One Day, I Found the Emperor's Niece

CHAPTER 010: The first class is frog folding!

The training room, which was large enough for Rubelin to run around, had only a table and a sofa placed in the exact center. I was puzzled by the cold and desolate interior, but I soon agreed when I thought about Rubelin’s monstrous power. Rather than destroying it, it was better not to have it. What is it? It seems like a famous line. Lost in idle thoughts, she tilted her head. Before I knew it, Rubelin arrived at the table at a quick pace and sat down with her legs stretched out.


“Damn it! here!”


Rubelin waved her hand over her head.


“Okay, I’ll be there soon.”


However, I faced a big problem when Maevern arrived in the training room differently than I had planned.




Maerbern, holding a tray full of forks, frowned.


“Yes, today I will teach you origami and storybooks.”


Upon reporting her educational plans, Mebern snorted at her and looked around at Linell and her attendants. They seemed to be asking for their side as if this situation made sense, but everyone just kept their heads down with expressionless expressions.




Even Ken cleared his throat and turned his head. It was nice of you to forgive me so generously. After realizing that she had no one on her side, Maebern looked back at me with a puzzled expression.


“No way, anyway. The princess needs to start by practicing holding a fork. “Didn’t you see that the fork was broken in two the day before?”


“You need to take your time and not rush. “Rubelin is still a child, so she also needs age-appropriate education.”


“Lucina, if you want to have her qualities recognized as an educator, you must work hard to control the princess’s superpowers. “Such fanciful play diverges from quality education.”


Is there something wrong with the statement? When did I say I wanted to be recognized? Although it was a question, she did not protest and kept her mouth shut.


“Well, we don’t have time. “I’ve prepared, so let’s get started.”


As Maevern rocked her tray back and forth, the fork made a noise as it rubbed inside her.


“I’ve prepared it too.”


When I accepted it without giving up, Maebern gave me a disapproving look. Their views on education were sharply opposed to each other.




After a brief exchange of glances, Maeberne retreated.


“Yes, I understand. Try it.”


Contrary to her remarks, her eyes seemed to be waiting to see how well she did. I slowly avoided Maevern’s fierce eyes. But it’s so pitiful that young Rubelin receives only a bleak education every day. I’ll try origami whenever I’m free.


“Don’t make the princess wait. Go ahead.”


Maerbern held her tray proudly and placed her back against the wall. She saw how cool his eyes were, so much so that a chill ran through her entire body.


“Damn it!”


“Yes, I’ll go!”


Only after listening to Rubelin’s urging did I turn her body.


“Go, how dare you speak to the princess…”


I could hear Maebern’s voice being taken aback by my informal attitude. When I glanced at him, I saw that he had a mesmerized face. I’m going to nag you later. The back of her head stung, but she couldn’t keep Rubelin waiting so she headed to her table. I sat next to her on the couch and leaned back against her sofa.


“Huh! Fuck off!”


Rubelin held out yellow confetti. I took the yellow colored paper and placed it squarely on the table. As if Rubelin had been waiting, he imitated me with purple colored paper. Be cute. She stroked her head once.


“Now, shall we begin? Rubelin.”




“Okay, let’s fold the plane first.”




Rubelin blinked her eyes with a fierce look on her face. Oops, there are no airplanes here. I wonder if I can explain it as a bird. As she tapped her chin with her finger, it occurred to her that it would be better to fold her frog.


“Rubelin, would you like me to fold her frog?”




Rubelin pondered the word ‘frog’ and nodded her head strongly at the word she also knew.




“Okay, I’ll fold the frog for you.”


Thank god. Because the frog knows. I started folding a frog out of colored paper. Rubelin rested her chin on the table and followed my hand furiously with her sparkling eyes. After some time, she placed the finished frog on the table. When I pressed the end of the paper frog and flipped it, the paper jumped forward like a real thing. Rubelin’s red eyes slowly widened.


“A real frog!”


“Yes, frog.”


I placed a yellow paper frog in Rubelin’s hand. Rubelin continued to exclaim with sparkling eyes. Rubelin held up a frog towards the people.




Wow, the audience suddenly burst out in admiration. It’s not a big deal, but it’s probably a little embarrassing. Maerbern was also rubbing her chin and looking closely at the paper frog. He inadvertently made eye contact, looked away and cleared his throat.


“Greatness… What… It’s fascinating.”


“It’s not that it’s fresh, but your butt is amazing!”


Rubelin rested her chin on my shoulder and wrinkled her nose.




Seeing her attitude of taking my side, Maebern slumped her shoulders with a look of disappointment on her face.


“You’ve never said that to me…”


Looking at it like this, I feel a little pitiful. I picked up Rubelin’s purple colored paper and handed it over.


“Do you want to fold Rubelin too?”




Rubelin nodded his head up and down vigorously and picked up the paper.


“Your ass is a sack!”


As I picked up her paper, she raised her hand to stop her movements. It seemed like he wanted to try it alone. I respected her wishes and placed the colored paper on her and watched. Rubelin fidgeted with her fern-like hands and folded her paper in half. She pursed her lips and concentrated to see if things didn’t go as planned next time. Seeing Rubelin concentrating with her serious face, the corner of her mouth twitched. Be cute.




