Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 64.1 Dream

Lin Banxia felt that Song Qingluo was teasing him on purpose, but this way of teasing was a bit too much.

Song Qingluo saw that his eyes were red, and didn’t know whether it was because of anger or embarrassment, so he didn’t continue to embarrass Lin Banxia. However, his eyes were darker than usual, and he asked nonchalantly: “Do you dream every day?”

Lin Banxia’s heart was beating like crazy. He saw that Song Qingluo’s expression had returned to its usual calmness. For a moment, he couldn’t figure out whether he was serious or joking, so he gritted his teeth and pretended to be nonchalant and said, “Almost… yes.”

“What are you dreaming about?” Song Qingluo asked.

Lin Banxia described the things in the dream to Song Qingluo carefully. After listening to it, Song Qingluo helped Lin Banxia summarize: “So the lesson you learned from the dream is that death can bring you out of nightmares, right?”

Lin Banxia said: “Yes.”

“Then what if you are not in a dream.” Song Qingluo said, “I think this kind of dream confuses the line between death and waking up. If you are in reality, how do you know whether you are dreaming or not?”

Lin Banxia said: “It seems that there is no pain in dreams.”

Song Qingluo said: “That’s true.”

Lin Banxia: “You checked my body before…” He originally wanted to ask Song Qingluo if he was taking precautions, but who knew that Song Qingluo was getting thicker and thicker skinned, and winked at him: “I just wanted to take advantage.”

Lin Banxia’s eyes widened: “Are you kidding me?”

Song Qingluo: “I’m not kidding.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

Song Qingluo said: “Of course, it would be nice if I could check on you to see if you have any wounds.”

Lin Banxia didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, knowing that Song Qingluo was deliberately teasing him. What’s so good about his body with so little meat? It’s not even as attractive as the stewed ribs.

However, compared to all the previous dreams, Lin Banxia clearly felt that last night’s dream was different. As Song Qingluo said, he dreamed of unfamiliar people. Although it was a classmate, before this, he didn’t quite remember the girl’s name.

This made Lin Banxia feel very uncomfortable.

However, what made him most uneasy were the strange things happening around him, such as receiving phone calls from dead people, hearing dead people calling for help in the toilet, and hearing dead bodies arguing and fighting in the carriage. These things could be explained by the word illusion before, but after what happened last night, Lin Banxia couldn’t help but have a guess in his mind – could he be in a dream right now?

Li Su was a dream, Song Qingluo was a dream, everything he looked at was not reality.

This troubled Lin Banxia, ​​and he even began to vaguely understand the cause of Jiang Xin’s madness.

When all a person’s knowledge is proven to be false, then that person is not far from madness.

“Go back.” Song Qingluo said, “It’s time for evening study.”

Lin Banxia nodded and said yes. Luckily, nothing unexpected happened that night.

Li Su didn’t harass him as usual the next morning, which made Lin Banxia a little uncomfortable. He turned around and found Li Su lying on his table. This posture shocked Lin Banxia. The girl who killed herself yesterday looked like this at first.

Not caring that the teacher had already entered the classroom and started sorting out the books, Lin Banxia hurried to Li Su, patted him on the shoulder and said, “Li Su? Are you okay?”

Li Su raised his head, his face flushed, and said vaguely: “I’m okay.”

Lin Banxia touched his forehead and found that he had a fever, so he quickly told the teacher. The teacher had a bad impression of Li Su, so after hearing Lin Banxia’s words, he waved his hand and said, “Send him to the infirmary.”

Lin Banxia had no choice but to nod and say yes.

So, he helped Li Su up and the two went to the infirmary. On the way, Lin Banxia asked Li Su why he suddenly had a fever. Could it be that he got caught in the rain yesterday.

Li Su gritted his teeth: “Yes, it’s because it rained.”

Lin Banxia wondered if he was looking for justice from God with his angry expression.

Li Su was sent to the infirmary. The doctor prescribed some medicine. Seeing that he had a severe fever, he decided to give him an infusion to lower his temperature first, so Li Su unfortunately got a pinhole on the back of his hand again. Lin Banxia asked him to sleep for a while, and he said sadly: “I don’t want to sleep.”

Lin Banxia: “What’s wrong?”

Li Su: “I’m afraid.”

Lin Banxia immediately realized what he was afraid of. He originally wanted to say some words of comfort, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt confused and seemed to have no credibility in what he said.

Li Su was originally sitting on the bed, but Lin Banxia changed his position for fear that he would feel uncomfortable. Who knew that after he lay down, Lin Banxia suddenly discovered something and said in horror: “Li Su, are you allergic???”

Li Su: “Huh??”

Lin Banxia: “Why is your neck so red?!” He noticed some strange red marks on Li Su’s neck, as if insects had bitten him.

Li Su was silent for three seconds and said quietly: “Lin Banxia, ​​don’t you watch pornographic movies?”

Lin Banxia: “…” They are all boys of seventeen or eighteen years old. It was normal to be interested in this kind of thing. They occasionally looked at it in their dormitory. He leaned over and took a few glances and saw the white flowers and butts, but he did not find it very interesting.

Probably because his expression was too obvious, Li Su couldn’t help but laugh. While laughing, he patted the bed and said, “Lin Banxia, ​​Lin Banxia, ​​you are such a good student. Even this… you’ve never seen it!!!”

Lin Banxia was a little unconvinced: “Do you watch it often?”

Li Su said proudly: “Of course.”

Lin Banxia: “What do you think?”

Li Su leaned close to Lin Banxia’s ear and chattered a lot, leaving Lin Banxia stunned for a while.

In the end, Lin Banxia couldn’t stand it anymore and said, “That’s almost enough. You still have a fever.”

Li Su burst out laughing.

Lin Banxia was silent for a while, and finally figured out where the marks on Li Su’s neck came from, but at this time there was a more serious question in front of him. He whispered: “Li Su, actually I have been wanting to ask you…Li Ye, didn’t he bully you?”

Li Su was stunned for a moment, then realized that Lin Banxia must have seen something, and said angrily: “It was really you who screamed that day?”

Lin Banxia laughed awkwardly: “Haha, I didn’t mean to.”

“He didn’t bully me.” Li Su said softly, “It’s because I’m not as good as him. I was obviously taller than him two or three years ago. This little bastard seems to have drunk fertilizer and has grown taller non-stop!!!” He was very resentful, but as he spoke, his tone confused Lin Banxia.

Lin Banxia said: “Since he didn’t bully you, then why were you crying?”

Li Su: “…”

Lin Banxia: “Don’t be brave. If he really threatens you, we can call the police. Anyway, I am a frequent visitor to the police station now.”

Li Su gritted his teeth: “Please shut up.”

Seeing his expression of shame and anger, Lin Banxia just thought he was embarrassed and did not continue to ask further questions.

Li Su was injecting fluids and dozing off on the bed, but he didn’t want to fall asleep. Lin Banxia felt uncomfortable seeing that, so he said, “Go to sleep, I’ll be right next to you, and I’ll make sure no one comes to bully you. ”

Li Su muttered: “What do you know? I’m not afraid of people bullying me.”

Lin Banxia said: “Then what are you afraid of?”

Li Su said: “I’m just afraid… that I will dream again after I fall asleep.”


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