“I told her that if she survived, she had to run north. I also told her that this is Wellesley, south of the capital.”
“North? Yes, that’s it! Thank you!”
As he immediately got up and tried to run towards the north, the man who was a mercenary caught him again.
“And this…”
In his hand was the ruby necklace he had once bought for Edith.
“I gave money to my colleague and received it… After I found out who she was, I kept it because I didn’t feel like selling it. I will give you this, so please forgive me just once.”
Killian felt like he was going to cry because of a man whose name he didn’t know. After receiving the ruby necklace, he ripped off all the gold buttons on his uniform and forced it into the arms of the man who was trying to refuse him.
“My wife will definitely be alive. She’s usually not a smart girl. But I’m sure the reason she survived was because of you. So you deserve this.”
Then he gathered the knights scattered around Wellesley Villa and turned north.
‘If she had headed north, there would have been a big road, and she would have definitely met other people and asked for help.’
Killian searched the surroundings without stopping, pondering thoughts of hope and anxiety that it would definitely happen and that Edith would be safe. The knights who followed Killian were having a hard time because he didn’t rest from dawn until late at night, unless it was completely dark, but when they saw Killian’s eyes getting more gloomy as the day went by, they couldn’t help but complain.
“We were resting at the mansion, but Master Killian hasn’t been able to rest since the battlefield?”
“Yeah, well. Seeing as he searches so desperately, I guess he really loves Edith.”
“But is she really still alive? If a woman wearing a dress was walking down the street, she would definitely have become prey for robbers…”
“Be careful what you say. If the master hears it, he won’t leave it alone.”
There was a lot of talk among the knights, but Killian was only focused on finding Edith.
“It’s almost night now. Please get some rest!”
“She must have been seriously injured… she wouldn’t have had any money or water… When it gets dark, wild animals or robbers may appear…”
The most experienced of the knights tried to stop Killian, but Killian did not listen to the advice, muttering strange things like a man who had lost his mind. Several days had already passed since he had been wandering around looking for Edith. Even without the articles’ comments, all kinds of ‘worst case scenarios’ were already unfolding in his mind. And as time passed, it was regret and guilt that occupied Killian’s heart.
‘It’s all my fault. I should have protected Edith even if I had to buy mercenaries…’
No one expected that the Duchess, Lise, and Edith would attend the Count Wyndham’s banquet. That’s why he only recruited Anna to help her in the mansion, but as the situation unfolded, he couldn’t help but think that he had done everything wrong.
‘Edith… It’s my fault. I… I did everything wrong, so please just stay alive. Please…’
Killian was unable to rest properly as he took care of the knights all the way back to the capital after working hard in the territory battle. As he had been moving his body without stopping for several days, his steel-like stamina was inevitably running out. Still, he couldn’t stop searching. Edith must be shivering, hurt and starving, desperately looking for him somewhere. Killian was so resentful of himself for not being able to protect her when she was most afraid and in pain, that Killian felt like cutting his chest with a knife.
Whenever he became dazed from fatigue, he could hear Edith’s voice calling out to him as if he were hallucinating.
“Edith? Edith!”
“What’s happening all of a sudden, master!”
“I just heard Edith’s voice! It’s around here!”
If a woman’s voice had been heard in the quiet outdoors, there was no way the other knights wouldn’t have heard it. Seeing him dazed and then suddenly looking around and calling out for Edith, the knights were worried that he was going crazy. And just as he was wondering whether his worries had come true, a messenger from the Ludwig family came to visit Killian.
“The knights dispatched by Master Cliff have found Lady Edith.”
Hearing the news like a thunderbolt, Killian got on his horse without even being able to say anything else. He had to run and protect Edith before anything happened to her.
* * *
It was early morning when she was captured, but it was well after noon when she arrived at the Duke’s residence. This was because her physical condition was not good and her stamina was low, so her walking speed was slow. Nevertheless, she was grateful for the knight commander’s consideration in not rushing her. The scale of Duke Ludwig’s residence, which she had not yet fully explored, was considerable. Behind the mansion was a training ground, behind it was a forest, and within the forest were mysterious buildings. One of them was a prison and execution site used privately by the dukedom.
She was curious about what the place looked like since it was where Edith ended her life, and she finally got to see the inside. Perhaps because today was the execution day, the area around the prison was heavily guarded by knights and soldiers.
‘It doesn’t deviate from the original in the slightest. Even if he was caught, how could Rigelhof be caught on the day of execution?’
