I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

WDGD I Chapter 15

It may be different because the child is a matter of heir, but I couldn’t help but feel scared.


It would be truly unbearable if Fernan’s cold and indifferent eyes turned towards the child.


‘His Highness probably has no intention of merging with me anyway… .’


Julia, who had been meaninglessly stroking the stiff piece of paper, soon stood up.


Julia, who had been trying to call Melissa out of habit, soon remembered that Melissa had gone on vacation today.


Without Melissa, the only companion by her side, she felt extremely empty.


Julia came out of the bedroom and slowly walked to the end of the hallway.


I was planning on spending time in the study today.


There were a total of five studies here in Caesar’s Grand Siege. The study that Julia often used was located on the fourth floor.


It was a quiet place, with no one coming and going except when her maids were cleaning.


“Good morning, Your Majesty.”


Just then, two maids who were coming out from cleaning the study bowed and greeted her.


As Julia nodded and was about to go inside, she heard the maids whispering very softly behind her.


I already knew that the maids have been telling stories behind their backs and laughing among themselves lately.


Even when I lived at the Marquis’ residence, I experienced many times when I was not treated well by the owner and was even looked down upon by the employees.


They know full well that even if they harass their superiors like this, their master will not take any action.


Julia also didn’t want to make unnecessary noise, so she tolerated their whispering like always.


She sighed deeply and picked a random book from her bookshelf and sat down at the table.


When she was immersed in a book, she was able to forget all about the reality surrounding her.


Today again, Julia desperately immersed herself in books to drown out her emotions.


Time passed quickly. It was around morning when She came to the study, and it was already getting dark.


Julia got up from her seat and put her book back before she walked over to the door.


Oh God!!!


Julia, who was turning the doorknob, froze for an instant. Because the door didn’t open.


… Could it be that the door was locked from the outside?


Feeling a bad feeling, Julia quickly clicked her handle and shouted.


“Is there anyone there? “The door is locked!”


She banged on the door and shouted loudly, but she found it quiet outside.


“no one is here?”


She screamed for a while until her voice went hoarse and then she sat down. Her heart started pounding like crazy.


The maids clearly saw her entering the study in the morning.


Moreover, since lights out time was still far away, there was no reason to lock the door at this time.


So, the maids deliberately locked the door knowing that she were inside.


Julia bit her trembling lip and looked at the window, which was now completely dark.


If she did this and no one came to visit her, They were either pretending not to know after hearing it, or they really couldn’t hear it.


Without Melissa, she knew she was gone and she had no one to go looking for.


“under… .”


A laugh escaped her. Why on earth are you doing this to me?


Julia raised her knees and curled up tightly, holding her trembling hands together. As the sun set, the inside of the study room, which did not have a fireplace, quickly became chilly.


After staring blankly at her floor for a while, a faint anticipation suddenly bloomed in her.


Maybe, His Highness will notice that I’m gone… .


“… No way.”


Julia immediately muttered in self-deprecation. There was no way Fernan cared about her.


He wouldn’t care if she was gone or if she ran away, and even if he knew she was gone… He was a man who would do nothing.


In an instant, her heart went cold.


Julia buried her face in her knees and let out her shaky breath. Her mind was racing as if she were crazy.


After crouching for a while, Julia raised her body again. She then walked up to the door and knocked on it until her hands were crushed.


But no matter how much she knocked and knocked, no one came to visit her.


Julia weakly lowered her red, swollen hand.


It was difficult for her to accept that among so many people in the opposite sex, no one would listen to her cries.


Have I ever done something wrong to deserve something like this? What do you gain by going this far? .


Her eyes became wet. She didn’t want to cry, but tears came out of their own accord.


The study room, which had felt comfortable and cozy, suddenly felt scary and frightening. The time She was trapped alone lasted for what felt like years.


Her breathing gradually began to become labored.


When She barely opened her heavy eyelids, the first thing that caught her eye was a tall man.


Even in blurry vision, She could see it right away. That the man was Fernan.


“She should get plenty of rest. “She suffered a lot physically, but fundamentally, it seems like mental stress played a big role.”


