My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 27.3

Perhaps the small bottle wasn’t a random packaged bottle but a bottle that Lang Chen himself had found. That’s why after she finished eating, she would ask brother Lang Chen if she needed to return the bottle to him.

With this in mind, the little cat opened the porcelain bottle and poured out a handful of jelly beans, which scattered on the table.

The jelly beans had a variety of flavors. The red one was peach flavored, and there were others with apple flavor and grape flavor, sweet and delicious. Moreover, they tasted better than any other candy in the market.

She didn’t know if it was an illusion, but this kind of candy seemed to be very filling.

The little cat ate slowly and gradually felt a bit full.

Qi Xiaohan’s movements from eating the candy slowed down. She whimpered, her ears twitching as her paws felt somewhat swollen.


This feeling continued, gradually spreading throughout her body. It seemed like the candy she had eaten finally produced a reaction.

Her paws scratched at the ground as her body burned all over. Her eyes were hazy, and her cries thin and weak.

The white kitten kept rolling on the ground, the flame pattern on her forehead gradually turning red, and then after a while, the little snow-white cat disappeared and was replaced by a girl of exquisite beauty.

Qi Xiaohan lifted her feline paw, but her furry cat paw had turned into white fingers. The girl let out a low cry and stared in disbelief.



Lang Chen went out to perform some errands and bought some food for the little cat on the way. On his way back, he received a message from the little cat.

The little cat was frantically sending messages urging him to hurry back and bring her a set of clothes.

Lang Chen’s fingers tightened, his footsteps paused, and on his face an expression of shock gradually appeared.

Why had she transformed at this time?

Seeing that the little cat was still typing, Lang Chen didn’t hesitate to turn around and buy clothes for her.

When Lang Chen returned, he pushed open the office door and after locking it, he stood by the door politely and did not enter inside: “Xiaohan, where are you?”

Inside the office, the kitten answered sullenly, “I’m here!”

Lang Chen brought the bag of clothes and walked towards the inner room.

“I’ll put the clothes at the door, come and get them.”

The little cat meowed and replied with a depressed voice: “Send it in, it’s okay.”

Lang Chen was stunned for a moment. Hearing what the little cat just said, and then thinking about the little cat’s current situation, heat burned from his neck all the way to the root of his ears.

Xiaohan wanted him to come in?

Lang Chen felt some tightness within his throat and coughed, “Nonsense, hurry over and take these clothes.”

Lang Chen placed the clothes down and was about to turn around in avoidance.

“…I don’t want to move. It’s okay, come in, senior brother.” The little cat’s voice sounded faintly through the door panel.

Lang Chen’s face remained calm and unruffled, but his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably. He remembered that these days, all Duo-en had been telling him was that the little cat treated him better than others and probably liked him.

Now that Xiaohan found out she had transformed, the first thing she thought of was also him and wasn’t even afraid to let him in.

Did the little cat like him?

When Lang Chen thought of this possibility, his heart beat faster and faster.

His palms were slightly sweaty. He pursed his lips and thought of the vague delicate figure he had seen underwater earlier.

If Xiaohan liked him, in fact, he……

There was another rustle within the room, interlaced with the depressed slapping noises from the little cat.

The office’s break room was originally used for the people on duty to rest, but since this office was given to Lang Chen, Lang Chen was basically the only one using it. The rest of the student council members only had the law enforcement department come and sit down at a fixed time every day, others came and went during the day, but not at all at night.

Lang Chen had a uniform in the break room and a bedsheet, thus, the little cat wasn’t uncovered inside.

If it was another student, he wouldn’t be so nervous, but it was Qi Xiaohan. He seemed to have a somewhat different feeling for this little cat.

The man standing at the doorway had his eyes downcast and his thin lips slightly pursed.

Lang Chen placed his hand on the door handle and pushed the door in after knocking as a reminder for the person inside.

He had already prepared himself mentally, but when he saw the scene in the room, he still wanted to sigh helplessly.

The bed in the room had its sheets messed up. The uniform jacket he placed there was laying on the bed. A snow-white cat poked out her head and lay there dejectedly as if she didn’t want to struggle anymore.

The cat’s paws flopped down, and her ears were also half-cocked.

When she heard Lang Chen enter, the little cat raised her head and gave a meow.

Lang Chen smiled, walked towards her, and sat down on the edge of the bed. He reached out to take the little cat out of the mess of fabrics, rubbed her fur, and stroked the back of her neck.

“What’s wrong? Weren’t you transformed?” Lang Chen asked in a warm voice.

When the kitten heard this, she was aggrieved, angry, and chagrined: “I did transform.”

“…I transformed, but it only lasted for a while before I changed back. I just took your clothes out; I didn’t even have time to take a picture!”

The more the little cat thought about it, the more she regretted it, and her little paws patted on Lang Chen’s thigh, her tone bringing a bit of grievance to her feline high-pitched voice: “Master, if only you came back earlier, you would’ve still seen me in my human form, but now you couldn’t even see it.”

The fluffy little white cat lay in his arms, and her round little eyes were full of regret that she had transformed back to her original form. She looked so cute that Lang Chen couldn’t help but reach out and gently rub her forehead, softly responding: “Well, next time, brother will come back earlier.”

The little cat gave a muffled sound and rubbed against Lang Chen’s palm, burying her face in the crook of his arm.

This was an action that cats often did with humans when they were unhappy.

Lang Chen looked at the little cat being like this and his heart incredibly softened. Combing the fur on her back, he said in a slow voice: “It’s okay, it will take shape again in the future, and next time, senior brother will definitely be able to see it.”

Next time, he wouldn’t let the kitten be so disappointed.

He was the one who came back too slowly.

