I Raised My Husband Wrong


As soon as the conversation with Duke Everett ended, Leverticia was released from prison.


she was embarrassed It was not an voluntary escape.


It was because all of a sudden, a monster of chaos broke into the prison building and invaded.


Since I was barefoot, without a sword or anything, the fight became quite long. In the meantime, Duke Everett suffered minor injuries.


If I had continued to wear black smoke, I wouldn’t have been hurt.


It seemed that he was intentionally injured and wanted to escape from even the slightest suspicion of suspicion.


Anyway, Leverticia defeated the chaos monster before the guards arrived,

and taking into account that it wasn’t an intentional breakout, she went back to her original cell without further disciplinary action-


“Are you kidding me? Who dare you lock in? Do you want to lose Valtail and Chuck?”


-Kyers brought out what I was about to go.


I heard that he went to the nobility council and played a very good match. ‘You said you’d take it out quickly, was that what you were trying to do?’

Leverticia was relieved that she was really lucky that she didn’t have confidence in it.


“Beep profit!” “Damn.”

As soon as she returned to the duke’s residence, Leverticia looked for Blackie. Leverticia left the duke’s residence while participating in the

competition, and after that, she was immediately locked up in a cellar, with no time to take care of her.


Blackbird was full of heartache, probably because he had been left alone for a long time.


“Beep! Beep!”


“Okay, sorry. I didn’t forgot I was just a little busy.” “Puu-!”

Black-eyed rolled her feet in anger and climbed up on her hand. Even after crawling into her arms, the blackbird was still ticking.


“Yeah, Leverticia was wrong. Can I stroke you instead?” “Beep! Pheh!”


Seeing the black man who was happy with the continuous touch, Leverticia exclaimed purely in admiration.


‘… This child seems to have eaten well for a spooky one.’


The weight I felt in my arms was much heavier than just a few days ago. In addition, it was somewhat subtle, but it seemed that the body had grown bigger.


Leverticia, who had been playing with Blackbird, soon became captivated by a strange feeling.


“Well. But what I forgot all this time, it feels like there is one more thing besides the black ones….”




At that moment, the door she was in opened strongly.


At the same time, she, too, remembered who the being she had forgotten was only after seeing it in person at this moment.


With the door open wildly, Leverticia opened her mouth first to him, who was just staring blankly at her.


“… Oh hello. Barton.”


Leverticia barely raised her hand to greet her. But Barton stared blankly at her.


I could see Valtail’s guards chasing from behind, contemplating whether or not to arrest Barton.


It was just as Leverticia waved her hand to get them out and to bring Barton inside.




Barton pulled out the sword he was wearing around his waist and rushed towards Leverticia at once.


Lebertisha jumped off the sofa that had been lying around and avoided the sword.


“What are you doing!”


“Don’t you dare pretend to be the leader, Warlock!”


“Oh, I’m going crazy. This guy and that guy, everyone thinks of me as a warlock? no!”


“Shut up!”


Barton’s sword quickly attacked her. Since Leverticia was currently unarmed, he quickly pushed the furniture in the room to block his movement and dodge the sword.


As a result, the room became very messy.


Even if Leverticia tried to explain, Barton, who had already rolled his eyes, did not stop attacking.


“No, ma’am! We can help….” “no! Just stay there!”

Leverticia refused to help the guards. Interfering in the middle would only be annoying.


After all, she had been with Barton for several years, so it was easy to dodge his attack with her eyes closed.


Barton’s sword, which he was wielding haphazardly, sank into the chair.


Taking advantage of that moment, Leverticia quickly approached him. And quickly before Barton noticed…




… He hit his stomach with his fist.




Barton fell to the floor as if collapsed. Leverticia quickly subdued him as he fell.


“Because listen to people. You have to fix that impatient temper. So it was Aaron Hereace. Do you understand?”


Leverticia, who had subdued him, nagged. But her nagging didn’t last for less than a minute and was cut off.


“… ugh.”


“You, are you crying?”


Tears fell from Barton’s eyes. It was rare for him to cry, so Leverticia was surprised.


‘Hey, you suppressed it so painfully.’ Or was it a bit harsh?

Belatedly, she slowly withdrew her hand.


But Barton’s tears did not stop. Soon his voice was wet with tears.


“This robber. this fast. This hard beat… Are you really the manager?” “….”

Why are you finding out like that? this child


“I stole the Magical Recording Jewel from him.” “Such.”

At Duke Everett’s words, a groaning voice came from the opponent who was wearing a robe.


“What happened to Duke Everett under Heaven?”


“You didn’t tell me that he was well aware of the characteristics of magic tools!”


Duke Everett poured his anger on his opponent. However, the opponent only shrugged lightly.


“Probably the Duke of Valtail told me.”


“What does he, not even a wizard, know!”


“Do you know how many of our children he has captured over the years?

It’s just a four-digit number. In terms of the theoretical knowledge he confided to those caught, he would be on par with us.”


On the subject of an ordinary human with no magical powers. The robed man clicked his tongue in a tired voice.

“Besides, he’s also stealing our weapons. Thanks to you, I don’t know how many magic guns I’ve lost now. It’s not like it’s going to drop anywhere.”


