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LBAAM Chapter 32

Chapter 32 : Are you awake?


  “When did you write this?”


  After a tough struggle, Bada finally got hold of the writer’s notebook. She looked at it with interest and asked her question.






  Ha-neul leaned in close. With his glasses broken, it looked like he had trouble reading his own writing unless he got really close.


  ‘Isn’t this a bit too close!?’


  Ha-neul moved in without hesitation, nearly touching noses. Their skin ended up brushing against each other.


  Bada didn’t make a fuss about it. She didn’t mind the situation too much and was actually curious to hear more from Ha-neul.


  “Oh, this is from my second year of middle school.”


  “How can you tell?”


  “I usually follow the page order, but the drawings next to the text make it clear. You can see how the drawing style changes between the front and back pages.”


  “Oh, it really does?”


  The notebook was filled with detailed settings and plots for various characters and worlds. Ha-neul seemed to be guessing his age by looking at the drawings.


  “Handwriting doesn’t change much with age, but drawing styles do. I didn’t use the notebook that often.”


  “I see. That’s interesting.”


  “Looking back, some ideas seem pretty absurd, but there are also a lot of creative ones.”




  Bada kept nodding, captivated by Ha-neul’s profile as he focused intently. His frown of concentration was strangely attractive.


  “When did you decide you wanted to be a author?”


  “Well, maybe around my second year of middle school?”


  “Typical middle school syndrome!?”


  “Something like that.”


  Ha-neul smiled lightly. Bada, expecting a retort, was surprised by his unexpected response.


  ‘Getting flustered over something so minor!?’


  *Thump, thump, thump—!*


  Ha-neul’s heart had been racing too often lately. If it wasn’t just when he was around Bada, he might have already gone to the hospital.


  Trying to calm her racing heart, Bada decided to ask something she had been curious about.


  “Why do you write?”




  “You’re good at sports and cooking. You had many other options, so I’m curious why you chose to be a writer.”


  “When I was going through a tough time, fantasy novels were my only support.”




  Bada tilted her head at the straightforward answer. Ha-neul then gave a sheepish smile and continued.


  “Back in school, I couldn’t understand why the other kids disliked me or if it was because I was lacking. I fought a lot because of my difficult personality.”




  “The only friend I had during that time was fantasy novels. They gave me strength and helped me develop my own values.”


  Ha-neul answered seriously, showing he had thought a lot about this question.


  “So what made you start writing in the first place?”


  “Well, it’s a bit embarrassing to talk about.”


  “Which is why I want to hear more.”


  “Do you really think I’ll just tell you?”


  With his usual mischievous grin, Ha-neul playfully taunted Bada, as if saying, “So what are you going to do about it?”


  Seeing this, Bada’s competitive nature flared up. Her embarrassment was completely overridden by a newfound determination.


  ‘Let’s see how you handle this.’


  When Ha-neul had called her ‘noona’ earlier, Bada was completely caught off guard. Ever since, she had been planning her revenge.


  Determined, Bada moved in closer, closing the distance between them quickly.


  As Ha-neul flinched and tried to pull back, Bada grabbed his shoulder and whispered softly.


  “Are you really not going to tell me? Oh, come on.”


  Ha-neul’s neck seemed to twitch in surprise, and he looked at her with wide eyes, clearly in disbelief.


  “…Please don’t do that.”




  Bada was taken aback by Ha-neul’s reaction, which was the complete opposite of what she had expected. Maybe he was just embarrassed?




  “P-Please stop!”




  Ha-neul pulled away and lightly touched his arm, reacting as if it was something creepy. Bada, seeing this, pouted.


  “Is it really that weird?”


  “Ahaha… I don’t think so. It’s just that I’m not used to it. Really, not used to it.”


  Ha-neul’s belated excuse didn’t fool Bada. The fact that he repeated himself was already suspicious.






  As Bada’s intense gaze made Ha-neul turn away, he stared at the wall and started counting the clouds on the wallpaper.


  He probably couldn’t see well due to his broken glasses. Realizing this, Bada tried not to show too much disappointment.


  “So, what’s the reason?”


  “Hmm! I once read a book called <The Iron Furnace>. The death scene of a character made a big impact on me.”


  “The death scene?”


  “Yes, when a subordinate general dies, instead of the protagonist’s group being sad, they celebrate with a festival. They’re laughing and drumming loudly, and suddenly, tears start pouring down.”


