Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 36.2 The Promised Land

Li Su: “????” Lin Banxia, ​​do you want me to die?? Before he could argue, Li Ye pinched his chin hard, causing Li Su to scream like a pig, and said, “You bastard Li Ye, you want me to fucking die.” ”

Li Ye didn’t care. After squeezing, he let go, still unhappy: “It’s ugly.”

Lin Banxia, ​​who was watching the excitement, didn’t think it was a big deal and said: “He has teeth marks all over his body.”

Li Ye: “…”

Li Su: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Lin Banxia!!!”

Of course, in the end, Li Ye didn’t torment Li Su anymore. After all, if he continued like this, Li Su might die on the spot. Lin Banxia explained the situation from the side, saying, “Although Li Su was bitten many times by Irina, he did not do it voluntarily. He was still thinking of you in his heart and tried hard to get the fake Li Ye to lick his feet every time.”

Only then did Li Su realize that Lin Banxia looked honest on the outside, but his heart was dark, and he had nothing to do other than fanning the flames. However, he didn’t dare to bully Lin Banxia, ​​because Li Ye said that Song Qingluo was nearby and would come soon.

“Oh, then this Song Qingluo is fake?” Lin Banxia said happily, “It scared me to death.”

Li Ye glanced at Song Qingluo in his arms, then looked at him again, his eyes a little complicated, and said, “You thought of Song Qingluo like that?”

Lin Banxia was about to explain.

Li Su said sourly from the side: “Yes. He made Song Qingluo so miserable. Look, I just asked you to lick my feet.”

Li Ye: “…”

Li Su: “Haha, I’m kidding.”

Li Ye: “It’s so funny.”

Li Su fell silent and pretended to be serious about finding the way. Lin Banxia quickly explained that he had not done anything to Song Qingluo and that it was all Fang Wenshu’s doing, although he did not know who Fang Wenshu was…

The three of them chatted for a while and were ready to move forward. Lin Banxia bent down and was about to pick up Song Qingluo who was on the ground. When he turned around, he suddenly realized that there was someone standing behind him. When he looked carefully, he saw that it was Song Qingluo that they were talking about just now. It was unknown when he arrived, but it seemed that he had been standing beside him for a while. Lin Banxia said: “Song Qingluo, are you here?”

Song Qingluo’s eyes slowly moved down and rested on the fake in Lin Banxia’s arms.

Lin Banxia saw the look in his eyes and knew something was wrong, and hurriedly wanted to explain, but Li Su held his shoulders and said in a heavy tone: “Banxia, ​​don’t be embarrassed, gender is not a resistance to love. Here, as long as you dare to think of something, you can achieve it!”

Song Qingluo: “…”

“It’s not what you think!!!” Lin Banxia said in horror, “Song Qingluo, this is not what I thought of.”

“Look, although Song Qingluo knows Fang Wenshu, he has only met Fang Wenshu a few times and hasn’t even spoken to him a few times. How could he imagine it?” Li Su smiled at Lin Ban Xia said, “Although you know that he is a fake, you still didn’t leave him. I can only express my admiration for such feelings.”

Lin Banxia: “…” I’m sorry… He shouldn’t have added insult to injury to Li Su. Isn’t it the nature of human beings to hurt each other?

Song Qingluo looked away at an extremely slow speed. He seemed a little uncomfortable, and his voice became much softer, and he said to Lin Banxia: “Put it down, I’m here.”

Lin Banxia: “Actually…”

Song Qingluo said: “I know.”

Lin Banxia: “…” No, you don’t know!!!

Song Qingluo said: “Find that thing first, and then we’ll talk about the rest after we go back.”

Lin Banxia was really speechless. Li Su, the troublemaker, was winking at him from the side, with an expression of, “You’re still too young, kid.”

Lin Banxia decided to give up the argument, put down the Song Qingluo in his arms, and followed the group in front.

Li Ye said that after they got rid of the strange bear in the forest, it took them four or five days to find the town. The town was roughly in the shape of an altar. They guessed that the heresy they were looking for was in the center of this altar.

When the altar was built and who built it, was a mystery and it was unknown when it would be solved.

Fortunately, the four of them finally reunited. Song Qingluo was at the front, and Lin Banxia asked him where they were going.

“Of course, I want to go to the place I want to go to the most.” Song Qingluo replied with a strange answer.

Lin Banxia vaguely seemed to understand what Li Ye meant by finding a way to get there.

Sergey, who was originally unconscious, was in the hands of Li Ye. He was tall and could lift Sergey easily. He said that he and Song Qingluo encountered some trouble when they came here. There might be more than just them here. Judging from the masterpieces of the monster, there may be other humans.

