One Day, I Found the Emperor's Niece

CHAPTER 003: Came here 3 years ago

Since he was always a gentle and strict person, I had a bad feeling.


“Can I talk to this child for a moment? Please.”


The village chief offered his greetings to the person in charge of the guards. The person in charge frowned for a moment before sighing and nodding his head at the village chief’s earnest look. what? In the drama, that facial expression is like that of a prison guard who turned a blind eye to the visitation time being exceeded because he felt sorry for the entire family visiting the prisoner. The village chief came up to me and held my hands tightly.




“Listen carefully, Lucina. I pray to His Majesty unconditionally.”


“Yes? I didn’t do anything wrong, so why should I pray?”


“You might get your head cut off before you even pray, so pray first!”


“Mo, you mean my head got cut off?”


“It’s because you lost your memory and don’t know what the world is like!”


The village chief made a rare protest. Gradually, anxiety took over. What kind of person was the Emperor that made everyone act like they were going to die?


“Father. Lucina is not at fault, so don’t push her.”


In an unusual way, Bayser refuted the village chief’s words. However, the village chief’s expression became even more grim.


“Listen carefully, Lucina.”


I gulped and swallowed dry saliva. His dignified eyes shone brightly.


“His Majesty the current Emperor enshrined his niece, the Empress, three years ago.”


Was he saying she was not his biological child? But what did that have to do with me?


“But it’s not just that. He reduced the kingdom of Tedan, which killed the princess’s father, that is, my brother, to ashes in just one year.”


“Y-one year?”


“But it’s not just that.”


Come out again?


“It is said that he was very saddened by the death of his younger brother and caused the Kingdom of Tedan to fall into ruin, but in fact, it was only a superficial reason to attack the kingdom first, and there are rumors that he simply enjoys killing. If you get on my nerves, I will kill your lieutenants, attendants, and everyone in the palace.”


…yes? The village chief had a sad expression on his face, as if he couldn’t see my stunned face.


“But it’s not just that!”


What is it again?!


“I cut the head of everyone who comes into my room…!”


The village chief, with a pale face, slit his throat with his thumb.


“Cut the Dang River.”




He sighed and thought about it.


“Okay. Well, since we have the deepest dragon blood of all time, we can’t expect humaneness or thoughtfulness.”


“Yo, a dragon?”


The village chief looked at me with surprised eyes and then his face distorted.


“What, you didn’t even know that? The royal family’s ancestor is a dragon, right?”


Someone should have told me! As soon as I open my eyes, I am chased by a debt collector! The house is ruined! I was busy paying off my debt, so what did I know? A feeling of unfairness suddenly welled up from my danjeon. The village chief closed his eyes tightly and sighed.


“Yes, it’s my fault. It’s my fault. How difficult was it for you after the suicide scandal? I thought it would be okay if you didn’t tell me, since you have always been averse to doing things for the government…”


I removed the hand that was being held by the village chief, held his hands together, and prayed to heaven… Oh my god. I want to live. I want to live. At that moment, the voice of the knight, tired of waiting, rang out coldly.


“Hurry up. Are you planning to make His Majesty wait?”


“Excuse me… If I just go and resolve the misunderstanding, I can live, right?”




Several knights looked at each other. After a while, they closed their eyes and turned their heads with sad faces. Don’t look away! It’s scary! A chill ran down my spine and I trembled. Come to your senses. Even if you get bitten by a tiger, you will survive as long as you come to your senses. All you have to do is go to the imperial palace and resolve any misunderstandings. Am I really going to die? I saved the emperor’s nephew? I saved my nephew’s life, but he won’t act like my nephew.


“Let’s leave now.”


The person in charge gestured towards me. The knights approached me and grabbed my arms as if they had been waiting for me.


“Wait. I will walk on my own feet.”


I was grabbed by the arm by the driver and dragged floating in the air. No matter how much I swung my feet, I couldn’t touch the ground.


“You say you can walk on your own?”




Bayser started to run toward me, but stopped when he noticed something. I followed Bayser’s gaze and there was a princess who had woken up and had messy hair.


“Woe, princess.”


The two knights holding me stopped walking as if a thread had been cut. Contrary to her disheveled appearance after waking up from her sleep, she raised her eyes fiercely and glared at the knights who had captured me. Thanks to this, the knights hesitated and backed away from me. How long has it been? She was wheezing, her fists were shaking, and she screamed.


“Don’t sing! Don’t bother my ass!”




Everyone there tilted their heads in one direction. The princess ran to me like a protector and screamed with tears streaming down her face.


“Let go of my ass!”


“Uh, that princess. Just calm down first…”


Her person in charge threw her hands in the air, unable to get closer or move away from the princess. You can comfort me by holding me, why are you so restless? At that moment, the princess hit the hut closest to her with her fist.


“Stop teasing my ass!”


Boom, boom, roar.




In an instant, the comfortable cabin I had lived in for the past three years collapsed with a loud noise. The crackling, crackling sound of wood grain cracking was heard one after another, and smoke rose like a haze above it. Everyone except the princess, including the villagers, knights, Beiser and myself, watched the scene with her mouth wide open until her jaw hurt.


After some time, the villagers came to their senses and sighed.


