My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 9

Lusha walked over and looked at the new humans in front of her with a smile. Seeing that the hands of the students were still raised in the air after being rejected by the kitten, she froze and said with a smile:

“Are you here to report to the Sword Sect? Your senior brother asked you to wait here for a bit. They will be back in a while. This is Qi Xiaohan, a first-year majoring in spiritual power control. You should get to know each other first. Maybe you will have classes together in the future. ”

After Lusha finished speaking, the kitten looked up at the humans again, tilted its head and thought for a moment, then raised a paw.

“Then, do you want to shake a paw?”

The new student of the Sword Sect: “…shake it.”

After speaking, one of them raised his hand and held one of the kitten’s front paws, shaking it up and down.

Lusha distributed the keys and campus cards to them at the desk. After a few flashes of light materialized, the things were in the hands of the first-years.

“Are you hungry? There is food here. Your senior brothers are going to clean up the mess for the Department of Medicine now. It’s almost noon. Do you want to have some snacks here, or follow your senior brothers to the cafeteria later??”

The first-years of Sword Sect were notified before that they should wait patiently at the Cat Courtyard, so when they heard Lusha’s words, they quickly shook their heads: “Don’t worry, senior, we can just wait here, there is no need to feed us.”

Lusha: “Don’t be polite. Anyway, the food was provided by the Clan, and you guys also have a share.”

With that said, Lusha opened a sliding door by the bookcase at the back. The snacks inside shocked the whole room.

“You’re welcome. You can eat whatever you want. The first-years who reported earlier also got some.”

One of the Sword Sect first-years saw this and took a bag of potato chips. The other students followed and took some snacks one by one.

When only the kitten was left, Lusha lowered her head and asked her immediate junior sister with a smile: “Is Xiaohan thinking about going to the cafeteria with senior sister to eat later?”

Facing such a soft kitten, Lusha showed great patience.

Even a lion’s cub was bigger than this kitten so it was really cute.

Qi Xiaohan shook her head: “I brought food, and my human family told me to eat it quickly, otherwise it will spoil. She asked about the refrigerator in the school dormitory and asked me to put some of it away.”

Lusha couldn’t help but feel curious after hearing this, “Your family is human? Were you a kitten raised by someone before?”

No wonder Lusha was curious, she had never experienced the life of being raised by a human, nor had most of her classmates. They either came from an aristocratic family, or they were large feline breeds. Gifted cats like Qi Xiaohan were relatively rare to find, since it was rarer for cats with extraordinary talents to end up being adopted.

The little white cat nodded, meowed, and swayed the tip of her tail happily.

“What are you bringing that you need to put away quickly?” One of the new sword cultivators asked.

The kitten hesitated for a moment, then jumped from the chair, went outside the office and opened the top suitcase of the luggage cart, showing its contents to the other students.

“My human bought me hot pot base, beef balls, vegetables and rolls of meat. I originally planned to have hot pot with my roommates for my first meal at school.”

The group of humans and the lioness in the office looked at the suitcase full of food with wide eyes.

The kitten rummaged through the bag and found a bag of beef jerky. The kitten bit it and dragged it out. She dragged it in front of the classmates and meowed:

“Beef jerky is ready-to-eat. It’s super delicious. Do you want to have some?”

Everyone: “…”

After a while, the people in the office sat together and ate beef jerky. Lusha combed the kitten’s fur and said, “Your humans are so kind to you. They have brought you so many things.”

This kitten’s luggage was the most she had seen from all of the first-years.

Most of the students who know the situation here planned to come and buy new things there. Some students with poor family conditions couldn’t bring so many things, and some careless parents didn’t even think about such details. It was rare to see someone bringing so much.

This made Lusha remember that when she passed through human society before, those young human university first-years carried large and small bags, which was not too different from Xiaohan’s current situation.

As the kitten at the snacks, there were some crumbs on her lips, but Lusha wiped it away.

It was time for Lusha to change her post and go to the Department of Medicine, but Lang Chen had not come yet, and she could not leave. After all, there had to be someone in the office, and there are so many first-years here. They could not be allowed to walk around the school as they please. If Lang Chen did come back before lunch, she would have to take these children to the cafeteria.

If she only went to the Department of Medicine then, her attendance points may have been lost long ago.

However, it didn’t really matter when she thought about it. The cat yard was always the last to arrive, so everyone should be used to it.

She didn’t have many attendance points anyway.

Thinking like this, Lusha confidently sat down again, motionless as a mountain.

After a while, the door of the office was finally pushed open again and Lang Chen, who was in a neat uniform, came in. He was stunned for a moment when he saw the people in the room, and then walked in.

“You go over; I’ll take your place here.”

Lusha had been waiting for him for a long time. After hearing these words, she immediately stood up, straightened her clothes, shook her hair, and left.

