I Thought It Was a Common Transmigration


“It was just a joke. But it’s strange. I understand why Killian is covering his mouth but, why is Edith doing the same?”

‘Oh… I was caught…’

Killian’s face reddened as well, probably embarrassed.

“Do you have nothing better to do? What a useless joke…”

“You couldn’t take your eyes off of Edith since you got here, so I wanted to tease you. Haha!”

Cliff laughed lightly and then whispered into Killian’s ear.

“Archduke Langston is here. Right now, supporters of the archduke are flocking around him, and Count Rigelhoff is among them. Take good care of your wife.”

The joke were quickly set aside, and Cliff’s and Killian’s faces took on a tense look.


“Her Highness, the princess, took her away and won’t give her back.”

“What about the Count of Sinclair?”

“Still nothing. But strangely, it seemed that he looked more carefully at you and Edith than Lise.”

Oh, she wasn’t the only one who felt that way. It became more suspicious whether the Sinclair family was the real culprit in the embroidery thread incident.

“Okay. Brother would take good care of Lise.”

“So you would do the same here.”

Cliff patted Killian on the shoulder and walked away.

‘It’s very strange that Cliff would walk around alone without Lise. Didn’t he say that the princess took Lise? Is it that episode?’

She wondered and snooped around, and it seemed that an episode from the original story was in progress at the banquet hall. Princess Catherine was greeted by the other young ladies with Lise at her side.

‘As expected. The episode that brought together all the young ladies who had dismissed Lise as an illegitimate child and made them bow their heads!’

They were bowing to the princess, but at the same time bowing their heads to Lise. But no one could say anything. Originally, it was the law for a young lady who accompanied the princess not to bow her head to anyone except those higher than the princess. Besides, this was also a metaphor. Lise, who would soon become Cliff’s wife, would not have to bow her head to any of these ladies.

‘It was a cider event where Lise escaped her natural limits.’

From now on, all that was left for Lise was popping the cider.

‘One of them is Count Rigelhoff, and the other is my head being cut off.’

She felt the tension as if her heart was getting sticky. But then Killian suddenly wrapped his arms around her.

“Don’t be alarmed. As long as you stay by my side, no one will harm you.”

The warm body temperature came through the fabric. And it wasn’t just the body temperature that was transmitted. Her stomach, which seemed to be trembling until just now, calmed down.

“Thank you, Killian.”

She took a deep breath and entered the banquet hall with him. Princess Catherine had Lise by her side and made the other young girls taste humiliation. Then she returned Lise to Cliff, who approached them, as if she didn’t like her, but she couldn’t help it. It was quite amusing to see the princess who used to have a crush on Cliff fight with Cliff over Lise.

“It seems that Lise has been quite bothered by Her Highness the Princess.”

When she worried about Lise, Killian looked at her strangely and asked in my ear.

“If you want to greet Her Highness, I can bring you.”

“Huh? Oh no! Absolutely not!”

Did she look like she was jealous of Lise? She didn’t think it was time to be relieved that her sincerity had been communicated. However, the moment she was waving her hands, her gaze met with Princess Catherine’s gaze. And the princess with a subtle smile walked straight towards her.

‘Uh, what? What’s happening!’

She fluttered in embarrassment, then hurriedly greeted her as Killian did.

“It’s been a while, the second son of the Ludwig family.”

“How are you, Your Highness?”

“Good, and this one?”

Since Catherine grew up like a friend from childhood with Cliff and Killian, she would not have much ill feelings toward Killian. Still, seeing that her voice was so cold, it must be that she didn’t like Edith.

“This is my wife, Edith Ludwig.”

“It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness. I am Edith Ludwig.”

At Killian’s introduction, I knelt down and greeted her, but Catherine’s clear hostility did not disappear.

“Huh… Was it the daughter of the Rigelhoffs?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

It was there that she spoke to her. Catherine then turned her head to Killian and completely excluded her while talking only to him. 

“The marriage itself was an unreasonable demand from the Rigelhoff family, right? That house is so shameless…”

“Your Highness…!”

“Oh! I’ve heard that too. I heard that Lise was poisoned a while back? Knowing how close Lise and I are, why didn’t you tell me?”

“That’s because Lise…”

“Because your wife is a suspect?”

Both Killian and I sucked in a breath.

‘What are you talking about all of a sudden? Why is Princess Catherine doing this to me?’

