Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 31.2 The Promised Land

“Just last night.” Li Su lazily sat on the stone next to him. Li Ye followed him silently and sat down. He took a piece of Lin Banxia’s biscuit, gnawed it slowly and looked at it. He didn’t seem as hungry as he had said.

“Li Ye… do you not want it?” Lin Banxia asked tentatively.

“He doesn’t need it.” Li Su waved his hand.

Li Ye nodded his chin towards Lin Banxia as a greeting. Li Su turned around and glanced at Li Ye, saying: “The ground is so hard.”

Li Ye stretched out his hand and pulled Li Su in a natural movement. Li Su stood up and sat in Li Ye’s arms. Li Ye was really tall, so Li Su, who was already more than 1.7 meters tall, looked like a baby in his arms. He completely ignored Lin Banxia’s eyes that were about to fall out and said with a smile: “That’s better.”

Lin Banxia: “You two…”

Li Su said: “You don’t know, he has been secretly in love with me for many years.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

Li Su: “I’m kidding! Hahahahaha.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

From the beginning to the end, Li Ye didn’t say a word and allowed Li Su to manipulate him. His half-lidded green eyes overflowed with deep tenderness, which made Lin Banxia feel uneasy in this wilderness. He had the illusion that he had become a light bulb with an excessive wattage.

“How long have you been here?” Li Su didn’t mind Lin Banxia’s discomfort at all. He leaned into Li Ye’s arms and asked.

“It’s been almost three days.” Lin Banxia said, “Did you come out of the forest? What is going on here?”

Li Su tilted his head and looked at Lin Banxia. Although he was smiling, there was not much emotion in his pale pink eyes. This was the first time Lin Banxia saw this contradictory expression on Li Su’s face. He was sensitively aware that something seemed wrong. The person in front of him was most likely not Li Su, but someone like Alexei. But…how did those things know that they were looking for Li Su? And Li Su could also mention Song Qingluo? Could it be that Li Su also…

A bad premonition came into Lin Banxia’s mind, and the hand holding the dagger in his pocket tightened again.

“You’re asking me what’s going on?” Fortunately, Li Su didn’t mean to conflict with him. He squinted his eyes like a lazy cat, “Actually, I don’t know either.” He ate another biscuit, picked up another bottle of water, and drank most of it wastefully. Lin Banxia felt distressed and regretful at the sight. He made a mistake. He shouldn’t have taken the food out in the first place, it was a waste.

“I don’t know what’s going on.” Li Su said, “I haven’t figured it out since I got here, but I’m getting better now…”

Lin Banxia said: “Where can we go?”

“Isn’t Song Qingluo here?” Li Su said with a smile, “What should we be afraid of when he comes?”

Lin Banxia had a complicated expression, feeling that Song Qingluo might not be able to defeat the strange bear, but he didn’t want to exchange too much information with the thing in front of him, so he wisely chose to shut up.

“I’m sleepy and want to sleep.” After Li Su had eaten, he yawned in Li Ye’s arms. Li Ye took off his coat, put it on Li Su’s body, and said softly: “Go to sleep.” .”

Li Su said: “Good night.”

After he finished speaking, he actually closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Lin Banxia was stunned at the sight, wondering why the thing that turned into Li Su was more irresponsible than Alexei. He had no intention of bewitching him anymore. Could it be that he decided to find another suitable time? Although Li Su fell asleep, he did not dare to sleep, so he and Li Ye sat awkwardly facing the bonfire.

Lin Banxia looked at Li Ye’s handsome face in front of the flickering bonfire, and whispered: “How did you meet Li Su?”

Li Ye said: “I was chased by a bear all the way, and I happened to meet him.”

Lin Banxia said: “Then have you seen Song Qingluo?”

Li Ye shook his head.

Lin Banxia fell into silence.

Li Su slept for most of the night and woke up just before dawn. That night, he completely regarded Li Ye as his own bed and never changed his position from beginning to end. Lin Banxia was thinking about Li Ye’s arms. He must have been numb for a long time. Seeing that Li Su was awake, Li Ye took out the food from the backpack behind him and handed it to Li Su. Li Su glanced at it with his peripheral vision, but actually reached out and knocked it over. He said unhappily: “I don’t want to eat it, it tastes bad.”

Lin Banxia was startled by Li Su’s actions and didn’t understand why he would do this.

Li Ye was not angry at being treated like this. Instead, he squatted down and silently picked up the food that Li Su had knocked down. Lin Banxia actually saw a sense of humility in him, and this feeling made him confirm again that the person in front of him was definitely not the Li Ye he knew.

However, two people he knew suddenly showed up from the forest. What did they want? Lin Banxia was thinking when he heard Li Su say that he wanted to cross the river.

“Do you want to come with me?” Li Su looked at Lin Banxia and asked with a smile.

Lin Banxia thought, of course not, but he was still very polite and said that he planned to wait for Song Qingluo until he met him before making other plans.

“Are you really going to wait for Song Qingluo?” Li Su said with a smile, “So dedicated?” As he spoke, he smiled and took out a gun from his backpack. With a slight movement of his fingers, he loaded the gun.

Lin Banxia was shocked when he saw this and took a step back: “What are you going to do??”

Li Su was still smiling, but there was more murderous intent in his smile. He raised the corners of his mouth and said playfully: “Of course, thank you for being so dedicated.” After saying this, he raised his hand and shot.

Lin Banxia didn’t expect that he would suddenly attack. He ducked to the side and threw himself on the ground. Only then did he realize that the target of Li Su’s shooting was not himself, but someone who had been standing silently beside him and was being used like a slave, Li Ye.

