Phantom Skeleton Painting

T/N: Hey guys. Sorry that I didn’t post any chapter yesterday. For some reason I was having trouble logging on to publish the chapters. However, I will still be posting the same amount of chapters for the week, so I will post two chapters on Friday or Saturday.

Chapter 36.1 The Promised Land 

When Fang Wenshu appeared there for the first time, a woman’s body appeared in front of him.

He knew the woman, her name was He Siman, and she was his partner in the team. She was a lively girl with a fierce personality who came all the way from China. On the first night she came, she dragged him to a Russian pub for a night of drinking. Fang Wenshu knew that she seemed to have something to say to him, but in the end, she still couldn’t say it out loud. To this day, Fang Wenshu could still recall the look on her face when she called him brother with a red face. The alcohol made her look even more beautiful. Fang Wenshu must have been moved, because at that moment, he even wanted to get closer so that he could kiss her lips that were wet with wine.

However, Fang Wenshu didn’t do this because he had always been restrained and knew that if he couldn’t give her a good ending, it would be better not to start. And what kind of happy ending could those in their profession have? Fang Wenshu thought regretfully. Although he seemed to have rich experience, he couldn’t even walk through the dense forest. He forgot what wish he had made, but vaguely remembered the shrill cry in his ears before he disappeared completely.

It was He Siman’s cry. She held him as he turned into mud and howled like a injured child. She wanted to keep him and hold him in her arms, but everything was in vain.

Fang Wenshu disappeared.

He wouldn’t have appeared again, however, the woman in front of him finally gave in to the desire in her heart when death came. She wished that Fang Wenshu would survive.

What a stupid wish. Fang Wenshu reached out and touched the withered skin on her cheek. He didn’t know how much effort and despair the woman in front of him had spent to get here, but she failed in the end. She died with only darkness as her companion.

Fang Wenshu’s fingers traced from her forehead to the tip of her nose and then to her lips. He wanted to remember her appearance in his heart, although he knew that he was not actually Fang Wenshu.

He was just a monster that looked like Fang Wenshu and was constructed from her memory.

A monster whose soul was mud.

What a pity. Fang Wenshu leaned over and kissed her on the lips. Her lips were cold and dry, but even so, he didn’t hate it. He didn’t know why he did it. It was probably just the instinct of his body.

After the kiss ended, Fang Wenshu stood up from the ground. He walked to the edge of the room and stretched out his hand to hold onto the wall. The wall began to become soft, like mud, swallowing half of his arm, and he showed an expression of enjoyment. The next moment, it kept its promise and gave him all the memories belonging to Fang Wenshu, and he became a complete Fang Wenshu.

What is a human being? It’s just a body with some memories.

When the same memory is poured into an identical body, who can tell the difference between the two? Fang Wenshu laughed. He couldn’t tell the difference between himself and Fang Wenshu, and he was sure that He Siman couldn’t tell the difference either.

Therefore, he was Fang Wenshu.

The moment he accepted Fang Wenshu’s memory, He Siman’s body began to melt, turning into mud and melting into the ground. This was a sign of the fulfillment of her wish and the price of Fang Wenshu’s survival. When the wish came true, they and it would become one and never be separated.

He Siman’s wish came true, and Fang Wenshu survived, but was the meaning of his existence just to live? No, it controlled everything and never wasted its masterpieces.

Fang Wenshu knew that in this dark underground maze, there were some other guests, including strong warriors and newcomers who were at a loss. He had never been a person who liked to challenge difficult problems, so he quickly decided on a target.

Fang Wenshu was a smart man. Although he knew that he was a part of it, he still had some other thoughts. He wanted to get out of here – he knew he couldn’t get out, so he had to find some other way or use some interesting bait to trap the cute hamster. The gold that Alexei used was the lowest and most boring bait. Fang Wenshu knew a more interesting way to hunt.

He hummed softly and walked into the darkness. Under the bed behind him, the black mud formed a human body. Everyone in the entire department knew that Song Qingluo is a powerful character, but his partner is ignorant, like a confused child who has just entered this world. Fang Wenshu thought. I really hope that child makes a wish When it comes to time, be more decisive.