Lang Chen glanced at the kitten who was still biting the beef jerky. The little white cat was sitting on the chair, with the beef jerky in her mouth almost bigger than her head.

The beef jerky was homemade by Qi Ning, and the packaging bags used were extremely large.

He didn’t know why such a small cat would bite such a big piece of beef jerky, but it looked cute and funny, and the corners of Lang Chen’s lips twitched slightly.

Realizing that Lang Chen was looking at her, the little white cat raised her face and meowed softly.

“Senior brother, do you want to eat?”

As she spoke, Qi Xiaohan nudged the beef jerky bag placed next to her.

Lang Chen didn’t pick up the packet of beef jerky, instead he picked up the piece of beef jerky in the kitten’s mouth and tugged it.

The little white cat’s teeth were biting into the beef jerky, so she staggered a bit.

Qi Xiaohan:?

Lang Chen held the cat’s head softly and took away the particularly large piece of beef jerky. His long fingers slowly tore the beef jerky into pieces and placed them next to her paws.

Qi Xiaohan hesitated for a moment, lowered her head to eat a small piece, then raised her head to look at Lang Chen.

Lang Chen naturally took a small piece from there and tasted it, then took out the handkerchief in his pocket and wiped his hands.

“Thank you, it tastes good.”

After doing all this, Lang Chen sat down in Lusha’s seat and looked at the new sword cultivators.

The first-years were sitting upright, putting down their snacks at some point, and secretly looking at the senior who had just come in, sitting at the front.

Unlike Senior Sister Lusha, as soon as he came in, they felt as if this Senior Brother was not an easy person to talk to. His handsome face was cold and serious, and his uniform was meticulous. Even the golden earrings felt like they were reflecting a cold light. The first-years were scared to death of him sitting there.

Even on such a hot day, the top button of his uniform was still buttoned. Did this senior know how to freeze himself? Did his cold aura actually cool him?

Lang Chen took out a bunch of keys from the drawer. Seeing how well behaved these students were, he couldn’t help but raise his eyes and said in a cold tone, “Why don’t you continue eating?”

“No, no, we’re not hungry.” Several people said in unison.

Lang Chen nodded without saying anything, indicating that they were free to do whatever.

He reached out and patted the kitten’s head gently and said to her: “Eat first, Ah Tan will come over later.”

As he said that, he also looked at the humans of the Sword Sect, nodded slightly, and said politely: “Wait a moment, we are still waiting for another new student in the Cat Clan. After that, I will take you to dinner. Your luggage and other things are waiting for you. Other seniors will take you to the dormitory when they come back.”

The first-years nodded quickly.

After a while, a large number of second-year students came back. The second-year student from the Sword Sect also came, opened the door of the office, looked inside with a smile, and met Lang Chen’s indifferent eyes.

Second-year sword cultivators

: “…”

The second-year sword cultivators put away their playful and smiling expressions and walked in to say hello: “Hello, president, we are here to pick up the new sword cultivators.”

The new students of the Sword Sect could not stay still for long. Under the pressure of the senior brother sitting in front of them, the atmosphere was solemn as if they were in a meeting. It was really scary.

The first-years hurriedly left with their senior brothers and sisters. The little white cat sat on the chair and meowed towards them, wagging the tip of her tail.

A black and white cat squeezed into the office, followed by students of other races from the Fire Spirit Academy, and the office became crowded for a while.

“President, the monsters on the campus roads have been cleared and normal traffic has resumed. It will still take a while at the Floating Tower, but it is expected to be completed at 5 p.m.”

The black and white cat reported with his head held high.

Lang Chen nodded and patted the black and white cat on the head.

A demon standing behind the black and white cat focused on the little white cat. After looking at her for a while, he suddenly smiled and said:

“Junior sister Xiaohan, right? Your senior brother Cheng Lin is lying in the hospital. I was assigned to look after you temporarily, so just follow me later.”

The little white cat meowed, jumped down from the chair, packed up her garbage, and then ran to the demon senior brother’s side.

The demon stretched out his hand to pick up the cat. He rubbed her head very skilfully, bid the president goodbye, and was about to leave when he was suddenly called.

“Yan Chong, this kitten’s luggage is placed in the abandoned conference room opposite. Remember to bring it with her.”

Yan Chong didn’t expect that the vice-president would take the initiative to give such an order. He was stunned for a moment, nodded, and then went out with the cat in his arms.

When he opened the utility room door, Yan Chong looked at the two huge suitcases, bag and the cat bed hanging on the luggage cart. His eyes widened and he looked down at the snow-white little cat.

The kitten excitedly raised her paw, pointed at her luggage cart, and meowed to her senior brother:

“Brother, this is my luggage.”

Senior Brother Yan Chong:…

Today’s young cats are extravagant.

It’s outrageous!


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