Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 69.1 Dream

If he were to say the scariest thing at this time, there is no doubt that what he was doing was becoming more and more similar to that of the victims who committed suicide. He hurt himself, talked to himself, and finally attacked others crazily, and then would die miserably.

In the second half of the night, Lin Banxia barely slept. The sound of rain outside the window never stopped. This sound of rain, which was originally very reassuring, was particularly disturbing to the dreamer. Lin Banxia didn’t know who would be the victim of this rain, but no matter who it was, he couldn’t be happy.

It was the long-awaited weekend again, and all the roommates were sleeping in. Lin Banxia couldn’t sleep, so he simply got up early, grabbed his schoolbag and planned to go to the classroom. When walking to the classroom, the rain had stopped, but the dark clouds were still hanging in the sky, reminding Lin Banxia of the shadow he saw in his dream.

The campus was extremely quiet on the weekend. Lin Banxia walked through the puddled water to the bottom of the teaching building. Next to the teaching building was a shallow pond, the water was no deeper than a calf, and there are some water hyacinths and lotus flowers in it. On the edge of the pool, a student in school uniform was lying, his head lowered, as if he was looking for something in the pool. Lin Banxia thought at first that he was looking for something that fell into the pool, so he planned to walk into the teaching building. After taking two steps forward, he felt that something was not right. He turned around and looked at the student again. He shouted from a distance: “Classmate, are you okay?”

The student didn’t respond. When Lin Banxia saw this, he thought something was wrong and hurriedly walked over. When he got closer, he noticed that the student’s hand seemed to still be moving. He wondered if he was too nervous. He called out: “Classmate? What are you doing?”

Still no response.

Lin Banxia walked up to the student and saw that half of his hands and whole face were soaked in the pool water. His hands were still moving, but his body was filled with a sense of death. He was shocked and turned pale, then rushed over to help him up. It was a pity that Lin Banxia felt something was wrong as soon as he grabbed him, because the man’s body was completely hard and he didn’t know how long he had been dead. So why were his hands moving? Lin Banxia glanced at his hand and found that he was holding a piece of bread in his hand, which had been chewed on by the carp in the pond.

Lin Banxia stretched out his hand to feel for his breath, but as expected there was no movement. Then he looked at his face. It was a young and unfamiliar face. His eyes were still open when he died, filled with unwillingness and fear. Lin Banxia felt a little uncomfortable, and slowly helped him close his eyes with his hands.

Lin Banxia dragged the student’s body out of the pool. He originally wanted to carry it into the teaching building, but the body was too heavy. He was so thin that he couldn’t carry it even after trying for a while. He had no choice but to put it down in embarrassment, planning to go to the school gate to ask the teacher on duty for help.

However, when Lin Banxia returned to the school gate, he saw that the duty office was empty, and there was not a single student around. For a moment, Lin Banxia even doubted whether he was still in a dream.

Fortunately, at this moment, someone called his name: “Lin Banxia, ​​what are you doing?”

Lin Banxia turned around and saw Li Su who was carefree. Li Su was not wearing a school uniform or carrying a schoolbag. He had a piece of grilled sausage in his mouth and stared at Lin Banxia strangely.

“Why did you come to school?” Lin Banxia asked.

“Oh, I left my game console in the classroom and forgot to take it home.” Li Su said, “Why are you all wet?”

Lin Banxia sighed: “It’s a long story, let’s call the police first.”

“Ah?” Li Su was stunned, “Another person died?”

Lin Banxia nodded.

Compared with the shock when he saw the dead person for the first time, Li Su was very calm now. He asked Lin Banxia if he knew the dead person. After hearing Lin Banxia say that he didn’t know him, Li Su breathed a sigh of relief and murmured: “It’s okay if you don’t know him. It’s okay if you don’t know him.” Then he took out his mobile phone and made a call, telling the police that something happened again at the school.

Lin Banxia glanced at Li Su strangely. He hadn’t realized what Li Su’s words meant just now. Now that he thought about it carefully, he actually figured it out. After Li Su hung up the phone, he asked: “Were you worried that the person was Li Ye.”

Li Su said: “…No.”

Lin Banxia: “No?”

“Okay, I’m telling the truth.” Li Su rubbed his head, a little irritated, “Li Ye went out this morning, and I haven’t seen him yet. I wanted to come to the school to look for him to see if he was here.”

Lin Banxia said: “No wonder, I just asked you why you came to school on the weekend.”

Li Su hummed listlessly.

Lin Banxia originally wanted to ask Li Su why he was listless, but suddenly he remembered that it rained again last night. Looking at Li Su’s poor mental state, Lin Banxia strongly suspected that he had walked into the depths of that dream like himself. Thinking of this, Lin Banxia suddenly became worried. He wanted to know Song Qingluo’s situation, but he did not have a mobile phone and did not remember Song Qingluo’s phone number.

“Um… do you have Song Qingluo’s contact information?” Lin Banxia saw Li Su and had an idea.

Li Su said: “Yes, why?”

“Can you ask him to come to school?” Lin Banxia was a little embarrassed.

“Okay.” Li Su smiled and nodded. He called Song Qingluo and asked him to come to school quickly and said that his little wife missed him. It was unknown what Song Qingluo on the other side of the phone said, but the teasing smile on Li Su’s face suddenly disappeared and his expression turned livid as he shouted: “Damn it, if I had known, I wouldn’t have called you!!! Let your little cutie miss you!”

Then he hung up the phone angrily.

Lin Banxia was about to ask what was going, but Li Su ruthlessly rubbed his hair. Then Li Su turned around and left, saying that Song Qingluo would come to him later and let him talk to Song Qingluo himself, then he said goodbye.

