I'm Trying to End This Possession

* * *

“We must cut down the guardian tree.”


I immediately returned to the castle to discuss with the count.


“Right now, it’s in a dormant phase, but it will soon start to decay. Then, the nearby forest will become contaminated and start to rot.”


“Does that mean Windsor territory will turn into rotten land?”




Count Kuruz’s face turned pale, but he soon responded calmly. “Then why not purify it right away?”


“I tried, but it didn’t work,” I spoke calmly.


The moment she realized the guardian tree was decaying, she tried to use her purifying power, but it failed.


“It’s because it’s in a dormant phase.”


The tree hadn’t fully decayed yet.


“In dormant cases, there’s a concentrated black core of contamination. We need to find and purify that.”


These were things I realized while purifying rotten lands. Fully decayed land could be purified immediately by placing a hand anywhere on the contaminated area. However, in dormant cases, it’s more tricky. A yet-to-burst core of contamination, full of decaying energy. It needed to be found and purified.


“We’ll have to destroy the tree to find the black core inside.”


That’s when it happened.


“Destroy the guardian tree?”


Suddenly, the door burst open.


Had he been eavesdropping? Mark Kuruz entered urgently.


Mark’s POV

“Now, you’re talking about destroying the guardian tree of the territory?”


“Mark. Get out now.”


“Father. How can you sit still and listen to such blasphemous talk!”


I couldn’t accept the situation. I had overheard a strange conversation but never imagined such absurdity.


Destroy the guardian tree. Destroy the tree that protects the territory?!


Danae Windsor, this woman who never set foot in Windsor territory, talking about destroying our land! Just because she holds a piece of land paper, she can’t say such things!


“The tree has protected this territory for a long time. And you talk about destroying it?!”


“Mark, you fool!”


“Father, please come to your senses!” Mark slammed the table. “Why can’t you see? She’s planning to regain control with nonsense about rotten land!”




“Rotten land? You purified it? Stop joking. Disturbing the territory with such false propaganda!”


“Mark! How dare you!”


As my father stood up. Thump.






My father and I looked down at my hand on the table. A pen was…




embedded deeply on the back of my hand!


Keugh, w-what is this?! Rumie Windsor!”


The person who had actually stabbed the pen was nonchalantly smiling.


“Ah, my mistake. Thought it was a rat crawling out.”




I cursed as I pulled out the pen. As I stemmed the bleeding with a handkerchief, I glared at Rumie.


“Filthy b*stard of a noble, attacking sneakily when I’m off guard?!”


My uncontrollable cursing burst out.


“You swindler! Sitting comfortably on your leather chair, you’ve forgotten how to fight! You cowardly and despicable




Rumie tilted his head, annoyed.


“Stop blabbering, and if you’re unhappy, draw a sword or a gun.”




“I prefer physical conversations in many ways.”


“Fine! I’ll draw a sword right now!” I shouted, gripping my bleeding hand. “A duel! Right now, get my swo


At that moment, my father intervened. Slap! He slapped my face mercilessly.




“You’re no longer my son! Get out!”




“Get out, I said!”


My face turned blank. My father pointed to the door,


“Get out of this castle right now!”




I bit my lip and stood up, leaving the room.


Dana’s POV

“I apologize.”


As the door closed, Count Kuruz collapsed like a crumpled garment.


“I apologize deeply.”


“…Enough, sit down. That’s not what’s important right now.”


At least it’s easier with him gone.


I quickly forgot about Mark and discussed the next steps.


* * *

Mark’s POV

My heart blazed with resentment. Crazy. They’re all crazy, definitely!


Destroying the guardian tree of the territory?! How could father make such a decision? He’s gone mad. Has he become senile?


No, no. He was always like that. Always willing to lick even the feet of Windsor’s direct lineage.


I couldn’t trust my father’s judgment anymore. He had become nothing but a loyal dog to Windsor!


I went to the wisest person I knew. It was Priest Morius.


“Do you know about rotten land?”


I knew what rotten land was. I had heard of it. But I had never believed in it.


The land suddenly decaying black, and all life on it dying from contamination? Such nonsense was an insult to the intelligence of those who believed it.


“Actually, it’s a scam by the Windsor family.”


See, after all, Priest Morius knew the truth!


“Danae Windsor, that young lady was suffering from doll disease. It seems like they made up something called rotten land to erase her past of suffering from that.” Morius whispered subtly. “Everyone in the capital knows, even the imperial family was part of the scam.”


“Why would the imperial family?”


“Fear is the most effective control tool. They planned to manipulate the terrified people at will!”


Right! A lightning of realization struck me.


“That’s what Danae Windsor is trying to do now!”


“Please protect this land, Milord.”


“I want to do that too!” I gritted my teeth. “My father is on the brink of handing over everything to Windsor! And he’s kicked me out of the castle!”


“No one can kick you out of your castle. No one cares for Windsor territory as much as you!”


The Priest Morius’s words ignited a fire in my heart, which flared up, engulfing everything.


Yes. No one can kick me out. Even if that person is my father.


“I have a plan, Milord.”


After hearing Morius’ plan, I hesitated. “Such an act…”


“It’s for a great cause. To protect the territory from Windsor.”




“There will be martyrs in the process, but God will lead them on the right path.” Morius bowed respectfully. “Your decision is needed, Milord. You are the true owner of this land.”


* * *

Allice’s POV

I wandered in melancholy.


I want to go home soon.


Kicking a stone in the garden, I trudged along.


I shouldn’t have come to Windsor territory.  That just led me to end up being falsely accused.


Recalling the recent events, I sighed involuntarily. Why do people always try to use me?


I extended a hand of reconciliation to Mark with good intentions, but that bad guy used me. And Sister Dana just watched it happen. Sorrow surged within me.


Sister Dana was obviously aware of everything.  That Mark was evil. That approaching him with kindness was useless. But she let me be used.  And then she played the hero alone. Sneaking into the castle by climbing the walls.


Why did she do that? It would have been faster to ask for my help, right? Then I would have gladly opened the gates and let her meet Count Kuruz!


She’s jealous of me. Sister Dana can’t stand seeing me succeed.


Then, Yoris, my bodyguard, approached quietly. “Mark Kuruz is approaching. What would you like to do?”


Huh? Mark? Wasn’t he banished? Was he still here, or had he returned, boldly approaching me?


How shameless. After using me, that bad person…!


I clenched my fist and glared at him.


“Lady Allice. May I speak with you alone for a moment?”


How brazen of you to talk to me! I was outraged.


“No, I don’t want to. Are you going to bribe me again?”


“It’s not like that. I just gave you a gift out of admiration…”




“…So, Lady doesn’t believe me either.”


Mark smiled sadly.


“But please believe this one thing.”


“W-What is it?”


“That I admire you, Lady Allice.”




My face turned red. 


Want to read advanced chapters for this series? Good news, you can purchase 5 chapters in advance cheaper here.


  1. kyuubikuroba says:

    Oh my god she’s so dumb wtf

  2. niki1da1 says:

    …….umm didn’t sister dana try to stop you? wtf

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