She was smiling faintly and walking steadily behind the driver who had taken me, when someone suddenly came running from the other side.
It was Lise. She tried to cling to her with her pale face, but luckily Cliff, who followed her, caught her.
“Edith! Why, why did you do that?”
She really didn’t know what she was asking, so she asked back, but Cliff glared at her fiercely.
“She doesn’t seem to be able to decide whether she is asking about helping Shane attack the mansion from the inside or whether she is asking about helping with the kidnapping.”
It was absurd. She thought Cliff had left her at the villa when he saw her, but he didn’t even come down there to look for her. At the same time, he was completely convinced that she had helped Shane.
“It’s really the same as the original…”
“No, it’s okay.”
No matter how hard she tried, it ultimately reminded her of the early days of Possession, when the episodes flowed according to the original. She thought it had changed a bit in the meantime, but in the end, it’s back to the starting point.
‘It doesn’t really matter anymore.’
She was tired of refuting the endless suspicions and false accusations. She was about to ignore Cliff and ask him to go again, but Lise came forward again.
“I beg you to save Edith! I hope it was a mistake and that she sincerely regrets it! Killian is a person with deep feelings, so there is no way he would ignore Edith!”
Lise desperately clung to her as if she were her family. She seemed desperate, as if something big would happen if Edith died.
“That must be difficult, Lise. I am innocent.”
“If this is a misunderstanding, please explain that it is a misunderstanding!”
“I feel like I’ve already been branded a sinner. Who will believe me?”
“No, Edith! Don’t give up!”
When Lise was starting to get annoyed, Cliff pulled her away.
“Lise, that woman is not worth your concern. Don’t worry about her and come here.”
He looked at Edith with contempt, but it didn’t do her any harm. She was more worried about having to go into that cell and face the scornful gaze of Killian who would kill her. She laughed out loud as she watched Cliff take Lise away, who kept yelling at her not to give up.
‘Eat well and live well together, the main characters. I plan to end things cleanly here, so don’t worry.’
When she started walking again, her vision felt dizzy for a moment. After not being able to eat properly or sleep well for two or three days, she felt like she was slowly reaching her limit.
‘You just have to hold on for a little while. It will be over soon.’
Soon, Edith’s narrative would end. In the original, Edith clung to Killian, who was about to hit her head, and begged him to save her, but she actually didn’t even have the confidence to look at his face. Even though he was the person she wanted to see so much, she didn’t want her last memory to be his face looking at her with disgust.
‘If Killian cuts me in one go like in the original, the pain won’t be too much. Don’t be nervous. Let’s not leave an ugly image in Killian’s memory.’
She clenched her trembling hands and went to finish her last episode.
* * *
The duchy’s spacious prison has never been used since the current
Duke, Axel Ludwig, took over. However, just because the weather was nice for a few days, it does not mean that storms will never hit, and the dukedom, which had been tolerant of opposing forces for a while, did not forever forgive insidious attempts. Duke Ludwig’s anger exploded at the kidnapping of his own family.
“Bring out all the criminals.”
He stood on the execution platform on the first floor of the prison and ordered all the Gasols of the Rigelhof family to be brought out. After a while, those imprisoned were dragged out with low groans. At that time, Cliff came over and whispered in the Duke’s ear.
“Edith Riegelhoff will be arriving soon.”
“In the end, she was caught.”
“They say Killian has just returned with the news that Edith was captured. He’ll be right here.”
At that sound, the Duke nodded his head heavily. Cliff looked alternately at the door where Edith would soon enter and at Lise, who strangely hoped to save Edith’s life, and asked.
“Father, what do you plan to do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Edith’s disposition.”
The story about beheading the Rigelhof family had already been concluded, but the decision about Edith had not yet been made. This was because Killian, who must have an opinion on her punishment, has been away from Edith’s house all this while looking for her. When the Duke kept his mouth shut and made no response, Cliff spoke in frustration.
Translator Note:
Thank you so much for translating
I really love this novel and I’m so thankful to you for making it available for everyone to read
Thank you so much!!
Make your words my words
Thank you for your words <3
Thanks for the update! Please be faster Killian!!
Edith: (
It’s so frustrating!! Why Killian didn’t tell anyone about how badly Sophie treated Edith?? Why didn’t he send someone to the house to tell that Edith was in the basement?? To wait for him, because he had proof??? At least his parents would give him the benefit of the doubt!!