After the gunshot, a huge hole opened in Li Ye’s chest, but no bright red blood flowed from it. Instead, a lot of black liquid poured out. His tall figure began to shrink rapidly, just like Alexei, and he turned into a ball of black mud and merged into the earth beneath his feet.

When Li Su saw Lin Banxia’s stunned look, he burst into laughter. He walked slowly in front of Lin Banxia and kicked him, making Lin Banxia groan. Then, he bent his waist, put the still hot muzzle of the gun against Lin Banxia’s chin, and said with a smile: “Little hamster, continue, you are a little better than him, I haven’t seen enough yet.”

Lin Banxia was stunned by his series of actions. He stared at Li Su with wide eyes for a long time without reacting. It wasn’t until his cheek was slapped a few times by Li Su’s gun that he said in shock: “Didn’t you try to seduce me first? Just for a moment? Why did you do it directly? And… and to use a gun. Isn’t that a little too much? What the hell do you want me to do?”

Li Su frowned: “What did you say?”

Lin Banxia struggled and said: “Monster, you should seduce me with gold. I promise to behave better this time.”

Li Su stopped laughing. He came in front of Lin Banxia and looked at Lin Banxia with strange eyes. His eyes made Lin Banxia’s stand up straight. He opened his eyes and did not dare to say a word.

“That’s not right.” Li Su said, “This is too similar. Logically speaking, there isn’t that much data…” He muttered some words that Lin Banxia didn’t quite understand, “No way, is it really true?”

Lin Banxia said: “What are you talking about?!”

Li Su said: “Let me ask you a question, why don’t you move?”

Lin Banxia: “Isn’t this question a bit offensive to privacy?”

Li Su: “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Lin Banxia shed tears of sadness, thinking that Li Su was indeed not a good person. He always looked gentle and kind in front of him, but when he asked questions, he was so serious. He said: “I haven’t moved yet because of poverty.”

After hearing his answer, Li Su flashed his long eyelashes twice and smiled again, but this time his smile was much gentler and returned to the appearance in Lin Banxia’s memory. He put away his gun and stretched out his hand to Lin Banxia and said, “You’re not hurt, right?”

Lin Banxia was confused by his series of actions: “What are you doing? Aren’t you going to kill me?”

Li Su said: “You seem to be true.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

Li Su said: “Are you serious?”

Only then did Lin Banxia understand what he was doing just now. It turned out that Li Su regarded himself as the same thing as Li Ye, so he wanted to kill him with a shot. Lin Banxia also suddenly appeared in this deep mountain and forest, so he thought it was strange. “Nonsense. I doubted that you were real!”

“I just asked you why you were so hungry for biscuits.” Li Su said, “I was still thinking that they have become more real… Sigh.” He sighed, “Is Song Qingluo really being chased by a bear? He ran away? That shouldn’t be the case. Shouldn’t he be attacking when he saw the bear? Why did he run away?

Lin Banxia had to explain that it was no ordinary bear.

Li Su let out a long sigh of regret. His tone didn’t sound like he was regretful, but rather as if he had missed something good.

Although Li Su had determined Lin Banxia’s human identity at this time, Lin Banxia was still a little suspicious of him. He sat on the ground and quietly leaned back, with a look on his face that said, “Don’t get too close to me.”

Li Su was very happy.

“I’m going to get closer to you.” Li Su smiled and came over, “Do you want to resist?”

Lin Banxia thought about it and felt that Li Su was trying to make him look stupid, but he seemed to be quite wary of Song Qingluo, so he said seriously: “I will file a complaint with Song Qingluo.”

The next moment, Li Su put away his smile and silently put on his sunglasses and mask. A voice came from the other end of the mask, which sounded muffled: “Are you a primary school student? You will complain to Song Qingluo?! I’m not afraid of him!”

Lin Banxia said: “0.0 Then I’ll complain a few more times.”

Li Su gave him a thumbs up and said, “Brother, you are cruel, let’s reconcile, I won’t tease you anymore, and don’t tell Song Qingluo that I bullied you, I really can’t afford to offend that dead face.”

Lin Banxia couldn’t help but laugh when he heard his serious tone and said, “Okay, let’s reconcile, but before we can reconcile, you have to prove that you are a real human being.”

Li Su nodded, took out Li Ye’s gun that just collapsed, unloaded the bullets, and showed it to Lin Banxia. He said: “Look, if I were that thing, wouldn’t it be more convenient to kill you with one shot?” Why would I need to slowly prove it to you here?”

Lin Banxia felt that what he said made sense.

“So, I am you, and you are also a human.” Li Su stretched out his hand to him, “Let’s walk together for the time being. You promised not to complain to Song Qingluo.”

Lin Banxia held Li Su’s hand and felt the warm skin against his hand. The last doubt in his heart was put aside. He was pulled up from the ground by Li Su. The two planned to have a good discussion about where to go next.

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: Song Qingluo, Li Su didn’t let me tell you that he was calling you a dead face behind your back.

Song Qingluo:?

Li Su: I was fucking fooled by Lin Banxia’s innocent face.


Translator’s comments:

Hey guys. So due to life being a bit crazy lately due to my new job, I have to make a decision and I would like the reader’s input. So the two options I am faced with is to either only publish chapters every second day for this novel and I’m Really a Dragon (due to their extremely long chapters), or I will have to start splitting all of the long chapter in two as I have been doing for the last few day. If I split the chapters I would keep posting everyday.

Anyway, I wanted to leave the choice up to the readers. I don’t want to become unreliable in my updates, yet I can’t currently cope with work and translating two of these extremely long chapters everyday. If I haven’t received any feedback by Monday, I will have to make the decision myself. So, if you have anything to say, please drop a comment.




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