The voices of the doctor speaking in a serious tone and Fernan answering intermittently came in.


Julia closed her eyes again. I didn’t want to wake up.


“When will consciousness return?”


Fernan’s subdued voice pierced Julia`s ears.


Even though it was indifferent, the voice that she always thought was pleasant to hear didn’t sound pleasant at all now.


Julia closed her eyes and tried to sleep. Her body was so heavy that it felt like it was going to be sucked into the bed. Sleep came quickly.


When she opened her eyes again, Julia couldn’t help but be a little surprised.


Fernan was still by her side. He sat on the chair next to the bed and looked at her quietly.


“Are you coming to your senses?”


His voice became heavy. Julia looked at him for a moment and turned her head to the other side without answering.


Even though it was clear that the intention was to ignore him, he continued his words undeterred.


“The maids in charge of the study were locked in the basement.”


“… … .”


“He claimed that locking the door was a mistake.”


Julia lifted the corner of her mouth weakly. Even with the obvious lie that it was a mistake, she didn’t have the strength to be angry. She even didn’t have the energy to chase after him and ask him questions.


“Do whatever you want.”


“… … .”


“I hope it doesn’t end with just kicking them out.”


“… “I won’t take any action.”




Fernan raised an eyebrow. Julia muttered helplessly while looking away from him.


“Actually, I think Your Highness would want that too.”


“… “What does that mean?”


“You hope I disappear… You want it more than anyone else. Well, you should be grateful to those maids.”


Is it because of the drug? The words kept flowing out freely.


She didn’t mean to say this, but somehow the voice came out as if She was questioning him.


“… “Don’t you know why the maids did this to me?”


Normally, She would have said thank you for taking care of her first, but She just couldn’t get those words out.


Because She didn’t feel grateful at all.


Fernan simply looked at her without saying a word. She didn’t know whether he was silent because he acknowledged what she said, or because he couldn’t acknowledge it.


Since she hadn’t said anything expecting an apology from him in the first place, Julia didn’t open her mouth any more.


After a long moment of silence, Fernan picked up the bowl on her nightstand.


“Why don’t you eat something first?”


What he handed out along with the utensils was soup made from oatmeal and oats. It felt warm as if it had only been made for a short time.


Julia blinked her eyes slowly as she was handed the bowl. It was because this situation suddenly felt unfamiliar.


She raised her gaze and looked directly at Fernan.


He was as expressionless as always, but the coldness that had always been there was not visible.


He suddenly looked strange.


Called a doctor to treat her and stayed by her side until she wake up. Julia couldn’t figure out why he went to such lengths to do this.


“… “I don’t understand your actions.”


She muttered quietly, clutching her utensils tightly.


“You said this marriage wouldn’t last forever and that my heart was of no use.”


“… … .”


“If you hate me, why now…” “Why are you being so generous?”


Fernan was indifferent and cold-hearted at every moment, but at some moments, he was strangely cold to Julia.


When she once collapsed in his bed, when she fell down while chasing him, and now.


Fernan, whose expression hardened at her words, spoke slowly as if he was suppressing something.


“I’m still thinking about to end of this marriage. Still, your heart is of no use whatsoever.”


He narrowed his brows slightly and continued speaking as if he was hesitating.


“… And, I don’t know why either. “Why do I become weaker towards you moment by moment?”


His face as he said that was unfamiliar. His face looked confused, as if he couldn’t understand his own feelings.


Julia also had mixed feelings, but she no longer shared her words with him.


She ate the soup and took the medicine in silence. Only after that did Julia fall asleep again.


Fernan looked at her sleeping face for a moment.


Her fiery emotions and her discomfort that soared every time He met her were nowhere to be seen.


At this moment, his mind was strangely calm.


After a while, he came out of the room and called Lloyd, who was standing in front of the door.




“Yes, Your Majesty.”


As he walked down the hallway, his face returned to being as cold as always.


“Deal with those maids in the basement.”




Lloyd, who understood what he said at once, bowed silently and then he disappeared.


Julia told her maids that she would take no action, but he had no intention of listening to her from the beginning.


Those bastards who treated their masters with contempt had to pay the price they deserved.


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