In the original work, Edith didn’t attend the founding festival, so maybe she took it too lightly. The original author, or the project to paint the original Edith as a villainess, was not over yet.

“No. We tentatively concluded that Edith was not the culprit. And Lise wanted to bury that matter. If not, would Cliff have stayed still?”

Killian took her side unexpectedly strongly. Princess Catherine’s eyes widened, perhaps in surprise.

“Funny, Killian. As if you never loved Lise…”

It was strange. It was a fact that she already knew that Killian loved Lise, but those words were like stabbing a knife into her heart. She was sure Killian had nothing to say… 

“Just as Her Highness gave up her feelings for Cliff because she loves Lise, so did I. Isn’t it bad to cling to a hopeless love?”

…Huh? She was dazed for a moment. In the original work, because of his love for Lise, he gave off the nuance that he would never be with anyone, but to think that Killian had given up his feelings for Lise…

‘Ah, should I be happy…?’

If he gave up on Lise, it would mean that he really started to accept Edith, so it would be a good thing for her survival. Then she should be happy, but strangely, her heart hurt.

‘How painful was it until I folded that big heart. No, it must be painful now, right?’

She could feel the sadness of the male sub. She thought it would be hard for her to give up her feelings after facing Killian for 10 months, but she kept imagining how difficult it must be for Killian who has been looking at Lise for 5 years. The fact that he had given up his feelings for Lise was shocking, and Catherine must have felt the same way.

“Ha! Killian Ludwig, you’ve changed so much. Is this woman that important? She’s a girl you’ll have to get rid of sooner or later anyway.”

Yes? What, what? Why did she say such scary things! What did she do? Her heart, which had flowed sentimentally, was so shocked that she burst into tears. However, those who were not allowed to speak by her princess were not allowed to intervene in the conversation. She could only trust Killian and wait.

“Your Highness, Princess. Can you take full responsibility for what you are saying now?”


“You mean ‘cleaning up’ my wife? Who said that? If my wife is removed, will I be removed too?”

“No, not like that!”

“Or, are you saying you want me to take the place as wife in the imperial family? Do you think the imperial family can wield the Ludwig family at will?”

“Killian! That’s not what I meant!”

“Then what! I’m planning to go down to the estate with Edith next year, but didn’t Your Highness say that Edith would be ‘cleaned’? Then whose will is that?”

Killian seemed really upset. It might be a bit serious since even Catherine, who had a nasty personality, was embarrassed.

“Killian, Calm down.”

“Calm? I haven’t even received an apology, so why should I be calming down?”

Aww! Killian’s fierce gaze reached her. Shrimp back explodes in whale fight. Then, a bright voice came from somewhere.

“Your Highness! Killian! What are you doing?”

It was Lise who appeared at the right time.

“No, I just wanted to reveal the truth about your poisoning…”

Catherine was quick to excuse herself, but Killian was not in the mood to let go.

“Lise, did you tell Her Highness about that incident?”

At Killian’s question, both Catherine and Lise flinched at the same time.

“My, I was just asking!”

Catherine defended Lise, but Lise muttered with a face that looked like she was about to cry.

“I’m sorry. I did while explaining why I couldn’t accept Her Highness’s invitation… But why?”

“I don’t know how you explained the incident, but it was because Her Highness accused Edith of being the culprit.”

“I never said Edith was the culprit!”

Lise was quite taken aback, and Catherine also waved her hand, saying that Lise was right.

“Then why did you insult my wife like that? I know that there are all sorts of malicious rumors about my wife, but I thought that your wise Highness wouldn’t believe them right away…”

Wow, Catherine was really uncomfortable. She had wanted to run away for a while and let them take care of it themselves, but it was like Killian hadn’t even noticed her desire to run away, suddenly placing his hand on her shoulder and grabbing her.


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on September, 18.

Want to read more?


  1. ZomBee says:

    Ahhhh! So many updates. Thank you!

    I am living for this drama!

    1. RJR says:

      Glad you like it!!

  2. Lux says:

    I love that he’s finally standing up for her so publicly!!! Woohoo what a 360 😀 Loving it!

  3. klutz123 says:

    OMG!! KIllian is LIVID. I love it!!

    Thanks for uploading.

    1. RJR says:

      Thank you for reading!!

