One Day, I Found the Emperor's Niece

CHAPTER 004: Villain Maker

Only then did I guess what the robe the knight in charge of the knights was wearing was and what the robe the knight in front of me was wearing was. According to the original, it was a robe that minimized physical impact by offsetting super strength. When the knight picked her up, Rubelin cried as if she would burst into tears at any moment.


“Sir, sire! Damn! I’m going with you!”


When Rubelin resisted, the knight stumbled.


“Ugh! Princess! Please stay still!”




Rubelin strongly pushed the knight’s shoulder with her arm.




In an instant, the knight flew far away with his feet floating in the air. At the same time, Rubelin fell vertically from her face.






I jumped up from the carriage.




For an instant, there was a cold silence. No matter how powerful he was, he was still a child. What if I get hurt? But to put her worries in vain, Rubelin, who had been lying on the ground with her buttocks stretched out, jumped up like her spring. Her eyes sparkled and she stretched out her arms towards me as if asking me to hug her.


“Damn it!”


It was a shock that would have made a normal child cry, but the Iron Princess, who inherited the blood of a dragon, was different. I was relieved and looked around. All of the guards, including the person in charge, just watched the situation while swallowing dry saliva. It’s scary to hug everyone. Well, the knight who flew far away is quite scary as his eyes have spiraled and he has fainted. I sighed deeply. Yes, it was okay when Rubelin’s hand touched my shoulder. I tried to remain calm and got out of the carriage. I quietly approached Rubelin and carefully put my arm between her armpits. Eh, I don’t know. I squeezed her eyes shut and lifted the rubelin as if I was pulling out an herb. And then, hesitantly, he held her in his arms. omg! I could hear her breathing heavily here and there.


“I can’t believe I know the princess even without the shield of strength.”


“Is your tenacity good?”


I slowly opened my eyes. The driver in charge of the knights was staring at us blankly.


“How on earth…”


In contrast, Rubelin wrapped her arms around my neck with a bright smile on her face.


“Damn it!”


She rubbed her own cheek against my face.


“Damn, I like it!”


Her soft skin rubbed my cheek from side to side. I saw Lubelin’s arms wrapped around my neck, her cheeks pressed together. I was worried she might be strangled to death, but it didn’t hurt as much as I thought. I thought it was just a coincidence that super strength didn’t work before, but wasn’t it? This is not the only question. In the original work, why was the princess, who was not allowed to go out of the imperial palace, in Heington Village? I was deep in thought when I found the drivers and the person in charge still dazed.


“Excuse me…”


The person in charge scolded the drivers with a sober face.


“We are disbanding!”


“Yes, yes!”


The knights came to their senses and disappeared in a panic. Only one person in charge remains. The person in charge turned around and climbed the stone steps.


“This is the back gate of the Emperor’s Palace. I will guide you to the office.”


I followed the person in charge up the stairs. Again, again. The sound of shoes rubbing against cold marble rang out. After passing through the long oval door, the hallway that was so long that I couldn’t tell the end was so colorful and intense.


“Damn it!”


How long did you walk? When Rubelin was rubbing her cheek against mine so hard that it stung, her knight stopped walking. It was in front of a huge and majestic oval door that was well over three or three people tall.


“Let your Majesty know. The princess returned safely.”


The person in charge spoke to the guards standing on either side of the door. As they turned around, she saw me holding Rubelin, and her eyes widened.


“What are you doing? Without informing.”


“Yes, yes!”


The knights were startled, opened the door, and went inside. Not long after, the huge door split open with a chilling sound. I swallowed dry saliva and put the princess down.




“I’m sorry, princess. I will soon have an audience with Her Majesty.”


What should I do if Inseong of the other world shouts out, “Why are you holding the princess?” How scary must it have been for the village chief to warn you? I trembled, rubbing my forearms, and looked straight ahead. The door was fully opened, revealing an office richly decorated with artifacts. The person in charge walked ahead with long strides. As I followed him, I was startled to find someone leisurely standing by the window with their backs against me. The strange atmosphere that seemed to have transcended something just by existing gave me an eerie shiver. The man had black hair as shiny as a starry night. On his hand was a silver ring with finely crafted blue gems and a tattoo with a strange pattern, which strangely suited his status as emperor. When I looked at his feet, I saw people prostrating themselves. Seeing that everyone was contemplative and sweating profusely, it seemed like they were the princess’ servants and tutors involved in this incident. The person in charge was shocked when he saw them and bowed down.


“Your Majesty, Vice-Captain of the Guard Ken. I returned to find the princess.”


There was a quiet silence. I stood looking at the feet, and at the glance of the person in charge, I carefully took his feet away, one step at a time. I looked back slightly as I moved, and I saw Rubelin standing close to the door, as if frightened by the cool atmosphere. I arrived next to the person in charge who introduced himself as Ken and bowed awkwardly.


“Your Majesty, as reported through the communication port, this is the person who was with the princess.”


Ken reported, but the Emperor stared out the window of his office from afar, as if he was not interested. I want to quickly resolve the misunderstanding and return home. As I waited, chewing my lip, my legs gradually began to tingle. How long has it been like that?


