My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 21

Although senior brother Lang Chen was talking about regular training, after officially entering the training, the freshmen still lay down exhausted one by one.

After several days of training, the students looked at the cold-faced instructor on the stage with fear in their eyes.

They originally thought that the instructor was just cold-tempered and taciturn, but after a few days, they found out that the instructor did not intend to be a human being.

How could he say such cruel words as “increasing the gravity field by ten times” without any expression? When he looked at them, there was still some slight confusion on his face as if saying, ‘It is just elementary training. How can you guys not endure such little training?” He couldn’t help looking hateful.

The freshmen had also heard a lot of legends about this instructor in the past few days, and they have despaired that the instructor would show mercy.

Anyone who knew a little bit about this tiger could guess from some of his actions in the school meetings that their training this time would be long and dark with no end in sight.

Lang Chen stood on the high platform of the training hall and looked down. The ground was covered in fur, as if it was covered with an expensive and colorful plush carpet. One by one, the cubs lay on their backs or sides, and there were also a few half-dead humans and demons in the middle.

Lang Chen: “Okay, rest for a minute.”

The freshmen immediately wailed and lay motionless, cherishing this hard-won minute and trying to regain their strength.

Qi Xiaohan was also lying down with her classmates. Next to her lay a male lion cub.

The furry little lion rested his head on his paws, tears streaming down his face. He felt that the paws were no longer his.

Qi Xiaohan stretched her body and moved her sore paws. She didn’t feel that tired, but since she had rest time, she naturally lay down happily.

Unexpectedly, just when Qi Xiaohan was about to turn over, she saw a pair of military boots standing in front of her. Qi Xiaohan quickly sat upright and looked up at the instructor in front of her.

Lang Chen looked down at the snow-white kitten and saw that the kitten’s fur was just a little dirty, but her eyes were still bright and energetic, so he turned and left.

He thought this kitten would be unable to keep up with the training, but he didn’t expect that its physical strength would be quite good.

After the instructor left, the little lion next to Qi Xiaohan breathed a sigh of relief, lay down on the ground. He tilted his head and looked at Qi Xiaohan, whispering to her,

“Xiaohan, the instructor picked you up on the day you reported, right? Was he like this before?”

The little cat thought of the first time she saw Lang Chen and how ferocious he looked, covered in blood. The cat’s ears twitched and imitated the little lion’s behavior. She came close to him and whispered: “No, but he was quite scary.” Seeing the little lion’s eyes widening, the little cat thought for a moment and added, “Brother is quite good. He sent me to the reporting office even though he was injured.”

The little white cat: “However, Instructor Lang Chen was not the senior brother who took me around. Senior brother Yan Chong was the one who took me to eat ice cream that day.”

The little lion: “That’s it? On the day I entered school, my senior brother took me to eat steak.”

“Ugh.” Thinking of the delicious food before, the kitten and the little lion sighed together again.

At this time, the mobile phone on the high platform of the training hall rang. It was a piano ringtone. Lang Chen answered the phone. After a pause, he picked up the training room card and swiped it at the door.

The small dried-up fountain in the training room suddenly began to surge again, and a cool air spread throughout the room. The students couldn’t help but cheer up a little, and glanced in the direction of the fountain.

Lang Chen took out a few transparent beads from his black backpack and threw them into the fountain one by one.

The temperature in the training room dropped again, and even became a little cold. The water vapor spread to the point where Qi Xiaohan even felt that her fur became a little damp.

This is too humid.

However, no students dared to raise opinions with the instructor. Everyone watched eagerly, waiting for the instructor to notice that the humidity and temperature were wrong and adjust it.

The instructor put the beads away slowly, as if he didn’t see the students’ eyes, and said expressionlessly: “Everyone stand up and enter today’s professional training stage.”

The instructor’s voice was as cold as the temperature in the room, causing the students’ hearts to immediately freeze.

Qi Xiaohan climbed up and shook her fur in discomfort. The fur of the little lion next to her was covered with dew. The little lion raised his paw and shook it unaccustomedly.

“Basic training, fire spirit confrontation. Groups of four, assemble free.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lang Chen raised his hand, and a ball of blazing red flame gathered in his hand. The flame rose into the air, gradually expanded, and turned into a fireball with a diameter of three meters. The edge of the fireball was slowly burning a cold white. The flames, mixed with the enchanting red core of the fireball, looked very strange.

“Using this as a standard, four people will gather fireballs with the same diameter and attack the one I gathered. The time limit is twenty minutes, and the score will be calculated according to the attack power.”

The kitten looked up at the big fireball and meowed.

Qi Xiaohan was closest to the fireball, and meowed as she felt her fur about to be burned.

They didn’t know what kind of fire the instructor condensed, but it looked a little unusual. The originally moist air had now begun to dry out as if about to break apart.

Most of the students had already found their groups. Qi Xiaohan looked around and ran to the little lion, “Can I join your group?”