  4. Trouxa do ship errado says:

    It was so short! I should have read slower.. o(╥﹏╥)o
    Thanks for the chapter. Looking forward to the next one!

    1. RJR says:

      Don’t worry, there are more coming ^^

  5. Aries says:

    Yes! Give what Her Highness deserves! What right does she have to judge Edith? She’s not even involved direct in it to be butting in 😡

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!

  6. Tai says:

    My goooosh I love it!!! It was amazing to see him defending Edith with such strong anger. Also he didn’t care at all about Lise which was incredible. I can’t believe we have to wait until Monday 🥹

    1. Maiden says:

      Yeah,monday for you. Tuesday for me…oh,my Greenwich timeline.

    2. RJR says:

      Sorry… I really can’t go faster…

      1. Maiden says:

        No way, I’m grateful enough. Since I have been looking forward to the next day every day.
        Thank you. 💕

  7. cj says:

    this is so good and im very grateful for the translation. thank you so much. i cant wait
    for the next✨✨🌹

    1. RJR says:

      Thank you for your words <3

  8. Sofia says:

    Oh my! I feel like crying knowing that Killian is taking Edith’s side and defending her against Catherine. I hope the next chapter will put Lize to shame for misleading the princess about the poisoning incident. I’m sure she’s the one who poisoned herself and put the blame on Edith.

    1. RJR says:

      There still a long way to go in the story, don’t worry since we will soon now all the truth

  9. Sheisshei says:

    Glad we finally reach this phase🤩 otherwise, can’t imagine how bad it is for Edith

  10. Lies.of.December says:

    When Killian stood up for Edith 🤤🤭

  11. Gcakes says:

    I am so happy that Killian is standing up for Edith!!! ❤️ Thank you so much for the update. Looking forward for next week’s.

    1. RJR says:

      Thank you!!

  12. LadyP7 says:

    That was SO GRATIFYING to read 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
    Take that princess!
    Take that Lise!
    Yay Killian 🥳🥳🥳

  13. Bubbly_BingeReaderRN says:

    I hope this will trigger the third exception

  14. Vien says:


  15. Flos says:

    Atta boy killiaannn!!!!

  16. EC says:

    This chapter was fire!! If Lose was revealed to be a bad person in the future chapters I wonder how the story would end especially that the princess and cliff was always tied to her. Anyway, rooting for Edith and Killian!!!!

  17. Maiden says:

    Oho…*grab popcorn* i love drama.

    Yea,b*tch. You reap what you sow! How dare you insult my adorable, sexy yet innocent wife right in front of my eyes.
    And you, leech b*itch, stop crying you liar.
    Go go Killian!

  18. Illya Reads says:

    YESSSS,PREACHHHHHH!!! Finally, Killian got LEGIT MAD AND STOOD UP FOR EDITH. That way, they’ll know that he’s no longer hung up with Lise and loves Edith faithfully. Best chapter so far. 😂👏 it’s very satisfying to see Killian defending Edith,HIS WIFE in front of these fakesss. I was grinning when he got awfully upset for a good reason😆🤍

  19. Chema says:

    this is the first time Killian handled his wife’s matter in a good way
    so satisfying
    thank you so much for the updates you made my day happy

  20. Lunalurf says:

    Since i have this story i cannot wait till monday
    Never imagine i would love monday this much 😂😂 sat n sun not my fav day again since there’ no update that day 🥲 work day is all i waiting 4 🥹 what a pleasure pain

  21. Shiyai says:

    KILLIAN!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  22. Makos says:

    Tyvm for all the translations, loving this so far.

  23. yuffyblade says:

    He really accepted her as his wife. Insulting Edith meant insulting him as well. He was showing they are now partners. How cute baby Killian!

  24. Znsh says:

    Killian, você está de parabéns 🫶
    🎉 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  25. Mai says:

    The princess was extremely rude, in a public setting for a matter she wasn’t even involved in and when she had only heard from one side, whatever happens next, she deserves it and I hope she soon will grow disillusioned with two faced blondie over there when she notices she was played, what kind of leader she will be if she is this easy to manipulate?

  26. Pitidri says:

    AAAAAAAAAAAAH Estou feliz!!!! Killian defendendo ferozmente a Edith!!!! Amo!!! ❤️

  27. AceOfSpadeZ says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful translations! <3

  28. Joon141 says:

    Aren’t imperial princesses taught some kind of etiquette? I think she missed those classes.

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