They walked forward for perhaps a few hundred meters. Lin Banxia suddenly heard a clear sound of water. The other three obviously heard it too, and immediately chose to change direction, facing the direction of the water.

After turning a few corners, the surrounding stone houses gradually became fewer and fewer, and the view became wider. In order to save power, the four people only used two flashlights. Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo each held one in their hands. They used the light of the flashlight to illuminate the front and saw a huge and wide square. Surrounding the square was a circular wall with incomprehensible patterns painted on it with various colors of paint. Deep grooves were carved on the ground of the square, and water seemed to be flowing through them. This should be the sound of water they heard.

“Someone is coming,” Song Qingluo said suddenly.

Everyone was immediately alert and hid in a nearby stone house. Song Qingluo extinguished the flashlight in his hand, and the group stood at the door, carefully watching outside.

It had to be said that Song Qingluo was really different from ordinary people. He heard the footsteps early, and it was not until two or three minutes later that Lin Banxia heard a burst of regular footsteps. It seemed that there were many people heading in their direction.

After about a while, Lin Banxia saw many dotted lights appearing on the square in the distance. When these lights reached the square, they spread out in all directions, and soon lit the torches next to the square. The entire square instantly lit up, and Lin Banxia could see their appearance clearly.

This was a group of people wearing black cloaks. Almost everyone’s body was covered by a black cloth, and even their faces could not be seen. After they lit the torches, they gathered in the center of the square.

Lin Banxia counted and found that there were about fifteen or sixteen people in this group. They gradually formed a circle and seemed to be planning to perform some strange ritual.

Lin Banxia watched attentively. He heard the group of people speaking a strange language. He couldn’t quite understand the language, and it didn’t sound like Russian. The pronunciation was very weird. It didn’t sound like words that humans could say. More like a reptilian hiss. After listening to it for a while, Lin Banxia felt a little uncomfortable. It was difficult for him to describe this feeling. The strange language formed a subtle melody, beating on his heart again and again.

At the same time, a stone platform slowly rose in the center of the square. On the stone platform, there was a thin child. The child was lying quietly on the stone platform, motionless. Lin Banxia looked at the child’s back and felt a strange sense of familiarity in his heart. He was about to lean forward and take a closer look at the child’s face. However, the people in the cloaks seemed to be aware of Lin Banxia’s position, and suddenly turned around and looked in Lin Banxia’s direction.

Lin Banxia was startled, but before he could react, he saw these people reach out to lift the cloak covering their faces, revealing faces that he could not see clearly.

Countless Lin Banxia stood quietly next to the stone platform. The child on the stone platform let out a shrill cry. She struggled to get off the stone platform, but the blurry-faced people next to her pressed her down tightly. One stood on the stone platform, then took out a sharp weapon from his sleeves and stabbed the girl’s body.

“Brother!!! Brother!!!” The girl screamed miserably. Her struggle was nothing more than a cricket shaking the tree. The bright red blood poured out from her body continuously, fell along the stone platform to the square, and then spread continuously from the ditch, like a blooming stamen. She was the most gorgeous sacrifice in the heart of the flower.

“Stop it.” Lin Banxia shouted. He couldn’t stand it anymore and desperately wanted to rush to the altar. “Stop it.”

Something trapped him tightly and he couldn’t control his body. He struggled with all his strength, but he still couldn’t get rid of the shackles. He could only watch his sister gradually lose her life.

“Stop it.” Those who looked like Lin Banxia laughed, and their smiles became more and more distorted, eventually forming a whirlpool. Lin Banxia’s body softened, and he knelt on the ground, sobbing desperately. “Stop it!!!”

The picture in front of him suddenly distorted. Lin Banxia saw Song Qingluo’s face close at hand. Song Qingluo’s arms hugged him tightly, imprisoning his body. Lin Banxia blinked, the tears on his eyelashes flowed from the corner of his eyes and hit Song Qingluo’s lips.

Song Qingluo licked it lightly, it was salty.

“What’s wrong with me?” Lin Banxia asked blankly.

Song Qingluo said: “It’s okay.”

Lin Banxia looked around and saw Li Su and Li Ye standing nearby, but their faces were not very good-looking, and there was an additional wound on Li Su’s arm.

Li Ye was lowering his head and bandaging Li Su’s wound. His lips were pursed tightly, looking a little indifferent, but at least the movements of his hands were gentle.