Lin Banxia certainly knew what Fang Wenshu wanted him to do. He wanted him to look at the seriously injured Song Qingluo, lose his mind with anxiety, sell his soul, and wish for everyone to leave here together. It was a pity that Fang Wenshu’s identity was exposed in one sentence. He knew something he shouldn’t know, allowing Lin Banxia to catch the flaw, but other than that, the biggest paradox was still the seriously injured Song Qingluo.

If Fang Wenshu’s wish was for Song Qingluo to be seriously injured, then his wish had come true. The Fang Wenshu in front of him was obviously not a human being. If Fang Wenshu’s wish was not to seriously injure Song Qingluo, but to create monsters similar to Alexei’s idea to hurt Song Qingluo… but those monsters were uncontrollable, so this method was simply suicide. Lin Banxia didn’t think his situation with Fang Wenshu would be any better than Song Qingluo’s. Of course, there was a third possibility, which was that Song Qingluo was directly injured by Fang Wenshu. This was even more impossible, because the first time Song Qingluo saw him, he asked him to run away and did not warn him against Fang Wenshu.

When the logic of everything was sorted out, there was only one answer left. Under normal circumstances, it was impossible for Song Qingluo to be seriously injured alone. The Fang Wenshu in front of him was the second Alexei, but the gold in his hand turned into the seriously injured Song Qingluo. Fang Wenshu set a bait and wanted to use this bait to turn Lin Banxia’s biggest desire into leaving that place.

Everything was ready, but he accidentally exposed the mousetrap, causing the little hamster to notice something unusual.

“Wonderful.” Fang Wenshu applauded after listening to Lin Banxia’s words. He said, “I thought it was Song Qingluo who was soft-hearted and would accept someone like you. I didn’t expect that Song Qingluo was still the same Song Qingluo.”

“Are you not a human anymore?” Lin Banxia frowned and asked, “Then why are you still working for the being?” In fact, he also wanted to ask Alexei this question.

“He is an omniscient and omnipotent being, the master of the world, and being integrated with it is the glory of being a human.” Fang Wenshu said, “You should also be honored that you have such an opportunity.”

Lin Banxia looked at him expressionlessly.

“Being with it, you will share all knowledge and memories. As long as you get close to it, you will find that human beings are extremely insignificant.” Fang Wenshu said warmly.

“In that case, why do you want to leave with me?” Lin Banxia asked strangely.

No. It’s not that I want to leave, it’s just that she wanted me to leave, Fang Wenshu thought, but he didn’t say this, he just showed a helpless look: “It seems that you can’t understand me.”

“Sorry.” Lin Banxia said. “I’m a materialist.” After confirming that Fang Wenshu’s identity was not human, he quickly stepped forward and slit Fang Wenshu’s throat. “Let’s go now. Let’s talk later.”

Fang Wenshu’s body melted unsurprisingly, but the black sludge he turned into didn’t scream. It just disappeared into the cracks of the black stone slabs.

Although Fang Wenshu disappeared, Song Qingluo did not disappear. Lin Banxia looked at him and then at Sergey, suddenly filled with sadness. Although he felt that Fang Wenshu’s Song Qingluo was fake, he couldn’t deal with this appearance. The dying Song Qingluo caused all of the decisiveness he had to turn into hesitation in his heart. Lin Banxia simply couldn’t attack someone who looked exactly like Song Qingluo. After much thought, he simply decided to take Song Qingluo with him.

Fortunately, Song Qingluo was very light. Lin Banxia held him in his arms like a princess. He was also carrying Sergey on his back, which made him feel like he was dragging his family with him.

While he looked like this, he turned a corner with difficulty and bumped into Li Su who appeared out of nowhere. Both of them were stunned for a moment, and then they pointed their guns at each other.

“Are you real?” Li Su asked.

Lin Banxia didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and said, “Can you be as embarrassed as me?”

“Yes.” Li Su nodded in agreement.

“What about you? Real or fake?” Lin Banxia asked.

“Of course I’m real.” Li Su replied. He lifted up his clothes, revealing countless tooth marks on his hands and shoulders, and said painfully, “You were sleeping soundly at the time, so I was chased all the way. I almost got bitten to death.”

