I Refuse a Dating Simulation in a Horror Game



Nevertheless, it seemed that the atmosphere had softened considerably, which seemed to please Esteban.

“There’s no other choice. It’s better than getting into trouble for no reason. Just get rid of it quickly,” Luda said, intentionally sounding more harsh, avoiding looking at Theo.

At the same time, all the light in the basement disappeared. It was unclear whether Theo had voluntarily extinguished the light or if his power’s time had run out.

Luda took advantage of the darkness to check Theo’s face. He had lowered his gaze.

The system window indicating a decrease in favorability did not appear, but nothing happened.

“It’s not a bad suggestion,”

Esteban fully submerged his hand as he attempted to draw his sword.

It wasn’t just “not bad”; it felt quite pleasant to her, but Luda chose not to point that out.

Anyway, it seemed like Theo would get out of this unscathed.

Soon, Esteban approached Theo without hesitation. He then touched the iron chains connected to the wall with his hand.

“It’s nothing special,”

He said dismissively.

Theo, with his intimidating stature, struggled with all his might, but he couldn’t break free so far. Luda watched Esteban’s actions with mixed feelings.

He let go of the iron chain and stepped back. Then, with a swift motion, he drew his sword and sliced through the iron chain.


The iron chain fell into two pieces.

“It’s been cut…” Theo had gained his freedom in less than a minute and stared blankly at his hands, alternately looking at them.

Then, he suddenly raised one hand.

Although the handcuffs and the end of the iron chain still remained on his wrist, it was different from before. Now, he could make any movement.

“Hurry up,” Esteban impatiently kicked Theo’s leg. It was a somewhat nervy action.

But Theo remained still, gazing in the direction where Luda was.

‘Can he really see properly?’ Luda looked at Theo, who appeared as if he couldn’t see anything at all. That’s probably how he created that sphere of light.

In contrast, Esteban moved skillfully in the darkness, almost surprisingly so. An ordinary human couldn’t swing a sword proficiently in pitch-black darkness.

Could it be that he had an ability like a ghost’s lantern, or maybe he could discern things in the dark? It had to be one of the two.

Then, Esteban kicked Theo’s leg harder than before.

Even the listener could feel the pain in the sound, but Theo remained motionless like a statue.

Luda glanced at Esteban and approached Theo.

“Theo, do you want to stay behind?”

When Luda spoke in a soothing tone, Theo hesitated before finally opening his mouth.

“…Will Luda come with me?”



With that answer, Theo slowly began to ascend the stairs.

* * *

“Where on earth did he come from?” Kaiden initially looked puzzled when he saw Theo but quickly regained his composure. His expression was worn and tired, like an old piece of equipment.

‘Should I tell the truth?’ Luda hesitated for a moment. She was the one who had discovered the underground passage, used the key to open the iron bars, and woke up Theo.

In the meantime, Esteban spoke first. “I found him in the basement.”

“But this mansion doesn’t have a basement.”

“In that case, just let him go quickly.” Esteban turned his chin toward the window, indicating that there was no more to discuss.

Although his tone was commanding, Kaiden didn’t pay it much attention. Instead, he turned his head and glanced curiously at the unfamiliar man.

Pale, sandy skin, a large build, and blue hair. Kaiden had never heard of a participant with blue hair before. That meant he was an outsider.

An ordinary human who had been trapped in the basement without anyone knowing. Could such a thing have been possible in the first place?

Kaiden stared intently at the stranger through his monocle.

“Do you know him, Luda?”

“Just his face.”

“Just his face?”

“Oh, no. His face and name.” Luda stated the truth as it was.

There was a hint of reluctance in the way the butler looked at Theo. Luda felt the same way.

‘What exactly is Theo?’ If Luda had played “Love in Horror” and followed Theo’s route to see the ending, she would have probably figured out his true identity by now. However, Luda had watched the ending without uncovering the truth and was now bearing the consequences.

No, it wasn’t right to call it consequences. ‘I just wanted to survive and escape quickly,’ she thought.

Arguing wouldn’t change anything; the system window remained unresponsive.



“Are you going to abandon me?”

Theo looked at Luda with watery eyes, as if he might shed tears at any moment. Why did she feel so guilty? It felt like she had become a heartless villain with no blood or tears.

Luda had no intention of driving Theo away, not even the slightest. However, explaining this to Theo would take too long, and time was of the essence.

‘It’s better than getting your throat cut,’was the best response for now.

