One Day, I Found the Emperor's Niece


“Hey, kid. Come to your senses.”


I put the boiled medicine in a teacup and headed to bed.




The child was tossing and turning, making noises. I put the teacup on the nightstand and made the child stand up and lean against my chest.




The child was helpless and whining.


“Just this. Just drink this and I’ll let you sleep.”


I picked up the teacup and cooled the tea with a puff of air. When the tea became completely lukewarm, I tilted the teacup towards the child’s mouth.


“Drink it. Drink this and you’ll be fine.”


Did he even understand what I said, even though he was in a daze? The child licked her little mouth and began to take small sips of her medication.


“That’s right, drink well.”


I let the child drink about three sips and then laid him down again.


“This should be enough.”


After a while, the child let out a steady breath with her face becoming much calmer.


“Thank god.”


I lifted a strand of hair that was stuck to the child’s forehead. After confirming that the child was completely asleep, he collapsed under the bed in exhaustion.


“Ha, don’t go crazy.”


I wiped my sweaty forehead with the back of my hand. When I looked around the house, it looked like it had been swept away by a typhoon. I looked back at the sleeping child.


“Anyway, we’ll have to find the child’s parents.”


Looking at the child’s behavior, it was clear that he had come here after losing his parents. The child’s parents must be looking for him by now. Even with that thought in mind, I couldn’t wake up my tired body. 




Her mouth opened wide and she yawned.


“When the child wakes up, let’s ask her about her parents.”


It would be okay to find it after that. Now, both the child and I are in a lot of trouble. I couldn’t bear the onslaught of water and fell asleep. 


* * *




She groaned and opened her eyes. When my vision came into focus, I saw a house in disarray. At the same time, she felt the intense gaze focused on her face and was startled. What is this cold feeling…? I slowly turned my head as if I would hear a creaking sound.




There, sitting on the bed, was a girl looking down at me with wide, blood-red eyes. Her cotton candy-fluffy, cherry-colored hair. Ruby-like eyes. Plus, the plump cheeks that stick out in a semicircle.


“So cute…”


People said it was cute because it looked like a small rabbit. She originally had a cute appearance, but when her complexion returned, she became even more adorable. The child and I stared at each other as if fascinated. Fortunately or unfortunately, the child showed no signs of being scared even when he was in the same room as a stranger. I smiled as harmlessly as I could.


“Hi. I brought you here because you were lying on the street. what is your name-.”




At that moment, a loud sound like a boat horn rang out from the child’s body. Her child opened her eyes as wide as a full moon and cupped her belly with both hands, her cheeks blushing. It’s so cute, really. I placed my hand on her chest as her heart pounded. A happy smile naturally came out. Yes, it would be okay to ask questions after eating. Because it won’t take long.


“Are you very hungry?”


I ruffled her child’s hair and let out a light laugh. Then the child opened her eyes as wide as a flower lamp and took a deep breath. She was startled and took her hand away.


“Oh, are you scared of me?”


The child shook her head furiously. That sight was so lovely that I burst into laughter again.


“Then I’m glad.”


This is how her aunt feels about having her nephew. I quickly got up.


“Wait. I’ll get some soup.”


I was about to leave the child and head to her kitchen. 






I was pulled by a strong force and sat down on the bed. When I turned around, I saw that the child was holding the hem of my dress, and the part she was holding was torn.


“Why are the clothes torn?”


Does it usually get torn like this just because a child catches it? At that moment, the child slowly blinked her eyes.




“…? What?”


I tilted my head and reflected on the child’s words. What was it? While I was thinking, the child smiled brightly and pointed at me with her hand that was holding my dress.


“Damn it!”


Ugh. I squeezed her breasts as her face collapsed. My heart hurts. Seeing her child smiling brightly made me realize that her communication took a backseat.


“Yeah, that’s right, that’s right.”


I don’t know what an ass is, but it’s cute so it’s okay. I smiled happily and headed to the kitchen.


“Hang in there.”


When I told the child who followed me down the bed, ‘The kitchen is dangerous, lie down and wait’, she lay down on her bed, put her hands on her belly button and stared at the ceiling. I laughed lightly at that, boiled the soup I had made the day before, and took it to bed.


“Come on, let’s eat.”


I sat on the bed with my butt up and raised her child. I gently scraped the surface of her soup with her spoon and put it in my child’s mouth, and she chewed it on her lips. My heart ached again when I saw the child eating with her mouth clenched as if making a ‘squeak’ sound. Ugh, cute. After a while of feeding the child soup, her bowl was clean. The child patted her stomach with her small hand and smiled contentedly, as if her stomach was full. I put the plate down on the nightstand.


“Now tell me. Did you go on a trip with your parents? Where are your parents? I’ll take you there.”


The child pointed at me with his index finger.




I followed the child and pointed at myself with my index finger.








The child nodded her head vigorously in the affirmative.


“Huh! Huh!”


Why… Was she pointing at me? 