Rubelin hesitated as she put down her colored paper, as if she couldn’t remember her at all. I barely suppressed my laughter and reached for her paper.


“Rubelin, after this-.”


“Stay still!”


Okay. She lowered her outstretched hand to the bottom of the table in response to her yelling. Rubelin thought for a while with a serious expression, and then she moaned. Rubelin folded her in half and unfolded her repeatedly, and the paper lost its shape and crumpled into a round ball.




Rubelin cried as she looked at the colored paper that had become a distorted frog. I felt like I was going to burst into tears at any moment. There’s nothing to be so discouraged about. To begin with, frogs were so difficult that even as an adult, I failed when I first tried folding them.


“No, Rubelin. It’s such a pretty frog.”


“It’s trash…”


“What trash!”


I quickly picked up the crushed frog and inspected it.


“Wow, it’s a frog. I want it so bad?”


Is it because I am not good at lying? A shadow fell over her face.


“The frog was crushed… I was sad to give him a hug for being cool…”


“No, how pretty it is. Can I have this?”


Rubelin pouted her lower lip and took away the squished frog with an upset expression.


“Nah. I’ll do it right later.”


“It’s okay, Rubelin. It’s so pretty too.”


Rubelin looked up at me with her tearful eyes.


“No. I know it’s pretty. I’m glad my uncle made me a frog. So, asshole…”


Rubelin swallowed her nose and lowered her shoulders.


“I wanted to make you happy too…”


‘Oh my god… Were you upset because you couldn’t make me happy, not because things didn’t go your way? I covered my mouth with both hands and was so moved.’


Can it be said that a child like this will later become a villain? people! Do you think it makes sense! People of the world, my baby… ! No, look at someone else’s pretty heart! I suppressed the urge to shout out loud right away.




Rubelin, who didn’t know how I felt, sighed with a distraught look on her face.


“I see… So you were upset…”


Without noticing, I lowered the corner of her twitching mouth and patted her rubelin shoulder. This was because she could not smile in front of the serious Rubelin, who seemed to have gone through all the trials in the world.


“Rubelin, I’m already happy, but I look forward to Rubelin making it even prettier next time.”




Rubelin nodded her head sullenly and threw away the crushed colored paper. Thump, the bounced confetti landed on the edge of the table. Rubelin slid her gaze down to glare at her squished frog.


“This is it… You can have it…?”


Rubelin looked at me, pointing to her yellow frog in her hand. I continued to stroke Rubelin’s head.


“Then of course it is.”




Rubelin held her yellow frog in her arms like a precious gift. Rubelin, her face wide open, rubbed her head on my shoulder.


“Damn, it’s too small…”


Ugh, heart. He grabbed her breasts and twisted her upper body. She hit her forehead on the table but didn’t care.




I raised my head and pulled out a piece of paper that was lying around.


“Rubelin, just say the word. Make a bunch of frogs-.”




Suddenly, a cold voice invaded the training room. She looked up and saw Carlix leaning against the open door with his arms crossed. Maebern reacted in surprise.


“Your Majesty!”




When Maevern let go of the tray in her hand, the fork inside fell to the marble.


“Oh my!”


Maerbern bent down on her knees and hurriedly placed her fork into her tray. Linel and the attendant calmly bowed and helped Maebern.


“I see the sun of the empire.”


As Ken bowed, Carlix waved his hand and entered the training room. With his appearance, the air flow suddenly became tense. Rubelin quickly hid behind her and peeked out her eyes. After a while, Maerbern and her servants, who had put all the forks on the tray, dispersed, and there was silence. Maebern stiffened while holding the tray.


“Your Majesty. How… here…?”


Carlix, who lightly ignored Maevern’s words, looked around the training room contemplatively, then narrowed the distance and approached. Why, why do you come this way? I looked at him fiercely at his intimidating appearance. As he approached, he sat down on the sofa and crossed his legs gracefully.


“I will observe.”


I dilated my eyes.


“Cha, observation?”


“Is it a problem?”


“No, it’s not a problem, but…”


It wasn’t enough for Rubelin to hide behind me, so she slowly took a step back and sat at the edge of the table furthest from Carlix. Carlix frowned. This was because his behavior of avoiding himself was clear. Judging from that expression, it looks like he’s about to lose his temper. I follow her rubelin and sneak away, as if to protect her. I hid her behind tmy back.




Carlix smiled. It seemed a little unfair. His red eyes inadvertently turned to the yellow frog in Rubelin’s hand.


“A frog?”


When Carlix recognized the paper, Rubelin flinched. She looked back and forth between the paper frog in her hand and the squished frog lying on the table, then lowered her head as if she had made a big decision. She then pushed the squished frog on the table with her hand.




The squished frog rolled over making a trivial sound and landed in front of Carlix.




Rubelin gestured towards the crushed frog. Yes, take it. It was an attitude that seemed to say.




Carlix looked back and forth between the yellow frog and the distorted frog with indifferent eyes. Did he feel a crisis?


“Hang on.”


Rubelin hid her yellow frog behind her back. Her wide-open eyes showed the determination that she would never be taken away.




After finishing assessing the situation, Carlix opened his mouth and burst into laughter.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on March, 29.

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