I’m Really A Dragon

Chapter 14.2

The night market had not ended yet and the streets were brightly lit. Lucheng was undoubtedly a city with a rich nightlife. Charles then looked around, seemingly curious about everything. After walking a few steps, he squatted in front of a stall selling sugar sculptures and couldn’t walk anymore.

These sugar sculptures were beautiful and colorful. Charles looked at them one by one, and finally locked his eyes on one dragon.

This… looked like Jiang Yan’s prototype!

He pointed to the sugar sculpture and asked, “Is this a dragon?”

The hawker replied: “Of course. Does the young master like it. Do you want to buy one?”

Charles thought for a while: “You actually make dragons into candy, but if you eat them, it will be like eating bad luck…”

The vendor was puzzled: “Why is it bad luck? The dragon is auspicious. If you eat the sugar sculptures made in the shape of the dragon, you will certainly be luckier!”

Charles was stunned and raised his head: “What is auspiciousness?”

“Auspicious… naturally it’s a good sign!”

The little milk dragon opened its eyes in disbelief.

Originally in Noah’s Land, he had only seen people making dragons into targets during festivals, or asking people to pretend to be evil dragons, and then finding people to act as knights to slay the dragons. He never expected that people in this world would actually talk about dragons as good things. An auspicious sign!

This huge difference in treatment made Charles feel a little unbalanced. Then he thought of something and asked angrily: “What about the dragon in Fallen Dragon Valley? Isn’t that a good sign?”

The hawker didn’t understand why the kid suddenly became fierce, but for the sake of business, he could only answer patiently: “Hai, the Fallen Dragon Valley is a legend. Who knows if there is really a fallen dragon? Even if there is, it must be just a demon dragon. It’s the same everywhere, the divine dragon is naturally a good sign.”

He spoke of the dragon with awe in his tone. Charles never expected that the people here would have such an attitude towards dragons. He was shocked for a moment and left without looking back.

The hawker was stunned and shouted from behind: “Young Master! Won’t you buy one…”

Hearing this, the little dragon’s pace became faster, and his mood seemed to become even lower. Jiang Wuyi thought for a moment, then paid for the dragon sugar sculpture, chased after him and placed it in front of him.

“I didn’t mean it just now.”

Charles didn’t look at him and walked forward with a dark face. Jiang Wuyi followed him and asked, “Why are you angry?”

In fact, even if the little dragon didn’t say it, he had already guessed it.

The little dragon was already a hundred years old, but he still didn’t know much about the world. He rarely interacted with people. Not only that, he also had an instinctive avoidance of people, as if it was a long-standing habit.

Jiang Wuyi had a reasonable guess that in the little dragon’s original world, humans were not friendly to the dragons.

Seeing that the little dragon was ignoring everyone, Jiang Wuyi kept the candy sculpture for himself. After walking a few steps, he looked at the group of people surrounding the street and said, “It’s quite lively here.”

So Charles, who was still angry just now, immediately had his attention attracted. He quickly raised his head and asked: “Where?”

Jiang Wuyi couldn’t help but smile. He felt that this little dragon cub that fell out of thin air was just like a piece of white paper. He could paint on it as he pleased. Keeping it by his side would always make him feel better.

Soon the little milk dragon went to the crowd, and Jiang Wuyi followed him. He saw that this stall was a juggling troupe, and a wooden sign was erected with many musical instruments on it. The letter read: Teaching the basics of musical instruments, ten coins and you can teach. Twenty coins to learn! 1.

This was a good way to make money. It’s not easy to get better at musical instruments, but you could always make some sound, and there would always be people who are curious and try it.

Sure enough, the little dragon became interested, pulled Jiang Wuyi’s sleeve and shouted: “Jiang Yan! I want to play with this!”

Jiang Wuyi was always steady, but for some reason, he was pulled over by the little milk dragon with a gentle pull. There was a slightly harsh noise in his ears, but the dragon cub looked over expectantly, and Jiang Wu suddenly realized he had to pay the money.

After a night out, Charles had a lot of fun, and then the two returned to the palace.

Perhaps because he was tired from playing, or perhaps because he was no longer scared, the little dragon was honest tonight and went to sleep in another room in the courtyard.

Jiang Wuyi returned to the room and realized that he was still holding the dragon sugar sculpture.

He stared silently for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking, and finally shook his hands. The sugar instantly turned into powder and ash and disappeared without a trace.


Early the next morning, Prince Jingyu came over happily.

In fact, Jing Yu’s original intention was to please Jiang Wuyi through Charles, but after two days of getting along with him, he felt that this simple little demon cultivator was too cute, and he always wanted to get close to him, so he got up early in the morning and sent someone to Yixiangju to buy some food. He got the limited-edition crab roe buns.

He came early, and Charles was still in bed when he heard someone entering the yard. He immediately opened his eyes alertly, opened the window and saw Jing Yu. He smelled the fragrance, jumped out of the window, and ran to Jing Yu, moving his nose curiously.

“What did you get? It smells good.”

After he finished speaking, he raised his head and saw Jing Yu’s face slowly turning red. He asked in confusion: “Are you very hot?”

Jing Yu took a step back, his heart beating a little fast.

Naturally, Charles didn’t notice. He had spent a lot of effort last night to successfully take off his clothes. Now his upper body was bare, revealing the snow-white skin of his upper body, which looked extremely enchanting against his red eyes.

However, those eyes are innocent, so the image has great impact, being pure and alluring.

There was only one thought left in Jing Yu’s mind: Fortunately, everyone in the house was afraid of running into the immortal master, so they all stayed outside the courtyard…

Seeing that he was silent, the little dragon reached out to take a look at the box, but suddenly his vision went dark and he was covered by a robe from head to toe. Then he was dragged directly into Jiang Wuyi’s arms by a strange force.

He struggled to get his head out, his hair messy. He looked up and saw Jiang Wuyi’s dark face. He felt that this man seemed unhappy, so he blinked and said sweetly, “Good morning.”

Jiang Wuyi had a cold expression. He moved the little dragon behind him and slammed the door.

The heat on Jing Yu’s face subsided a little, and he sat in the yard and took a deep breath to calm down.

Charles was pushed into the room. He was a little confused for a moment. Jiang Wuyi frowned and said sternly: “Who told you to go out like this?”

What does this look like?

Translator’s comments:

  1. I’m think this is referring to the price, but I’m not quite sure about the meaning of this sentence. This is the original sentence (教学乐器基础,十文包教,二十文包会!). If someone knows what this means I would appreciate it if you let me know in the comments.


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