“The flowers are beautiful.”


A low voice came out of the emperor’s mouth. It seemed low and languid with no discernible depth. Among the people prostrating, a man wearing glasses glanced out the window and smiled broadly.


“Is that so, Your Majesty? That thing in the garden was brought from a foreign country-”


“It’s a shame.”




At once, the emperor’s sarcasm was heard.


“It should have been your heads that fell, not the petals.”


Omg! The sound of people taking rapid breaths could be heard here and there. A chill ran down his spine and his shoulders trembled. Aren’t you going to die without being able to resolve this misunderstanding? Once I repaid my debt in full, I was going to earn money and go on a trip… He tried to eat what he wanted and buy clothes… Just as I was lost in thought, the emperor turned around. His sharp gaze fell on the top of my head.


“Is it this person? The person who kidnapped my nephew.”




What kind of injustice is that? The moment he opened his mouth and raised his head, I made direct eye contact with the emperor and could only stare at him helplessly.


Hair as black as ink and red eyes that pierce like flesh. Under the dazzling lights, the handsome man’s body seemed to be surrounded by gold thread. I didn’t know because there was no description of his appearance in the original, but he is actually really handsome. As he was about to express pure admiration, the emperor blinked his eyes lazily. Only then did I come to my senses, as if I had been slapped. Oh, I’m on the verge of death. I lowered my eyes again and glanced at the emperor, trembling.




The emperor, who was staring at me expressionlessly, slowly developed a subtle expression.


“A hamster?”




When I asked a question, the emperor waved his hand as if biting off his words.


“Put him in jail.”


Ken immediately lowered his head as if he had been waiting.


“Yes, I understand.”


It’s not ‘I understand’, gentleman!


“I think there is a misunderstanding, Your Majesty. I am not the one who kidnapped the princess, but the one who saved her life.”


“There is a misunderstanding?”


The emperor raised one eyebrow like a mountain. It was a questionable face. Luckily, you’re willing to listen to me. He looked away with a lost interest.


“Then I’ll hear from you in hell.”


Nope. Ken grabbed one of my arms and tried to lift me up, so I put strength on his leg and held on stubbornly.


“It’s not me. Is it really not true?”


Ken whispered with a slightly embarrassed expression.


“Get up first. I will tell you about your necessary values separately.”


Need value? The moment you stop moving and listen to Ken’s words.




Pink hair covered my vision like a film. Rubelin protected me with open arms. On the contrary, her small body was shaking like an aspen tree.


“Oh, no… My ass…”


The emperor frowned.




Ken let go of my arm and bowed his head to the Emperor.


“Based on the princess’s actions, I think she is saying ‘Mom’.”


I looked at Ken and Rubelin alternately with a puzzled look on my face. Was Eongma ‘Mom’? They called me Eongma and Eongma, so I thought it was the name of the main character of a fairy tale. Who would have thought that the child you met for the first time would call you ‘mom’? The Emperor stared at Rubelin, blinking her eyes lazily. The calm snow felt like the sea before a storm. Ken seemed to have the same thoughts as me and swallowed his saliva nervously.


“Your parents are dead, Rubelin.”




Rubelin nodded her head and puffed out her plump cheeks like her puffer fish. The emperor frowned one eyebrow. It was a face that said he did not understand Rubelin.


“Not only is she not your mother, but your parents are dead. Why can’t you understand?”


…Are you saying no because you really don’t understand? You want to deny the fact that you are dead! The emperor rolled his eyes in the air as if lost in thought. Ah, he let out an exclamation.


“The explanation was insufficient. Your parents died young. It was an inevitable fate because I was weak.”


What does that mean to a child? So when the child grows up, he will kill you! Lubelin suppressed her fluctuating emotions, her face blushing like an apple.


“Boo… Oh, no.”


Rubelin held the hem of her dress tightly with both hands and trembled like a balloon about to burst at any moment.






In the end, Rubelin exploded and lunged at the Emperor with her hands outstretched. She ran at a quick pace, but was soon bounced by a huge transparent membrane and her body flew in a semicircle into a corner. The Emperor did not lift a finger at her, let alone threaten her, but it clashed with Rubelin’s supernatural ability. 




The child hit the marble wall, causing her body to crash and fall.




“Oh my god!”


Everyone who saw the scene, including me, opened their mouths until her jaw ached.

Tsk. The emperor could be heard clicking his tongue. I knew why a child becomes a villain by reading the novel, but seeing it in print and seeing it with the naked eye were completely different. That little kid… The moment when, as if from inertia, he trembles and stands up, he is about to face the child.




A calm and cool voice grabbed my ankle. Everyone there was as frozen as stone. When I glanced back, I saw the emperor staring at Rubelin with unimpressed eyes.


“The royal family doesn’t die like this.”


Everyone there sighed and mourned the fate of Rubelin, who was born as a princess. Unlike us who were surprised, Rubelin got up without any problems and glared at the emperor.


“Hey, don’t bother me!”


Unlike his fear of the emperor, his voice was quite loud. The emperor stared at Rubelin with an expression of surprise. As I looked at them one after another, information about the emperor suddenly came to mind.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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