Lin Banxia: “…” Was he stimulated by Song Qingluo again?

Song Qingluo hadn’t arrived yet by the time the police came. After disposing of the body, they didn’t even bother to let Lin Banxia write the statement. Lin Banxia watched them take the body away, returned to the classroom alone, and sat in the classroom in a daze for a while.

He didn’t have breakfast and was a little hungry. He thought that when Song Qingluo came, they would go to the cafeteria to have something to eat together. Song Qingluo had always invited him to dinner before, and he also saved a lot of money. He could treat Song Qingluo to a sumptuous lunch, but he didn’t know if Song Qingluo disliked the craftsmanship in the cafeteria.

While thinking about it, Lin Banxia suddenly heard a sound. That sound was very ordinary, but in Lin Banxia’s ears, it became extremely terrifying. Almost as soon as he heard it, she felt goosebumps all over. Lin Banxia turned her head and saw that outside the window…it was raining again.

It obviously stopped raining just now, why did it suddenly rain again? Lin Banxia was a little uneasy and kept looking up at the clock hanging in front of the classroom.

The hands of the clock pointed to eight o’clock exactly, and at the same time, classes also rang early in the morning, making an uncomfortable echo in the empty campus.

Just when Lin Banxia felt a little uncomfortable, Song Qingluo appeared at the door, but his appearance shocked Lin Banxia. He was covered in blood, and there was a boning knife in his hand. This was clearly Song Qingluo in the second level of dreams.

When did he fall asleep again? No, to be precise, did he really wake up just now?? Before Lin Banxia could figure it out, Song Qingluo walked up to him. He must have killed many people already, and he was breathing heavily with his chest heaving.

Lin Banxia stared at him, feeling that he had something to say to him.

Sure enough, Song Qingluo spoke. Lin Banxia realized something was wrong as soon as he opened his mouth, because his voice was extremely soft and weak, with a strong sense of powerlessness, as if he had been seriously injured. He said: “Lin Banxia, Are you real?”

Lin Banxia said: “Of course I am! Song Qingluo, what’s wrong with you??”

Song Qingluo said: “Tell Cui Gaoyu that he hasn’t come out and Bai Luze is waiting for him.”

This was an inexplicable sentence. Lin Banxia didn’t understand it. He was about to ask a question when he looked up and saw the knife in Song Qingluo’s hand swinging towards him without hesitation.

Lin Banxia was slashed by him, but it didn’t hurt at all. Now, he was absolutely sure that he was dreaming. Song Qingluo looked at him and smiled.

Lin Banxia didn’t know what he was laughing at and asked quickly: “Who is Cui Gaoyu?? Who is Bai Luze??”

“Go out and ask him, he will tell you the answer.” Song Qingluo glanced at the sky outside, “Go, time is running out.”

The sharp blade fell again. Before Lin Banxia’s vision turned black, he actually saw Song Qingluo’s body standing in front of him, slowly fading… It was as if Lin Banxia was in a dream the same as everyone else. This made Lin Banxia extremely panicked, but he was hit in the vital part and could only be forcibly taken away from his consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Banxia vaguely heard someone calling his name.

“Lin Banxia, ​​Lin Banxia.” The man shouted while gently pushing Lin Banxia’s body, calling Lin Banxia out of his deep sleep.

Lin Banxia opened his eyes and saw Song Qingluo’s face close at hand. Song Qingluo said softly: “Why are you sleeping here? Be careful of catching a cold.”

Lin Banxia trembled all over, stood up and rushed towards Song Qingluo, touching Song Qingluo up and down. Song Qingluo was a little confused at first, but Lin Banxia touched him so he couldn’t help laughing and said: “Slow down, it’s all yours.”

After Lin Banxia was teased, he realized that his behavior was a bit extreme. He quickly stopped and grabbed Song Qingluo’s arm in fear, saying: “You are not a dream, right? I saw you disappear.”

Song Qingluo smiled and said, “So you want to take advantage of me before I disappear?”

Lin Banxia said angrily: “Be serious!” His heart was empty now. He was holding on to Song Qingluo and didn’t want to let go.

Song Qingluo let Lin Banxia hold on and showed no intention of letting go. He said, “You’ve been waiting for a long time. Have you had breakfast?”

Lin Banxia said: “No, did you come here after receiving a call from Li Su?”

Song Qingluo said: “Well, I was delayed for a while when I went out.”

Lin Banxia’s memory was a little confused. After touching him and confirming it with Song Qingluo, he realized that the dream he just had was after he entered the classroom. However, it didn’t rain outside, which made Lin Banxia feel strange. It seemed that the entire dream was developing in an uncontrollable direction.

Lin Banxia asked Song Qingluo: “Do you know Cui Gaoyu?”

Song Qingluo said: “Cui Gaoyu? Why did you suddenly mention him?”

Hearing his familiar tone, Lin Banxia thought he must know this person: “Do you know him?”

“You’ve seen him too,” Song Qingluo said, “When you came to see me that day, he was the one who teased me the most.”

Lin Banxia recalled for a while and remembered the appearance of the man. From the way he got along with Song Qingluo, it could be seen that the two seemed to have a good relationship, so he tentatively asked: “How many years have you been friends?”

“I’ve known him since junior high school.” Song Qingluo said, “We were in the same class in high school, and we still sit together. We have a good relationship.”

Lin Banxia: “What about Bai Luze?”

“Bai Luze?” Unexpectedly, Song Qingluo looked confused, “Who is that?”


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