My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 8

She had seen this little white cat when she looked at the admissions list before. Its snow-white fur was clean and well-kept. She was also in the Control Department, but majored in physical control. When she saw that the Spiritual Control Department finally recruited another kitten this year, she couldn’t help but look at it a few more times.

As a lioness, although Lusha usually had a stern personality, she treated her juniors very well, especially those who looked like cubs.

However, she didn’t know what happened to the Spiritual Control Department this year… Why did they suddenly recruit a kitten.

Maybe this cat really had a special talent.

She just didn’t know what kind of person that first-year majoring in mind control named Ah Tan was.

“Let me find it for you. My name is Lusha. I am a junior majoring in physical control. I was chatting in the college group earlier.”

After Qi Xiaohan heard this, she nodded quickly and meowed obediently.

Lusha got the admission notice and certificate from Qi Xiaohan’s bag. After the verification was passed, she found Qi Xiaohan’s campus card, dormitory door card and dormitory key in the drawer. Considering that the kitten had not yet transformed into human form, Lusha very thoughtfully put the things in the kitten’s duck print bag, and even praised: “The bag is very beautiful.”

Qi Xiaohan turned around and looked at the ugly duck bag, and her cat ears twitched, feeling a little embarrassed.

Before school started Ning Ning took her to the mall with her and insisted on buying it for her, even though she didn’t want it.

She didn’t know how a human being could still be so childish at such an old age.

“This is your campus card. Your dormitory is Building 20, Room 412. There will be a class meeting at four o’clock this afternoon. Go to the dormitory and pack your things as soon as possible. You will have a day off tomorrow and military training will begin the day after.” Lusha instructed carefully.

“Okay, thank you, senior sister.”

Seeing this little kitten raising its furry face and answering questions seriously, Lusha almost died of cuteness. This little junior sister seemed to have a soft personality. She was well-behaved and sensible, too. Lusha didn’t know why she would be assigned to the Spiritual Control Department.

The spiritual power control system, also known as the power attack system, combined attack and control.

Many of the students in this major were big cats, either calm and calculating, or domineering and powerful.

The leader among them, Lang Chen, was both.

Even if Lang Chen was usually indifferent and cold to people and occasionally told bad jokes, it was certain that he would be tough and domineering once he took over as president.

When Lusha handed the dormitory key card and ID to the little kitten, the cell phone on the table rang. Lusha glanced at it and immediately frowned. After a while, she put the phone away and looked at the person who was packing her bag. She said, “I just received news from the school group. A new student encountered an evil demon outside. He did not ask for help from his senior brothers and sisters. He fought to the death with the evil demon and both sides were injured. Even the ground is now scorched black. I don’t know what exploded. Fortunately, you met Lang Chen, otherwise what would you do if you encountered this kind of thing?”

Qi Xiaohan listened and nodded with lingering fear, agreeing very much.

“By the way, the second-year student who was supposed to fetch you was Cheng Lin, a tabby cat from the Department of Medicine. Since she was on the scene when the explosion occurred, I heard that she injured and is still in the infirmary, which is why it took so long to fetch you. Nevertheless, it was our fault. Too many things happened today. Before Cheng Lin recovers, we will temporarily arrange a person to take you. If you need anything, just go to them.”

Qi Xiaohan: “Okay.”

Because the evil spirits in the school had not been cleaned up yet, Qi Xiaohan, the newly reported freshman, couldn’t move around freely. All freshmen had to stay in a safe place and wait for the school’s arrangements.

All the new students in the Cat Clan this year, except Ah Tan, had already been taken away by their senior brothers and sisters. Those of them who had not report yet had been brought to the reporting office one after another.

Qi Xiaohan waited for a while, watching other freshmen come in one by one and then leave with their senior brothers and sisters. They were all big cats, cheetahs, snow leopards, lynxes, leopards, etc., but there were no other kittens.

After a while, several humans pushed the door open and came in. Seeing Lusha here, they said hello to her:

“Lusha, when is it your turn to patrol?”

Lusha listened and looked at the time: “When Lang Chen comes back, I will switch with him.”

The leading human was stunned for a moment: “Isn’t Lang Chen enforcing the law outside?”

Lusha: “Lang Chen was blocking the entrance to the Shadow Forest and was slightly injured. Dou En went to replace him. We have a kitten that hasn’t reported yet. Lang Chen went out to look for it. After he finds it, he will come back and change guard with me. ”

“Then we won’t wait for you. Remember to pad your stomach first. We may not have anything to eat at noon today.”

Thinking of something, the senior holding the sword said again: “By the way, the Wu Clan said that a new student in your college was bullied by the Wolf Clan before. The Wu Clan didn’t say who it was. Could it be a new student?”

After Qi Xiaohan heard this, she couldn’t help looking up at this human being.

The human senior noticed this particularly obvious gaze and looked in her direction. When he saw it was a snow-white kitten, he couldn’t help being stunned for a moment, and then he laughed,

“Lusha, is this your new student?”

It was so fluffy and cute.

Lusha rubbed the little cat’s head and introduced her: “These are the third-year seniors from the Sword Sect of the Fire Spirit House. They are currently taking classes in the same building as us so you will see them often.”

The little white cat raised her head and meowed, “Hello, seniors.”

The senior laughed: “Hello, little junior sister.”

After saying that, he extended a hand towards the kitten.

Qi Xiaohan was stunned for a moment, then stretched out one of her paws blankly and placed it on the palm of the senior’s hand.


Several senior students around them suddenly laughed and came up to touch the kitten’s fur.

The big cats and kittens in the cat yard all had very weird personalities. It was rare to find such loving kittens. They were just trying to play, but to their surprise, the little white cat hesitated and actually raised its paw.

This was too cute and odd!!!

Lusha snorted coldly, and an ice blade fell from the sky and landed by their feet. The several swordsmen hurriedly retreated.

“Say what you need to say, and don’t move your hands or feet! Don’t touch my little junior sister’s fur again!”

The ice blade melted quickly. The sword cultivators looked at the fierce lioness, touched their noses slyly, and said with a smile: “Okay, let’s stop making trouble. Let’s leave first. If you are still here later, remember to take care of our new students.”

Lusha waved her hand casually, indicating that she understood.

Only then did the sword cultivators leave.

Lusha looked at the little white cat squatting on the chair. No matter how she looked at it, she felt that this little junior sister was too easy to bully. How could she let humans pet her fur? Soon everyone would know that she was easy to bully. They would come here to pet her all the time from now on. The students at the Cat Clan understood this very well.

The human classmates were all good, except that there was no end to their petting, which annoyed the cats.

Lusha knelt down and looked at the little white cat, “Xiaohan, your fur is very easy to get dirty. You should be more arrogant from now on and don’t let others touch your fur. Of course…” Lusha added: “Senior brothers and sisters in the Cat Clan can still pet you.”

Qi Xiaohan nodded seriously.

In fact, as a domestic cat, Qi Xiaohan was used to being pet. Most of the arrogant big cats and kittens that came to school did not need to rely on humans to live, so many did not like to be touched by human hands.

The little kitten watched as Lusha went to the office next door and brought back a cardboard box which she placed on the desk next to her. It looked like it should contain some student cards or something like that.

After a while, several new swordsmen cultivators arrived. When they opened the door and came in, they saw a snow-white kitten staring at them.

When the new swordsmen cultivators saw the kitten, their eyes suddenly lit up. Just when they were about to reach out, they saw the kitten in front of them raise a paw and stopped their hands seriously.

“Don’t touch me, we are all classmates.”

Lusha, who was sitting in the back, suddenly laughed out loud.



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