The little lion agreed simply. There was already a little leopard beside the little lion. When the little leopard saw the little white cat coming, he tilted his head and also agreed: “OK.”

The little leopard looked around and added another little tiger to the group, so that the strength would be even.

They were all classmates in the cat clan, so their relationship was relatively close.

Most of the other students in the class formed teams with people of their own race, though there were also some people, beasts and demons who had good relations with each other.

The members of Qi Xiaohan’s team discussed it for a while, then each raised a furry claw, put it together and began to try to fuse the fire spirit.

The students in other groups also started gradually. Most of them had already entered their state and small fireballs slowly rose in the training room.

In order to prevent the fireballs raised by the students from affecting each other, the groups were separated by a considerable distance.

The training room was vast, and there were fluffy groups gathered together left and right.

The originally cool training room gradually became hotter. After the temperature increased, the air also became dry. Lang Chen walked down the training room and walked around among the groups of students.

“The concentration of fire spirit is not enough, continue.”

“Don’t blindly expand the size of the fireball, and maintain control of the fireball.”

“Disperse it, then start again.”

The students in the group who were instructed by Lang Chen immediately lowered their heads and started to start again. Lang Chen stood by and watched them start.

Gradually, the student’s concentrated fireballs stabilized, and they began to line up in groups one by one to fight against the big fireball on the high platform.

Fireballs exploded one by one, like fireworks. Only the fireball burning with white flames on the high platform remained motionless, stable and calm.

Lang Chen stood next to the fireball, watching the students push their fireballs to the top to fight and detonate against the fireball he had condensed.

The group confrontations ended one by one. Lang Chen felt the nuances inside the fireball he had condensed. He held a pen on the side and recorded the scores of each group.

Lang Chen raised his hand to dissipate the heat wave and smoke brought by the previous group, replenished the fire spirit in the fireball on the platform, and waited for the next group to come up.

Soon Qi Xiaohan’s group also came up, with four big and small cats in a square shape, with a big fireball above their heads.

It was unknown why, but it felt as if the color of this group’s fireballs was slightly darker than the color of the other groups’ flames.

Before they have gone through the academy systematic training, most freshmen did not have their natal flames, and everyone’s was uniformly fiery red.

The four big and small cats raised their paws together, pushed the fireball to the one on top, then screamed in unison, and detonated the fireball.

With a bang, the entire training room seemed to be shaken by the explosion, and the students looked in their direction in surprise.

What’s going on, why was the explosion so loud with this group?

The students looked up and saw a fireball burning with white flames on the high platform and another red fireball burning together. Even if they didn’t understand anything, they were aware of the danger. They gradually gathered together and looked up at this scene.

Lang Chen’s eyebrows twitched when he realized that the fire spirits in the entire training room were being attracted by the explosion of the two fireballs and had started to riot. He waved his hand to forcibly lower the temperature and control the spread of the fireballs among the students. His slender fingers were bent into claws, and his eyebrows were stern, wanting to forcibly dissipate the influence of the two fireballs.

However, the explosion had caused the two fireballs to merge together. Due to the tense situation, the slightest external influence directly caused it to detonate.

The combined fireballs reached the critical point, and the spreading flames began to fall to the ground. The students screamed and dodge, but found that at some point, Lang Chen had curled his claws to contain all of the flames. The red fire was burning behind him, reflecting against his face. The man in uniform looked particularly cold and indifferent.

“Don’t panic, stay away.” Lang Chen ordered quietly, cutting off the connection between the fireball and the students in the earlier group, and raised his hand to control the fireball. Lang Chen raised his slender fingers and performed a mysterious hand technique, extracting the White Tiger Flowing Heart Fire from his own fire ball.

The students, who had been nervous, felt relieved when they heard the instructor’s calm voice. Although the instructor was a little strict, they felt inexplicably relieved when they saw the instructor there.

The rioting elements in the fireball gradually subsided, and Lang Chen frowned. There was a fire of the same intensity as the Flowing Heart Fire in the mixed fireball, which quickly took control of the entire fireball, becoming extremely tyrannical.

It was just a single elemental of the fireball rioting, and the danger was greatly reduced after extracting the Flowing Heart Fire. Lang Chen put his hand on the fireball, intending to dissipate it directly.

Suddenly, the domineering spiritual fire in the fireball completely took control, and the fireball shot directly in the student’s direction. The students did not even react. In the blink of an eye, the fireball was already above their heads.

Lang Chen frowned and moved, teleporting to the side of the student. He raised his hand to control it when he saw a snow-white kitten leaping into the air and kicking the fireball away with a spinning back paw.


The fireball landed in the pool not far away and exploded with a bang. The water in the pool was boiled by the high temperature, filling the training room with layers of fog.

A big crater collapsed in the training room.

Lang Chen happened to catch the little white cat falling from the sky.



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