“You did it for my sake, right? Thanks, Luda.”

But Theo was smiling affectionately.

Between his disheveled grayish-blue hair, his forehead was visible, and despite his firm jawline, his face still had a youthful look.

[Theo’s favorability has increased.]

[Theo (Captureable)]

[Favorability: 10 (5▲)]

Luda briefly glanced at the sudden system message.

“Follow me,” he said.

During this time, Caden urged Theo. Theo nodded as if he understood.

“I’m going,” Theo said plainly and extended his hand.

In no time, a large hand briefly touched Luda’s head before falling away. It was too short a moment to react.

Luda watched the two of them walking away, wearing a subtle expression.

With each step Theo took, the iron chain attached to his handcuffs swung lightly.

* * *
“[Theo’s favorability has increased.]”

“[Theo (Romanceable)]”

[Favorability: 10 (5▲)]

Luda briefly glanced at the sudden system notification.

“Please follow me.”

While she spoke, Kaiden urged Theo. Theo nodded as if to signal his understanding.

“I’ll go.”

Theo greeted succinctly and reached out his hand.

In an instant, his large hand briefly touched Luda’s head and then fell away.

There was hardly enough time to react.

Luda watched them as they moved away with a subtle expression.

Every time Theo walked, the iron chain attached to his handcuffs shook.

‘Why hasn’t he come?’

Luda stared at the dining room door, which was adorned with a well-prepared dinner. There was only a black-haired man standing next to the closed door, wearing an emotionless expression.

‘Wasn’t the butler and Theo supposed to come back together?’

It was a bit strange. It was quite different from the original progression of “Love in Horror.”

Luda knew the sequence of events like this:

Kaiden would take hidden character Theo to the mansion’s front gate. Of course, since the entrance was sealed, nothing they did, not even throwing themselves against the door, would open it.

It was only natural that they couldn’t escape. After all, Theo was ultimately a participant in “Night of the Ghost.”

In that situation, Theo would sustain minor injuries but would recover immediately. Then, he would join the evening meal as a new participant.

That’s what Luda knew.

However, Theo still hadn’t returned.

“Luda, aren’t you eating?”

When she turned her gaze to the voice calling her name, there was Yulian.

Once again, he sat across from her, casting a worried glance her way.

“Is something bothering you? I’m concerned.”

“I just don’t have much of an appetite.”

Luda gave a suitable response and picked up her water glass. As she swallowed, she heard Esteban mumble while resting his chin on his hand.

“It’s probably because of the bread.”

Luda shot a glare in his direction.

‘Starting an argument again, are we?’

She hadn’t even touched the bread. Of course, she didn’t want to offer an explanation to that man, so she just kept her mouth shut.

“By the way, Kyren is always so quiet.”

Now that she thought about it, there hadn’t been much interaction with Kyren even in “Love in Horror.”

Kyren looked at the fork she was using to cut something into small pieces. Suddenly, footsteps were heard.

Without her realizing, Kaiden, who had moved to the table, was now standing beside the table, wearing a formal smile.

“Is everyone enjoying dinner?”

As soon as she saw that smile, Luda had a bad feeling.

“Starting from this time, there’s an additional rule I’d like to explain. From now on, access to the maze garden is prohibited.”

It was somewhat fortunate. If she had been even a day late, she would never have found the key.

“Also, we recommend that you always have your pocket watch with you. Just so you know, in the afternoon, it turns red around 12 o’clock, so you can use that to distinguish between day and night.”

Kaiden explained while discreetly glancing in her direction.

‘Is he trying to see if I react differently because I asked in advance?’

Luda received his gaze with unease.

“That’s all. I hope you have a pleasant time.”

With a lowered head, Kaiden opened the dining room door and left. In that moment, a fleeting thought crossed Luda’s mind. She quickly stood up and hurriedly followed Kaiden.

“What happened to that man from earlier?”

“I left him in the maze garden.”

Kaiden replied with a short sigh.

Unconsciously, Luda found herself biting the inside of her cheek. The bad feeling she had when she saw Kaiden’s smile earlier seemed to be coming true.

Note: Sorry for the delay. I was quite busy. However from now on, 1 Chapter will be released daily. And the next chapter will be locked.

Don’t worry. From next Sunday (Not upcoming. But after that.), 3 chapters will be freed. Meaning paid chapters will become free at that time.

This is so I can get support and get more motivation to translate novels. Hope you guys can buy the chapter and help me .


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not work with dark mode