“I don’t care what you guys are doing. Anyway, as long as the jewel is in their hands, I can’t face them for the time being. Now what?”




At Duke Everett’s words, the other party clenched one of his chins and fell into anguish.


Clearly, if the Magical Green Gem was stolen, Duke Everett would have to buy himself for the time being. Since magic tools are tools made so that non-magical people can use them too, they might not even be able to sell traps using those gems.


But I can’t let the mad dog come back alive and run wild again…. As he pondered, he smiled as if he had come up with a good idea.

“Let’s find someone who can fight him other than you. As always, the hard and dirty work is left to the weak and stupid.”


“Would bastards compete with that crazy dog?”


“You don’t know. There may be more tremors than you think.” The opponent grinned.

“After all, we just have to wait for a while. I hope you haven’t forgotten. at the upcoming peace festival.”


“… I did not forget.”


“Really? Even sacrifices.” “okay.”

The peacock answered in a sullen voice.


In response to that firm answer, the opponent whirled around and muttered a little.


“Chaos… I wonder what humans will call this period after that day.”


“So, I dared to hold a sword at my house….”


Kaius, who returned belatedly after examining the magical green gems that Rebertisha had given her, murmured as she looked around the room.


Leverticia, who was in good condition, and Barton, who had a half-corpse- like face with swollen eyes.


As if he had reached a conclusion, he tilted his head toward Leverticia. “it’s you?”

“It can’t be. A good victim.” “Ugh, Commander….”

“You go away. It’s disgusting!”


Leverticia kicked Barton, who was clinging to her leg, crying.

Even so, he was a big Barton, but as he got older, he got more jingling. “I really hate it, huh. For ten years, I waited for the general manager

without missing a single day….”


“Ah, okay, don’t cry, ma’am! A grown man…!”


Leverticia was sweating profusely and awkwardly pushed Barton’s shoulder. He had been doing this for several hours already.


Seeing this, Kaius exclaimed ho-ho, a short exclamation. “For those who cry… I don’t know what to do….”

“What are you doing while you are standing still? All right, take him out now.”


“That’s easy.”


Kaius whispered something to the servant standing outside the door.


Soon the servant headed somewhere and brought a man. Leverticia was also an acquaintance.




“Duke, what did you call me… Whoa!”


Jesse’s eyes widened as he looked around the room. ‘Why did you bring Jessie?’

Leverticia clicked inwardly.


According to her quick glance, Jesse clearly liked Barton.


You would be disappointed to see him look so sloppy after only looking at his handsome face in the competition.


Unsurprisingly, Jessie’s fine brow furrowed. “Jesse, this is what Barton….”

“This man is the testimony! What the hell are you doing here!” what.

At the unexpected shout of Jesse, Leverticia and Barton both flinched at the same time. It was a huge whirlwind.


“Hey, Jessie. I’m just….”


“I was overweight all day because of yesterday’s loss, so he comforted me. Why do you come all the way here?”


“Hey, it’s not Haengbae! I’m just the manager-”


“It’s noisy! Don’t bully Rebertisha, come this way! hurry!”


Jesse dragged Barton away. Barton was dragged away by the little Jesse with his size.


The door slammed shut, and Leverticia asked Kaius in a dazed voice. “… Are you two dating?”

“You are already a couple. Seven years.”




It was more shocking news than a monster of chaos had ruled the world for 10 years.


As Leverticia’s eyes widened blankly, Kaius reached out to her. “what are you doing?”



“You’re not going to sleep in this room.” “Yeah….”

Leverticia looked around. Barton had made such a mess that even the blankets on the bed were torn.


What. There’s nothing wrong with sleeping when you grow up, but you don’t have to. There are so many guest rooms overflowing with rot in the peacock mansion.


Leverticia meekly took his hand and followed him. However, after following Kaius into the room, Leverticia’s eyes widened.


“… But why your room?”


“Then where are you going to sleep?” “Guest room?”


“Are you a guest?” “It’s not.”

“Then you should sleep in my room.” “…?”

Leverticia’s eyes fluttered at the miraculous logic. For a moment, Leverticia took a deep breath. ‘Hey, are you still confused with your childhood?’

When Kaiers was young, there were several occasions where Leverticia took care of him during his naps.


On sunny afternoons, after a game of catching and reading a book, he often fell asleep on her lap when he fell asleep.


After waking up, I was embarrassed again, so I dyed my ears red and pretended not to know, but even that was cute.


‘I hope I can’t forget those memories….’ She covered her mouth slightly.

Seriously, he’s grown up, but he’s still only 18. Besides, he was a picky guy, so he didn’t open his heart to anyone, so it was clear that he needed warmth.


The two pink eyes that had been quivering were filled with sadness.


“okay. I’ll sleep here today.” Leverticia nodded her head broadly.

Kaius narrowed his eyes at her sad expression.


‘… I think you’re misunderstanding something strange.’


  1. midori says:

    thanks! ahahha barton! well, good for him! lookkng forward to see if the others in the squad will react as well!

    lol what?! jesse and barton have been a couple for a while?!

    kaius being cunniiiing! but well, the struggle will be to get letty to see him romantically, certainly

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