“It’s okay. You were just trapped.” Song Qingluo didn’t ask what Lin Banxia saw. When he let go, he patted Lin Banxia’s back gently, like soothing a frightened child.

Lin Banxia was a little uncomfortable. He didn’t remember what he saw, but the strong pain was still spreading in his heart. It was not real pain, but some kind of emotion. He turned his head and looked at the square again. There were unexpectedly really a dozen people standing there, but they were not wearing cloaks, and their appearance could be seen clearly at a glance.

No. Were those really human? Lin Banxia fell into suspicion after seeing their appearance clearly. Their bodies were very strange. They had no skin and were covered in exposed scarlet muscles. Their limbs and facial features seemed to be forcibly separated and then put together again. The mud was simply mixed together. Some people even had an arm beside their shoulders, and their backs were covered with countless blinking eyes.

Lin Banxia felt a kind of nausea, not fear or anything else, just pure nausea, as if his subconscious mind was telling him that this kind of thing would have an impact on his spirit and told him not to continue looking.

Lin Banxia retched a few times and quickly turned around: “What on earth are they…?”

“The companions.” Song Qingluo said, “Most of the companions look like this.”

Lin Banxia thought of Jiang Ruonan. She was one of the companions mentioned by Song Qingluo. At that time, Lin Banxia did not realize the cruelty of this word. He thought that all companions or dependents were like Jiang Ruonan. However, he never thought that what was in front of him was their normal state.

“The origins of heretical objects are unknown, but wherever they go, they are usually accompanied by disasters.” Song Qingluo said, “The longer humans are in contact with them, the more susceptible they are to infection, so they must be sealed up as quickly as possible. It’s just a pity…”

“It’s just a pity.” Li Su, who smiled bitterly, answered from the side, “In recent years, these things have become more and more active.”

Song Qingluo stopped talking. He raised his hand, took out black gloves from his pocket, inserted his fingers one by one, and put them on tightly.

Lin Banxia was beside him and whispered: “How can I help?”

Song Qingluo turned his head and glanced at him, his black eyes half lowered and his voice as soft as ever, as he said, “If I suddenly stop moving, just kill me.”

After he finished speaking, he took out the gun from his backpack, loaded it, turned around and went out.

“Is he just going to pass by like this?” Lin Banxia was frightened, “Won’t something happen?”

“Don’t worry about him.” Li Su said, “If he can’t do it, we will have to die here.”

Lin Banxia glanced towards the center of the square again. Those strange things were still standing quietly next to the stone platform. In the center of the stone platform, a blood-red heart rose up at some point and was beating slowly. Just one glance made Lin Banxia feel palpitations in his heart. He hurriedly withdrew his gaze and took a few quick breaths: “What on earth is that thing…”

“I don’t know.” Li Su said, “No one knows where the heresy came from.”

Lin Banxia was about to say a few more words to Li Su but felt something was wrong with the wall he was leaning against. He immediately moved away from the wall and said, “There is something wrong with the wall.”

As soon as he finished saying this, he saw that the wall behind him had become soft, rising and falling like a human heart. Then, terrifying faces began to protrude from the wall. Lin Banxia immediately reacted, He glanced around the room: “Holy shit, where is Sergey???”

Li Su shouted: “Wasn’t he still lying on the ground just now? This bastard hasn’t forgotten his Irina!!”

The people in the room were being affected by those things. One of them accidentally let Sergey run away. Now, who knew how many more Irinas he would create.

However, blaming him now was obviously useless. Countless human hands and feet appeared on all the walls of the room, and countless Irina began struggle to get out of the walls.

Li Su laughed angrily and said, “F*ck your uncle, how many more bites will I get? This thing didn’t even spare my butt!” He wanted to say more, but suddenly realized that Li Su Ye stood next to him with gloomy eyes, and immediately wisely shut up, pretending as if he was still innocent.

Lin Banxia felt angry and weird, and said: “Stop making trouble, this thing is coming out.”

Li Su hummed, loaded the shotgun without hesitation, and fired the first shot. With a bang, Irina, who had just squeezed out half of her body, was smashed to pieces. However, the next Irina immediately took over. This was not the worst. The worst thing was that after Lin Banxia fired two shots under the guidance of Li Su, he suddenly realized that the floor under his feet was also softening, slowly rising and falling like the wall.

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: Listen to my explanation, I really did not, I really didn’t do it!

Song Qingluo: Then what are you thinking of?

Lin Banxia: Gold.

Song Qingluo: Only gold?

Li Su: He wants you to be dressed in gold.

Lin Banxia: !!!

Song Qingluo: …


Translator’s comments:

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