It looks so high. Ah, is it fun?”

Song Qingluo said: “I haven’t gone on it before.”

“Then…let’s find some time to have fun in the future?” Lin Banxia was eager to give it a try, “Are you not afraid of heights?”

Song Qingluo said softly: “I’m not afraid.”

“That’s great.” Lin Banxia was very happy. Looking at the countless interesting entertainment facilities next to them, he was already looking forward to it.

However, expectations were expectations, and what should be done was still done. Song Qingluo led Lin Banxia around the amusement park, but found nothing unusual.

They even went to the place where the roller coaster accident happened, which had been sealed off, and the big hole on the ground had not been repaired. Lin Banxia raised his head and saw the track of the roller coaster above their heads: “It starts from here. Did it slide off?”

“Yeah.” Song Qingluo said, “It should have.”

“Has the cause of the accident been found?” Lin Banxia asked.

“It is said that the equipment was aging.” Song Qingluo said, “But a roller coaster that should have been parked at night suddenly started and dropped so many passengers. This kind of thing cannot be explained by the aging of the equipment.”

Lin Banxia felt he was right. How those people entered the amusement park and started the roller coaster were all loopholes.

The two walked around the amusement park several times, but found nothing. They didn’t find anything strange. They originally planned to go to the monitoring room to check the video, but the staff in the monitoring room said they had already watched it many, many times.

“Nothing.” The staff said, “No one saw them coming in. Whether they disappeared in the park is a mystery.”

Just when the two of them had no clue, Li Su called and told Song Qingluo that the novice recorders that were sent over were arriving, and asked Song Qingluo to remember to go out and pick them up. Song Qingluo was very unhappy. Li Su was smart enough not to give him a chance to get angry and hung up the phone directly.

“Is there someone over there?” Lin Banxia asked.

“Well, he said they were on the way.” Song Qingluo looked at his watch, “Let’s go and pick them up.”

“How many people are there?” Lin Banxia asked.

“Five.” Song Qingluo said. “Why are there so many people?” Lin Banxia was stunned, “Do you need five?”

“It’s based on the number of missing students. Because I don’t know the triggering conditions for the heresy, I can only try to match the conditions at the time. It may be the number of people, the date, or even the weather. I can’t say.”

Song Qingluo explained, “Among the five people, there is also a monitor. She is a troublesome woman. You can stay away from her.”

A woman who was called troublesome by Song Qingluo… Lin Banxia became curious, thinking that there must be something different about her.

The two of them left the amusement park and waited on the side of the road for about ten minutes. A car drove up in the distance and stopped in front of them. After a moment, five people filed out of the car, most of them with young faces, almost sullen and expressionless. There was also a beautiful woman walking at the back, with a bright smile on her face that seemed out of place with the others. The other four were all dressed in neat work clothes, but she was wearing a gorgeous red dress, had her hair in big waves, and even wore exquisite heels. She didn’t look like she was here to do work, but like she was here to walk a fashion show.

“Hey, Song Qingluo.” The woman greeted Song Qingluo with a smile. Her eyes stayed on Lin Banxia for a moment, and she smiled even more happily, “Where did you trick such a little cutie from?”

Song Qingluo had a cold face and ignored her.

Everyone seemed to be used to it. One of the recorders stepped forward and gave a brief introduction to Song Qingluo, which was probably his name, age, etc. The woman had no interest in Song Qingluo, but kept staring at Lin Banxia. The look in her eyes made Lin Banxia feel a little hairy for no reason.

“Good evening, little cutie.” The woman walked to Lin Banxia, ​​and Lin Banxia realized that she was actually a little taller than him. He was 1.78 meters tall, so this girl must be over 1.8 meters tall.

“Good evening, my name is Lin Banxia.” Lin Banxia said cautiously.

“I know.” The woman said with a smile, “You are very famous in our circle. Everyone knows you. My name is Shen Junyan. Nice to meet you.”

Lin Banxia was a little confused, wondering why everyone knew about him.

Song Qingluo said coldly from the side: “Are you almost done?”

Shen Junyan smiled brightly, obviously not taking Song Qingluo’s words to heart.

Next, Song Qingluo planned to take the group to walk in the direction of the amusement park where the students disappeared. The last time the students appeared in the surveillance was at 9:10 pm, and walking from that location it would take almost twenty minutes to get to the amusement park. It was already half past eight, so it was almost time to walk over slowly.