Lin Banxia said: “Oh.”

“How did you get this Song Qingluo in your arms?” Li Su saw Song Qingluo in Lin Banxia’s arms, and immediately became energetic. He glanced at Lin Banxia with strange eyes and said, “Wow, I didn’t expect that. Ah, I didn’t expect that ​​a guy like you with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would do such a thing.”

Lin Banxia was shocked: “What are you talking about?! This is not what I thought.”

“Who thought it then?” Li Su said, “It can’t be Sergey, right?”

Lin Banxia said angrily: “Can’t he be real?”

Li Su: “Tsk, tsk, tsk. You are so defensive.”

Lin Banxia: “…” He gave up communicating with Li Su.

The two had a brief exchange, which probably explained what happened during the time they were separated. It turned out that after Lin Banxia fell asleep that day, Li Su met countless Irina. In order to not implicate Lin Banxia, ​​ he had no choice but to be chased and bitten by the group of Irinas. After being chased and bitten by the group of Irinas, he finally came back, but he was already a mutilated Li Su.

“You don’t know how cruel they are.” Li Su’s skin was almost completely covered with brand new and neat teeth marks. He gritted his teeth and said, “If I had known it was this guy Sergey who thought this up, I would have killed him first!!!”

Lin Banxia actually felt that he was serious.

Lin Banxia briefly talked about Fang Wenshu, and sure enough, Li Su said that Fang Wenshu had died long ago.

He died when they first entered the forest. No one knew how Fang Wenshu died. His body was not even found, only the clothes he left behind were seen. Li Su didn’t expect that Lin Banxia would meet him, and it seemed that the dying Song Qingluo in Lin Banxia’s arms was related to Fang Wenshu.

The two were talking, when crisp footsteps came from the darkness. Lin Banxia and Li Su became alert at the same time. When the man approached, they saw Li Ye’s face again.

“Why are you here again?” Li Su was a little annoyed. He had killed countless Li Ye. At first, it was a little fresh and a little uncomfortable. Later, killing Li Ye was like killing a chicken. He started to show no mercy.

Lin Banxia looked at Li Ye’s backlit face in the darkness and felt something was wrong. However, before he could say anything, he heard Li Su say the same thing as before: “Li Ye, come here and lick me.” foot.”

Li Ye came over.

He was wearing torn work clothes, revealing his perfectly shaped chest muscles and abdominal muscles, but there were some obvious blood stains on them. It looked like he had just experienced a fierce battle. When he heard Li Su’s words, his green eyes narrowed slightly. After sinking, he took a few steps with his slender legs and arrived in front of Li Su. His voice was low and emotionless, and he said, “What did you say?”

“I, I told you to lick my feet.” Lin Banxia could tell something was wrong, but Li Su repeated it stupidly.

Li Ye said: “What am I licking?”

“I…my…” Li Su finally noticed something strange, and his expression became frightened. He was even more frightened than when he saw the monster. He wanted to take a step back, but was held down by Li Ye. He lifted his shoulders and stayed in place.

“What am I licking?” Li Ye repeated again. He lowered his head, almost nose to nose with Li Su, and said coldly, “Say it to me again.”

How dare Li Su say anything? He was shaking as if he had been electrocuted. Just as he was about to cast a look at Lin Banxia asking for help, Li Ye pinched his chin. Li Ye looked at him up and down with a critical eye.

That look, if Lin Banxia could describe it, was like looking at the pork that he wanted to weigh, checking that not even a kilogram was missing.

Li Su struggled and said, “Calm down and listen to my explanation.”

“What happened to the tooth marks?” Li Ye suddenly asked.

“Irina bit him.” Lin Banxia said weakly from the side.

“Irina bit him?” Li Ye said, “You even hooked up with her?”


Translator’s comments:

If possible please consider supporting me on Patreon or Ko-fi. I will be working on a stockpile for Patreon where you can read advanced chapters for as little as $3 a month. Alternatively, I will release an extra chapter for every Ko-fi donation I receive. It might not be on that exact day, but it will be released within the week.



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