Boom, boom! 


At that moment, I was startled by an urgent knock on the door. Then the child’s eyes turned to her door, and her eyes became harsher than when she looked at me. For a moment, she felt so uncomfortable that a chill ran down her spine. 


Bang bang!


“Yes, let’s go!”


I came to my senses when I heard a series of knocks, grabbed the hem of my torn dress with one hand, and headed for the door. She grabbed the handle of her door and turned it, and the visitor pushed himself in with a faint sound of the hinges.




“Bae, Baiser?”


Baiser, who had always acted like a leisurely person no matter what happened, looked very nervous.


“We’re in big trouble, Lucina.”


“What big deal?”


Has a debt collector come to visit? It’s not. The installment repayment date was the day before yesterday, and the interest was paid properly. While I was thinking with my eyes rolling in the air, Bayser began her conversation.


“Lucina! The princess who visited our village has gone missing!”




I opened my eyes. What is this sound?


“Currently, the royal knights are surrounding the village and looking for the princess.”




“What if you’ve been kidnapped? If the princess is not found, everyone in the village will be taken to the imperial palace for questioning…”


Baiser, who was speaking smoothly, was surprised to see me.


“Lucina, why are you falling like that?”


“My, my, me? Stand, stand, no way.”


“Are you even trembling?”


I was shaking and blocked the door so that Baser could not see into the house.


“…By any chance, the princess has fluffy pink hair and red eyes?”


Baiser opened his eyes wide.


“How do you know that?”


‘Huh. Because it’s behind me.’


* * *


“You will have to explain to His Majesty the reasons why you were with the princess.”


“Well, it wasn’t kidnapping, it was help, right?”


“You’ll find out if you investigate.”


What are you talking about, turning my house into a pigsty? The statement from the princess I saved was the only way for me to survive, but she was fast asleep by the time I went to do the embroidery that wasn’t embroidery. A knight with short gray hair and gray eyes, with his forehead clearly visible, stared at me before passing by. Looking at the most authoritative-looking knight, it seemed like he was in charge. Another knight handed him a robe. 




The man put on the robe, fastened it tightly, and then hugged the princess. He left the house without any hesitation and gave orders to his men.


“Bring that woman quietly so that the princess doesn’t wake up.”


What did I do wrong? She could barely stop herself from bursting into laughter. I can’t. I let go of the torn piece of clothing I was holding in her hand and brushed it off. It won’t be noticeable, so you just have to go and come back quickly. All I have to do is arrive at the imperial palace and the princess testify that I am innocent. Honestly, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. Since we have not committed any sins, let us act confidently. I left the house with the drivers.




As I was trudging out of the house, trapped back and forth by the guards, I could faintly hear Bayser’s voice. Looking around, there were villagers beyond the knights surrounding the hut like a fence. There were looks of concern and contemplative looks in them.


“Lucina, Lucina!”


Baiser, who was among the crowd, confronted the royal knights, perhaps intending to approach me. Baiser pushed his body as if he was going to break through the siege, and three or four guards knights blushed as if he was struggling.




“100 million!”


Before long, the knights were floating in the air and falling backwards. One of the guard knights who was watching the scene rushed towards Baiser.




Baiser quickly subdued the guard knight by bending his arm behind his back.




As the knight groaned and sat down on his knees, Baiser lightly let go of his arm.




Was Baiser that strong? While I was surprised and thinking unbecoming thoughts, Baiser overpowered another knight and turned to me.


“Lucina, come here!”


Baiser extended his hand to me.




At that moment, a loud scream rang out from somewhere. Her person in charge, who was holding the princess, appeared in a light state as he placed her in her carriage. He crossed his knights as he took off his robes, took one look at the fallen knights and made a subtle expression. Soon he gazed coldly at Baiser.


“Are you interfering with official duties?”


“Please take me with you too. I will go and explain.”


Baiser realized he was in charge and hurried over.


“I think there is a misunderstanding about Lucina, so I will go with you.”


“Baiser, I’m fine.”




Baiser called my name firmly and softly, unlike usual. You must be worried about me. You don’t have to worry that much. If only his misunderstanding were resolved, wouldn’t he be a benefactor since he saved his daughter’s life? He was scratching his cheek with his hand, thinking carefree thoughts, when suddenly a stinging sensation occurred to him.

The gaze was stuck like a needle. Beyond the knights of the royal guard who surrounded me were the villagers.


“That kid, why is he so carefree…”


“Leave it alone. It’s the aftereffects of losing my memory three years ago.”


“No matter what, I can’t be so optimistic when I’m on the verge of death.”


“Huh, but she was a noble girl who grew up beautifully…”


A voice pierced my ears clearly amidst the buzzing noise. Why is the villagers’ reaction so strange? They spoke as if I was going to die at any moment and seemed like they were going to hold a funeral for me.




The village chief came forward and held my hand, ignoring the knights’ attempts to stop him.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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