Along the way, Shen Junyan was chatting with Lin Banxia. It was the first time that Lin Banxia met such a beautiful and enthusiastic girl. He couldn’t stand it after a while and couldn’t help but want to lean towards Song Qingluo. Shen Junyan saw it but didn’t point it out, but her eyes became more and more playful.

According to the usual rules, when approaching a heretical object, there would be a process of testing the spiritual value, but the strange thing was that Song Qingluo did not take out the dice today. It was Shen Junyan who took out a black cloth bag from her arms. She smiled and said, “Who wants to go first?”

“What is it?” Lin Banxia asked strangely.

“A little ceremony before the expedition.” Shen Junyan said, “Just to ask for peace?” She said and took out a few thumb-sized puppets from the bag.

“How can I seek peace?” Lin Banxia asked.

“Give me your hand.” Shen Junyan said.

Lin Banxia handed over his hand honestly. Shen Junyan grabbed his finger, took out a needle from somewhere, and pricked Lin Banxia’s fingertip. A small drop of blood appeared on the fingertip. Shen Junyan carefully applied the blood to the doll. 

“What kind of blessing ceremony is this?” Lin Banxia asked curiously.

“There is a luck bonus.” Shen Junyan said with a smile.

Lin Banxia silently took out her mobile phone.

Shen Junyan asked strangely: “What do you want to do? Take pictures?”

“Isn’t there a luck bonus?” Lin Banxia said, “The lottery will be drawn tomorrow…”

Shen Junyan: “…”

Song Qingluo curled his lips at the side.

“You’re kidding. Kid, this isn’t that type of luck bonus.” Shen Junyan probably didn’t want Lin Banxia to waste those two dollars, and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “This is just to reduce your luck so that we can find that thing faster.”

“Reducing luck?” Lin Banxia said blankly, “Yes.”

Shen Junyan was talking to him while holding the other people’s hands. Her fingers were slender and white with dark nail polish. Men might not appreciate it, but women would definitely like her style, “Anyone who can encounter this kind of thing will not be very lucky. In this case, the only way is to make your luck worse.”

She took blood from everyone’s fingertips, and only Song Qingluo was left.

“I don’t have to.” Song Qingluo refused without mercy.

Shen Junyan clicked her tongue in disgust and said, “OK, Mr. Song is extremely talented and born to be unlucky. He can’t lower his luck any more, and if it drops again, he won’t know how many apple jade pendants he will have to buy.”

Song Qingluo glanced at her gloomily, and she made a zipping gesture and said, “I just have a poor mouth. You have a lot, so don’t argue with the insignificant ones.”

After taking the blood from her fingertips, Shen Junyan put the six little puppets stained with their blood back into the bag one by one. The group of people hit the road and began to follow the path taken by the missing students, heading towards Jiayue Paradise. Because it was in the suburbs, the neighbourhood was quiet.

There were no vehicles and no pedestrians. The group was walking under the dim street lights, with only shadows for company.

The recorders knew what they were going to do. They seemed a little nervous, but did not dare to talk. They were obviously a little afraid of Song Qingluo and Shen Junyan next to them. They had a good impression of Lin Banxia. Lin Banxia looked very good. The kind of person who was gentle and easy to get along with, but it was a pity that the atmosphere was not right, otherwise they could really have a good chat.

However, what happened next was not as smooth as they expected, because they followed the road smoothly to the amusement park and yet nothing happened.

“What should we do?” Shen Junyan counted the time, looked at Song Qingluo, and asked for advice, “Do it again?”

Song Qingluo pondered for a moment and nodded. He observed the surrounding environment and said, “They may not have entered through the main entrance.”

“What do you mean?” Shen Junyan asked.

“There are security guards at the main entrance.” Song Qingluo said, “Even if the camera is broken, the security guards are still there. If seven students want to sneak in secretly, they would definitely not dare to use the main entrance.”

“Are there any side doors near here?” Shen Junyan asked. “Yes.”

A monitor named Ai Xinsheng said while holding the information, “There is one right next to us.”

“Then should we go through that door this time?” Shen Junyan asked.

Song Qingluo nodded in agreement: “Okay.”

Then the group fell back to their original place, intending to walk the same path all over again, entering the paradise through another side door. No one knew whether this approach would succeed, but it was at least an attempt.