“Oh my god…”


“Lucina, maybe it’s good because I feel sorry for you…”


I looked at the scene in amazement and took a deep breath that my solar plexus hurt. Memories that had been sleeping in my mind rose sharply. A princess with superpowers. Dragon ancestor. A member of the royal family who inherited the blood of the dragon.


“Like this nephew.”


Ah, now I know where I came from three years ago.

* * *

It wasn’t until three years later that I realized that I had woken up in a novel. I never thought it was the only novel I ever read, <Disaster and Dawm>. The title simply means Emperor and Princess. It was a novel I finished reading after receiving a recommendation from a high school student who was in the bed next to me in the hospital room. According to the history of the Descartes Empire, the ancestors of the royal family were dragons, and they were born with both strong magic and superpowers for generations. The royal family stands out for one special ability, and there was a royal family born with the most powerful and amazing magic power of all time. Calix. He was the emperor of the empire. And his niece was Rubelin, the girl I saved and the princess and villain who destroyed the world in the novel. The uniqueness of this novel is that the main character is a villain. Rubelin’s life was not smooth. The second prince, Alec, who despite the dissuasion of Emperor Calix, married the princess of the Kingdom of Tedan, was eventually murdered by King Tedan shortly thereafter. Afterwards, the emperor destroyed the kingdom of Tedan and took his niece and made her his daughter. However, the emperor had a ruthless nature and did not know how to give affection. He controlled Rubelin’s outings and did not hug her or stroke her head. Aside from her tutor and servants, she was not allowed to have any deep interactions with anyone else. As briefly described, he received an abnormal imperial education to the point of being imprisoned. Since he has not received love, he cannot help but not know how to give love. In the imperial family, she lets the imperial family control her magic and superpowers from generation to generation, but Rubelin says that she was unable to control her superpowers until she became an adult, and she couldn’t even lift a spoon as she wanted. does. As Rubelin grew, she became aware of her own powers, and even those who remained by her side began to distance themselves. Meanwhile, a faction that rebelled against her emperor told Rubelin that the culprit who killed her father was her emperor.


‘The reason my life is ruined is because the world exists.’


Rubelin, furious at her own power and her emperor, sought to annihilate all of her with her own power. The moment she killed her emperor, Calix, she said these words:


‘Just once. If you had been warm to me just once, you wouldn’t have done this.’


The emperor faced death sitting on the throne, motionless despite her nephew’s treason. Afterwards, Rubelin turns her world into a sea of blood and she commits suicide. How she was reviled by readers because of the ending. One of the readers said this. The emperor said that although her work ability was superior, it was like seeing a boss with a harsh personality and a bad attitude. If only the emperor had been nice to Rubelin, the novel wouldn’t have been ruined, but that doesn’t mean you can’t just hate him. Because he was also a person who had a cruel childhood. Yes, in short, it was a combination of a villain and a villain maker. Rattling rattling. Inside the carriage, I was taken out of my thoughts. Rubelin, who was sitting across from her, tilted her head.


“Damn, why did you fall?”


“It’s trembling, it’s trembling. Well, it can’t be like that.”


“Are you shivering?”


“Well, that can’t be possible.”


“Is it cold?”


No, it’s not cold, it’s scary. She goes with the villain to meet the villain maker. He is also the emperor of humanity in the other world. It’s so scary. I held my trembling hands and smiled. Rubelin came to the seat next to me and stretched out her arms.


“Would you like a hug?”


“Excuse me… that is…”


How should I refuse so she doesn’t get hurt? Not only had I keenly sensed the princess’s monstrous strength a little while ago, but I also knew her well after reading her book. If the emperor’s magical power was a living, breathing bomb, the princess’s superpower was a living, breathing weapon. He can crush a person’s head like an apple with his grip, and split the ground with a single kick. So I couldn’t just hug Rubelin. Because if she even put her hand on my shoulder, her bones would be crushed. What should I do with this? As I was thinking about that, the carriage started to lift and shake violently. Rubelin, who had been dazed, stumbled as if her very foundations had been shaken.




I reflexively grabbed Rubelin’s shoulders, fearing she might fall. Rubelin opened her eyes wide in surprise. For a moment, as her carriage settled safely on her land, she trembled and placed her hand on the back of my hand. She squeezed her eyes shut, horrified by his touch. But as time passed, no pain was felt. When she gently opened one of her eyes, she saw Rubelin smiling with a blush on her face. Hey, is this okay? That’s strange. Even with her weak strength, it should have been at least a fracture. While I was lost in thought, the carriage stopped. The sound of shoe footsteps approached the carriage and I stared out the window. It’s still bright, have we already arrived? Although I was surprised, I felt strangely convinced by the image of Rubelin destroying my house. Ah, this is a novel with real magic and superpowers.




When I unconsciously removed her hand from her Rubelin shoulder, she pursed her lips in disappointment.




…I don’t think he’ll die, but wouldn’t it be okay if I hug him?


“The princess. I will open the door.”


Meanwhile, the door opened and a knight appeared, tightly wrapped in a robe.


“Excuse me, princess.”


After greeting the driver, he hugged Rubelin with a nervous look.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released in a bit.

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  1. May says:

    thanks for translating. i really like this story so far but i think you should proofread first bcs at this point its becoming really hard to ignore the mistakes. its a good thing im good enough at english to correct in my head.

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