  “You cried? Ha-neul?”


  “Yes, I did.”


  Ha-neul looked up at the ceiling, seemingly lost in the memory. The way his mouth curled up suggested it was a cherished moment.


  “Was it your favorite character?”


  “Not at all. I didn’t even know about favorites back then. It was more about how the protagonist’s emotions were conveyed while sending off a comrade. It’s something you really have to experience to understand.”


  Ha-neul sighed with admiration.


  Seeing this, Bada couldn’t help but smile. Moments like these, full of genuine emotion, were endearing.


“Anyway, that’s when I first felt the power of novels. Since then, I wanted to write something that could move others.”


  “So you’ve already achieved your dream?”


  “Eh, not quite yet.”


  “But you’re number one on the paid bestsellers list?”


  “That’s different from what I mean.”


  Ha-neul shook his head firmly and began to explain. He said that the feeling was different from when he was writing standalone books and expressed a desire to write a longer work someday.


  As Ha-neul spoke, Bada watched him with a satisfied smile. Though unconventional, a man with a dream was truly admirable.


  “You haven’t received your first payment yet, right?”


  “Hmm… Now that you mention it, it should be coming soon. How did you know?”


  “I looked it up once before!


  In truth, she could never admit that she was the actual owner of the management company and that she regularly received updates about the writers’ situations.


  Since Ha-neul was quick to catch on, Bada quickly changed the subject to keep him from probing further.


  “What will you do with the payment when it comes in?”


  “I’ve got something in mind.”


  “Oh, what’s that?”


  “Well, you’ll find out,” Ha-neul said with a playful smile, clearly having something planned.


 “Will you tell me later?” 


  “Definitely. You’ll be the first to know.”




  “Yep, promise,” Ha-neul confirmed, extending his pinky finger. 


  Bada, watching him, suppressed a laugh and linked her pinky with his.


* * *


  After their enjoyable conversation, they both lay down on their blankets. Despite this, he found it difficult to fall asleep.


  Even though he usually struggled with insomnia, the sound of Bada’s breathing right in front of him made him too anxious to sleep.


 ‘Maybe I should try meditating.’ 


  Following the hospital’s advice, he closed his eyes and listened to the sounds of nature, hoping meditation would help him fall asleep…


  Suddenly, thunder roared—Boom!


  Damn weather.


  Outside, a sudden storm had started, with heavy rain and frequent thunder, making peaceful meditation impossible.


  ‘… Looks like a good night’s sleep is out of the question.’


  He had no choice but to stay alert, like a night guard. As he thought this, he felt that sleep might eventually come. The human body was truly amazing.




  By now, the thunder crashing as if it would tear the sky apart didn’t seem so bad. It had a rhythm that oddly helped him relax, like nature’s heavy metal…




  The awkwardness of the situation made it difficult for him to respond immediately, so he pretended to be asleep. He then felt Bada turn toward him.


  “… Are you asleep?”


  Crash! Boom!


  At that moment, a flash of lightning lit up the room, and through his half-open eyes, he saw Bada’s face.


  Though he couldn’t see clearly without his glasses, he instinctively knew that she was very scared.




  That was his first thought. Why was Bada so frightened? Was it because she was alone with him?


  ‘No way.’


  Given their pleasant conversation earlier, it didn’t make sense. If that was the issue, she would have avoided the situation altogether.




  Another flash of lightning made Bada visibly flinch. That’s when he realized what she was afraid of.




  He understood the cause of her fear, but his confusion deepened. She shouldn’t be afraid of thunder at her age, especially since she studied Earth Science.


  For now, calming Bada was more important than figuring out why. He looked at her and said,


  “Are you okay?”


  “Ah, I don’t think so.”


  “What can I do for you?”




  When the thunder crashed again, she flinched and shivered. Seeing this, he took her hand.


  Shiver, shiver—


  He could feel through her skin just how terrified she was. He gently squeezed her hand to comfort her.


  “Just try to calm down”

Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


  1. rrobz says:

    There’s a problem with the web site. I keep trying to buy Moondust, but after it appears to process my cc info (get a checkmark in the green box) I get a 404 error. I’ve done this on different computers with multiple browsers. What’s the deal?

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      Please notify the problem in the report-bugs channel in our discord group.

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