Along the way, Shen Junyan was chatting with Lin Banxia. It seemed that she was indeed very interested in Lin Banxia as she said. Lin Banxia was a little reserved when facing Shen Junyan. In the end, Song Qingluo became impatient first and asked Shen Junyan, “Could you please stop chasing people around and harassing him like a bitch?”

Shen Junyan snorted to express her dissatisfaction, but fortunately, she let Lin Banxia go for the time being.

Lin Banxia was relieved.

The weather showed that it was already early summer, and the night in the suburbs was not very quiet. There was the continuous noise of insects in the grass beside the road, and the bright moon was high. If the recorders hadn’t looked nervous, it wouldn’t have seemed like they were in the midst of a dangerous job, but as if they were on an outing.

Another half hour later, they arrived at the gate of Jiayue Paradise again. Lin Banxia was not sure if it was his imagination, but he felt that the surroundings seemed quieter than before.

“Is this the side door?” Shen Junyan walked to a rusted iron door. “The door is locked, but this lock doesn’t look very reliable no matter how you look at it.” The lock looked old and rusty. There were stains on it. Shen Junyan stretched out her finger and touched it a little, and there were rust stains on her fingertips. She suddenly realized something, raised her eyebrows and smiled, stretched out her hand, and twisted it hard. She heard a click, and the lock was so old that it was forced off by her.

“Let’s go in.” Shen Junyan said.

Everyone filed in through the door one after another. Lin Banxia noticed that when they came in, Shen Junyan seemed to have thrown something on the ground. She realized that he had seen it, but didn’t mind. She smiled at Lin Banxia.

“It seems that we have come in.” When everyone passed through the door, Shen Junyan said something incomprehensible.

Coming in? Where did we go? Although Lin Banxia didn’t understand what Shen Junyan meant, he vaguely felt something was strange. The first thing was the lock. Although he didn’t know how long this amusement park had been open, there was an accident inside recently, so they would definitely carry out all-round inspections and maintenance, especially on all access points from the outside. However, the lock looked so old that it was impossible for the amusement park to not replace it, so at least that lock shouldn’t be there.

It was pitch black all around and nothing could be seen. The only source of light was the huge and bright moon above their heads.

Lin Banxia took out his phone and was not surprised to see that there was no signal.

He affirmed: “It’s starting.”

When the recorders heard this, their faces turned as white as paper, and their bodies trembled. One of the younger guys suddenly spoke with a hoarse voice: “I, I’m a little scared, can you let me change to another task?”

“Change? Is this your first time?” Shen Junyan didn’t seem surprised at all when she heard such a question. She turned her head and looked at the youth expressionlessly, “Didn’t I show you the agreement before? You also signed; did you think you were here for a trip? You can come when you want and leave when you want? Do you think the next mission will be easier than this? “

The boy was stared at by Shen Junyan and was speechless. He whispered: “I’m sorry, this is my first time…”

“Who among you hasn’t had your first time?” Shen Junyan said coldly, “Why can’t you do it?”

The boy stopped talking and held on to his bag without saying a word. A girl next to him comforted him in a low voice. “Keep moving forward.” Shen Junyan gave the order.

So, the group continued forward and soon arrived inside the amusement park. “Let’s go to the roller coaster first and take a look.” Shen Junyan said, “Have you seen the previous information?”

Ai Xinsheng whispered: “I’ve seen it.”

“Well, not bad.” Shen Junyan said, “I will repeat the information to you now. You all should listen to me clearly. The seven people who died in the roller coaster accident were not killed by the roller coaster. They weren’t killed when the roller coaster fell. They were already dead before the accident.” She lowered her head and rubbed her sharp nails across her fingertips, as if calmly telling a boring story. “According to the forensic report, the deaths of these seven people spanned half a month, that is, fifteen days passed from the death of the first person to the death of the last person. We don’t have much time. Please do your best to protect the missing students. This is the meaning of all your efforts, including your lives.”

“Will you die for them?” one recorder asked angrily.

“Of course.” Shen Junyan’s tone was very calm, but it could be heard that she was serious. She said, “Death is the happiest destination for human beings.” Then she glanced at Song Qingluo with a smile and added: “Except for dying in poverty. “

Song Qingluo: “?”

Lin Banxia: “…” I’m really offended.

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: I did it, you can do whatever you want!

Song Qingluo: Do ​​it!

Li Su: Where did you two get so many dramas over a Coke?


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