The little white cat inhaled through her nose and replied with great difficulty: “I didn’t have time to show my family’s Ningning before I changed back. If you had arrived back earlier, you could’ve still taken a picture for me, senior brother. Why couldn’t I hold on a little longer, I’m behaving too disappointingly.”

The little cat regretted so much that her entire being radiated the upset.

Lang Chen’s hand, which was gently smoothing her fur, stopped. His originally soft expression transitioned to an expressionless one.

“You just wanted me to come back to take a picture of you?” Lang Chen’s voice was flat as he asked.

The little cat raised her gaze, and met Lang Chen’s downcast eyes, unable to see the joy and anger in them.

In fact, no…… she certainly wanted to show her senior brother her human form. More accurately, with the excitement of her becoming human, she simply wanted to send it to her Moments to widely announce it, so that everyone knew that, she, the little cat, had transformed!

Although the tone of Lang Chen’s voice was the same as usual, the keen little cat still detected a hint of unhappiness in it.

Before Qi Xiaohan could figure out the reason, she lifted her paw and placed it on the palm of Lang Chen’s hand first: “No.”

Lang Chen lightly glanced at the little cat.

Heh, it was no, this cat still wanted him to bring the clothes over.

Lang Chen looked at the small furry cat paw resting on his palm, the sadness in his heart slightly smoothing out. Lang Chen’s fingers squeezed the paw, and seeing that the little cat was still looking at him, he reached out and touched her head.

“No, really, I wanted to let senior brother quickly see my human form, ah. I sent you a lot of messages, and thought you weren’t coming back.”

The little cat whose paw was being held looked up to explain to Lang Chen seriously.

Lang Chen grunted faintly, accepting the little cat’s explanation. Sullenly holding the cat after a while, as he smoothed her fur, he lowered his gaze to her.

“In the future, if you have a problem, it’s better to look for me directly. There’s no need to bother others.”

Just like today, it was good that the little cat would think of him first.

The little white cat nodded repeatedly and looked at Lang Chen with a bright gaze.

Master was so nice, how could there be such a good tiger!

The little cat tilted her face up to look at him and suddenly stood upright, her furry cat face rubbing against Lang Chen’s cheek.

This was the little cat’s favorite way to behave, and when she did this to Ningning, Ningning was so happy that she hugged and kissed her back.

When Lang Chen felt the little cat stand up, his body stiffened imperceptibly, and his ears reddened a bit uncontrollably.

He moved his gaze elsewhere but reached out to hold the little cat timidly, lest she fall. A pleasant smile was hidden in his eyes.


Lang Chen called out in a low voice.

The little cat heard it and gave a puzzled hum.

Lang Chen pursed his lips and placed the little cat on the bed. “It’s okay…… First, I’ll teach you how to wear clothes directly when you take on human form.”

So as to prevent the situation of him being too late to appear around this cat next time. Who knew what else she would do.

Lang Chen recited each word for the little cat to memorize the steps, Qi Xiaohan remembered it quickly and mastered the main points in no time.

When a bit of time passed, Lang Chen suddenly remembered and asked.

“How did you suddenly transform into a human today?”

He had checked before, and Xiaohan’s spiritual power was relatively low. Although she had a natural spiritual fire, it wasn’t enough to support her transformation yet. That’s why when he had previously seen the little cat underwater in human form, he didn’t provide much advice. After all, it was the spiritual pool.

When the little cat thought of this, she immediately stood up and meowed.

“Senior brother, it was the jelly beans you gave me before! I was a little hungry tonight, so I ate a lot of them, and then this happened.”

Lang Chen understood. That small bottle of spirit gathering pills was usually used for after his training, and because it tasted good, he carried it with him. That day, when he had seen that the little cat had been doing well, moreover with the lack of spiritual energy in her body and her being the size of a small cat, he had given it to her.

He didn’t expect that this cat would eat most of its contents!

Lang Chen didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Generally, new students only ate one. If they ate more, their body wouldn’t be able to take it and so they would stop eating, but Qi Xiaohan, this cat, was a bit special. Although her body didn’t have enough spiritual power, she possessed a natural spiritual fire, so what could she not refine? Last time, hadn’t she even sunk at the spiritual pool?

If it wasn’t for the fact that this little cat’s body was still small and couldn’t bear too much spiritual energy, it could be assumed that she could’ve eaten the remaining half of the bottle.

Lang Chen explained to Qi Xiaohan. Seeing the little cat looking up at him afterwards, he reached out and rubbed her head, laughing lightly: “You! It was a close call. You can’t eat the spirit gathering pills anymore, I’m confiscating them.”

With that said, he took away the half bottle of spirit-gathering pills from the cat.

Qi Xiaohan looked at it with some regret.

She originally thought that they were just ordinary jelly beans. Because of its similar taste and various flavors, who would have thought that it was actually a potion. Was the creation of these pills this hardcore nowadays?

Do you want to start mass production!?

Lang Chen put away the spirit-gathering pills. These years, the Alchemy Department’s elixir refining direction had gotten stranger and stranger. Some time ago, they had made it into moon cakes but the spirit gathering pill then needed to be sliced to be eaten. This year, they had studied making it into the shape of jelly beans. That was why it was no surprise that this little cat had mistaken it as that.

He was thinking of giving the little cat a supplement that day, but who could anticipate that all of a sudden, the tonic would turn her human?

Lang Chen let the cat go and cleaned up the room himself.

Qi Xiaohan trudged along the ground with her paws and walked out. When she saw the paper bag placed at the side, she lifted her paws and picked it up.

With a look, the little cat fell silent.

Inside was a set of skirts, along with girl’s underwear and trousers in different sizes. She was afraid that they wouldn’t fit her.

She didn’t know what to buy in the mall, but he had prepared very well.

Tiger brother was really attentive.

He was also very good to her.




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