The angst!!!! What do I do??? Hahahahah
Thanks for translating!!
Probably because if they found out that the Rigelhoffs didn’t really care about her the purpose of getting her married into the family is null. She was supposed to be a hostage so the Rigelhoffs will stick to the contract coz they made people think she was a treasured daughter. They might break the contract with the Riegelhoffs and return Edith back.
The truth about Edith won’t be revealed unless she fulfills the third requirement. And if Killian revealed that Edith is being abused from the early chapters, do you think the bias and d*mb Duke and Cliff would find any value in keeping Killian’s and Edith’s marriage or at least keep Edith safe? Edith deceived them and she is still an accomplice even if they knew she was abused and just coerced. That’s how they would look at the picture, I think…
Urgh this is so frustrating!!! But I can’t wait to see the shame on the Duke and Cliffs faces when it’s revealed that Edith is innocent. They are such dog water it baffles me how dense two characters can be. I can’t even excuse Cliff since he’s demented even without Lices control. I still think Edith needs to accept death and the condition will be met, which is messed up but why would Lice be trying to hard for her to prove her innocence? Lol Thank you for your hard work translating!! This story has me in a chokehold lol!
I don’t know how much Lise knows or how the author controls her but my theory is that she wants Edith to fight and not give up until the end so she can’t clear the third condition to accept death
I think it’s a plot by K. Maybe she’s trying to make sure she doesn’t fulfill the 3rd condition by having Lise convince her to keep trying and not give up.
Anyway, thank you for translating this novel! I’m hooked!!
Someone commented in the early chapters that the third requirement would be Edith’s acceptance of death. If I think about it, it really fits the puzzle. Since a mortal would have the instinct to survive, Edith is not a God and immortal that’s why it would be hard for her to accept death. And yet here we are, Edith surrendering and accepting her fate while Lizard is desperately hoping our FL won’t give up.
C’est frustrant les personnages aussi obtus, arrogants et idiots jusqu’à la moelle comme ceux de Cliff, le Duke et Lise. Ils sont toujours aussi commandés par l’auteur comme s’ils étaient encore à 100% pourtant ils ne reste que 30% ! Ne pas laisser un accusé la possibilité de se défendre en toute objectivité c’est vraiment de la bêtise pur et simple. J’attends avec impatience de voir les visages déconfits de Cliff, le Duke et Lise lorsque l’innocence de Edith sera prouvée. Pour moi, le troisième niveau d’exception c’est que Edith accepte sa mort et à mon avis elle sera sauvée inextremi. Allez Killian dépêche-toi même si je te hais toujours.
T’as tout dit !! Super frustrant comme type de personnage
Seeing her in her condition, does Cliff really think she helped? How does that even make sense? Lize is acting way over the top dramatic and it’s so fake now to me that I know she was the one to help them. I can’t even wait to see how they handle all this. Hopefully by tomorrow we will see and not have to wait till Monday to get down to the nitty gritty
i need Cliff to shut the fuck up for once. I dont even need his dialogue just cover your mouth
Totally agree.
Cliff’s role has changed from ML to Villain, the Duke as well. I hope Cliff will never become Duke, he doesn’t deserve it. Maybe he’ll die in war or duel or never have children.
Killian Ludwig is the best ML amongst other MLs i’ve ever read. His love for Edith is so strong that he still want to protect and love her even if Edith is guilty.
K is right to fear this Edith. This Edith is different from the others. Edith’s kindness to extra charas finally become significant for her survival (Anna, Samuel, Rinnen, her kidnapper).
Thank you for translating this 😀
Cliff & lize gets on my nerves… My edith poor edith 😭.. Killian love pls hurry… thanks for translating this novel. Really love it. . Im on the edge waiting for the next update.
Edith and Killian both suffering ToT. Nooo I can’t! Why both of them need to suffer. I hope Killian come to the duke resident quickly and meet Edith. She was shivering not because of the cold she shivering because of the trauma and lost of rationality. Killian also nearly lost rationally due to overworked himself and pressure from his own family 😭😭😭 I hope both them get justice and can live happily in Ryzen.
They seriously made her WALK all the fvcking way from the station to the dukedom?? Are you fvcking kidding me??
oh come on, cliff, shut the fck up. you really have no quality to be a duke. you lost your rationality jst bcs you were bewitched by that btch lise. argh this is make me frustrated